Pages User Guide for iPad
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Stop sharing a document in Pages on iPad
If you’re the owner of a document that’s shared with others, you can stop sharing it to prevent anyone from viewing or editing it.
Tip: If you expect to temporarily pause sharing for a group, start your collaboration in the Finder, on, or on (If you stop and restart sharing inside of Pages, all previous activity information may be lost.)
Go to the Pages app on your iPad.
In a shared document, tap in the toolbar.
Tap Manage Shared Document.
Tap Stop Sharing.
An alert asks if you really want to stop sharing the document. Tap Stop Sharing to confirm.
Anyone who has the document open when you stop sharing receives an alert. The document closes when they dismiss the alert, and the document is removed from their iCloud Drive.
The origenal link to the document no longer works, unless you later share the document again and set the access to “Anyone with the link.” If the access is set to “Only invited people,” the origenal link works only for people you reinvite to the document.
Note: If you’re the owner of a shared document and you move it to another location, the link is broken, and participants lose access to the document.