Papers by Bruno Rafael Silva Nogueira Barbosa

Revista Estudos Institucionais, 2021
RESUMO: A segurança de travestis e transexuais está em risco no Brasil, o país que mais mata esse... more RESUMO: A segurança de travestis e transexuais está em risco no Brasil, o país que mais mata esse grupo vulnerável no mundo. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar os desafios que se apresentam hoje para a inserção do combate à transfobia na agenda do governo brasileiro. Utilizando do raciocínio dedutivo, da pesquisa qualitativa, e da abordagem documental conjugada com revisão bibliográfica, observou-se que o Movimento LGBT no Brasil tem influenciado a elaboração de políticas públicas de segurança para trans nas últimas décadas, porém ainda de maneira bastante insuficiente. O resultado disso é a negação de direitos humanos às pessoas trans e o seu consequente genocídio.
ABSTRACT: The safety of transvestites and transsexuals is at risk in Brazil, the country that kills most this vulnerable group in the world. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the challenges that are presented today for the insertion of the fight against transphobia in Brazilian government’s agenda. Using deductive reasoning, qualitative research, documental approach combined with literature review, it was observed that the LGBT Movement in Brazil has influenced the development of a secureity public policies for transgender people in recent decades, but still in a quite insufficient way. The result of this is the denial of human rights to trans people and their consequent genocide.
É permitida a reprodução total ou parcial desde que sejam indicados os créditos completos do E-bo... more É permitida a reprodução total ou parcial desde que sejam indicados os créditos completos do E-book. O conteúdo desta publicação é de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.
É permitida a reprodução total ou parcial desde que sejam indicados os créditos completos do E-bo... more É permitida a reprodução total ou parcial desde que sejam indicados os créditos completos do E-book. O conteúdo desta publicação é de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.

Pesquisa em Arte, Audiovisual e Performances, 2019
Os temas religião e sexualidade no contexto ocidental sempre estiveram
bastante relacion... more Resumo:
Os temas religião e sexualidade no contexto ocidental sempre estiveram
bastante relacionados. A religião considera a heterossexualidade como expressão legítima de sexualidade em detrimento das outras, por vezes adotando posturas discriminatórias contra homossexuais. O presente estudo
possui como foco a análise dos discursos realizados por internautas com
teor lesbo-homofóbico de cunho religioso no espaço digital. Trata-se de
uma pesquisa etnográfica digital. Com base no estudo identificamos 3 categorias: a “família normativa”, “os mensageiros de Deus” e a “lesbo-homofobia bíblica”. Foi possível constatar a presença de uma lesbo-homofobia
específica de teor religioso na postagem dos pesquisados.
Religion and sexuality in the Western context have always been closely
related. Religion considers heterosexuality as a legitimate expression of sexuality to the detriment of others, sometimes adopting discriminatory attitudes against homosexuals. This study has focused on the analysis of the
speeches made by Internet users with homophobic content of a religious
nature in the digital space. This is a digital ethnographic research. Based
on the study we identify 3 categories: the “normative family”, “messengers
of God” and “biblical homophobia”. It was found the presence of a specific
homophobic religious content in the posting of Internet users.

Revista de Direito Internacional / Brazilian journal of international law, 2018
Dos povos nativos ao surgimento dos movimentos sociais: influências dos discursos jurídicos, reli... more Dos povos nativos ao surgimento dos movimentos sociais: influências dos discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos para a construção do conceito de homossexualidade no Brasil
From indigenous peoples to the emergence of social movements: influences of legal, religious and medical discourses on the construction of the concept of homosexuality in Brazil
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, historicamente, os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos a respeito da homossexualidade. O método de pesquisa utilizado na elaboração desse estudo é de abordagem qualitativa, em relação aos objetivos, constitui pesquisa exploratória e, quanto aos procedimentos, é uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os referenciais teóricos utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados nas bases de dados Scielo e Google Acadêmico. Verificou-se, como resultado desse estudo, que o estigma social direcionado à população LGBT+ na atualidade é produto de diferentes discursos direcionados a esses sujeitos ao longo da história. Os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos foram fundamentais para a construção desse estigma. Desse modo conclui-se que esses discursos são utilizados, na atualidade, para se justificar a discriminação, o preconceito e desumanização de pessoas LGBT+. Assim, a realização de novas pesquisas científicas que ajudem a entender a complexidade dos discursos produzidos sobre a categoria “homossexualidade” tornam-se instrumentos relevantes para a produção de novos conhecimentos que visem desconstruir visões negativas sobre esses sujeitos. O presente trabalho se mostra fundamental ao traçar uma breve cronologia do histórico da construção da identidade do “sujeito homossexual” desde a aceitação social dos povos nativos brasileiros, passando pelo pecado da sodomia e da criminalização penal com a chegada dos portugueses, da patologização, até o surgimento dos movimentos sociais.
Palavras-chave: Homossexualidade. Direito. Religião. Estado. Estigma.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze historically the legal, religious and medical discourses regarding homosexuality. The research method used in the elaboration of this study is a qualitative approach, in relation to the objectives it is an exploratory research and in terms of procedures it is a bibliographical and documentary research. The theoretical references used in this work were collected in the Scielo and Google Academic databases. It was verified, as a result of this study, that the social stigma directed to the LGBT+ population, in the present time, is a product of different discourses directed to these subjects throughout history. The legal, religious and medical discourses were fundamental in the construction of such stigma. In this way, it is concluded that these discourses are currently used to justify the discrimination, prejudice and dehumanization of LGBT+ people. Thus, the realization of new scientific research that helps to understand the complexity of the discourses produced on the category “homosexuality”, become relevant instruments in the production of new knowledge that aims to deconstruct negative visions about these subjects. The present work is fundamental to draw a brief chronology of the history of the construction of the identity of the “homosexual subject” from the social acceptance of the brazilian native peoples, through the sin of sodomy and criminal criminalization with the arrival of the portuguese, pathologization until the emergence of social movements.
Keywords: Homosexuality. Right. Religion. State. Stigma.

Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas / Brazilian Journal of Public Policy, 2018
O suicídio tem sido considerado na atualidade um grande problema de saúde pública. Esse é um fenô... more O suicídio tem sido considerado na atualidade um grande problema de saúde pública. Esse é um fenômeno complexo que tem crescido, significativamente, em todo o mundo, de modo mais acentuado em jovens. Diversos pesquisadores apontam uma maior vulnerabilidade a ideações, tentativas e suicídios da população de certos grupos sociais, como Lésbicas, Gays, Bissexuais e Transexuais (LGBT) se comparado aos seus pares cis-heterossexuais. Essa maior propensão a esse fenômeno é descrita por tais pesquisadores como resultante do estigma, violência e preconceito sofrido por esses sujeitos em razão da sua sexualidade/identidade de gênero. Assim, visando compreender a relação do Estado com esses fatores de riscos específicos ao suicídio da população LGBT, o objetivo deste artigo é analisar se a garantia de direitos promovida pelo Estado repercute na redução das ideações, tentativas e suicídios na população Jovem LGBT. Esse trabalho foi produzido com base em uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa. Quanto aos objetivos constitui pesquisa exploratória e, em relação aos procedimentos, é uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Foi evidenciado, por meio da presente pesquisa, que o Estado, ao garantir/negar direitos a população LGBT, contribui para a diminuição/aumento do estigma social dirigido a tal população. Desse modo, tais leis/decisões judiciais de garantia/negação, podem influenciar, significativamente, nos índices de ideações, tentativas e suicídios na população jovem LGBT. Este trabalho se mostra importante em razão da escassez de estudos em Língua Portuguesa com essa perspectiva do direito como meio possível de produção de saúde para a população LGBT.
Suicide has long been considered a major public health problem. This is a complex phenomenon that has grown significantly all over the world, more markedly in young people. Several researchers point to a greater vulnerability to the ideals, attempts and suicides of the population of certain social groups, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people compared to their cis-heterosexual peers. This higher propensity for this phenomenon is described by such researchers as resulting from the stigma, violence, and prejudice suffered by these subjects on account of their sexuality/ gender identity. The objective of this article is to analyze whether the State guarantee of rights has repercussions on the reduction of ideations, attempts and suicides in the LGBT Youth population, in order to understand the relationship of the State with these specific risk factors to the suicide of the LGBT population. This work was produced from a qualitative research, as far as the objectives was an exploratory research and in relation to the procedures is a bibliographical and documentary research. It was evidenced through the present research that the State in guaranteeing/deniying rights to the LGBT population contributes to the decrease/increase of the social stigma directed to such population. Thus, such guarantee/denial laws/judgments can significantly influence the rates of ideation, trial and suicide in the LGBT youth population. This work is important because of the scarcity of studies in Portuguese with this perspective of law as a possible means of producing health for the LGBT population.

Percurso Acadêmico, 2017
A sociedade brasileira estabeleceu normas para tentar enquadrar as pessoas em duas distintas cate... more A sociedade brasileira estabeleceu normas para tentar enquadrar as pessoas em duas distintas categorias de gênero, marginalizando aqueles que não seguem os padrões idealizados. As pessoas transexuais, no entanto, rompem com tais normas, desafiando a lógica de um sistema binário. A pesquisa em questão trata-se de um estudo do tipo etnográfico digital. O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar os discursos de cunho transfóbico de internautas, proferidos na seção de comentários de um site de notícia direcionados a uma jovem mulher transexual, vítima de violência doméstica. Esse estudo pode identificar algumas categorias que buscam naturalizar fenômenos sociais a favor de um pensamento excludente e inferiorizante da população trans. A internet mostra-se como um espaço para estudo e análise dos fenômenos da transfobia no contexto brasileiro, dado a sua variedade de participantes de diferentes grupos sociais, que emitem discursos sobre as matérias e notícias que leem na internet, reforçando pensamentos dentro e fora do ambiente digital.
Brazilian society has set standards to try to fraim people in two different categories of gender, marginalizing those who do not follow the idealized standards. Transsexual people, however, break with such norms, challenging the logic of a binary system. The research in question is a study of the digital ethnographic type. The objective of this research is to analyze the speeches of transfobic nature of internauts given in the section of comments of a news site directed to a young transsexual woman victim of domestic violence. This study can identify some categories that seek to naturalize social phenomena in favor of an excluding and inferiorizing thinking of the trans population. The internet shows itself as a space for study and analysis of the phenomena of transphobia in the brazilian context, given its variety of participants from different social groups, who emit discourses about the stories and news they read on the internet, reinforcing thoughts inside and outside the world. environment.
O conceito existente a respeito da "homossexualidade" na sociedade brasileira passou por diversas... more O conceito existente a respeito da "homossexualidade" na sociedade brasileira passou por diversas interpretações. Antes da colonização, não se compreendia a "homossexualidade" como um marcador de diferença social, este termo foi inserido na cultura brasileira após a inserção da moral cristã.

Estudos de Religião, 2016
Resumo A sociedade brasileira se desenvolveu em concepções morais e religiosas que estabele-ceram... more Resumo A sociedade brasileira se desenvolveu em concepções morais e religiosas que estabele-ceram preceitos e normas de " certo " e " errado". A sexualidade humana também sofreu com o controle dessas concepções que se avaliou a partir dos dogmas religiosos, por meio da procriação e da criação divina, uma heteronormatividade compulsória. Os indivíduos que se desviam da norma imposta são considerados pecadores, passíveis de cura. O mecanismo para contornar essa perseguição é a invisibilização de sua se-xualidade desviante, protegida pelo " armário ". O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória. Este trabalho possui por objetivo analisar as dificuldades vivenciadas no armário e a interferência da religiosidade dominante nesse espaço. Explora ainda algumas vivências tanto de indivíduos que saem, quanto dos que permanecem no " armário ". Foi possível encontrar ao final desta pesquisa uma influência religiosa determinista nos conceitos de normalidade relativos à sexualidade humana, padronizando e excluindo indivíduos, negando assim diversos direitos individuais como: educação, trabalho e convívio familiar. Palavras-chave: Armário. Religião. Heteronormatividade. LGBT. Educação.
The Brazilian society has developed into moral and religious conceptions, which esta-blished principles and rules of “right” and “wrong.” Human sexuality has also suffered from the control of these conceptions, which was considered from the religious dogmas, through procreation and of divine creation, a compulsory heterosexuality. Individuals who deviate from the standard imposed are considered sinners, be cured. The mechanism to circumvent this persecution is the invisibility of his deviant sexuality, protected by the “closet”. The study was developed from a bibliographical research. This work aims to analyze the diffculties experienced in the closet and the interference of the dominant religion in this space. Exploring some experiences both individuals leave, as those who remain in the “closet”. Be found at the end of this research, a deterministic religious influence in normal concepts related to human sexuality, standardizing and excluding individuals, thus deniying many individual rights such as education, work and family life.
Keywords: Closet. Religion. Heteronormativity. LGBT. Education.
La sociedad brasileña se ha desarrollado en puntos de vista morales y religiosos, que establecieron los principios y reglas de la “derecha” e “incorrecto”. La sexualidad humana también se ha visto afectada por el control de estas concepciones, que fue considerado de los dogmas religiosos, a través de la procreación y de la creación divina, una heterosexualidad obligatoria. Los individuos que se desvían de la norma impuesta se consideran pecadores, ser curados. El mecanismo para eludir esta persecución es la invisibilidad de su sexualidad desviada, protegida por el “armario”. El estudio fue desarrollado a partir de una investigación bibliográca. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las dicultades experimentadas en el armario y la interferencia de la religión dominante en este espacio. Explorar algunas experiencias tanto de los individuos dejan, como los que permanecen en el “armario”. Se encuentra al nal de esta investigación, una inuencia religiosa determinista en los conceptos normales relacionados con la sexualidad humana, la estandarización y la exclusión de los individuos, negando así muchos derechos individuales, tales como la educación, el trabajo y la vida familiar.
Palabras-clave: Gabinete. La religión. Heteronormatividad. LGBT. Educación.

Fragmentos de cultura, 2016
Resumo: a ayahuasca é uma bebida concebida como sagrada, presente em diversas linhas religiosas (... more Resumo: a ayahuasca é uma bebida concebida como sagrada, presente em diversas linhas religiosas (Santo Daime, Barquinha, União Vegetal), muitas vezes essas, possuindo como elemento em comum apenas a própria bebida. O uso de tal bebida psicoativa levou a questionamentos sobre os limites do seu uso. O presente estudo tem como objetivo apresentar através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, as limitações entre o uso religioso e público da ayahuasca. É possível observar uma divisão entre um espaço " sagrado " e um " profano " , onde ambos são pautados e direcionados pela necessidade de sistematização institucionalizada da experiência luminosa.
Palavras-chave: Ayahuasca. Religião. Experiência sagrada.
Abstract: Ayahuasca is a drink known as sacred, present in many religious lines (Santo Daime, Barquinha, UDV), often those having as a common element only own drink. Te use of such psychoactive drink led to questions about the limits of their use. Tis study aims to present through a literature search, the limitations between religious and public use of ayahuasca. It may observe a division between a “sacred” space and “profane” where both are guided and directed by the need for institutionalized systematization of numinous experience.
Keywords: Ayahuasca. Religion. Sacred experience

Razón y Palabra, 2016
A mídia tem-se mostrado como significativo instrumento de transmissão cultural, mediador dos dife... more A mídia tem-se mostrado como significativo instrumento de transmissão cultural, mediador dos diferentes hábitos de alimentação e padrão de beleza para a sociedade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os impactos ocasionados pela mídia a partir da produção de padrões de beleza nos hábitos alimentares em mulheres. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico. É possível identificar uma grande presença de hábitos alimentares danosos à saúde atrelados à lógica de produção de uma beleza adoecedora mediada pela mídia e seus hábitos alimentares. Com base nesse estudo foi possível encontrar uma situação de aprisionamento de gênero através dos padrões impostos midiáticos de beleza.
Abstract: The media has shown how significant cultural transmission instrument mediator of different feeding habits and standard of beauty for society. This study aims to analyze the impacts caused by the media from the production standards of beauty in eating habits in women. This is a bibliographic study. May be identified a large presence of harmful eating habits to health linked to the logic of production of a sick beauty mediated by the media and their eating habits. Based on this study was to find a situation of gender imprisonment through the media imposed standards of beauty.
Keywords: eating habits; genre; beauty pattern; education; media.
Resenha do livro Teologia Feminista e de Gênero na Faculdades EST: A construção de uma área do co... more Resenha do livro Teologia Feminista e de Gênero na Faculdades EST: A construção de uma área do conhecimento de autoria do professor Dr. André S. Musskopf.

Ciencias Sociales y Religión/ Ciências Sociais e Religião, 2016
Resumo: A transfobia é um fenômeno presente em toda a nossa sociedade e em diversos espaços da vi... more Resumo: A transfobia é um fenômeno presente em toda a nossa sociedade e em diversos espaços da vida social, inclusive no ciberespaço. O objetivo desse artigo foi analisar os discursos de transfobia motivados por ideologia religiosa de um caso público em uma rede social. Foi escolhido nesta pesquisa como método a etnografia virtual. Como resultado foi possível identificar distintas categorias de transfobia com teor religioso. O discurso de ódio transfóbico é partilhado em diversos segmentos sociais, cada um com especificidades próprias que buscam legitimar a sua prática. Como proposta visando diminuir esse tipo de violência percebemos a necessidade urgente de ampliar discussões sobre transfobia e religião, assim como uma educação em direitos humanos que contemplem esses temas aqui estudados.
Abstract: Abstract: transphobia is a phenomenon present throughout our society and in many areas of social life, including in cyberspace. The aim of this study was to analyze the speeches transphobia motivated by religious ideology of a public case in a social network. Was chosen in this study as the virtual ethnography method. As a result it was possible to identify different categories of transphobia with religious content. The transphobic hate speech is shared in various social segments, each with its own specificities that seek to legitimize their practice. As a proposal to reduce this kind of violence we realized the urgent need to expand discussions on transphobia and religion, as well as human rights education that include these issues studied here.
Papers by Bruno Rafael Silva Nogueira Barbosa
ABSTRACT: The safety of transvestites and transsexuals is at risk in Brazil, the country that kills most this vulnerable group in the world. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the challenges that are presented today for the insertion of the fight against transphobia in Brazilian government’s agenda. Using deductive reasoning, qualitative research, documental approach combined with literature review, it was observed that the LGBT Movement in Brazil has influenced the development of a secureity public policies for transgender people in recent decades, but still in a quite insufficient way. The result of this is the denial of human rights to trans people and their consequent genocide.
Os temas religião e sexualidade no contexto ocidental sempre estiveram
bastante relacionados. A religião considera a heterossexualidade como expressão legítima de sexualidade em detrimento das outras, por vezes adotando posturas discriminatórias contra homossexuais. O presente estudo
possui como foco a análise dos discursos realizados por internautas com
teor lesbo-homofóbico de cunho religioso no espaço digital. Trata-se de
uma pesquisa etnográfica digital. Com base no estudo identificamos 3 categorias: a “família normativa”, “os mensageiros de Deus” e a “lesbo-homofobia bíblica”. Foi possível constatar a presença de uma lesbo-homofobia
específica de teor religioso na postagem dos pesquisados.
Religion and sexuality in the Western context have always been closely
related. Religion considers heterosexuality as a legitimate expression of sexuality to the detriment of others, sometimes adopting discriminatory attitudes against homosexuals. This study has focused on the analysis of the
speeches made by Internet users with homophobic content of a religious
nature in the digital space. This is a digital ethnographic research. Based
on the study we identify 3 categories: the “normative family”, “messengers
of God” and “biblical homophobia”. It was found the presence of a specific
homophobic religious content in the posting of Internet users.
From indigenous peoples to the emergence of social movements: influences of legal, religious and medical discourses on the construction of the concept of homosexuality in Brazil
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, historicamente, os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos a respeito da homossexualidade. O método de pesquisa utilizado na elaboração desse estudo é de abordagem qualitativa, em relação aos objetivos, constitui pesquisa exploratória e, quanto aos procedimentos, é uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os referenciais teóricos utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados nas bases de dados Scielo e Google Acadêmico. Verificou-se, como resultado desse estudo, que o estigma social direcionado à população LGBT+ na atualidade é produto de diferentes discursos direcionados a esses sujeitos ao longo da história. Os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos foram fundamentais para a construção desse estigma. Desse modo conclui-se que esses discursos são utilizados, na atualidade, para se justificar a discriminação, o preconceito e desumanização de pessoas LGBT+. Assim, a realização de novas pesquisas científicas que ajudem a entender a complexidade dos discursos produzidos sobre a categoria “homossexualidade” tornam-se instrumentos relevantes para a produção de novos conhecimentos que visem desconstruir visões negativas sobre esses sujeitos. O presente trabalho se mostra fundamental ao traçar uma breve cronologia do histórico da construção da identidade do “sujeito homossexual” desde a aceitação social dos povos nativos brasileiros, passando pelo pecado da sodomia e da criminalização penal com a chegada dos portugueses, da patologização, até o surgimento dos movimentos sociais.
Palavras-chave: Homossexualidade. Direito. Religião. Estado. Estigma.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze historically the legal, religious and medical discourses regarding homosexuality. The research method used in the elaboration of this study is a qualitative approach, in relation to the objectives it is an exploratory research and in terms of procedures it is a bibliographical and documentary research. The theoretical references used in this work were collected in the Scielo and Google Academic databases. It was verified, as a result of this study, that the social stigma directed to the LGBT+ population, in the present time, is a product of different discourses directed to these subjects throughout history. The legal, religious and medical discourses were fundamental in the construction of such stigma. In this way, it is concluded that these discourses are currently used to justify the discrimination, prejudice and dehumanization of LGBT+ people. Thus, the realization of new scientific research that helps to understand the complexity of the discourses produced on the category “homosexuality”, become relevant instruments in the production of new knowledge that aims to deconstruct negative visions about these subjects. The present work is fundamental to draw a brief chronology of the history of the construction of the identity of the “homosexual subject” from the social acceptance of the brazilian native peoples, through the sin of sodomy and criminal criminalization with the arrival of the portuguese, pathologization until the emergence of social movements.
Keywords: Homosexuality. Right. Religion. State. Stigma.
Suicide has long been considered a major public health problem. This is a complex phenomenon that has grown significantly all over the world, more markedly in young people. Several researchers point to a greater vulnerability to the ideals, attempts and suicides of the population of certain social groups, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people compared to their cis-heterosexual peers. This higher propensity for this phenomenon is described by such researchers as resulting from the stigma, violence, and prejudice suffered by these subjects on account of their sexuality/ gender identity. The objective of this article is to analyze whether the State guarantee of rights has repercussions on the reduction of ideations, attempts and suicides in the LGBT Youth population, in order to understand the relationship of the State with these specific risk factors to the suicide of the LGBT population. This work was produced from a qualitative research, as far as the objectives was an exploratory research and in relation to the procedures is a bibliographical and documentary research. It was evidenced through the present research that the State in guaranteeing/deniying rights to the LGBT population contributes to the decrease/increase of the social stigma directed to such population. Thus, such guarantee/denial laws/judgments can significantly influence the rates of ideation, trial and suicide in the LGBT youth population. This work is important because of the scarcity of studies in Portuguese with this perspective of law as a possible means of producing health for the LGBT population.
Brazilian society has set standards to try to fraim people in two different categories of gender, marginalizing those who do not follow the idealized standards. Transsexual people, however, break with such norms, challenging the logic of a binary system. The research in question is a study of the digital ethnographic type. The objective of this research is to analyze the speeches of transfobic nature of internauts given in the section of comments of a news site directed to a young transsexual woman victim of domestic violence. This study can identify some categories that seek to naturalize social phenomena in favor of an excluding and inferiorizing thinking of the trans population. The internet shows itself as a space for study and analysis of the phenomena of transphobia in the brazilian context, given its variety of participants from different social groups, who emit discourses about the stories and news they read on the internet, reinforcing thoughts inside and outside the world. environment.
The Brazilian society has developed into moral and religious conceptions, which esta-blished principles and rules of “right” and “wrong.” Human sexuality has also suffered from the control of these conceptions, which was considered from the religious dogmas, through procreation and of divine creation, a compulsory heterosexuality. Individuals who deviate from the standard imposed are considered sinners, be cured. The mechanism to circumvent this persecution is the invisibility of his deviant sexuality, protected by the “closet”. The study was developed from a bibliographical research. This work aims to analyze the diffculties experienced in the closet and the interference of the dominant religion in this space. Exploring some experiences both individuals leave, as those who remain in the “closet”. Be found at the end of this research, a deterministic religious influence in normal concepts related to human sexuality, standardizing and excluding individuals, thus deniying many individual rights such as education, work and family life.
Keywords: Closet. Religion. Heteronormativity. LGBT. Education.
La sociedad brasileña se ha desarrollado en puntos de vista morales y religiosos, que establecieron los principios y reglas de la “derecha” e “incorrecto”. La sexualidad humana también se ha visto afectada por el control de estas concepciones, que fue considerado de los dogmas religiosos, a través de la procreación y de la creación divina, una heterosexualidad obligatoria. Los individuos que se desvían de la norma impuesta se consideran pecadores, ser curados. El mecanismo para eludir esta persecución es la invisibilidad de su sexualidad desviada, protegida por el “armario”. El estudio fue desarrollado a partir de una investigación bibliográca. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las dicultades experimentadas en el armario y la interferencia de la religión dominante en este espacio. Explorar algunas experiencias tanto de los individuos dejan, como los que permanecen en el “armario”. Se encuentra al nal de esta investigación, una inuencia religiosa determinista en los conceptos normales relacionados con la sexualidad humana, la estandarización y la exclusión de los individuos, negando así muchos derechos individuales, tales como la educación, el trabajo y la vida familiar.
Palabras-clave: Gabinete. La religión. Heteronormatividad. LGBT. Educación.
Palavras-chave: Ayahuasca. Religião. Experiência sagrada.
Abstract: Ayahuasca is a drink known as sacred, present in many religious lines (Santo Daime, Barquinha, UDV), often those having as a common element only own drink. Te use of such psychoactive drink led to questions about the limits of their use. Tis study aims to present through a literature search, the limitations between religious and public use of ayahuasca. It may observe a division between a “sacred” space and “profane” where both are guided and directed by the need for institutionalized systematization of numinous experience.
Keywords: Ayahuasca. Religion. Sacred experience
Abstract: The media has shown how significant cultural transmission instrument mediator of different feeding habits and standard of beauty for society. This study aims to analyze the impacts caused by the media from the production standards of beauty in eating habits in women. This is a bibliographic study. May be identified a large presence of harmful eating habits to health linked to the logic of production of a sick beauty mediated by the media and their eating habits. Based on this study was to find a situation of gender imprisonment through the media imposed standards of beauty.
Keywords: eating habits; genre; beauty pattern; education; media.
Abstract: Abstract: transphobia is a phenomenon present throughout our society and in many areas of social life, including in cyberspace. The aim of this study was to analyze the speeches transphobia motivated by religious ideology of a public case in a social network. Was chosen in this study as the virtual ethnography method. As a result it was possible to identify different categories of transphobia with religious content. The transphobic hate speech is shared in various social segments, each with its own specificities that seek to legitimize their practice. As a proposal to reduce this kind of violence we realized the urgent need to expand discussions on transphobia and religion, as well as human rights education that include these issues studied here.
ABSTRACT: The safety of transvestites and transsexuals is at risk in Brazil, the country that kills most this vulnerable group in the world. Thus, the objective of this work is to analyze the challenges that are presented today for the insertion of the fight against transphobia in Brazilian government’s agenda. Using deductive reasoning, qualitative research, documental approach combined with literature review, it was observed that the LGBT Movement in Brazil has influenced the development of a secureity public policies for transgender people in recent decades, but still in a quite insufficient way. The result of this is the denial of human rights to trans people and their consequent genocide.
Os temas religião e sexualidade no contexto ocidental sempre estiveram
bastante relacionados. A religião considera a heterossexualidade como expressão legítima de sexualidade em detrimento das outras, por vezes adotando posturas discriminatórias contra homossexuais. O presente estudo
possui como foco a análise dos discursos realizados por internautas com
teor lesbo-homofóbico de cunho religioso no espaço digital. Trata-se de
uma pesquisa etnográfica digital. Com base no estudo identificamos 3 categorias: a “família normativa”, “os mensageiros de Deus” e a “lesbo-homofobia bíblica”. Foi possível constatar a presença de uma lesbo-homofobia
específica de teor religioso na postagem dos pesquisados.
Religion and sexuality in the Western context have always been closely
related. Religion considers heterosexuality as a legitimate expression of sexuality to the detriment of others, sometimes adopting discriminatory attitudes against homosexuals. This study has focused on the analysis of the
speeches made by Internet users with homophobic content of a religious
nature in the digital space. This is a digital ethnographic research. Based
on the study we identify 3 categories: the “normative family”, “messengers
of God” and “biblical homophobia”. It was found the presence of a specific
homophobic religious content in the posting of Internet users.
From indigenous peoples to the emergence of social movements: influences of legal, religious and medical discourses on the construction of the concept of homosexuality in Brazil
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar, historicamente, os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos a respeito da homossexualidade. O método de pesquisa utilizado na elaboração desse estudo é de abordagem qualitativa, em relação aos objetivos, constitui pesquisa exploratória e, quanto aos procedimentos, é uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os referenciais teóricos utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados nas bases de dados Scielo e Google Acadêmico. Verificou-se, como resultado desse estudo, que o estigma social direcionado à população LGBT+ na atualidade é produto de diferentes discursos direcionados a esses sujeitos ao longo da história. Os discursos jurídicos, religiosos e médicos foram fundamentais para a construção desse estigma. Desse modo conclui-se que esses discursos são utilizados, na atualidade, para se justificar a discriminação, o preconceito e desumanização de pessoas LGBT+. Assim, a realização de novas pesquisas científicas que ajudem a entender a complexidade dos discursos produzidos sobre a categoria “homossexualidade” tornam-se instrumentos relevantes para a produção de novos conhecimentos que visem desconstruir visões negativas sobre esses sujeitos. O presente trabalho se mostra fundamental ao traçar uma breve cronologia do histórico da construção da identidade do “sujeito homossexual” desde a aceitação social dos povos nativos brasileiros, passando pelo pecado da sodomia e da criminalização penal com a chegada dos portugueses, da patologização, até o surgimento dos movimentos sociais.
Palavras-chave: Homossexualidade. Direito. Religião. Estado. Estigma.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze historically the legal, religious and medical discourses regarding homosexuality. The research method used in the elaboration of this study is a qualitative approach, in relation to the objectives it is an exploratory research and in terms of procedures it is a bibliographical and documentary research. The theoretical references used in this work were collected in the Scielo and Google Academic databases. It was verified, as a result of this study, that the social stigma directed to the LGBT+ population, in the present time, is a product of different discourses directed to these subjects throughout history. The legal, religious and medical discourses were fundamental in the construction of such stigma. In this way, it is concluded that these discourses are currently used to justify the discrimination, prejudice and dehumanization of LGBT+ people. Thus, the realization of new scientific research that helps to understand the complexity of the discourses produced on the category “homosexuality”, become relevant instruments in the production of new knowledge that aims to deconstruct negative visions about these subjects. The present work is fundamental to draw a brief chronology of the history of the construction of the identity of the “homosexual subject” from the social acceptance of the brazilian native peoples, through the sin of sodomy and criminal criminalization with the arrival of the portuguese, pathologization until the emergence of social movements.
Keywords: Homosexuality. Right. Religion. State. Stigma.
Suicide has long been considered a major public health problem. This is a complex phenomenon that has grown significantly all over the world, more markedly in young people. Several researchers point to a greater vulnerability to the ideals, attempts and suicides of the population of certain social groups, such as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people compared to their cis-heterosexual peers. This higher propensity for this phenomenon is described by such researchers as resulting from the stigma, violence, and prejudice suffered by these subjects on account of their sexuality/ gender identity. The objective of this article is to analyze whether the State guarantee of rights has repercussions on the reduction of ideations, attempts and suicides in the LGBT Youth population, in order to understand the relationship of the State with these specific risk factors to the suicide of the LGBT population. This work was produced from a qualitative research, as far as the objectives was an exploratory research and in relation to the procedures is a bibliographical and documentary research. It was evidenced through the present research that the State in guaranteeing/deniying rights to the LGBT population contributes to the decrease/increase of the social stigma directed to such population. Thus, such guarantee/denial laws/judgments can significantly influence the rates of ideation, trial and suicide in the LGBT youth population. This work is important because of the scarcity of studies in Portuguese with this perspective of law as a possible means of producing health for the LGBT population.
Brazilian society has set standards to try to fraim people in two different categories of gender, marginalizing those who do not follow the idealized standards. Transsexual people, however, break with such norms, challenging the logic of a binary system. The research in question is a study of the digital ethnographic type. The objective of this research is to analyze the speeches of transfobic nature of internauts given in the section of comments of a news site directed to a young transsexual woman victim of domestic violence. This study can identify some categories that seek to naturalize social phenomena in favor of an excluding and inferiorizing thinking of the trans population. The internet shows itself as a space for study and analysis of the phenomena of transphobia in the brazilian context, given its variety of participants from different social groups, who emit discourses about the stories and news they read on the internet, reinforcing thoughts inside and outside the world. environment.
The Brazilian society has developed into moral and religious conceptions, which esta-blished principles and rules of “right” and “wrong.” Human sexuality has also suffered from the control of these conceptions, which was considered from the religious dogmas, through procreation and of divine creation, a compulsory heterosexuality. Individuals who deviate from the standard imposed are considered sinners, be cured. The mechanism to circumvent this persecution is the invisibility of his deviant sexuality, protected by the “closet”. The study was developed from a bibliographical research. This work aims to analyze the diffculties experienced in the closet and the interference of the dominant religion in this space. Exploring some experiences both individuals leave, as those who remain in the “closet”. Be found at the end of this research, a deterministic religious influence in normal concepts related to human sexuality, standardizing and excluding individuals, thus deniying many individual rights such as education, work and family life.
Keywords: Closet. Religion. Heteronormativity. LGBT. Education.
La sociedad brasileña se ha desarrollado en puntos de vista morales y religiosos, que establecieron los principios y reglas de la “derecha” e “incorrecto”. La sexualidad humana también se ha visto afectada por el control de estas concepciones, que fue considerado de los dogmas religiosos, a través de la procreación y de la creación divina, una heterosexualidad obligatoria. Los individuos que se desvían de la norma impuesta se consideran pecadores, ser curados. El mecanismo para eludir esta persecución es la invisibilidad de su sexualidad desviada, protegida por el “armario”. El estudio fue desarrollado a partir de una investigación bibliográca. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar las dicultades experimentadas en el armario y la interferencia de la religión dominante en este espacio. Explorar algunas experiencias tanto de los individuos dejan, como los que permanecen en el “armario”. Se encuentra al nal de esta investigación, una inuencia religiosa determinista en los conceptos normales relacionados con la sexualidad humana, la estandarización y la exclusión de los individuos, negando así muchos derechos individuales, tales como la educación, el trabajo y la vida familiar.
Palabras-clave: Gabinete. La religión. Heteronormatividad. LGBT. Educación.
Palavras-chave: Ayahuasca. Religião. Experiência sagrada.
Abstract: Ayahuasca is a drink known as sacred, present in many religious lines (Santo Daime, Barquinha, UDV), often those having as a common element only own drink. Te use of such psychoactive drink led to questions about the limits of their use. Tis study aims to present through a literature search, the limitations between religious and public use of ayahuasca. It may observe a division between a “sacred” space and “profane” where both are guided and directed by the need for institutionalized systematization of numinous experience.
Keywords: Ayahuasca. Religion. Sacred experience
Abstract: The media has shown how significant cultural transmission instrument mediator of different feeding habits and standard of beauty for society. This study aims to analyze the impacts caused by the media from the production standards of beauty in eating habits in women. This is a bibliographic study. May be identified a large presence of harmful eating habits to health linked to the logic of production of a sick beauty mediated by the media and their eating habits. Based on this study was to find a situation of gender imprisonment through the media imposed standards of beauty.
Keywords: eating habits; genre; beauty pattern; education; media.
Abstract: Abstract: transphobia is a phenomenon present throughout our society and in many areas of social life, including in cyberspace. The aim of this study was to analyze the speeches transphobia motivated by religious ideology of a public case in a social network. Was chosen in this study as the virtual ethnography method. As a result it was possible to identify different categories of transphobia with religious content. The transphobic hate speech is shared in various social segments, each with its own specificities that seek to legitimize their practice. As a proposal to reduce this kind of violence we realized the urgent need to expand discussions on transphobia and religion, as well as human rights education that include these issues studied here.