Nicolaus Copernicus University
Department of Genetics
Metallothioneins are low-molecular-weight proteins capable of covalently binding heavy metal ions due to the presence of many cysteine residues in their sequences. We analyzed the predicted amino acid sequences of 19 metallothionein (7... more
The aim of the study was to obtain an efficient system for Carlina acaulis subsp. simplex propagation. The experimental materials were shoot tips, fragments of hipocotyls, cotyledons and roots isolated from 10-day-old seedlings. The... more
Streszczenie: Genetyczne, biochemiczne i cytologiczne studia na temat metylacji cytozyny w DNA u organizmów eukariotycznych sk³aniaj¹ do powi¹zania tego procesu z metylacj¹ histonów, interferencj¹ RNA (RNAi) i modelowaniem struktury... more
Polycrystalline FeSe 0.88 was synthesized by solid-state reaction method in sealed quartz tube at different heat heating cycles. The identification and characterization of FeSe 0.88 samples were determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD),... more
Nowadays, the solid-state chemistry of mixed-metal oxides containing both rare-earths and d-electron metals (4d, 5d or/and 6d) has attracted a great deal of interest. These inorganic materials adopt a diverse range of structures and show... more
Single and joint ectomycorrhizal (+ Hebeloma mesophaeum) and bacterial (+ Bacillus cereus) inoculations of willows (Salix viminalis) were investigated for their potential and mode of action in the promotion of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn)... more
The sensitivity of spring and winter varieties of oilseed rape to heavy metals and rhizobacteria Słowa kluczowe: Brassica napus, bakterie ryzosferowe, metale ciężkie, wzrost roślin Streszczenie Sprawdzono wpływ metali ciężkich (cynk,... more
I ntegralne białka błonowe (MIP) są zróżnicowaną klasą białek błonowych, które pośredniczą w przepływie wody (akwaporyny), małocząsteczkowych roztworów, takich jak glicerol oraz gazów poprzez błony komórkowe. W ostatnich latach badania... more
The stringent response is a key regulatory reaction exhibited by bacteria in response to amino acid deprivation or carbon, nitrogen and phosphate limitation. In E. coli, the products of the relA and spoT genes regulate accumulation of the... more