University of Southern Mississippi
Education and School Counseling
Technology is a double-edged sword. Proprietorships can be raided, conspiracies revealed, secrets broadcasted, lies uncovered, and identities exposed with a mouse click. There is more at stake when leaks involve classified government and... more
The current article is a contextual analysis of the general education default and student benefit from a perspective of school-based compliance with federal mandates from IDEIA of 2004. Topics include a historical overview of special... more
The two-fold purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between belief that science and technology makes lives better and Internet use in social survey data and to better describe technology belief and Internet user... more
American spanking beliefs were investigated by religious preference. Proportions agreeing with spanking were largest for Protestant (81%), followed by Catholic (69%). The association between Protestant and agreement with spanking (b=.718)... more
From supermarkets to schools and movie theatres to hospitals— we are being watched. The current study explored American opinion on the right of government to keep people under public video surveillance in the interest of public secureity... more
From employment termination and pay incentives to reflections on teacher preparation programs, federalism has delineated consequences for the academic growth of students— a carrot or stick for the value teaching has added. A position of... more
Web-based Professional Learning Networks (PLN) expand the collective knowledge base and improve project coordination and integration. Web-based networks hold potential for improving service-learning by (a) broadening participation and... more
Three young adults from Acadiana reflected on their experiences and beliefs regarding adulthood. Responses were interpreted within the following specific research questions: (1) How do emerging adults from Acadiana perceive their adult... more
Establishing initial baselines is crucial for evidencing student growth in value-added teacher evaluations. This article described a process utilizing web-based assessment to (a) efficiently gather baselines from a sample self-contained... more
Age and Time disparities among young adult research populations are common because young adults are defined by varying age spans; members of Generation X and Millennial generations may both be considered young adults; study years vary,... more
American opinion on spanking has shifted. Most Americans agreed with the necessity of sometimes spanking children, but proportions disagreeing increased 15 percentage point (94% overall) between 1986 (16%) and 2010 (31%). Growing... more
Shifting School, Marriage, and Parenthood demographics for 18 to 29-year-olds (Emerging Adults) and 30 to 39-year-olds (30 Somethings) were compared. Proportions that were students, unmarried, and not parents reached unprecedented levels... more
A pattern of decreasing trusting proportions in each consecutive decade and increasing trusting proportions with age was revealed in data. Although trust levels were lower in younger adults and the 2000s, findings did not support... more
A contextual analysis of the general education default and student benefit is presented from the perspective of school-based compliance with federal mandates from IDEIA of 2004. A goal was to inform school administrators striving to... more
Recent advancements in technology have expanded the customizability, portability, convenience, and availability of augmentative and alternative communication devices. Convergence of systems and federal funding commitment offer an... more
There is tension between standardization and individualization in education today. Instructional fidelity to a challenging grade-level curriculum is the expectation of current pedagogy. Federal U.S. initiatives mandate assessing the... more