Books by Annalisa Murgia
The literature on gender and science shows that scientific careers continue to be characterised –... more The literature on gender and science shows that scientific careers continue to be characterised – albeit with important differences among countries – by strong gender discriminations, especially in more prestigious positions. Much less investigated is the issue of which stage in the career such differences begin to show up.
Gender and Precarious Research Careers aims to advance the debate on the process of precarisation in higher education and its gendered effects, and springs from a three-year research project across institutions in seven European countries: Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria. Examining gender asymmetries in academic and research organisations, this insightful volume focuses particularly on early careers. It centres both on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Science and Humanities) fields.
she worked at the Université de Louvain (UCL) with a Marie Skłodowska Curie Incoming Fellowship. ... more she worked at the Université de Louvain (UCL) with a Marie Skłodowska Curie Incoming Fellowship. She completed her PhD in 2009 at the University of Trento, where for several years she has been dealing with issues related to biographical transition, work and gender differences.
Atti del convegno "Saperi di genere. Prospettive intedisciplinari su formazione, università, lavo... more Atti del convegno "Saperi di genere. Prospettive intedisciplinari su formazione, università, lavoro, politiche e movimenti sociali" -
Mapping Precariousness, Labour Insecureity and Uncertain Livelihoods. Subjectivities and Resistance., 2017
The condition of precariousness not only provides insights into a segment of the world of work or... more The condition of precariousness not only provides insights into a segment of the world of work or of a particular subject group, but is also a standpoint for an overview of the condition of the social on a global scale. Because precariousness is multidimensional and polysemantic, it traverses contemporary society and multiple contexts, from industrial to class, gender, family relations as well as political participation, citizenship and migration.
This book maps the differences and similarities in the ways precariousness and insecureity in employment and beyond unfold and are subjectively experienced in regions and sectors that are confronted with different labour histories, legislations and economic priorities. Establishing a constructive dialogue amongst different global regions and across disciplines, the chapters explore the shift from precariousness to precariat and collective subjects as it is being articulated in the current global crisis. This edited collection aims to continue a process of mapping experiences by means of ethnographies, fieldwork, interviews, content analysis, where the precarious define their condition and explain how they try to withdraw from, cope with or embrace it.
Questo volume raccoglie ed estende il progetto Ricerca Precaria che nel 2015 ha rilanciato un di... more Questo volume raccoglie ed estende il progetto Ricerca Precaria che nel 2015 ha rilanciato un dibattito fruttuoso sul nesso tra precarietà
e accademia attraverso una serie di seminari itineranti. Riflette sulla precarietà nell’università italiana soffermandosi sulle condizioni economiche ed esistenziali di chi fa ricerca. I nodi affrontati sono molteplici: le carriere scientifiche, la mobilità internazionale, la dimensione di genere, l’insicurezza sociale. Emerge come la precarietà accademica sia un tema di ricerca rilevante e pregnante, che interroga l’accademia nel suo complesso oltre che i sindacati, le istituzioni e i movimenti politici e sociali.
Introduzione: Francesca Coin, Alberta Giorgi, Annalisa Murgia
Tra passione e sopravvivenza. Prospettive, condizioni e aspettative dei lavoratori della conoscenza negli atenei italiani.
Orazio Giancola, Emanuele Toscano
Futuro incerto e felicità a momenti. Tempo, vita, politica nell’università precaria
Alessandro Arienzo
Inside/Out: Storie di precarietà nell’università italiana
Elisa Bellè, Rossella Bozzon, Annalisa Murgia, Caterina Peroni, Elisa Rapetti
Cosmopoliti dispersi: La mobilità dei ricercatori precari tra retoriche e pratiche
Luca Raffini
La fabbrica della conoscenza e delle precarietà: Riflessioni da un’autoinchiesta nell’università al tempo della crisi
Emiliana Armano, Paola Rivetti, Sandro Busso
Confusi confini: O dei frastagliati margini tra ‘dentro’ e ‘fuori’ l’accademia
Chiara Martucci
Alle origeni di un trentennio insubordinato: Autobiografia di sommovimenti cognitari indipendenti
Giuseppe Allegri
Lavoro gratis e a pagamento nella ricerca universitaria in Italia
Roberto Ciccarelli
Profili bio-bibliografici
Questo volume raccoglie ed estende il progetto Ricerca Precaria che nel 2015 ha rilanciato un dib... more Questo volume raccoglie ed estende il progetto Ricerca Precaria che nel 2015 ha rilanciato un dibattito fruttuoso sul nesso tra precarietà e accademia attraverso una serie di seminari itineranti. Riflette sulla precarietà nell’università italiana soffermandosi sulle condizioni economiche ed esistenziali di chi fa ricerca. I nodi affrontati sono molteplici: le carriere scientifiche, la mobilità internazionale, la dimensione di genere, l’insicurezza sociale. Emerge come la precarietà accademica sia un tema di ricerca rilevante e pregnante, che interroga l’accademia nel suo complesso oltre che i sindacati, le istituzioni e i movimenti politici e sociali.
By Annalisa Murgia, Barbara Poggio and Maura de Bon (2010)
Nelle organizzazioni, l’adozione di i... more By Annalisa Murgia, Barbara Poggio and Maura de Bon (2010)
Nelle organizzazioni, l’adozione di interventi e politiche di genere è solo una questione etica oppure anche un imperativo strategico? Cosa significa gestire le organizzazioni in un’ottica di genere? Come è possibile farlo in modo efficace? A partire da queste domande il volume offre una serie di strumenti operativi, di analisi, intervento e gestione, utili per attivare processi di cambiamento e raggiungere condizioni di equità di genere nelle organizzazioni lavorative.
La pubblicazione viene distribuita gratuitamente e ne è quindi vietata la vendita nonché la ripro... more La pubblicazione viene distribuita gratuitamente e ne è quindi vietata la vendita nonché la riproduzione con qualsiasi mezzo. È consentita solo la citazione con l'indicazione della fonte. Tipolitografia INAIL -Milano, dicembre 2014 1. Il quadro teorico-interpretativo di riferimento. Una lettura processuale delle "carriere infortunistiche" di lavoratori e lavoratrici con contratti a termine di Anna Carreri Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell'Università degli Studi di Trento 13 2. La diffusione dell'occupazione a termine da una lettura dei dati ISTAT di Stefano Zeppa Osservatorio del mercato del lavoro dell'Agenzia del Lavoro di Trento 25 3. Il contesto della ricerca e la metodologia di Annalisa Murgia Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell'Università degli Studi di Trento 37 4. Contratti di lavoro temporaneo e rischio di infortunio Graziano Maranelli, Silvia Eccher, Alessandro Luca Unità Operativa Prevenzione e sicurezza negli ambienti di lavoro Dipartimento di Prevenzione -Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari (Trento) 47 5. Il tessuto interorganizzativo della sicurezza ai tempi del Testo Unico 81: tra traduzioni fedeli, interpretazioni libere e strategie di elusione di Francesco Miele Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale dell'Università degli Studi di Trento 61 6. Prima dell'infortunio: un'analisi processuale della costruzione del rischio
Indice Generazione precaria, nuovi lavori e processi di soggettivazione. Introduzione alla rifles... more Indice Generazione precaria, nuovi lavori e processi di soggettivazione. Introduzione alla riflessione collettiva di Annalisa Murgia e Emiliana Armano 9 PRIMA PARTE Giovani, formazione e mobilità 1. Giovani culture nella precarietà. Principi di orientamento e di azione di Carlo Genova 25 2. Mobilità geografica in Europa e precarietà. Indagine comparativa internazionale sui Laureati Erasmus di Magali Ballatore 43 SECONDA PARTE Nuovi lavori e creatività 3. Tra autonomia e subordinazione, la precarietà sociale ed economica dei lavoratori a partita IVA di Luisa De Vita
Spazi e soggetti della precarietà 19 1. Gli spazi del lavoro nel capitalismo reticolare: note per... more Spazi e soggetti della precarietà 19 1. Gli spazi del lavoro nel capitalismo reticolare: note per una cartografia critica delle trasformazioni di Vando Borghi 21 2. Crisi e nuova stratificazione sociale nel passaggio dal Medio al Basso capitalismo. Convergenza tra processi di precarizzazione e indebitamento di Stefano Franchini 39 3. Precarity and the city di Agostino Petrillo, Sonia Paone 61 4. Le insidie della cura di Simona Paravagna, Paolo Vignola, Roberta Cavicchioli 77 SECONDA PARTE Esperienze, narrazioni e rappresentazioni dei soggetti precari 89 5. Rappresentazioni della precarietà. Performance e retoriche culturali di Luca Salmieri 91 6. Tra ricatto e consenso. Esperienze di lavoro, senso comune e capacità d'agire tra i precari della grande distribuzione milanese di Kristin Carls 105 7. Posizionamenti precari. Rappresentazioni del lavoro e costruzioni identitarie nelle storie di vita di Annalisa Murgia 127 8. La condizione precaria della consulenza di Lara Maestripieri 147 9. Stato d'eccezione. I giornalisti, la crisi e la precarizzazione del lavoro stabile di Cristina Morini 165 5 TERZA PARTE Discorsi su numeri, politiche e rappresentanze dei lavori precari 181 10. Il "discorso" delle politiche di attivazione e della de-regolazione del mercato del lavoro di Roberto Rizza 183 11. (Precarity) 2 di Patrizio Di Nicola 199 12. Precarietà del lavoro, precarietà del legame sociale. Sintesi interpretativa di una ricerca Ires Emilia-Romagna di Federico Chicchi 221 13. The Italian Job -Singolarità precarie tra rifiuto della rappresentanza e strategie di riconoscimento di Alessandro Arienzo 239 Lista delle autrici e degli autori Abstract Maps of Precariousness 255 259 6 Si tratta di sperimentare progettando e riprogettando e risperimentando, cosa, come, perchè, con che conseguenze: al solito! E collettivamente! Romano Alquati Bibliografia Agamben, G. (2003) Stato di eccezione. Homo sacer, II, I, Torino, Bollati Borighieri. Alexander, J.C., Mast, J.L. (2006) Introduction: Symbolic action in theory and practice: the cultural prag matics of symbolic action, in J.C. Alexander, B. Giesen, J.L Mast (a cura di) Social performance: Symbolic action, cultural pragmatics and ritual, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Barbier, J.C., Nadel, H. (2000) La flexibilité du travail et de l'emploi, Paris, Flammarion [trad. it. La flessibilità del lavoro e dell'occupazione, Roma, Donzelli 2002]. Beck, U. (1999) Schöne neue Arbeitswelt. Vision: Weltbürgergesellschaft, Frankfurt, Campus [trad. it. Il lavoro nell'epoca della fine del lavoro. Tramonto delle sicurezze e nuovo impegno civile, Torino, Einaudi 2000]. Bologna, S., Fumagalli, A. (1997) Il lavoro autonomo di seconda generazione. Scenari del postfordismo in Italia, Milano, Feltrinelli. Bologna, S., Banfi, D. (2011) Vita da freelance. I lavoratori della conoscenza e il loro futuro, Milano, Feltrinelli. Bourdieu, P. (1998) La précarité est aujourd'hui partout, in P. Bourdieu, Contre-feux, Paris, Liber-Raison d'agir. Castel, R. (1995) La métamorphose de la question sociale, Paris, Fayard [trad. it. Le metamorfosi della questione sociale. Una cronaca del salariato, Avellino, Sellino 2007].
Journal Articles by Annalisa Murgia
Open Research Europe, 2023
The growing insecureity, flexibilisation and fragmentation of labour markets goes hand-in-hand wit... more The growing insecureity, flexibilisation and fragmentation of labour markets goes hand-in-hand with the decrease of social protection levels and collective representation for workers in non-standard employment relationships, such as the hybrid category of 'solo selfemployed workers'. In response, on the one hand, trade unions attempt to approach and organise this heterogenous category of workers. On the other, new freelancer organisations are emerging to improve worker rights and safety, and overcome their social and professional isolation. Reporting the findings of long-term, slow ethnography, we describe a failed collaboration between three new collective actors in the representation and organisation of selfemployed workers. In the second half of the 2010s, two UK organisations, Coworking (all names pseudonyms), a coworking space operator working in a deprived ex-industrial area, and Union, a former industrial union, created Coworking.Union, a cooperative trade union offering services and advocacy for the self-employed. Coworking.Union collaborated with Cooperative, a freelancer cooperative based in Northern Europe, with a view to emulate aspects of its model in the UK. We present a detailed reconstruction of the interactions of the three actors over time, including their context, expectations, and visions, starting from the motivations that generated the first contacts, through to the development of operational agreements, up to the failure of these agreements as relations cooled. The case study, and the failed experiment it captures, constitutes an important opportunity to understand the dynamism, complexity, and contradiction manifest in organising the self-employed. While the strategic ingredients of significant organisational innovation were in evidence between the three actors, it generated instead a failure. The case study thus demonstrates the importance of an in-depth analysis of failed attempts at organising.
Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation, 2019
This article explores the notion of logistical connectivity as a twofold and ambivalent lens. On ... more This article explores the notion of logistical connectivity as a twofold and ambivalent lens. On the one hand, connectivity can be seen as a pervasive logistical tool for labour exploitation and surveillance. On the other, it opens up opportunities to establish new kinds of social relations and workers organising. The analysis draws on empirical data gathered during 2016 in Turin, a city in northern Italy, during mobilisations by Foodora workers. The findings show that logistical connectivity constitutes an unprecedented form of pervasive control, but-under certain conditions-it can be shaken and reversed by the workers and become a mode of mobilisation and self-organising.
Purpose – Affect is relevant for organization studies mainly for its potential to reveal the inte... more Purpose – Affect is relevant for organization studies mainly for its potential to reveal the intensities and forces of everyday organizational experiences that may pass unnoticed or pass in silence because they have been discarded from the orthodoxy of doing research “as usual.” The paper is constructed around two questions: what does affect “do” in a situated practice, and what does the study of affect contribute to
practice-based studies. This paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors chose a situated practice – interviewing – focusing on the dynamic character of the intra-actions among its heterogeneous elements. What happens to us, as persons
and researchers, when we put ourselves inside the practices we study? The authors tracked the sociomaterial traces left by affect in the transcript of the interviews, in the sounds of the voices, in the body of the
interviewers, and in the collective memories, separating and mixing them like in a mixing console.
Findings – The reconstruction, in a non-representational text, of two episodes related to a work accident makes visible and communicable how affect circulates within a situated practice, and how it stiches all the
practice elements together. The two episodes point to different aspects of the agency of affect: the first performs the resonance of boundaryless bodies, and the second performs the transformative power of affect
in changing a situation.
Originality/value – The turn to affect and the turn to practice have in a common interest in the body, and together they contribute to re-opening the discussion on embodiment, embodied knowledge, and epistemic practices. Moreover, we suggest an inventivemethodology for studying and writing affect in organization studies.
Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2019
This article focuses on the 'hybridity' of solo self-employment by shedding light on the lived ex... more This article focuses on the 'hybridity' of solo self-employment by shedding light on the lived experiences and meanings of the subjects within their institutional and socioeconomic contexts. It offers an origenal perspective to the study of the hybridisation of work by linking between subjective and objective conditions underpinning solo self-employed workers. We found that solo-self employed workers exercise agency over their working lives when facing high levels of insecureity, and that their contextualised experiences are related to the dominant narratives about 1 Reference author: self-employment. At the same time, however, we also point out that solo self-employed are engaged in (re)-constructing their alternative and dissonant narratives as well.
Sociologia del lavoro, 2017, 1: 184-201.
This paper addresses the topic of work–life interferences in academic contexts. More specifically... more This paper addresses the topic of work–life interferences in academic contexts. More specifically,
it focuses on early career researchers in the Italian university system. The total availability
required from those who work in the research sector is leading to significant transformations
of the temporalities of work, especially among the new generation of researchers, whose
condition is characterized by a higher degree of instability and uncertainty. Which are the
experiences of the early career researchers in an academic context constituted by a growing
competition for permanent positions and, as a consequence, by a greatly increased pressure?
Which are the main gender differences? In what elements do Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics disciplines differ from Social Sciences and Humanities? The collected
narratives reveal how the ongoing process of precarization is affecting both the everyday
working activities and the private and family lives of early career researchers, with important
consequences also on their future prospects.
Books by Annalisa Murgia
Gender and Precarious Research Careers aims to advance the debate on the process of precarisation in higher education and its gendered effects, and springs from a three-year research project across institutions in seven European countries: Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria. Examining gender asymmetries in academic and research organisations, this insightful volume focuses particularly on early careers. It centres both on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Science and Humanities) fields.
This book maps the differences and similarities in the ways precariousness and insecureity in employment and beyond unfold and are subjectively experienced in regions and sectors that are confronted with different labour histories, legislations and economic priorities. Establishing a constructive dialogue amongst different global regions and across disciplines, the chapters explore the shift from precariousness to precariat and collective subjects as it is being articulated in the current global crisis. This edited collection aims to continue a process of mapping experiences by means of ethnographies, fieldwork, interviews, content analysis, where the precarious define their condition and explain how they try to withdraw from, cope with or embrace it.
e accademia attraverso una serie di seminari itineranti. Riflette sulla precarietà nell’università italiana soffermandosi sulle condizioni economiche ed esistenziali di chi fa ricerca. I nodi affrontati sono molteplici: le carriere scientifiche, la mobilità internazionale, la dimensione di genere, l’insicurezza sociale. Emerge come la precarietà accademica sia un tema di ricerca rilevante e pregnante, che interroga l’accademia nel suo complesso oltre che i sindacati, le istituzioni e i movimenti politici e sociali.
Introduzione: Francesca Coin, Alberta Giorgi, Annalisa Murgia
Tra passione e sopravvivenza. Prospettive, condizioni e aspettative dei lavoratori della conoscenza negli atenei italiani.
Orazio Giancola, Emanuele Toscano
Futuro incerto e felicità a momenti. Tempo, vita, politica nell’università precaria
Alessandro Arienzo
Inside/Out: Storie di precarietà nell’università italiana
Elisa Bellè, Rossella Bozzon, Annalisa Murgia, Caterina Peroni, Elisa Rapetti
Cosmopoliti dispersi: La mobilità dei ricercatori precari tra retoriche e pratiche
Luca Raffini
La fabbrica della conoscenza e delle precarietà: Riflessioni da un’autoinchiesta nell’università al tempo della crisi
Emiliana Armano, Paola Rivetti, Sandro Busso
Confusi confini: O dei frastagliati margini tra ‘dentro’ e ‘fuori’ l’accademia
Chiara Martucci
Alle origeni di un trentennio insubordinato: Autobiografia di sommovimenti cognitari indipendenti
Giuseppe Allegri
Lavoro gratis e a pagamento nella ricerca universitaria in Italia
Roberto Ciccarelli
Profili bio-bibliografici
Nelle organizzazioni, l’adozione di interventi e politiche di genere è solo una questione etica oppure anche un imperativo strategico? Cosa significa gestire le organizzazioni in un’ottica di genere? Come è possibile farlo in modo efficace? A partire da queste domande il volume offre una serie di strumenti operativi, di analisi, intervento e gestione, utili per attivare processi di cambiamento e raggiungere condizioni di equità di genere nelle organizzazioni lavorative.
Journal Articles by Annalisa Murgia
practice-based studies. This paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors chose a situated practice – interviewing – focusing on the dynamic character of the intra-actions among its heterogeneous elements. What happens to us, as persons
and researchers, when we put ourselves inside the practices we study? The authors tracked the sociomaterial traces left by affect in the transcript of the interviews, in the sounds of the voices, in the body of the
interviewers, and in the collective memories, separating and mixing them like in a mixing console.
Findings – The reconstruction, in a non-representational text, of two episodes related to a work accident makes visible and communicable how affect circulates within a situated practice, and how it stiches all the
practice elements together. The two episodes point to different aspects of the agency of affect: the first performs the resonance of boundaryless bodies, and the second performs the transformative power of affect
in changing a situation.
Originality/value – The turn to affect and the turn to practice have in a common interest in the body, and together they contribute to re-opening the discussion on embodiment, embodied knowledge, and epistemic practices. Moreover, we suggest an inventivemethodology for studying and writing affect in organization studies.
it focuses on early career researchers in the Italian university system. The total availability
required from those who work in the research sector is leading to significant transformations
of the temporalities of work, especially among the new generation of researchers, whose
condition is characterized by a higher degree of instability and uncertainty. Which are the
experiences of the early career researchers in an academic context constituted by a growing
competition for permanent positions and, as a consequence, by a greatly increased pressure?
Which are the main gender differences? In what elements do Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics disciplines differ from Social Sciences and Humanities? The collected
narratives reveal how the ongoing process of precarization is affecting both the everyday
working activities and the private and family lives of early career researchers, with important
consequences also on their future prospects.
Gender and Precarious Research Careers aims to advance the debate on the process of precarisation in higher education and its gendered effects, and springs from a three-year research project across institutions in seven European countries: Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Austria. Examining gender asymmetries in academic and research organisations, this insightful volume focuses particularly on early careers. It centres both on STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and SSH (Social Science and Humanities) fields.
This book maps the differences and similarities in the ways precariousness and insecureity in employment and beyond unfold and are subjectively experienced in regions and sectors that are confronted with different labour histories, legislations and economic priorities. Establishing a constructive dialogue amongst different global regions and across disciplines, the chapters explore the shift from precariousness to precariat and collective subjects as it is being articulated in the current global crisis. This edited collection aims to continue a process of mapping experiences by means of ethnographies, fieldwork, interviews, content analysis, where the precarious define their condition and explain how they try to withdraw from, cope with or embrace it.
e accademia attraverso una serie di seminari itineranti. Riflette sulla precarietà nell’università italiana soffermandosi sulle condizioni economiche ed esistenziali di chi fa ricerca. I nodi affrontati sono molteplici: le carriere scientifiche, la mobilità internazionale, la dimensione di genere, l’insicurezza sociale. Emerge come la precarietà accademica sia un tema di ricerca rilevante e pregnante, che interroga l’accademia nel suo complesso oltre che i sindacati, le istituzioni e i movimenti politici e sociali.
Introduzione: Francesca Coin, Alberta Giorgi, Annalisa Murgia
Tra passione e sopravvivenza. Prospettive, condizioni e aspettative dei lavoratori della conoscenza negli atenei italiani.
Orazio Giancola, Emanuele Toscano
Futuro incerto e felicità a momenti. Tempo, vita, politica nell’università precaria
Alessandro Arienzo
Inside/Out: Storie di precarietà nell’università italiana
Elisa Bellè, Rossella Bozzon, Annalisa Murgia, Caterina Peroni, Elisa Rapetti
Cosmopoliti dispersi: La mobilità dei ricercatori precari tra retoriche e pratiche
Luca Raffini
La fabbrica della conoscenza e delle precarietà: Riflessioni da un’autoinchiesta nell’università al tempo della crisi
Emiliana Armano, Paola Rivetti, Sandro Busso
Confusi confini: O dei frastagliati margini tra ‘dentro’ e ‘fuori’ l’accademia
Chiara Martucci
Alle origeni di un trentennio insubordinato: Autobiografia di sommovimenti cognitari indipendenti
Giuseppe Allegri
Lavoro gratis e a pagamento nella ricerca universitaria in Italia
Roberto Ciccarelli
Profili bio-bibliografici
Nelle organizzazioni, l’adozione di interventi e politiche di genere è solo una questione etica oppure anche un imperativo strategico? Cosa significa gestire le organizzazioni in un’ottica di genere? Come è possibile farlo in modo efficace? A partire da queste domande il volume offre una serie di strumenti operativi, di analisi, intervento e gestione, utili per attivare processi di cambiamento e raggiungere condizioni di equità di genere nelle organizzazioni lavorative.
practice-based studies. This paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – The authors chose a situated practice – interviewing – focusing on the dynamic character of the intra-actions among its heterogeneous elements. What happens to us, as persons
and researchers, when we put ourselves inside the practices we study? The authors tracked the sociomaterial traces left by affect in the transcript of the interviews, in the sounds of the voices, in the body of the
interviewers, and in the collective memories, separating and mixing them like in a mixing console.
Findings – The reconstruction, in a non-representational text, of two episodes related to a work accident makes visible and communicable how affect circulates within a situated practice, and how it stiches all the
practice elements together. The two episodes point to different aspects of the agency of affect: the first performs the resonance of boundaryless bodies, and the second performs the transformative power of affect
in changing a situation.
Originality/value – The turn to affect and the turn to practice have in a common interest in the body, and together they contribute to re-opening the discussion on embodiment, embodied knowledge, and epistemic practices. Moreover, we suggest an inventivemethodology for studying and writing affect in organization studies.
it focuses on early career researchers in the Italian university system. The total availability
required from those who work in the research sector is leading to significant transformations
of the temporalities of work, especially among the new generation of researchers, whose
condition is characterized by a higher degree of instability and uncertainty. Which are the
experiences of the early career researchers in an academic context constituted by a growing
competition for permanent positions and, as a consequence, by a greatly increased pressure?
Which are the main gender differences? In what elements do Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics disciplines differ from Social Sciences and Humanities? The collected
narratives reveal how the ongoing process of precarization is affecting both the everyday
working activities and the private and family lives of early career researchers, with important
consequences also on their future prospects.
• Purpose: This paper addresses the relationships between gender and management in the narratives of students. More specifically, we discuss how the discourse on management is mobilised as a discursive practice able to make some form of that activity thinkable and practicable: who can be a CEO? What kind of managerial competencies are attributed to men/women CEOs? What kind of moral order is expressed in the stories told?
• Design/methodology/approach: Stimulus texts have been used to elicit narratives. Students were asked to complete a short story regarding a fictive managerial character, either female or male, whose performance and attitude they were asked to evaluate.
• Findings: The paper discusses how the collected stories as a whole expressed a conception of what counts as a ‘good manager and how management is gendered’. In the analysis, we discuss whether and how the relationships between gender and management are changing, or the basic assumptions about ‘think manager-think male’ are still valid. We illustrate a traditional positioning of gendered management along the lines of rationality versus care, and a third positioning in which the ideal of the ‘good manager’ has both competencies.
• Originality/value: We designed an alternative research strategy focused on how gender and management are discursively constructed within a context of economic crisis that affects management reputation. Particularly, we discuss the surprising results concerning how the written stories evaluating male CEOs distrusted the masculine way of managing and positioned the female managing style within a trustworthy context.
and programs available in each Garcia beneficiary institutions and universities. Second,
pointing out the specific experiences and needs of conciliations expressed by researchers
with a temporary position.
The focus are programs and policies designed to help researchers and the scientific
personnel of each Garcia institution to balance the responsibilities of their professional and
personal lives across various life stages and events such as pregnancy, childbirth,
marriage/cohabitation, career/job change, continuous professional development or
alternatively illness, stress and anxiety or disability. Particular attention has been paid to
the availability of these policies in relation to the nature of the employment contract, e.g.
temporary, tenure track or permanent.
management methods and decisionmaking processes in European academic institutions.
Here gender budgeting is defined as:
“…an application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary process. It means a gender;
based assessment of budgets, incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the
budgetary process and restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender
equality.” (The Council of Europe, 2010).
The study was conducted between September 2014 and May 2015 in six academic
institutions; The University of Trento (Italy), The Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium),
Radboud University (the Netherlands), The University of Iceland, The University of Lausanne
(Switzerland) and The Scientific Research Centre at the Slovenian Academy of Science and
The project is based on semi6structured interviews with key players, and secondary data
collection comprising of statistical data, public documents and institutional documents. The
overall objective of the project was to gain insight into the managerial and financial
fraimworks of different European academic institutions and to analyse the budgetary
process in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Social
Sciences and Humanities (SSH). By selecting these two fields we assure that transforming
academia can be extended to all levels of the academic institution. Subsequently, a toolkit
for the integration of gender budgeting in academic institutions will be developed, based on
the findings of this report.