UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais
Clniica Médica
The emergence of resistance-associated mutations to the antiretroviral agents and the genetic variability of HIV-1 impose challenges to therapeutic success. We report the results of genotype testing assays performed between 2002 and 2006... more
Because HIV and hepatitis B virus share many common risk factors, it is important to try to vaccinate HIV patients against hepatitis B. There are numerous reports describing a variety of dose schedules, limited success and markers... more
Finding a better first antiretroviral regimen is one of the strategies used to improve span and quality of life of HIV/AIDS patients. 891 patients were followed during 24 months or until interruption/abandonment of treatment, changing... more
Mortality among HIV patients is 3-15 times higher than that among the general population. Currently, most deaths are due to non-infectious diseases. Chronic inflammation and adverse events due to antiretroviral therapy play crucial roles... more