Organizations while seeking to establish higher standards of performance and sustainable competitive advantage have been stimulating a critical reflection about the factors that affect the performance of the individual and of the... more
- by Paulo Jurza
Diversos desafios vêm sendo impostos à gestão das organizações contemporâneas na busca por diferenciais competitivos e conquista de posições estratégicas de mercado. A necessidade de estabelecer patamares mais elevados de desempenho... more
- by Paulo Jurza
Diversos desafios vêm sendo impostos à gestão das organizações contemporâneas na busca por diferenciais competitivos e conquista de posições estratégicas de mercado. A necessidade de estabelecer patamares mais elevados de desempenho... more
- by Paulo Jurza
Idosos que moram sozinhos em Minas Gerais: independência ou vulnerabilidade?∗• Luciene Aparecida Ferreira de Barros Longo ♣ Antônio Braz de Oliveira e Silva ♠ Diego Rodrigues Macedo ♦ Paulo Henrique Jurza ♥ Resumo: A população brasileira... more
- by Paulo Jurza
Reflection upon cameralism and the police in the context of enlightened reformism offers suggestive insights into the links between economic ideas and the administration of the state. The Portuguese case is an interesting example of how... more
The article assesses the work of Celso Furtado (1920-2004) in the 1970s, when the author promotes an ambitious attempt to redefine the field of development economics. Furtado's works have recently been revisited by several authors,... more
The main purpose of this article is to discuss the influence of economic discourse on the design and implementation of the economic and political reforms that occurred in Brazil throughout the second half of the eighteenth century... more
O artigo reflete sobre a ação política do marquês de Pombal e de Dom Rodrigo de Souza Coutinho, comparando o conjunto de suas orientações no campo econômico e colocando em perspectiva a questão geral do reformismo ilustrado no mundo... more
This paper presents Notebook B113, one of Marx's unpublished manuscripts, and suggests its importance for highlighting the monetary and financial issues which Marx was investigating after 1867. The contents of this notebook reveal a... more
This paper investigates the role of Board of the Royal Treasury (Junta da Real Fazenda) of Minas Gerais with respect to the various projects submitted from 1770 to the Royal Treasury(ErárioRégio)inLisbon,dealing on the abolition of the... more
Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi is an author who rarely figure in the History of Economic Thought handbooks, however he can be considered one of the main names of Cameralism, a extremely influential perspective in the economic ideas in... more
Ce travail analyse les rapports entre l’œuvre de Celso Furtado et celle de François Perroux concernant surtout leurs interprétations du développement économique. Leur pensée économique est peu conventionnelle et, durant toute leur... more
The article assesses the work of Celso Furtado (1920–2004) in the 1970s, an ambitious attempt to redefine the field of development economics. Furtado's work has recently been revisited by several authors in the history of economic... more