University of Benin
Introduction. Adequate and safe blood supply has remained a challenge in developing countries like ours. There is a high dependency on family replacement and remunerated blood donors in our environment which carries an attendant increased... more
The objective was to determine the basic hematological parameters of remunerated blood donors in Benin City and to compare them with those of voluntary donors. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in a tertiary... more
Haematological malignancies (HM) are malignant disorders involving the haemopoietic system.
The peripheral blood film (PBF) is a laboratory work-up that involves cytology of peripheral blood cells smeared on a slide. As basic as it is, PBF is invaluable in the characterization of various clinical diseases. This article... more
Introduction: Viruses are implicated in the etiopathogenesis of malignancies. There is a high risk of reactivation of latent viral infections in persons with HMs. The sero-prevalence of some of these virus has not been reported in our... more
INTRODUCTION: Parvovirus B19 (PVB19) is a DNA virus transmissible by blood transfusion. It is a major cause of aplastic crisis especially in chronic haemolytic anaemic patients such as sickle cell disease patients. OBJECTIVE: The study... more
INTRODUCTION: APLA have been associated with a number of obstetric complications however their role in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia has remained an issue of controversy. There is a dearth of information on APLA in preeclamptic women... more
To compare the incidence of polycythemia in newborns of women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) with those of normotensive mothers, to determine the incidence of perinatal stress using Apgar scores and to correlate hematocrit... more
Purpose Novel therapy has dramatically changed the outcome of patients with myeloma. Current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines give bortezomib-based combinations a central role in the management of multiple myeloma (MM).... more
IntroductIon Hemophilia is a lifelong bleeding disorder which is potentially disabling, depending on the bleeding phenotype of the person. It is classified as mild, moderate, or severe depending on the specific plasma factor levels.... more
Essentials • Sickle cell disease is characterized by alteration of the hemostatic system. • The study was carried out in the hematology department at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. • Hematocrit and VWF were positively... more
IntRoductIon Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive structural hemoglobin disorder with a highly variable clinical spectrum. The most prevalent form is sickle cell anemia (HbSS), which is due to the... more
Background: Bleeding disorders (BDs) are characterized by abnormal bleeding for which effective management requires a combination of skill, workforce, diagnostic facilities, and adequate therapeutic options. Objectives: The objectives of... more
Introduction: Sickle cell disease (SCD) poses a major public health challenge in sub-Saharan Africa particularly Nigeria and other parts of the world. Bone pain crisis (BPC) is a major clinical manifestation of SCD among others. BPC rate... more
Background: Protein C (PC) deficiency has been reported in sickle cell disease (SCD) and postulated to contribute to the pathogenesis as well as clinical manifestations of SCD. However there is paucity of data on PC in Nigerian patients... more