UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais
DEMIN - Departamento de Engenharia de Minas
This paper introduces an innovative solution for devising a robust blasting plan that will present consistently good fragmentation performance under highly uncertain environments. The analysis will be carried out using complexity analysis... more
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- by Beck Nader
The exceptional advance of information technology and computer application to the mineral sector has allowed the automation of several processes of the mineral value chain. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) provided the platform... more
- by Beck Nader
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O rápido avanço da tecnologia da informação e da aplicação de computadores ao setor mineral permitiu a automatização de vários processos da cadeia de valor mineral. Os sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) forneceram a plataforma... more
- by Beck Nader
The transport distance in a mining operation strongly influences a mine operation revenue and its operational cycle because it is a fundamental part of the total mining costs. Generally, the transport route is determined based on an... more
- by Beck Nader
Mining Scheduling is the one that maximizes profit from mining over time. By means of computational methods, the deposit is discretized in blocks and algorithms are used to consummate this objective. The methods that are widely known... more
- by Beck Nader
The production rate of a mining operation has an important effect on the operational cycle and gross profit, which are often evaluated based on engineering practices. Assessment of the economic performance of mine operations in mining... more
- by Beck Nader
The traditionally and widely used Lerchs-Grossmann algorithm presents wellknown limitations that newer propositions attempt to overcome. The direct block schedule (DBS) methodology, which has gained relevance with computational advances,... more
- by Beck Nader
Geologic modeling is an important step in determining the benefits and final pit dimensions for mining operations. Geostatistical models and distance-based functions are the main methods used to estimate the grade behavior. However, these... more
- by Beck Nader
This study is focused on Direct Block Scheduling testing (Direct Multi-Period Scheduling methodology) which schedules mine production considering the correct discount factor of each mining block, resulting in the final pit. Each block is... more
Mineral projects are composed of geological, operational and market uncertainties, and reducing these uncertainties is one of the objectives of engineering. Most surveys assess the impact of geological and operational uncertainties on the... more
Según el contexto de industria minera la programación de producción es la mejor metodología para determinar la mejor secuencia de explotación y asi obtener el mejor valor presente líquido y explotar la reserva máxima. La construcción de... more
Os acidentes ampliados recorrentes trouxeram à tona questionamentos acerca das boas práticas na mineração. A dimensão dos danos e a ressonância das vozes das vítimas fomentaram dúvidas sobre a sustentabilidade dos processos mineiros. É... more
- by Beck Nader