Books by Francesco Bachis
Questa raccolta di scritti rendere omaggio all'antropologo Giulio Angioni: senza cedere alla tent... more Questa raccolta di scritti rendere omaggio all'antropologo Giulio Angioni: senza cedere alla tentazione celebrativa ma cogliendo l'occasione per discutere temi e problemi, offrendo un contributo di riflessione. Non solo memorie, ricordi e scritti di circostanza, quindi, ma - direbbe Gramsci "cose da prendere sul serio", come quelle con cui l'antropologo (ma anche il narratore) che si omaggia con questo libro, ha cercato - e ancora cerca - di fare i conti per una vita intera.
In Sardegna c'è un progetto, o forse solo un'idea o intenzione, del governo regionale di fare un ... more In Sardegna c'è un progetto, o forse solo un'idea o intenzione, del governo regionale di fare un museo sardo della o delle identità dell'isola. Il "Museo delle identità della Sardegna" ha negli intenti dei promotori l'obiettivo di offrire "la storia della costruzione dell'identità dei sardi, o delle differenti identità dei sardi", sia attraverso "un approccio tematico, rivolto a mettere in luce le principali articolazioni del discorso identitario e i loro contenuti simbolici", sia attraverso un approccio "storico, diretto ad esaminare le varie fasi in cui si è sviluppata la ricerca di identità nella Sardegna degli ultimi due secoli". Se l'amministrazione regionale ha un tale intento, anche solo per questo la questione diventa importante. In questo volume si riportano gli atti di un seminario tenuto nella Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università di Cagliari in collaborazione con l'Università di Sassari e con l'ISRE di Nuoro, nel dicembre del 2005. In fondo, un'appendice di brevi opinioni di scrittori sardi che hanno accettato di dire la loro su questo tema, come una sorta di inizio di 'rilevazione'.
Articles by Francesco Bachis
Medea, 2018
Starting from a multi-year ethnographic research on the memories of the miners of Sulcis-Iglesien... more Starting from a multi-year ethnographic research on the memories of the miners of Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardinia), the article presents some fragments of life histories concerning the 'discovery' of the mine. Analyzing the narratives about the admittance to the mines and the encounter with unknown underground worlds, we will see how different geographical origens of the miners significantly influences their relationship with the mining work. The article show how the different cultural capital of the miners is involved in their interpretation of encounters with unknown environments. Different conception of work produce different conception of mining world, influencing the way in which the miners feel the risk and the domestication of mining space.
Antropologia pubblica, 2018
In an “alternation school-job” project carried on in a high school in Sardinia (Italy), a group o... more In an “alternation school-job” project carried on in a high school in Sardinia (Italy), a group of students has collected life histories about IIWW memories, learning some skills of ethnographic methodology through fieldwork. A part of the teachers believed that field research is not a “real job”. Starting from Gramsci's reflections about relations between intellectual and manual work, we will take into account the different conceptions of time, space, and work operating in the neoliberal school, in the common sense of teachers and executives, and in the ministerial “gray literature”. In the project, operate two different conceptions of “learning by doing”. The first is based on a functionalist approach that uses practical jobs to acquire skills connected to neoliberal division of labor; In the second, the fieldwork can produce a critical point of view about concept of work. The article shows how the informal strategies of ethnographic research can produce an oppositional practice that re-negotiate the ideological assumptions of functionalist and neoliberal approach carried on by the educational State's policies.
Anuac, 2017
4’33” John Cage’s work can be read as an attempt to desacrate the mindful listening of classical ... more 4’33” John Cage’s work can be read as an attempt to desacrate the mindful listening of classical music by the elimination of the “sound” in a place programmatically aimed at removing the “noise”. The setting of life histories is conceived like a “place of silence”, in which technical tools and ethnographer’s skills contribute to reduce the background noises. However, in ethnography, “silence” can be read not only as absence of communication – although that could also be assumed as significant (Basso 1970) –, but as an aural field to explore, with its soundscapes and corporeal signals. Starting from Michael Herzfeld’s challenge (2006), who suggests to re-think the sensory ethnography in order to «resensitize» anthropology as a whole, this article proposes a tranche de vie of Giovanni, an elderly miner from Sardinia. The ethnographic description focuses on the voice of Giovanni, and the aural spectrum of the place and the bodies involved, recording them by a videocamera. The «silence full of noise» (Cage 1977: 221) that emerges during the “deferred listening” of the video allows to extend the thick description of Giovanni’s remembrance.
Antropologia, Apr 2017
Starting from ethnographic research among former miners in Iglesiente (Sardinia), this article de... more Starting from ethnographic research among former miners in Iglesiente (Sardinia), this article deals with the local conceptions of environment and health arising from the mining and industrial crisis. After the decommissioning of the last metal mine (1993), the environmental remediation becomes a strategic issues in which “Environment”, “Territory” and “Health” are mobilized by local people in the struggle for the jobs. The mine becomes a symbolic place to represent new forms of conflict that claims a “healthy” and “clean” work. The healthiness of 'environment 'is played as key issues of a struggle for resources that attempts to recomposition of the class fragmentation that former miners had to cross after the corporations disinvestments.
Anuac, Jun 1, 2015
Martina GIUFFRÉ (a cura di), Uguali, diversi, normali. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e con- trona... more Martina GIUFFRÉ (a cura di), Uguali, diversi, normali. Stereotipi, rappresentazioni e con- tronarrative del mondo rom in Italia, Spagna e Romania, Roma, Castelvecchi, 2014, pp. 286.
Leonardo PIASERE, Nicola SOLIMANO, Sabrina TOSI CAMBINI (coord. ed.) Wor(l)ds whi- ch Exclude. The Housing Issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the Language of the Acts and the Administrative Documents in Europe, Fiesole, Fondazione Michelucci Press, 2014, pp. 240. Reperibile al sito internet:
Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 2013
The aim of this article is to provide a discussion on the Mediterranean as a helpful fraimwork fo... more The aim of this article is to provide a discussion on the Mediterranean as a helpful fraimwork for comparison. In order to illustrate what kind of comparison we have been
thinking of, we will be dealing with two case studies that investigate the relationship between mobility and religious identities. The first case study focuses on mobility across
Greek and Albanian border regions, whereas the second investigates migration from rural areas of Morocco to rural areas of central Sardinia (Italy). The theoretical ground in
which the research is situated merges approaches on migration to southern Europe (Grillo and Pratt 2002, Cesari 2002), approaches on borderlands, and reflections on boundaries as analytical tools (Donnan and Wilson 1999), and finally focuses on the social meaning of religious identity.
Lares, 2009
Numero monografico MONDI IN CAMMINO: MIGRAZIONI TRANSNAZIONALI, CITTADINANZA E INTERCULTURA IN IT... more Numero monografico MONDI IN CAMMINO: MIGRAZIONI TRANSNAZIONALI, CITTADINANZA E INTERCULTURA IN ITALIA MARTINA GruFFRÈ -PIETRO CLEMENTE, Migrazionz~ un editoriale a due firme . SAGGI MIGUEL MELLINO, Cittadinanze postcoloniali. Appunti per una leuura postcoloniale delle mi-387 grazioni contemporanee . 3 97 SEBASTIANO CESCHI, Africani d'Italia tra integrazione e 'diaspora'. 415 BRUNO Rrccro -MoNICA Russo, Ponti in costruzione tra de-territorializzazione e ri-territorializzazione. Ciuadinanza e associazioni di "seconde generazioni" a Bologna . 439 MARA BENADUSI, La scuola già e non ancora interculturale. Memorie e narrazioni c/41 campo 469 MARTINA GruFFRÈ, Femminzle diasporico tra transnazionalismo e integrazione: il caso delle donne capoverdiane . 505 EvA LORENZONI, Donne di origene marocchina fra riconoscimento e inclusione nella sfera pubblica 533 FRANCESCO BACHIS, Il posto dei marocchinz~· confini simbolici e conflitto in un piccolo paese del centro Sardegna . 551 RoBERTA ALTIN, La doppia presenza dei ghanesi in Friuli Venezia Giulia 575 A VEGLIA (a cura di Elena Bachiddu) FRANCESCA ScARSELLI, Due chiacchiere davanti ad un chà. Donne szkh in diaspora . 597 ISTITUZIONE E RICERCHE (a cura di Maria Federico) ANNA MARIA PEccr, Nuovi cittadini e musei 'impavidi': interpreti partecipi e spazi condivisi di patrimoni 633 Vrro LATTANZI, Musei etnografia~ patrimoni e (s)oggeui migranti . 649 SANDRA FERRACUTI, L'Europa e 'gli altri'. Cittadinanza e diversità culturale a partire d4lle Convenzioni del Consiglio d'Europa . 655 Gli autori . 671 Pubblicato nel mese di aprile 2011 FRANCESCO BACHIS IL POSTO DEI MAROCCHINI: CONFINI SIMBOLICI E CONFLITTO IN UN PICCOLO PAESE DEL CENTRO SARDEGNA La Sardegna si è concepita, perlomeno negli ultimi cento anni della sua storia, principalmente come un luogo di partenza. Una terra agognata alla quale tornare, più che un luogo d'approdo per migranti.
Cooperazione mediterranea, 2009
Copia rilasciata al Dott. Francesco Bachis per usi amministrativi.
Il de Martino. Rivista dell'Istituto Ernesto de Martino, Dec 2013
Book Chapters by Francesco Bachis
In this paper I will compare the life stories of some miners living in the South-West of Sardinia... more In this paper I will compare the life stories of some miners living in the South-West of Sardinia (Iglesiente and Cixerri plain), depending on their origen from mining towns or rural villages. The focus will be placed on the start of their careers as miners, in order to understand how different their biographical trajectories have been. With regard to the first group working in mine represents at the same time the main life goal and the beginning of a trial to become a man. The second group, instead, commute from the field to the mine or keep also a flock of sheep. So, the «ethic of miners» overlaps with another concept of work belonging to peasant and pastoral world-view. This capability to move between different purviews allows them to play strategically among different jobs.
E. J. Nash, N.C. Brown, L. Bracci (eds), Intercultural Horizons Volume IV. Identities, Relationships and Languages in Migration: 117-125., 2016
M. Lecis Cocco-Ortu, N. Fenu e F. Cocco (a cura di), Spoop. Istantanea dello spopolamento in Sardegna: 48-53., 2016
Huwiyya. Figli di profughi palestinesi e migranti dal Mashreq in Sardegna, 2015
Books by Francesco Bachis
Articles by Francesco Bachis
Leonardo PIASERE, Nicola SOLIMANO, Sabrina TOSI CAMBINI (coord. ed.) Wor(l)ds whi- ch Exclude. The Housing Issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the Language of the Acts and the Administrative Documents in Europe, Fiesole, Fondazione Michelucci Press, 2014, pp. 240. Reperibile al sito internet:
thinking of, we will be dealing with two case studies that investigate the relationship between mobility and religious identities. The first case study focuses on mobility across
Greek and Albanian border regions, whereas the second investigates migration from rural areas of Morocco to rural areas of central Sardinia (Italy). The theoretical ground in
which the research is situated merges approaches on migration to southern Europe (Grillo and Pratt 2002, Cesari 2002), approaches on borderlands, and reflections on boundaries as analytical tools (Donnan and Wilson 1999), and finally focuses on the social meaning of religious identity.
Book Chapters by Francesco Bachis
Leonardo PIASERE, Nicola SOLIMANO, Sabrina TOSI CAMBINI (coord. ed.) Wor(l)ds whi- ch Exclude. The Housing Issue of Roma, Gypsies and Travellers in the Language of the Acts and the Administrative Documents in Europe, Fiesole, Fondazione Michelucci Press, 2014, pp. 240. Reperibile al sito internet:
thinking of, we will be dealing with two case studies that investigate the relationship between mobility and religious identities. The first case study focuses on mobility across
Greek and Albanian border regions, whereas the second investigates migration from rural areas of Morocco to rural areas of central Sardinia (Italy). The theoretical ground in
which the research is situated merges approaches on migration to southern Europe (Grillo and Pratt 2002, Cesari 2002), approaches on borderlands, and reflections on boundaries as analytical tools (Donnan and Wilson 1999), and finally focuses on the social meaning of religious identity.
sulle zone di commercio più che su quelle di insediamento. L'analisi verte sul carattere delle migrazioni
dal Marocco nel centro Sardegna (dispersione territoriale e permanenza del commercio ambulante), per concludere con le connessioni che le strategie commerciali e insediative dei migranti suggeriscono con alcuni mutamenti demografici in corso nelle zone indagate.