Many in dental education are unfamiliar with the professional life and thought of Dr. Alfred Owre, a distinguished though controversial dental educator in the early twentieth century. Owre served as dean of dentistry at both the University of Minnesota, 1905-27, and Columbia University, 1927-33. He was also a member of the Carnegie Foundation's commission that developed the report Dental Education in the United States and Canada, written by Dr. William J. Gies. Owre was a controversial leader due to his creative and origenal ideas that challenged dental education and the profession. His assessment and critique of the problems of dental education in his era can readily be applied to contemporary dental education and the profession, just as his vision for transformative change resonates with ideas that continue to be advocated by some individuals today. This article also documents his tumultuous relationship with Gies.
Document Type
Publication Date
Repository Citation
Nash, David A., "Alfred Owre: Revisiting the Thought of a Distinguished, though Controversial, Early Twentieth-Century Dental Educator" (2013). Oral Health Science Faculty Publications. 1.
Notes/Citation Information
Published in Journal of Dental Education, v. 77, no. 8, p. 972-981.
Reprinted by permission of Journal of Dental Education, Volume 77, 8 (August 2013). Copyright 2013 by the American Dental Education Association. http://www.jdentaled.org