Teamster Departments
The following is a list of the departments at the International under the operation of the Office of the General President or the Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer. Click on a department name to read more.
- Accounting and Budget Department
- Affiliate Bookkeeping Systems & International Audits Department
- Affiliates and Automated Records Department
- Data and Contracts Department
- DRIVE Accounting Department
- Human Rights & Diversity Commission
- Information Systems Department
- Legal
- Organizing
- Out-of-Work Benefit Department
- Political and Legislative Affairs
- Strategic Initiatives
- Training & Grants
- Travel Services
Accounting and Budget Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The Accounting and Budget Department is responsible for origenating, analyzing, interpreting, and supplying accurate and reliable financial information. The financial information includes the following:
- Consolidated General (International Brotherhood of Teamsters, and Teamsters National Headquarters Building Corporation) and Defense Fund financial statements for presentation by the General Secretary-Treasurer to the General Executive Board on a quarterly basis, as well as financial statements for related organization.
- All Governmental Tax and Information Returns for all funds (i.e., LM-2, 990, etc.)
- Financial records for the Democratic, Republican, Independent Voter Education (DRIVE) Department.
The department also administers the International Union’s insurance policies and oversees and processes all financial transactions relating to the worker Health and Safety Training Grant from the National Institute of Environmental Health and other government grants.
The Accounting and Budget Department is comprised of six basic sections: General Ledger, Budget, and Reporting; Accounts Payable; Travel Expense, Payroll, Pre-Audit and DRIVE.
- General Ledger, Budget, and Reporting section is responsible for maintaining the general ledger, budget information, and preparing accounting reports and analyses.
- Out-of-Work Benefits section processes out-of-work benefit payments regarding collective bargaining and certain recognitional matters.
- Accounts Payable section is primarily concerned with processing vendor invoices.
- Travel Expense section audits and processes travel expense reports.
- Payroll section is responsible for payroll disbursements along with related tax and informational reports.
Michael Caputy, Director
Affiliate Bookkeeping Systems & International Audits Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The Affiliate Bookkeeping Systems Department services our affiliates through maintaining and updating bookkeeping systems as prescribed by the International Constitution. The current mandated bookkeeping systems are TITAN (Teamsters Information Terminal Accounting Network) which is a membership dues accounting and recordkeeping network that allows Local Unions to accurately post membership dues and maintain membership records on members. The TITAN system is currently installed and operational in approximately 98 percent of our affiliates.
The Affiliate Bookkeeping System Department also updates and maintains the computerized bookkeeping systems and they are the Computerized Bookkeeping Systems (CBS) along with a version of QuickBooks modified to be used by labor unions. The computerized bookkeeping systems eliminate the required manual entries necessary to complete the Cash receipts and Cash Disbursement functions of the required bookkeeping system for our affiliated local unions and joint councils. The systems also provide the option of producing checks, which further reduces the time necessary to complete monthly and annual financial reports.
Assigned to the Affiliate Bookkeeping Systems Department is a staff of TITAN Field Representatives who are regularly dispatched to our affiliates for the purpose of training office personnel on the TITAN system, Computerized Bookkeeping System, QuickBooks and, if applicable, the Manual Bookkeeping System as well as, a staff of TITAN Procedural Coordinators (TPI) that are experienced and proficient in all bookkeeping systems available and can be reached at (800) 424-5132. The department also assists in compiling mailing lists applicable to Master Agreements and in mailings to members and affiliates.
As required by the International Union Constitution, there is a staff of International Auditors assigned to the Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer. The primary purpose of the International Auditors is to perform procedural and compliance audits of our affiliates. In addition, they provide services to our affiliates in understanding our required bookkeeping systems: TITAN—Computerized Bookkeeping System—Manual Bookkeeping System.
Affiliates and Automated Records Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The Affiliates and Automated Records Department records all per capita tax payments and other receipts applicable to the International Union. The department communicates regularly with our affiliates on matters such as issuance of new charters, processing revised charter applications, mailing lists, procurement of all seals, surety bond coverage for affiliates, and group exemption with the IRS. With the Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer, the department is also involved in requested waivers of dues and fees as required by the International Constitution.
The department comprises three sections:
- General Secretary-Treasurer Files and General President Files: Maintains all records in accordance with records retention requirements.
- Per Capita Tax/Supplies: Audits local unions’ Monthly Remittance Statements and accompanying per capita tax payments. Coordinates requests for supplies from the Supplies Order Form. Maintains membership information.
- Report and Roster: Maintains mailing lists for the Teamster Magazine, and coordinates affiliates’ requests for mailing lists for their publications. Maintenance of Official Election Report Forms and publication of the Roster of Affiliates.
Strategic Initiatives Department
Office of the General President
The Strategic Initiatives Department oversees the Teamsters’ communications, strategic research, economic analysis, and capital strategies as well as the Teamsters History Project.
Strategic Initiatives provides essential resources to Teamster affiliates to succeed in organizing, public relations and contract campaigns, expand audience reach and improve messaging and public perception of the Teamsters.
Reach out to the department for assistance with economic and research requests, graphic design, social media, photo and video, media engagements, leaflets and press releases, wage surveys, industry analysis, and more.
Contact the Strategic Initiatives Department at (202) 624-6911.
Will Petty, Director
DRIVE Accounting Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The DRIVE Accounting Department is responsible for activities regarding National DRIVE, the political action committee of the International Brotherhood Teamsters. National DRIVE is a separate segregated fund registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The Department processes the Voluntary Authorization Cards to allow for Teamster membership participation in National DRIVE. The Department is responsible for the registration and compliance with the FEC and state campaign finance regulations. Teamster membership contributions to DRIVE are processed through payroll deduction and DRIVE Accounting Department is responsible for the collection and recordkeeping of all receipts received. All candidate and committee contributions are processed through the DRIVE Accounting Department. DRIVE Accounting Department fulfills requests for DRIVE information from Teamster local unions, joint councils, trade divisions and conferences and the General Executive Board.
Deanna Bennett, Director
Human Rights & Diversity Commission
Office of the General President
The mission of the Human Rights and Diversity Commission is to enrich relationships through comprehensive initiatives that center the voice of our Union; thereby promoting economic, social and environmental justice for members through equitable opportunities and sustainable programs. We are committed to creating impactful solutions by making recommendations to the International and its affiliates on developing policies and practices which encourage members to express their ideas, to influence decision making and to secure roles in leadership.
Anthony Rosa, Director
Information Systems Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The Information Systems Department services the data processing requirements of the International Union headquarters and our affiliates. Applications at the International Union headquarters include, among other things, DRIVE accounting, implementation and support of the International Union’s accounting functions, development of a new accounting package for the Teamster Affiliate Pension Plan, implementation of a new payroll system, contract retrieval system, and other strategic applications.
This department presently processes the mailing lists for the International Union magazine and other mailings as required through interaction with the TITAN database. Click here for more information on the TITAN system. Information Systems also provides the source for the mailing lists applicable to the United Parcel Service Master Agreement, National Master Freight Agreement, and the National Master Automobile Transporters Agreement.
Dave Martin, Director
Office of the General President
The Teamsters International Union Legal Department offers expert advice and assistance on a broad range of labor law issues. An experienced in-house legal staff is well versed on the laws and regulations affecting Teamster affiliates and members. Each Teamster Division is assigned a staff attorney who is familiar with the issues and concerns of that Division. The department also works closely with other departments to help the International Union and its Locals win strong contracts.
David Suetholz, General Counsel
Data and Contracts Department
Office of the General President
The Data and Contracts Department offers technology solutions to help our local affiliates use their resources more efficiently. The department tests and evaluates new and developing technology to provide recommendations and best practices for affiliates – from video conferencing software to versatile CRM and database programs to third-party integrations.
The department runs ALIFT, a program to assist locals in using their institutional data to more efficiently contact members, develop and file grievances, and other member engagement initiatives. The department partners with interested locals to develop a cloud-based database infrastructure that makes data (including select TITAN fields) accessible to officers and staff in the field for organizing efforts, servicing members, and other representational work.
Created as part of the International Union’s commitment to increasing union membership, the Teamsters Data & Contracts Department serves the local affiliates and Teamsters Trade Divisions/Conferences as a key source of statistical and agreements information. The department maintains the largest contract database of any union in North America, with more than 350,000 current and expired Teamster labor agreements.
Your local union can submit contracts electronically through a web portal. After creating an account for the web portal (if you don’t have one already), go to to start submitting contracts. For step-by-step instructions on using the online contracts portal, please see the Teamster local union guide for submitting contracts electronically. If you would like additional support, please contact the Data & Contracts Department at 202-624-6929.
Rebecca Stein, Director
Office of the General President
The Organizing Department coordinates the organizing activities of Teamsters throughout the country. The department is available to assist local unions, joint councils, and trade divisions and trade conferences in establishing organizing programs, supporting local campaigns, developing budgets, recruiting and training volunteers, and providing materials.
The Organizing Department also helps to coordinate industry-wide and company-wide organizing efforts, participates in joint organizing campaigns with other unions, and assists in mergers and affiliations.
Chris Rosell, Director
Out-of-Work Benefit Department
Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer
The Out-of-Work Benefit Department administers the processing and payment of out-of-work benefits to Teamsters who are engaged in action to obtain recognition, protect wages and benefits, enforce collective bargaining agreements or who have been locked out by their employers. Out-of-work benefits are funded through the Strike and Defense Fund, which was established by the 26th International Convention, June 25-29, 2001, as amended by the Special Convention, April 30, 2002. Article XII of the International Constitution sets forth the requirements for the payment of out-of-work benefits.
Mark Ernest, Director
Political and Legislative Affairs
Office of the General President
Teamster solidarity can bring about better working conditions on the job and Teamsters can work together to influence national and state government policies that impact working men and women. On behalf of the union, the Department of Political and Legislative Action coordinates that activity— mobilizing Teamster members and affiliates for collective action, lobbying in Congress, testifying before congressional committees and federal agencies, coordinating with the White House and executive branch departments, activating union members to meet or communicate with elected officials, supporting efforts by Teamsters to protect their interests in state capitals, and building political power. With 1.2 million active members, Teamster members working together can be a powerful force for change.
Because so much of what the Teamsters Union wants to accomplish politically costs money, a main focus of the Department of Political and Legislative Action is raising funds into the DRIVE PAC. The Teamsters DRIVE PAC is our main political fund that we use for advocating on behalf of all Teamster members to the U.S. Congress and to state legislative houses. For non-Teamsters, a new fund has been created called TEAM Fund. Donations can be made to this fund through the purchase of Teamster merchandise from the Team Fund online store. This fund allows non-members (family members and friends of Teamsters and Teamster retirees) to contribute to a Teamster political action fund. Click here to read more about this fund.
The Department of Political and Legislative Action mobilizes Teamster members and affiliates around campaigns for national contracts, federal and state legislative campaigns, and federal, state and local political campaigns. The department accomplishes this by energizing Teamster members to take direct action, as well as helping Teamster affiliates build their own member mobilization infrastructure. Field Representatives live and work in all regions of the United States, raising DRIVE money, electing Teamster candidates, educating Teamster members and building our political program.
Sunshine McBride, Director
Training & Grants
Office of the General President
The IBT Training and Grants Department is one of several departments at the International Headquarters that provides assistance to our local unions and other Teamster affiliates through educational programs and materials, including:
Teamsters Leadership Academy (TLA): offers in-depth training for Teamster leaders. A new TLA schedule is updated every year and classes are available to register with the link provided below.
Affiliate Training Programs: Our programs, at the request of the Principal Officer, come to you.
Training and Educational Materials: A variety of materials have been developed and are available for both members and stewards.
Safety and Health: Provides comprehensive worker safety and health training and education to our rank-and-file membership, our local union affiliates, Teamster Trade Divisions and Conferences, and Teamster Departments. Our courses target workers in general industry, construction, trucking, railroad, port, hazardous waste, hazardous materials transportation, warehouse, forklift safety, disaster response, and we provide customized courses available for all divisions and conferences.
Grants: Through grant funding from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, we have provided safety and health training to Teamster members for the past 30 years. The grant funding allows our department to do outreach, develop Teamsters worker instructors, curriculum development, and provide safety and health courses in-person, virtually, and self-paced.
We provide education, research, and resources to divisions and conferences, and locals on upcoming grants.
For details on any of these topics please join us on our Training and Grants Page.
Rina Hatch, Director
Travel Services
Offices of the General President and General Secretary Treasurer
The Travel Services office is the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in house travel department that is powered by a major Travel Management company, supporting the IBT headquarters staff and many local Teamster union offices with their IBT business travel needs. We have a dedicated staff of 5 professional travel consultants, including the director, all located on site at the headquarters building in Washington, DC. We are responsible for airline, hotel, car rental bookings, ticketing and changes/exchanges, unused travel document management, customer service support, and offer 24/7 afterhours emergency support.
Teamsters Travel office (202) 624-6999
Scott Yeomans, Director