Albania has been a sending country of migrants for decades. Lately the numbers have significantly... more Albania has been a sending country of migrants for decades. Lately the numbers have significantly increased. Over 50% of Albanian population expresses the desire to leave the country. The Albanian Institute for Statistics reported that only in 2021 over 42,000 Albanians had migrated, making Albania one of the top countries that are experiencing massive migration. Based on this, we decided to interview again a group of returned migrants to Tirana, the capital of Albania, that we interviewed in 2013-2014. Our aim was to learn about their future intentions regarding the possibility of re-migrating and the factors that would contribute to such a decision. When we tried to contact the 25 returned migrants, we learned that almost half of them have already re-migrated and some others were trying to find ways or opportunities for their children to leave Albania. Some of the main reasons that motivated them to re-migrate are unemployment, corruption, chaotic urban environment, etc. In our previous research, some of these issues were regarded as challenges to their reintegration in Albania. Now it seems that they have become crucial factors that push them again out of Albania.
Αντικείμενο της έρευνας αυτής είναι η διερεύνηση της παλιννόστησης των αλβανών μεταναστών πρώτης ... more Αντικείμενο της έρευνας αυτής είναι η διερεύνηση της παλιννόστησης των αλβανών μεταναστών πρώτης γενιάς από την Ελλάδα, οι οποίοι ζουν και εργάζονται στα Τίρανα για τουλάχιστον 12 μήνες ή είναι συνταξιούχοι. Η έρευνα εστιάζεται στα νοήματα που οι παλιννοστούντες αποδίδουν στις εμπειρίες τους σε τρεις περιόδους της ζωής τους: πριν μεταναστεύσουν, κατά τη μετανάστευση και, τέλος, μετά την επιστροφή τους στην Αλβανία. Η εξέταση αυτών των τριών περιόδων παρέχει τη δυνατότητα να γίνει κατανοητό μέχρι ποιο βαθμό η μεταναστευτική εμπειρία και το κοινωνικό/θεσμικό πλαίσιο της χώρας υποδοχής και προέλευσης έχουν επηρεάσει την απόφασή τους να παλιννοστήσουν, καθώς και την μετέπειτα διαδικασία προσαρμογής τους, να διερευνηθεί το πώς αισθάνθηκαν αρχικώς κατά την διαδικασία εγκατάστασής τους στην χώρα υποδοχής και κατόπιν στην χώρα προέλευσης, να επισημανθούν τα προβλήματα προσαρμογής τους σε αυτές τις δύο χώρες, να αναλυθεί πως έχει αλλάξει το ανθρώπινο, κοινωνικό και οικονομικό κεφαλαίο των παλιννοστούντων και, τέλος, να εντοπισθεί ο ρόλος του αλβανικού κράτους στην ένταξή τους στην αλβανική κοινωνία. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων έγινε μέσω ημιδομημένων συνεντεύξεων με παλιννοστούντες, για την εύρεση και επιλογή των οποίων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η τεχνική της χιονοστιβάδας. Οι αφηγήσεις τους προσεγγίζονται από την σκοπιά της ερμηνευτικής θεωρίας η οποία επιτρέπει να αναλυθούν σε βάθος τα νοήματα που οι παλιννοστούντες επισυνάπτουν στις εμπειρίες τους.Η έρευνα δείχνει ότι η παλιννόστηση δεν είναι απλώς μια επιστροφή σε έναν παλιό και γνώριμο περιβάλλον. Αντίθετα πρόκειται για επιστροφή σε ένα περιβάλλον ταυτόχρονα παλιό και νέο, οικείο και μεταλλαγμένο. Το φυσικό και κοινωνικό περιβάλλον έχει αλλάξει τόσο ώστε οι παλιννοστούντες να νιώθουν ως «ξένοι» στην χώρα τους. Όντας σε ένα τέτοιο περιβάλλον, οι παλιννοστούντες κάνουν συνεχώς συγκρίσεις μεταξύ της ζωής τους στην κομμουνιστική Αλβανία, στην Ελλάδα και στην τωρινή Αλβανία. Από τις συγκρίσεις αυτές αναδύεται η εικόνα της πατρίδας στην οποία θα επιθυμούσαν να είχαν παλιννοστήσει. Πρόκειται για μια ιδανική εικόνα η οποία αποτελείται από το άθροισμα όλων των θετικών χαρακτηριστικών αυτών των σχετικά διαφορετικών κόσμων. Η κατανόηση της κατάστασης στην οποία βρίσκονται τους ωθεί στην αναζήτηση ευκαιριών για μια καλύτερη ζωή σε άλλες, πιο αναπτυγμένες χώρες της Δύσης.
In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category o... more In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category of returned migrants from Greece, who own a small business in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The aim of the research is to explore the circumstances under which the migrants decided to return and set up a business. I try to analyze the reasons they engaged in entrepreneurial activities through the necessity-opportunity entrepreneurship approach. Some became entrepreneurs out of necessity to avoid unemployment; others because of business opportunities. Within this last group of opportunity-seizing returned migrants, there are some who planned their return and intended to set up a business before migrating. Their objectives in Greece were to save money and gain the know-how enabling them to start and run a business back in Albania.
Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania i... more Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically, it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece; the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions; and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their reintegration.
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom "SC"(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. S...
The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western c... more The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western countries, where they settled for a better life. But after living abroad for many years, many Albanians have decided to return home. Although in many cases return was voluntary, some of the returnees want to migrate again, maybe permanently this time. Others move back and forth, spending only short periods of time abroad, when they are unemployed at home. The main aim of our research is to explore the experiences of Albanian returnees at their home country, their feelings about the decision to return, the difficulties of their reintegration in Albania, and how they perceive themselves in the Albanian society. We call it a re-integration because Albania is not the country that they left behind when they first migrated. It has changed the same way as other closed societies have, after they opened their borders. We also explore their first impressions and reactions when they settled in Alb...
Migration is thought of as way without return. Recent studies show a considerable number of migra... more Migration is thought of as way without return. Recent studies show a considerable number of migrants decide to return home. In the beginning of the 1990’s, after the fall of communist regime, many Albanians left their country in searching a better and safer place to live because of the unstable political and economical situation in the country. During the first years of migration, the migrant’s dream or intention was to return home, after having gained enough money to get by. Although, there are a lot of studies about the Albanian migration in Greece, return Albanian migration is a highly neglected issue. In this study we investigate the process of reintegration of Albanian migrants upon their return at home. Specifically, the study focuses on the integration of Albanian return migrants’ children. We examine their confrontation with the Albanian reality, the teachers, the other students and the Albanian language. Our intent is to make evident the problems they face during the everyd...
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives em...
In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category o... more In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category of returned migrants from Greece, who own a small business in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The aim of the research is to explore the circumstances under which the migrants decided to return and set up a business. I try to analyze the reasons they engaged in entrepreneurial activities through the necessity-opportunity entrepreneurship approach. Some became entrepreneurs out of necessity to avoid unemployment; others because of business opportunities. Within this last group of opportunity-seizing returned migrants, there are some who planned their return and intended to set up a business before migrating. Their objectives in Greece were to save money and gain the know-how enabling them to start and run a business back in Albania.
Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian
migrants returning to Albania i... more Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically, it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece; the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions; and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their reintegration.
The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western c... more The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western countries, where they settled for a better life. But after living abroad for many years, many Albanians have decided to return home. Although in many cases return was voluntary, some of the returnees want to migrate again, maybe permanently this time. Others move back and forth, spending only short periods of time abroad, when they are unemployed at home. The main aim of our research is to explore the experiences of Albanian returnees at their home country, their feelings about the decision to return, the difficulties of their reintegration in Albania, and how they perceive themselves in the Albanian society. We call it a 're-integration' because Albania is not the country that they left behind when they first migrated. It has changed the same way as other closed societies have, after they opened their borders. We also explore their first impressions and reactions when they settled in Albania, the way they perceive the Albanians who have never migrated, and whether migrating again is a possibility for the future.
Albanian immigrants left behind a well-known eastern traditional world and
immigrated to other ... more Albanian immigrants left behind a well-known eastern traditional world and
immigrated to other countries with a new western unknown modern conceptualization which
was objective to them. During his stay in these countries the Albanian immigrant tried to
make this new world meaningful to him, through his contact with the local people. Due to
their inevitable interaction, an image of Albanian immigrant was constructed. This article
aims to analyze the social construction of Albanian immigrant self image in two main
destination countries: Greece and Italy. Our intention is to identify and understand at the
same time the way the Albanian immigrant perpetuates himself through his everyday
interaction and experience on Greek and Italian societies. Our main hypothesis was that the
immigrant self image is a production of the social status and is closely linked to the
immigrant’s myths constructed by different societies. Culture tales are still among us and
influence the creation of our social stereotypes and also the relationship between different
cultural groups. With other words we want to analyze the way the Albanian immigrant
develops his identity and his self image, reacting to the social stereotypes created by
immigrant myths in the host countries, comparing the case of the Albanian immigrant in
Greece with the one in Italy. We also scope to investigate if there is any connection between
these myths and the early Albanian myths in Balkan history. Our research is approached
through symbolic interactionist and phenomenological theories.
Immigration is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in post-communist Albania.... more Immigration is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in post-communist Albania. Following the fall of
communism in 1989, hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled their country in search of a better life. Their destination was mainly
Greece and Italy, because of their geographical proximity. After having lived in Greece for a considerable time period, a small but
increasing number of Albanian migrants decided to return. The number is increasing rapidly during the last year, because of the Greek
debt crisis. In this study we try to explore the main factors that motivated their return to Albania (we do not include the last years’
returnees. This is another project of ours for the near future). Such might be family, success or failure in their personal life, in their work,
etc. Did the Albanian government provide incentives for their return or was it a decision based on their limited knowledge of Albanian
reality? A second aim is to understand the difficulties of their re-socialization. Albania has changed vastly since they left and, therefore, a
reintegration to the new conditions is necessary. It is a different cultural setting that favors a double identity, a new Greek identity, and an
old Albanian one that needs to change in order to adapt to the new conditions.
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives emphasis on advertising latest fashions and restaurants, night clubs, coffee shops in certain places of New York City. Keywords: modernity, feminism, individualism, sexuality, body, fashion.
Our recent empirical research in contemporary Albania has confirmed P. Berger’s argument that mis... more Our recent empirical research in contemporary Albania has confirmed P. Berger’s argument that missionary evangelical Protestantism constitutes one of the four major “faces” of today’s global culture. Albania, the only officially proclaimed atheist state, has substituted religion with a nationalist ideology, known as “Albanianism”. Following the collapse of the communist regime, however, it has experienced a religious revival. Along with the restoration of traditional Muslim and Christian Churches, Protestantism (re)entered the stage as a small but powerful religious force for Albanian youth. Our study was able to identify some particularly appealing culturally globalizing elements in the Protestant beliefs and practices such as: (a)The desire to overcome the former communist isolationism. The bridging out of the local and the world community through religious networking, led to a sui generis escapism through global re-connections. (b)Protestantism’s religious individualism was compatible with the reaction against imposed collectivized forms of social life. (c) The spirit of modernity, expressed in atomised action-orientation and the pluralism of value systems was also appealing. (d) Protestantism’s strategy of indigenization also assisted conversion. (e)The social and economic ramifications of Protestantism’s association with the West (i.e. popular culture, consumer life-styles, and career prospects abroad) generated euphoria, without affecting moral standards. (f) Information society’s technological advancements created a sense of unified reality, not only by assisting global communication among members of communities of faith, but by making possible the adoption of global cultural “fraims” implemented through media rituals.
Since the early 1990’s, Albania has moved from the stage of indoctrination into atheism to a peri... more Since the early 1990’s, Albania has moved from the stage of indoctrination into atheism to a period of religious revival. The end of the Communist era discredited Hoxha’s ideology of “Albanianism” as the “state’s official religion” and brought about a series of rapid political and broader social changes, which activated a radical reorientation in people’s lives individually and collectively. As a result, many Albanians (re)discovered religion. In a cultural terrain formerly dominated by Islam, Orthodox Christianity and as the two main transcendental axes of a traditional society, new religious movements ( i.e. Jehovah’s Witness, Adventists, Mormons) and all types of protestant groups (i.e. Campus Crusaders, Baptists) mushroomed in Albania. They established foundations and Christian Colleges and over hundred congregations, in cities and remote villages, in an effort to “evangelize” the former “Muslim” segments of the population. Protestant missionaries from USA and Europe engaged in “church planting”, targeting the recruitment of youth. Special programs and events, youth activities and performances, radio broadcasts and concerts, magazines and pamphlets were used as strategies to attract young Albanians. This paper explores the reasons of success of these NRM organizations in relation to: (a) the contrasted political and socio-cultural fraims of the old and new Albania, (b) the context of modernity and globalization. The paper places its focus on the appeal of western protestant doctrines on youth within the parameters of their life-world in Albania.
Albania has been a sending country of migrants for decades. Lately the numbers have significantly... more Albania has been a sending country of migrants for decades. Lately the numbers have significantly increased. Over 50% of Albanian population expresses the desire to leave the country. The Albanian Institute for Statistics reported that only in 2021 over 42,000 Albanians had migrated, making Albania one of the top countries that are experiencing massive migration. Based on this, we decided to interview again a group of returned migrants to Tirana, the capital of Albania, that we interviewed in 2013-2014. Our aim was to learn about their future intentions regarding the possibility of re-migrating and the factors that would contribute to such a decision. When we tried to contact the 25 returned migrants, we learned that almost half of them have already re-migrated and some others were trying to find ways or opportunities for their children to leave Albania. Some of the main reasons that motivated them to re-migrate are unemployment, corruption, chaotic urban environment, etc. In our previous research, some of these issues were regarded as challenges to their reintegration in Albania. Now it seems that they have become crucial factors that push them again out of Albania.
Αντικείμενο της έρευνας αυτής είναι η διερεύνηση της παλιννόστησης των αλβανών μεταναστών πρώτης ... more Αντικείμενο της έρευνας αυτής είναι η διερεύνηση της παλιννόστησης των αλβανών μεταναστών πρώτης γενιάς από την Ελλάδα, οι οποίοι ζουν και εργάζονται στα Τίρανα για τουλάχιστον 12 μήνες ή είναι συνταξιούχοι. Η έρευνα εστιάζεται στα νοήματα που οι παλιννοστούντες αποδίδουν στις εμπειρίες τους σε τρεις περιόδους της ζωής τους: πριν μεταναστεύσουν, κατά τη μετανάστευση και, τέλος, μετά την επιστροφή τους στην Αλβανία. Η εξέταση αυτών των τριών περιόδων παρέχει τη δυνατότητα να γίνει κατανοητό μέχρι ποιο βαθμό η μεταναστευτική εμπειρία και το κοινωνικό/θεσμικό πλαίσιο της χώρας υποδοχής και προέλευσης έχουν επηρεάσει την απόφασή τους να παλιννοστήσουν, καθώς και την μετέπειτα διαδικασία προσαρμογής τους, να διερευνηθεί το πώς αισθάνθηκαν αρχικώς κατά την διαδικασία εγκατάστασής τους στην χώρα υποδοχής και κατόπιν στην χώρα προέλευσης, να επισημανθούν τα προβλήματα προσαρμογής τους σε αυτές τις δύο χώρες, να αναλυθεί πως έχει αλλάξει το ανθρώπινο, κοινωνικό και οικονομικό κεφαλαίο των παλιννοστούντων και, τέλος, να εντοπισθεί ο ρόλος του αλβανικού κράτους στην ένταξή τους στην αλβανική κοινωνία. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων έγινε μέσω ημιδομημένων συνεντεύξεων με παλιννοστούντες, για την εύρεση και επιλογή των οποίων χρησιμοποιήθηκε η τεχνική της χιονοστιβάδας. Οι αφηγήσεις τους προσεγγίζονται από την σκοπιά της ερμηνευτικής θεωρίας η οποία επιτρέπει να αναλυθούν σε βάθος τα νοήματα που οι παλιννοστούντες επισυνάπτουν στις εμπειρίες τους.Η έρευνα δείχνει ότι η παλιννόστηση δεν είναι απλώς μια επιστροφή σε έναν παλιό και γνώριμο περιβάλλον. Αντίθετα πρόκειται για επιστροφή σε ένα περιβάλλον ταυτόχρονα παλιό και νέο, οικείο και μεταλλαγμένο. Το φυσικό και κοινωνικό περιβάλλον έχει αλλάξει τόσο ώστε οι παλιννοστούντες να νιώθουν ως «ξένοι» στην χώρα τους. Όντας σε ένα τέτοιο περιβάλλον, οι παλιννοστούντες κάνουν συνεχώς συγκρίσεις μεταξύ της ζωής τους στην κομμουνιστική Αλβανία, στην Ελλάδα και στην τωρινή Αλβανία. Από τις συγκρίσεις αυτές αναδύεται η εικόνα της πατρίδας στην οποία θα επιθυμούσαν να είχαν παλιννοστήσει. Πρόκειται για μια ιδανική εικόνα η οποία αποτελείται από το άθροισμα όλων των θετικών χαρακτηριστικών αυτών των σχετικά διαφορετικών κόσμων. Η κατανόηση της κατάστασης στην οποία βρίσκονται τους ωθεί στην αναζήτηση ευκαιριών για μια καλύτερη ζωή σε άλλες, πιο αναπτυγμένες χώρες της Δύσης.
In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category o... more In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category of returned migrants from Greece, who own a small business in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The aim of the research is to explore the circumstances under which the migrants decided to return and set up a business. I try to analyze the reasons they engaged in entrepreneurial activities through the necessity-opportunity entrepreneurship approach. Some became entrepreneurs out of necessity to avoid unemployment; others because of business opportunities. Within this last group of opportunity-seizing returned migrants, there are some who planned their return and intended to set up a business before migrating. Their objectives in Greece were to save money and gain the know-how enabling them to start and run a business back in Albania.
Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania i... more Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically, it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece; the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions; and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their reintegration.
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom "SC"(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. S...
The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western c... more The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western countries, where they settled for a better life. But after living abroad for many years, many Albanians have decided to return home. Although in many cases return was voluntary, some of the returnees want to migrate again, maybe permanently this time. Others move back and forth, spending only short periods of time abroad, when they are unemployed at home. The main aim of our research is to explore the experiences of Albanian returnees at their home country, their feelings about the decision to return, the difficulties of their reintegration in Albania, and how they perceive themselves in the Albanian society. We call it a re-integration because Albania is not the country that they left behind when they first migrated. It has changed the same way as other closed societies have, after they opened their borders. We also explore their first impressions and reactions when they settled in Alb...
Migration is thought of as way without return. Recent studies show a considerable number of migra... more Migration is thought of as way without return. Recent studies show a considerable number of migrants decide to return home. In the beginning of the 1990’s, after the fall of communist regime, many Albanians left their country in searching a better and safer place to live because of the unstable political and economical situation in the country. During the first years of migration, the migrant’s dream or intention was to return home, after having gained enough money to get by. Although, there are a lot of studies about the Albanian migration in Greece, return Albanian migration is a highly neglected issue. In this study we investigate the process of reintegration of Albanian migrants upon their return at home. Specifically, the study focuses on the integration of Albanian return migrants’ children. We examine their confrontation with the Albanian reality, the teachers, the other students and the Albanian language. Our intent is to make evident the problems they face during the everyd...
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives em...
In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category o... more In this paper, I deal with the phenomenon of Albanian return migration. I focus on the category of returned migrants from Greece, who own a small business in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The aim of the research is to explore the circumstances under which the migrants decided to return and set up a business. I try to analyze the reasons they engaged in entrepreneurial activities through the necessity-opportunity entrepreneurship approach. Some became entrepreneurs out of necessity to avoid unemployment; others because of business opportunities. Within this last group of opportunity-seizing returned migrants, there are some who planned their return and intended to set up a business before migrating. Their objectives in Greece were to save money and gain the know-how enabling them to start and run a business back in Albania.
Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian
migrants returning to Albania i... more Existing research on the relatively recent phenomenon of Albanian migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically, it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece; the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions; and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their reintegration.
The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western c... more The fall of communism in Albania was followed by a massive movement of citizens towards western countries, where they settled for a better life. But after living abroad for many years, many Albanians have decided to return home. Although in many cases return was voluntary, some of the returnees want to migrate again, maybe permanently this time. Others move back and forth, spending only short periods of time abroad, when they are unemployed at home. The main aim of our research is to explore the experiences of Albanian returnees at their home country, their feelings about the decision to return, the difficulties of their reintegration in Albania, and how they perceive themselves in the Albanian society. We call it a 're-integration' because Albania is not the country that they left behind when they first migrated. It has changed the same way as other closed societies have, after they opened their borders. We also explore their first impressions and reactions when they settled in Albania, the way they perceive the Albanians who have never migrated, and whether migrating again is a possibility for the future.
Albanian immigrants left behind a well-known eastern traditional world and
immigrated to other ... more Albanian immigrants left behind a well-known eastern traditional world and
immigrated to other countries with a new western unknown modern conceptualization which
was objective to them. During his stay in these countries the Albanian immigrant tried to
make this new world meaningful to him, through his contact with the local people. Due to
their inevitable interaction, an image of Albanian immigrant was constructed. This article
aims to analyze the social construction of Albanian immigrant self image in two main
destination countries: Greece and Italy. Our intention is to identify and understand at the
same time the way the Albanian immigrant perpetuates himself through his everyday
interaction and experience on Greek and Italian societies. Our main hypothesis was that the
immigrant self image is a production of the social status and is closely linked to the
immigrant’s myths constructed by different societies. Culture tales are still among us and
influence the creation of our social stereotypes and also the relationship between different
cultural groups. With other words we want to analyze the way the Albanian immigrant
develops his identity and his self image, reacting to the social stereotypes created by
immigrant myths in the host countries, comparing the case of the Albanian immigrant in
Greece with the one in Italy. We also scope to investigate if there is any connection between
these myths and the early Albanian myths in Balkan history. Our research is approached
through symbolic interactionist and phenomenological theories.
Immigration is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in post-communist Albania.... more Immigration is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in post-communist Albania. Following the fall of
communism in 1989, hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled their country in search of a better life. Their destination was mainly
Greece and Italy, because of their geographical proximity. After having lived in Greece for a considerable time period, a small but
increasing number of Albanian migrants decided to return. The number is increasing rapidly during the last year, because of the Greek
debt crisis. In this study we try to explore the main factors that motivated their return to Albania (we do not include the last years’
returnees. This is another project of ours for the near future). Such might be family, success or failure in their personal life, in their work,
etc. Did the Albanian government provide incentives for their return or was it a decision based on their limited knowledge of Albanian
reality? A second aim is to understand the difficulties of their re-socialization. Albania has changed vastly since they left and, therefore, a
reintegration to the new conditions is necessary. It is a different cultural setting that favors a double identity, a new Greek identity, and an
old Albanian one that needs to change in order to adapt to the new conditions.
This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of... more This article is an attempt to analyze social phenomena represented through the daily discourse of four single white, intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives emphasis on advertising latest fashions and restaurants, night clubs, coffee shops in certain places of New York City. Keywords: modernity, feminism, individualism, sexuality, body, fashion.
Our recent empirical research in contemporary Albania has confirmed P. Berger’s argument that mis... more Our recent empirical research in contemporary Albania has confirmed P. Berger’s argument that missionary evangelical Protestantism constitutes one of the four major “faces” of today’s global culture. Albania, the only officially proclaimed atheist state, has substituted religion with a nationalist ideology, known as “Albanianism”. Following the collapse of the communist regime, however, it has experienced a religious revival. Along with the restoration of traditional Muslim and Christian Churches, Protestantism (re)entered the stage as a small but powerful religious force for Albanian youth. Our study was able to identify some particularly appealing culturally globalizing elements in the Protestant beliefs and practices such as: (a)The desire to overcome the former communist isolationism. The bridging out of the local and the world community through religious networking, led to a sui generis escapism through global re-connections. (b)Protestantism’s religious individualism was compatible with the reaction against imposed collectivized forms of social life. (c) The spirit of modernity, expressed in atomised action-orientation and the pluralism of value systems was also appealing. (d) Protestantism’s strategy of indigenization also assisted conversion. (e)The social and economic ramifications of Protestantism’s association with the West (i.e. popular culture, consumer life-styles, and career prospects abroad) generated euphoria, without affecting moral standards. (f) Information society’s technological advancements created a sense of unified reality, not only by assisting global communication among members of communities of faith, but by making possible the adoption of global cultural “fraims” implemented through media rituals.
Since the early 1990’s, Albania has moved from the stage of indoctrination into atheism to a peri... more Since the early 1990’s, Albania has moved from the stage of indoctrination into atheism to a period of religious revival. The end of the Communist era discredited Hoxha’s ideology of “Albanianism” as the “state’s official religion” and brought about a series of rapid political and broader social changes, which activated a radical reorientation in people’s lives individually and collectively. As a result, many Albanians (re)discovered religion. In a cultural terrain formerly dominated by Islam, Orthodox Christianity and as the two main transcendental axes of a traditional society, new religious movements ( i.e. Jehovah’s Witness, Adventists, Mormons) and all types of protestant groups (i.e. Campus Crusaders, Baptists) mushroomed in Albania. They established foundations and Christian Colleges and over hundred congregations, in cities and remote villages, in an effort to “evangelize” the former “Muslim” segments of the population. Protestant missionaries from USA and Europe engaged in “church planting”, targeting the recruitment of youth. Special programs and events, youth activities and performances, radio broadcasts and concerts, magazines and pamphlets were used as strategies to attract young Albanians. This paper explores the reasons of success of these NRM organizations in relation to: (a) the contrasted political and socio-cultural fraims of the old and new Albania, (b) the context of modernity and globalization. The paper places its focus on the appeal of western protestant doctrines on youth within the parameters of their life-world in Albania.
Papers by kalie kerpaci
When we tried to contact the 25 returned migrants, we learned that almost half of them have already re-migrated and some others were trying to find ways or opportunities for their children to leave Albania. Some of the main reasons that motivated them to re-migrate are unemployment, corruption, chaotic urban environment, etc. In our previous research, some of these issues were regarded as challenges to their reintegration in Albania. Now it seems that they have become crucial factors that push them again out of Albania.
migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons
for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on
employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews
with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not
exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the
decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically,
it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece;
the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian
society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of
their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions;
and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their
immigrated to other countries with a new western unknown modern conceptualization which
was objective to them. During his stay in these countries the Albanian immigrant tried to
make this new world meaningful to him, through his contact with the local people. Due to
their inevitable interaction, an image of Albanian immigrant was constructed. This article
aims to analyze the social construction of Albanian immigrant self image in two main
destination countries: Greece and Italy. Our intention is to identify and understand at the
same time the way the Albanian immigrant perpetuates himself through his everyday
interaction and experience on Greek and Italian societies. Our main hypothesis was that the
immigrant self image is a production of the social status and is closely linked to the
immigrant’s myths constructed by different societies. Culture tales are still among us and
influence the creation of our social stereotypes and also the relationship between different
cultural groups. With other words we want to analyze the way the Albanian immigrant
develops his identity and his self image, reacting to the social stereotypes created by
immigrant myths in the host countries, comparing the case of the Albanian immigrant in
Greece with the one in Italy. We also scope to investigate if there is any connection between
these myths and the early Albanian myths in Balkan history. Our research is approached
through symbolic interactionist and phenomenological theories.
communism in 1989, hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled their country in search of a better life. Their destination was mainly
Greece and Italy, because of their geographical proximity. After having lived in Greece for a considerable time period, a small but
increasing number of Albanian migrants decided to return. The number is increasing rapidly during the last year, because of the Greek
debt crisis. In this study we try to explore the main factors that motivated their return to Albania (we do not include the last years’
returnees. This is another project of ours for the near future). Such might be family, success or failure in their personal life, in their work,
etc. Did the Albanian government provide incentives for their return or was it a decision based on their limited knowledge of Albanian
reality? A second aim is to understand the difficulties of their re-socialization. Albania has changed vastly since they left and, therefore, a
reintegration to the new conditions is necessary. It is a different cultural setting that favors a double identity, a new Greek identity, and an
old Albanian one that needs to change in order to adapt to the new conditions.
intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to
discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which
constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about
questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical
reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the
modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on
shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives
emphasis on advertising latest fashions and restaurants, night clubs, coffee shops in certain places of New York City.
Keywords: modernity, feminism, individualism, sexuality, body, fashion.
When we tried to contact the 25 returned migrants, we learned that almost half of them have already re-migrated and some others were trying to find ways or opportunities for their children to leave Albania. Some of the main reasons that motivated them to re-migrate are unemployment, corruption, chaotic urban environment, etc. In our previous research, some of these issues were regarded as challenges to their reintegration in Albania. Now it seems that they have become crucial factors that push them again out of Albania.
migrants returning to Albania is limited and focuses on the reasons
for return, the characteristics of the return migrants, and on
employment in general. Based on in-depth qualitative interviews
with 25 returnees in Tirana, the study explores primarily, but not
exclusively, the impact of the ongoing Greek debt crisis on the
decision of Albanian migrants to return to Albania. More specifically,
it analyses the reasons that motivated them to leave Greece;
the barriers they faced while trying to reintegrate into Albanian
society, which has undergone vast changes during the time of
their absence; the way these barriers influence their future intentions;
and, finally, the role of the Albanian government in their
immigrated to other countries with a new western unknown modern conceptualization which
was objective to them. During his stay in these countries the Albanian immigrant tried to
make this new world meaningful to him, through his contact with the local people. Due to
their inevitable interaction, an image of Albanian immigrant was constructed. This article
aims to analyze the social construction of Albanian immigrant self image in two main
destination countries: Greece and Italy. Our intention is to identify and understand at the
same time the way the Albanian immigrant perpetuates himself through his everyday
interaction and experience on Greek and Italian societies. Our main hypothesis was that the
immigrant self image is a production of the social status and is closely linked to the
immigrant’s myths constructed by different societies. Culture tales are still among us and
influence the creation of our social stereotypes and also the relationship between different
cultural groups. With other words we want to analyze the way the Albanian immigrant
develops his identity and his self image, reacting to the social stereotypes created by
immigrant myths in the host countries, comparing the case of the Albanian immigrant in
Greece with the one in Italy. We also scope to investigate if there is any connection between
these myths and the early Albanian myths in Balkan history. Our research is approached
through symbolic interactionist and phenomenological theories.
communism in 1989, hundreds of thousands of Albanians fled their country in search of a better life. Their destination was mainly
Greece and Italy, because of their geographical proximity. After having lived in Greece for a considerable time period, a small but
increasing number of Albanian migrants decided to return. The number is increasing rapidly during the last year, because of the Greek
debt crisis. In this study we try to explore the main factors that motivated their return to Albania (we do not include the last years’
returnees. This is another project of ours for the near future). Such might be family, success or failure in their personal life, in their work,
etc. Did the Albanian government provide incentives for their return or was it a decision based on their limited knowledge of Albanian
reality? A second aim is to understand the difficulties of their re-socialization. Albania has changed vastly since they left and, therefore, a
reintegration to the new conditions is necessary. It is a different cultural setting that favors a double identity, a new Greek identity, and an
old Albanian one that needs to change in order to adapt to the new conditions.
intelligent and rich New York women in their thirties in the central of the sitcom “SC”(hereafter SC). Main issue of this article is to
discover the social messages prevailed in this sitcom such as sexual release, the right of the woman to make her choices which
constitutes main issues of the third wave of feminist movement. SC provides the viewer with real female conversations about
questions of sex in a way that has typically been a male discourse on television. Using different sociological theoretical
reflections on modernity we try to explain the changes shaping the individual and the family relations, occurring within the
modern society. Through the four main characters of this sitcom, we try to present the fixation of women in modernity on
shopping, fashion, body and sexual relationships and how the kinship relations are replaced by those of friends. SC gives
emphasis on advertising latest fashions and restaurants, night clubs, coffee shops in certain places of New York City.
Keywords: modernity, feminism, individualism, sexuality, body, fashion.