UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais
Clinical Hospital/EBSERH
Purpose To evaluate whether patients' treatment preferences, characteristics, or symptomatic response to assessment moderated the effect of the McKenzie method for acute low back pain (LBP). Methods This study involved a secondary... more
Background Low back pain is a highly prevalent and disabling condition worldwide. Clinical guidelines for the management of patients with acute low back pain recommend first-line treatment consisting of advice, reassurance and simple... more
Healthcare costs for low back pain (LBP) are increasing rapidly. Hence, it is important to provide treatments that are effective and cost-effective. The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the cost-effectiveness of... more
The placebo is an important tool to blind patients to treatment allocation and therefore minimise some sources of bias in clinical trials. However, placebos that are improperly designed or implemented may introduce bias into trials. The... more
Several versions of the 24-item Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) have been proposed; however, their responsiveness has not been extensively explored. The objective of this study was to compare the responsiveness of four... more
Care from a general practitioner (GP) is one of the most frequently utilised healthcare services for people with low back pain and only a small proportion of those with low back pain who seek care from a GP are referred to other services.... more
Objective: To determine whether trial-design, patient-type, or placebo-type factors influence the size of the placebo analgesic effect in clinical trials. Study Design and Setting: Trials that measured pain outcomes in Hróbjartsson and... more
BackgroundExercise programs may vary in terms of duration, frequency, and dosage; whether they are supervised; and whether they include a home-based program. Uncritical pooling of heterogeneous exercise trials may result in misleading... more
Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia Clinimetric testing of two instruments that measure attitudes and beliefs of health care providers about chronic low back pain Testes clinimétricos de dois instrumentos que mensuram atitudes e crenças de... more
Objectives: To measure the attitudes and beliefs of Brazilian physical therapists about chronic low back pain and to identify the sociodemographic characteristics that are more likely to influence these attitudes and beliefs. Methods: We... more
Objective. Estimates of treatment effects reported in placebo-controlled randomized trials are less subject to bias than those estimates provided by other study designs. The objective of this meta-analysis was to estimate the analgesic... more
This review assessed the effectiveness of the McKenzie method (mechanical diagnosis and therapy) in patients with low back pain (LBP). The authors concluded that the McKenzie method does not produce clinically significant changes in pain... more
Background: Low back pain (LBP) is a major health problem. Effective treatment of acute LBP is important because it prevents patients from developing chronic LBP, the stage of LBP that requires costly and more complex treatment.... more
BackgroundLow back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. Exercise therapy is widely recommended to treat persistent non-specific low back pain. While evidence suggests exercise is, on average, moderately effective,... more
measures based on impairment and disability are included and compared. Though handicap and psychosocial measures are important as a consequence of unresolved morbidity, they generally do not have the specific and dynamic range of response... more
Placebo-controlled trials are still needed for complex interventions such as acupuncture. Comment on Paterson and Dieppe (BMJ 2005
Radiografia em flexão fixa Espessura do espaço articular Repetibilidade Joelho Osteoartrite r e s u m o Objetivo: Descrever o desempenho de um protocolo radiográfico em flexão fixa sem fluoroscopia em incidência PA com um novo... more