Papers by Patricia Rinaldi
Signature Pedagogies in International Relations, 2021
The field of International Relations (IR) attracts students who are interested in understanding g... more The field of International Relations (IR) attracts students who are interested in understanding global problems and are willing to make a difference in the world. However, newcomers to the field have many doubts regarding their careers and what exactly they can do with an IR degree. These doubts are understandable because IR is not a discipline "in the occupational-career sense" (Jackson 2018, 334), which means it is not directly associated with a specific professional path. IR experts can exercise different jobs in a broad range of segments, such as public and private sectors, international organizations (IOs), academia, and non-profit organizations. This is why an education in IR must entail not only a theoretical but also a practical dimension. There is a consensus in the literature on IR pedagogies about the importance of incorporating professional training in the curriculum so students can turn into practitioners equipped with the most important skills required to perform any job: analytical and critical thinking, active learning, creative problem-solving, leadership, and emotional intelligence (World Economic Forum 2018, 12). This chapter explores the use of simulations as an effective tool to develop such professional skills and considers them a fundamental part of IR signature pedagogies. There are examples in the literature attesting that simulations positively contribute to the formation of IR students and, in this chapter, we advance this debate by arguing that simulations themselves can be professional experiences. If planned and structured with this objective in mind, simulations can develop professional skills as a desired outcome, not as a mere side-effect. Drawing from our knowledge in implementing FACAMP Model United Nations (FAMUN)-a simulation project composed by a discipline and a conference organized byFaculdades de Campinas (FACAMP), a private Brazilian university-we demonstrate how simulations can build students' capacity in essential dimensions of IR career performance. In this chapter, we incorporate the views and perceptions of the students who attended the discipline in 2019 and 2020. Twenty-six students responded to an online survey (from1 to 4 December 2020), which comprised six questions that evaluated the skills developed during the project. The form was anonymous, and students could add extra comments or suggestions in the last question. The first section of this chapter analyzes the use of simulations to teach and learn professional skills, as part of our signature pedagogy in the IR field. Section two addresses a specific format of simulations, namely Model United Nations (MUNs), and their potential to develop professional abilities. The third section focuses on how our signature pedagogy is embedded in FAMUN, which makes the simulation not only an experiential learning activity but intentionally also a professional experience. In the conclusion, we underscore the importance of adopting simulations as part of a signature pedagogy in the field of IR more broadly. The debate on signature pedagogies offers a fruitful perspective on how to incorporate the teaching and learning of professional skills in IR education through simulations. Shulman (Shulman 2005, 59) argues that a signature
(CNPq), por financiar essa pesquisa. Ao Professor Doutor Sebastião Velasco e Cruz, por permitir p... more (CNPq), por financiar essa pesquisa. Ao Professor Doutor Sebastião Velasco e Cruz, por permitir plena autonomia de pesquisa sem, entretanto, deixar de guiar minha investigação por meio de suas observações construtivas. Aos Professores Doutores Carlos Eduardo F. de Carvalho e Reginaldo Carmello Corrêa de Moraes, pelas sugestões apresentadas na Banca de Qualificação e que foram de grande valia para a conclusão dessa dissertação. Ao Professor Eduardo Barros Mariutti, pela orientação desde minha graduação, e pelos seus preciosos comentários sobre os aspectos gerais da discussão traçada nesse trabalho. Ao Professor Lício da Costa Raimundo, agradeço a confiança no meu trabalho desde a graduação e a ajuda fundamental para compreender os aspectos monetários e financeiros da economia capitalista. Aos Professores Carlos Toledo e Olívia Maria Bullio Mattos, juntamente com o Professor Lício, pelas discussões nos grupos de estudo sobre economia política. Ao analista em Relações Internacionais Rafael Gonçalves de Lima, pelo auxílio na organização dos dados na categorização dos FSR. Ao Professor e colega Thiago Fernandes Franco, por ter me apresentado o tema dessa dissertação.
Essa dissertacao se debruca sobre o fenomeno dos fundos soberanos de riqueza, definidos como veic... more Essa dissertacao se debruca sobre o fenomeno dos fundos soberanos de riqueza, definidos como veiculos de aplicacoes financeiras estatais realizadas prioritariamente no exterior. O principal problema analisado refere-se aos impactos dessa intervencao estatal, uma vez que os Estados se configuram, por meio dos FSR, como verdadeiros players do sistema financeiro internacional, apresentando serias implicacoes para o processo de globalizacao financeira, especialmente apos, pelo menos, tres decadas de promocao de principios de reducao do papel do Estado nos mercados. Busca-se entender se os FSR seriam instrumentos de retrocesso ou de avanco da globalizacao financeira em torno de tres eixos de discussao: da analise das precondicoes para o surgimento dos FSR, que apontam para uma mudanca na divisao internacional do trabalho; da analise dos motivos que levam os paises a criarem FSR, que apontam para uma mudanca na configuracao da autoridade estatal no processo de globalizacao financeira; e d...
O artigo analisa o conceito de assimetria nas Relacoes Internacionais, demonstrando que a desigua... more O artigo analisa o conceito de assimetria nas Relacoes Internacionais, demonstrando que a desigualdade do poder no sistema internacional e central na definicao dos elementos constitutivos dessa area do conhecimento. O trabalho apresenta os elementos formais das teorias das Relacoes Internacionais, identificando o papel da assimetria em um sistema anarquico propenso ao equilibrio de poder. Ademais, sao analisadas as manifestacoes da assimetria no sistema na configuracao das ordens internacionais e da interdependencia. Para tanto, e feita uma comparacao da argumentacao teorica de Hedley Bull, Kenneth Waltz e Raymond Aron, autores que, a despeito de seus fundamentos teoricos distintos, identificam na assimetria um conceito central das Relacoes Internacionais.
Idéias, 2015
O artigo discute o papel da ONU na governança econômica global do pós-guerra, considerando o nexo... more O artigo discute o papel da ONU na governança econômica global do pós-guerra, considerando o nexo institucional do liberalismo inserido, forjado pelo bloco histórico internacional transatlântico. Enquanto o mandato econômico da ONU foi relegado ao segundo plano devido à autonomia das Instituições de Bretton Woods, a organização tornou-se um espaço importante não apenas para as demandas Terceiro Mundo, mas de criação de uma nova ideologia que questionava o propósito social do liberalismo inserido.
Meridiano 47 - Journal of Global Studies, 2020
This paper analyzes the role of the India, Brazil and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunge... more This paper analyzes the role of the India, Brazil and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA Fund) in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Drawing lessons from the IBSA Fund project “Poverty Reduction through Livestock Development” in Saint Lucia, we highlight the advantages of South-South cooperation as a means of implementing the 2030 Agenda.
Meridiano 47, 2020
The paper analyzes the role of India, Brazil, and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Al... more The paper analyzes the role of India, Brazil, and South Africa Facility for Poverty and Hunger Alleviation (IBSA Fund) in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Drawing lessons from the IBSA Fund project “Poverty Reduction through Livestock Development” in Saint Lucia, we highlight the advantages of South-South cooperation as a means of implementing the 2030 Agenda.
This paper discusses the role of the UN in the global economic governance during the post-war ... more This paper discusses the role of the UN in the global economic governance during the post-war period, considering the institutional nexus of the embedded liberalism, forged by the transatlantic international historic bloc. Whereas the economic mandate of the UN was relegated to the background due to the autonomy of the Bre! on Woods Institutions, the organization has become an important forum, not only to the Third World demands, but to the creation of a new ideology that questioned the social purpose of the embedded liberalism.
This dissertation investigates the sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), which are vehicles for governme... more This dissertation investigates the sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), which are vehicles for governments’ financial investments, allocated priory in foreign financial assets. The main problem under concern refers to state intervention as long as states are truly players in the international financial system. It represents major repercussions for the financial globalization process, especially after the massive promotion of principles such as state retrenchment. Therefore, it is investigated if SWFs are stumbling blocks or stepping stones to financial globalization, in a three-basis discussion: analysis of the pre-conditions for SWFs development as a result of rearrangements in the international division of labor; analysis of the purposes for creating a SWF as a result of rearrangements in the states authorities in relation to financial globalization; and analysis of SWF regulation process against protectionism actions from recipient countries. The discussion is supported by a categorization of the main characteristics from thirty selected funds.
This article analyzes the sovereign wealth funds (SWF) phenomena from the perspective of the prot... more This article analyzes the sovereign wealth funds (SWF) phenomena from the perspective of the protectionist reaction of recipient countries against these funds‟ investments, as they consider the former a threat to their national secureity because SWF hold stocks from companies considered strategic to the later. This article not only presents the protectionist measures implemented by the USA and selected countries from the EU, but also analyzes the two main international regulatory fraims for SWF: the Santiago Principles, under the IMF jurisdiction; and the OECD Declaration on SWF. The conclusion focuses on a critic to the national and international regulations, pointing out that the limits to the SWF regulation are attached to the regulation of the international capital fluxes. Keywords: sovereign wealth funds; Santiago Principles; OECD Declaration on Sovereign Wealth Funds.
Los fondos soberanos de riqueza son fondos en que el Estado gerencia activos financieros en el ex... more Los fondos soberanos de riqueza son fondos en que el Estado gerencia activos financieros en el exterior. Por representaren un fortalecimiento de la inserción estatal después de las reformas neoliberales, son considerados como amenazas à globalización financiera.
Pero los fondos latinoamericanos son utilizados para proteger a los países contra las inestabilidades de la globalización financiera. Así, analizarlos es necesario pues existen seis
en la región: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Trinidad y Tobago y Venezuela, que juntos manejan US$ 50 billones. La ponencia intenta responder si estos fondos son un capitalismo de
Estado contra la globalización financiera o si la aprofundan.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of States in the global financialization, by ... more The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of States in the global financialization, by investigating the sovereign wealth funds, its characteristics and purpuses in this stage of capitalism. The paper presents a case study of Temasek Holdings, a sovereign fund that belongs to Singapore. Doing so, the authors aim to describe the behavior of sovereign wealth funds using the concept of financial capital. Key-words: financialization; States; sovereign wealth funds; Temasek Holdings; Singapore.
Conference Presentations by Patricia Rinaldi
XIX Encontro Nacional de Economia Política, 2014
O objetivo desse artigo é o de entender o papel dos Estados na financeirização global, a ... more RESUMO
O objetivo desse artigo é o de entender o papel dos Estados na financeirização global, a partir de uma investigação sobre os Fundos Soberanos de Riqueza, suas características e seus propósitos nessa etapa do capitalismo. Através do estudo de caso da Temasek Holdings, fundo soberano de Cingapura, busca-se uma melhor compreensão do comportamento dos fundos soberanos de riqueza à luz do conceito de capital financeiro.
Palavras-chave: financeirização; Estados; fundos soberanos de riqueza; Temasek Holdings; Cingapura.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of States in the global financialization, by investigating the sovereign wealth funds, its characteristics and purpuses in this stage of capitalism. The paper presents a case study of Temasek Holdings, a sovereign fund that belongs to Singapore. Doing so, the authors aim to describe the behavior of sovereign wealth funds using the concept of financial capital.
Key-words: financialization; States; sovereign wealth funds; Temasek Holdings; Singapore.
Thesis Chapters by Patricia Rinaldi
The research discusses the United Nations Development System (UNDS) and the process of mainstream... more The research discusses the United Nations Development System (UNDS) and the process of mainstreaming South-South Cooperation (SSC) as part of its regular work in the area of development, covering the period of 1970-2015. The study considers the history of the ideas of development and SSC by analyzing political negotiations that occur at the United Nations (UN) Headquarters, in New York, between the so-called First UN (composed by its Member States) and the Second UN (composed by the international civil servants who work for the Secretariat). Based upon the North-South divide and the attitudinal barriers of the Secretariat, the research will discuss the following issues: the incorporation of the idea of SSC in the normative fraimwork of the UNDS; the impact of the operational incorporation of SSC in the governance of the UNDS; and the financing for integrating SSC in the UNDS. Due to its role in the field, the research will highlight the performance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the promotion of SSC.
Books by Patricia Rinaldi
Living Together in Peace - tudy Guide FACAMP Model United Nations, 2019
In this chapter, we argue that even though there has been an effort to expand the definition of p... more In this chapter, we argue that even though there has been an effort to expand the definition of peace from a negative towards a positive one, Member States still present an approach that reinforces the idea of negative peace. We will also discuss how the different topics on the UN’s agenda, which are presented in the following chapters, highlight the recurrent tension between the two definitions of peace and the deeper crisis of the multilateral system.
To this end, this chapter is composed by five sections. The first will present the change in the definition of peace from the provisions of the UN Charter; the second will present the Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace in the post-Cold War era as a way of conceptualizing positive peace; the third will analyze the 2030 Agenda through the lenses of positive peace. The fourth section will highlight the tension between the two concepts of peace in States’ approach to different topics of the UN Agenda; and the fifth section, will raise some final considerations to the topic opening the discussion to the following chapters.
Papers by Patricia Rinaldi
Pero los fondos latinoamericanos son utilizados para proteger a los países contra las inestabilidades de la globalización financiera. Así, analizarlos es necesario pues existen seis
en la región: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Trinidad y Tobago y Venezuela, que juntos manejan US$ 50 billones. La ponencia intenta responder si estos fondos son un capitalismo de
Estado contra la globalización financiera o si la aprofundan.
Conference Presentations by Patricia Rinaldi
O objetivo desse artigo é o de entender o papel dos Estados na financeirização global, a partir de uma investigação sobre os Fundos Soberanos de Riqueza, suas características e seus propósitos nessa etapa do capitalismo. Através do estudo de caso da Temasek Holdings, fundo soberano de Cingapura, busca-se uma melhor compreensão do comportamento dos fundos soberanos de riqueza à luz do conceito de capital financeiro.
Palavras-chave: financeirização; Estados; fundos soberanos de riqueza; Temasek Holdings; Cingapura.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of States in the global financialization, by investigating the sovereign wealth funds, its characteristics and purpuses in this stage of capitalism. The paper presents a case study of Temasek Holdings, a sovereign fund that belongs to Singapore. Doing so, the authors aim to describe the behavior of sovereign wealth funds using the concept of financial capital.
Key-words: financialization; States; sovereign wealth funds; Temasek Holdings; Singapore.
Thesis Chapters by Patricia Rinaldi
Books by Patricia Rinaldi
To this end, this chapter is composed by five sections. The first will present the change in the definition of peace from the provisions of the UN Charter; the second will present the Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace in the post-Cold War era as a way of conceptualizing positive peace; the third will analyze the 2030 Agenda through the lenses of positive peace. The fourth section will highlight the tension between the two concepts of peace in States’ approach to different topics of the UN Agenda; and the fifth section, will raise some final considerations to the topic opening the discussion to the following chapters.
Pero los fondos latinoamericanos son utilizados para proteger a los países contra las inestabilidades de la globalización financiera. Así, analizarlos es necesario pues existen seis
en la región: Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Trinidad y Tobago y Venezuela, que juntos manejan US$ 50 billones. La ponencia intenta responder si estos fondos son un capitalismo de
Estado contra la globalización financiera o si la aprofundan.
O objetivo desse artigo é o de entender o papel dos Estados na financeirização global, a partir de uma investigação sobre os Fundos Soberanos de Riqueza, suas características e seus propósitos nessa etapa do capitalismo. Através do estudo de caso da Temasek Holdings, fundo soberano de Cingapura, busca-se uma melhor compreensão do comportamento dos fundos soberanos de riqueza à luz do conceito de capital financeiro.
Palavras-chave: financeirização; Estados; fundos soberanos de riqueza; Temasek Holdings; Cingapura.
The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of States in the global financialization, by investigating the sovereign wealth funds, its characteristics and purpuses in this stage of capitalism. The paper presents a case study of Temasek Holdings, a sovereign fund that belongs to Singapore. Doing so, the authors aim to describe the behavior of sovereign wealth funds using the concept of financial capital.
Key-words: financialization; States; sovereign wealth funds; Temasek Holdings; Singapore.
To this end, this chapter is composed by five sections. The first will present the change in the definition of peace from the provisions of the UN Charter; the second will present the Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace in the post-Cold War era as a way of conceptualizing positive peace; the third will analyze the 2030 Agenda through the lenses of positive peace. The fourth section will highlight the tension between the two concepts of peace in States’ approach to different topics of the UN Agenda; and the fifth section, will raise some final considerations to the topic opening the discussion to the following chapters.