The University of Sydney
Sydney Law School
ABSTRACT Suspended sentences have been the subject of recent or current review in several Australian jurisdictions. This article presents findings from a recent review of suspended sentences in the ACT conducted on behalf of the ACT Law... more
Anecdote and impression in Australia is that it is race discrimination complaints in particular that consistently fail because complainants cannot discharge this burden of proof. Based on a text analysis of all reported decisions, since... more
- by Simon Rice
ABSTRACT If legal aid means nothing more than legal representation in court, then to that extent there is a right to legal aid, although of limited availability. It is a right that has been found to be implicit, in various legal systems... more
Learning from clinical method is readily assessable. Legal practice skills – however broadly defined, from drafting and office management to client interviewing and problem solving, from active listening to reflective ethical practice –... more
- by Simon Rice
This report was produced for the ACT Law Reform Advisory Council in order to investigate the use of suspended sentences in the ACT. Firstly, it explores the current regime for suspended sentences in the ACT. Secondly, it analyses recent... more
- by Simon Rice
Contracts for the export of defence technology from the USA are subject to US laws that prevent the disclosure of the technology to a person whose nationality is not of the USA or the contracting party. This is said in US Federal... more
- by Simon Rice
ABSTRACT Suspended sentences have been the subject of recent or current review in several Australian jurisdictions. This article presents findings from a recent review of suspended sentences in the ACT conducted on behalf of the ACT Law... more
Standard workplace conditions that are commonly perceived as neutral and reasonable can discriminate against people who find conforming to them difficult or impossible because of innate differences in neuronal and cognitive functioning.... more
- by Simon Rice
Australia needs to have an open, honest, confident racism discussion. Such a discussion needs leadership. We, and those who lead us, need to face up to subtle and unconscious racism, to the fact that just because we know not to demean a... more
Persistently conscious, specific and deliberate recognition of disadvantage and marginalisation is only the beginning of what we need to do, if we are truly committed to equality in Australia. Perhaps we are not, and never will be, truly... more
Background paper for African Australians: A review of human rights and social inclusion issues
Organised crime is a complex phenomenon. If it was simple, it would be easy to understand and prevent, but it is not. Chaos theory is a subset of the family of complexity theory. Given the nature of organised crime, one would expect that... more
Borrowed theories and principles from the physical sciences have enabled social scientists and criminologists to analyse well-worn theories and data from a new perspective. One such theory is chaos theory, a subset of the family of... more
Given the complexities of our time, it is not surprising that criminological models, theories and perspectives often fall short of providing complete and satisfactory explanations of complex phenomena. Organised crime and terrorism, and... more
As the police move further into areas of traditional journalistic practice, the ‘unhappy marriage’ between the police and the media becomes more complex. To what extent this symbiotic relationship has allowed for transparency has varied... more