UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais
Classic Studies
These notes on fragments 118 and 119 IEG2 of Archilochus examine the verses, their translations and critical fortune, focusing on the martial imagery in 119 IEG2 that was transposed from a marcial to an amatory context. RESUMO:... more
In this paper I analyse and compare the representations (or self-representations) of poets in the underworld in elegiac and lyric Roman poetry. I focus especially on five poems: Tibullus I.3; Propertius II. 34; Ovid, Amores II.6 (birds as... more
RESUMO: A arquitetura interna de um livro de poesia, isto é, o arranjo ou disposição dos poemas em seu interior, pode afetar a interpretação tanto do poema individualmente quanto do conjunto de que ele faz parte (o livro). No caso da obra... more
Since Lachmann's edition (1816), there have been many discussions on the extent of Propertius' second book of Elegies. Fundamentally, nowadays, we observe two trends in this respect: one that understands that Propertius' elegies must be... more
In the preparatory notebooks of his doctoral thesis entitled Difference between the philosophies of Democritus and Epicurus, outlined in 1839, Marx countered a theological content in Hegel via a critique of the traditional trend of... more
In this article, we present the expressive use of mimesis of content in an excerpt from Ovid. We evaluate several poetic translations of the passage into the Portuguese language to verify if the translators took care of the reproduction... more
The composing of Aelius Aristides’ Hieroì Lógoi (c. 170 C.E.), discussed by classical studies and historiography, suggests important features regarding its specificity amongst its author’s discourses. From the rhetoric tradition,... more
The French hellenist, Pierre Jouguet (1896-1949), published his study on Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World in 1926. Titled L’impérialisme macédonien et l’hellénisation de l’Orient, the work carries modern imperialist hues,... more
Classics instruction is facing a worldwide crisis due to multiple causes and Latin and Ancient greek have been taken away from the secondary schools, even in Italy. This article is a short essay where the way of learning grammar in the... more
In this paper, preceded by the introduction of questions related to the generic links of Vergil’s Georgics and of Columella’s De re rustica, we present comparative structural aspects between the proems of Virgil’s book III and Columella’s... more