Books by J. Ignacio San Vicente
Signifer 66. Monografías y estudios de la Antigüedad Griega y Romana, 2022
Se analizan las trayectorias de Livia y Cleopatra durante el Segundo Triunvirato, prestando espec... more Se analizan las trayectorias de Livia y Cleopatra durante el Segundo Triunvirato, prestando especial atención a la nobilitas de Livia y a cómo su ascendencia familiar fue clave en su boda con Octaviano y en el apoyo que la élite romana prestó a Octaviano en sus conflictos con Sexto Pompeyo y especialmente con Marco Antonio. Así mismo se examina el proceder de Cleopatra, desde su nombramiento como reina hasta su suicidio final. Se ha prestado especial atención a su papel de
reina de Egipto y su dedicación a asentar su trono y engrandecer el reino lágida. Estas fueron las bases que marcaron su línea de actuación, aunque esta no podía quedar al margen de la política romana. Al apoyar con sus recursos y su potestas a Antonio, marcó su destino y el de su reino.
XVI Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Barcelona, 28, 29 y 30 de noviembre de 2018), 2021
Entre los fondos de la Colección Numismática de la Diputación Foral de Álava se encuentra la Cole... more Entre los fondos de la Colección Numismática de la Diputación Foral de Álava se encuentra la Colección Sáez de Quejana formada por 67 ejemplares. Recibe este nombre porque fue donada por esta familia vitoriana a la Diputación alavesa en 1984. En el trabajo se hace un análisis de las características de la colección, estructura, conservación y se concluye que es bastante probable que un conjunto de 65 monedas, todos sestercios a excepción de dos ases, pudiese haber formado parte de un tesorillo cerrado en época de Gordiano III, hacia el año 240 d.C.

Tenue est mendacium · Rethinking Fakes and Authorship in Classical, Late Antique & Early Christian Works. [Collective Volume · Ed. K. Lennartz & J. Martínez], Barkhuis Groninguen., 2021
In the context of the propaganda war waged by the triumviri Octavian and Mark Antony to attract R... more In the context of the propaganda war waged by the triumviri Octavian and Mark Antony to attract Roman public opinion to their cause, Octavian publicly read Mark Antony's will in the Senate and Assembly in Rome. Octavian's revelations about the last will and testament of his political enemy caused great indignation in Roman society and tipped the support of Rome and Italy towards Octavian's side in the impending conflict. In order to know whether the document was forged, we will examine the hypotheses of the different authors who have dealt with the subject, the characteristics of the late Republican Roman testamentum and the circumstances in which the recovery of the will of Mark Anthony by Octavian took place. In addition, we include an analysis of the main contents of the will on the basis of the data provided by the Greek-Latin sources, and we present our interpretation of the facts.
Actas del VII Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Madrid 1989), 1991
Composición química y densidades de las monedas del tesorillo de Honcalada (Valladolid). .. .. ..... more Composición química y densidades de las monedas del tesorillo de Honcalada (Valladolid). .. .. .. .. Luis Sagredo San Eustaquio: Nuevas aportaciones para el estudio de la circulación monetaria en el valle del Duero. .
Museo Casa de la Moneda, 1999
XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismática. Madrid - 2003, 2005
Esta comunicación estudia aspectos puntuales de los grabados de las monedas de los emperadores ro... more Esta comunicación estudia aspectos puntuales de los grabados de las monedas de los emperadores romanos del siglo I contenidos en el célebre libro Le imagini con tutti i riversi trovati et le vite de gli imperatori tratte dalle medaglie et dalle, historie de gli antichi, de Enea Vico y Antonio Zantani, publicado en Venecia en 1548.

XII Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Madrid-Segovia, 25-27 octubre de 2004), 2006
El objeto de este estudio es el conjunto monetario encontrado el 23 de julio de 1997 en las excav... more El objeto de este estudio es el conjunto monetario encontrado el 23 de julio de 1997 en las excavaciones de la catedral de Santa María de Vitoria (Álava), formado por 17 monedas de cobre. Junto a las piezas monetarias apareció una bola circular de plomo de 16 mm de diámetro, probablemente un proyectil de arma de fuego. Por ello, el autor opina que este conjunto puede ser considerado como un «tesorillo de bolsa», es decir, que recoge el numerario que circulaba en el momento en que quedó fuera de la circulación, siendo un fiel reflejo de la moneda que circulaba en esos años.
The object of this study is the coin cluster found on July 23 1997 in the excavations of the cathedral of Santa Maria in Vitoria (Alava), consisting of 17 copper coins. A circular ball of lead 16 mm in diameter, probably a projectile from a firearm, appeared by the side of the coins. The author is therefore of the opinion that this cluster can be considered a «bag hoard», that is, that it contains the coins that were circulating at the time the coinage was withdrawn from circulation, and that they are a faithful reflection of the coinage that circulated at that time.
XIII Congreso Nacional de Numismática (Cádiz, 22-24 octubre de 2007), 2009
El artículo estudia las características de las monedas acuñadas en la primera mitad del siglo IV.... more El artículo estudia las características de las monedas acuñadas en la primera mitad del siglo IV. El análisis numismático de estos años se ha dividido por periodos tomando como base las distintas emisiones de monedas. De cada periodo, se han comentado las características de las monedas, los porcentajes que de las distintas emisiones hay en cada uno de ellos, así como la perduración de las emisiones.
The article examines the characteristics of the coins minted in the first half of the 4th century. The numismatic analysis covering these years has been divided into periods based on the different coin releases. For each period comments have been provided on the characteristics of the coins, the percentages of the different releases that took place in each period, and the duration of the issues.

De Falsa et Vera Historia. Estudios sobre pseudoepígrafos y falsificaciones textuales antiguas. Studies on pseudepigrapha and ancient text forgeries 3. Javier Martínez (editor), 2019
Ediciones Clásicas garantiza un riguroso proceso de selección y evaluación de los trabajos que pu... more Ediciones Clásicas garantiza un riguroso proceso de selección y evaluación de los trabajos que publica. This volume has been peer reviewed through a process administered by the Editors-in-Chief. All reviews were conducted by external expert referees. Este volumen ha sido sometido a una revisión por pares realizada a instancias de los directores. Todas las revisiones se han realizado por evaluadores externos especializados. Esta publicación se realiza dentro de los trabajos financiados por la Universidad de Oviedo, así como por los Proyectos de Investigación "Falsificaciones y falsificadores de textos clásicos (grecolatinos) II" (PN-17 FFI2017-87034-P, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades), AVIPES-CM (H2019/HUM-5742). y UCM-PR87/19-22659, cofinanciados por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Fondo Social Europeo. Esta publicación ha sido financiada por el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias con cargo a fondos provenientes del Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (PCTI) de Asturias.

Mundus vult decipi. Estudios interdisciplinares sobre falsificación textual y literaria, 2012
Ediciones Clásicas S.A. garantiza un riguroso proceso de selección y evaluación de los trabajos q... more Ediciones Clásicas S.A. garantiza un riguroso proceso de selección y evaluación de los trabajos que publica. All papers published in this volume have been peer reviewed through a process administered by the editors. All reviews were conducted by external expert referees. Todas las contribuciones en este volumen han sido sometidas a una revisión por pares realizada a instancias de los editores. Todas las revisiones fueron realizadas por evaluadores externos especializados. Esta publicación se realiza dentro de los trabajos del Proyecto de Investigación "Falsificaciones y falsificadores de textos antiguos" (FFI2009-09465 subprograma FILO), dirigido por Antonio Guzmán Guerra. Esta publicación ha sido financiada por el Gobierno del Principado de Asturias con cargo a fondos provenientes del Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (PCTI) de Asturias.

Actas del XV Congreso Nacional de Numismática. Patrimonio numismático y museos (Madrid, 28-30 octubre 2014), 2016
Las donaciones de los miembros de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País propiciaron la c... more Las donaciones de los miembros de la Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País propiciaron la creación de un gabinete de monedas en 1785. Lorenzo del Prestamero, subsecretario de la institución, fue el socio encargado de su estudio y conservación. La crisis de la Real Sociedad, con motivo de los avatares políticos producidos por las sucesivas guerras, trajo como consecuencia que la colección terminase en manos de Prestamero. Al morir éste en 1817, Teresa del Prestamero, hermana de Lorenzo, vendió la colección al marqués de la Alameda. Esta operación se analiza con detenimiento. En 1950 la Diputación Provincial de Álava compró el monetario al marqués de la Alameda. Abstract: Donations from members of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del País promoted the creation in 1785 of a cabinet of coins. Lorenzo del Prestamero, undersecretary of the institution, was the partner in charge of their study and conservation. The crisis of the Royal Society, due to political changes caused by successive wars, resulted in the collection ending in the hands of Prestamero. When he died in 1817, Teresa del Prestamero, sister of Lorenzo, sold the collection to the Marqués de la Alameda. This transaction is analyzed in detail. In 1950 the Provincial Council of Alava bought it to the Marqués de la Alameda.
De Falsa et Vera Historia I. Estudios sobre pseudoepígrafos y falsificaciones textuales antiguas. Studies on pseudepigrapha and ancient text forgeries, 2017
En el año 309, Constantino introdujo en la circulación monetaria romana el solidus de oro. Desde ... more En el año 309, Constantino introdujo en la circulación monetaria romana el solidus de oro. Desde entonces, los emperadores hicieron grandes esfuerzos por proteger esta moneda. Su falsificación se equiparó a la traición, ya que se interpretaba como una ofensa sacrílega hacia la persona del emperador, y se condenaba a sus autores a la pena capital más dura e infamante, la de ser quemados vivos. En este estudio se recoge la legislación que se aplicaba a los falsarios de oro, plata y bronce y se analiza la normativa del Código de Teodosio contra la falsificación, manipulación, exportación y venta de moneda prohibida durante la época bajoimperial.
Documentos de Arqueología Medieval, 13, 2019
Este volumen recoge los resultados de la intervención arqueológica realizada entre los años 2005-... more Este volumen recoge los resultados de la intervención arqueológica realizada entre los años 2005-2009 en el despoblado medieval situado en la colina alavesa de Zornostil o los altos de Zornostegui, identificable con el poblado medieval de Zornoztegi. Con anterioridad se habían realizado durante los años 2001-2003 una serie de prospecciones intensivas en la Llanada Oriental de Álava en las que se pudo comprobar las grandes dificultades que suponía identificar y delimitar los yacimientos altomedievales y los numerosos despoblados existentes en esta zona. Por este motivo se decidió realizar una excavación intensiva en un despoblado con el fin de reconocer la naturaleza de los depósitos arqueológicos de estos yacimientos y desarrollar nuevos protocolos de intervención.
Engaños e invenciones. Contribuciones multidisciplinares sobre pseudoepígrafos literarios y documentales. Editado por Klaus Lennartz. De Falsa et Vera Historia 4, 2021
In the traditional interpretatio Romana of military conflicts, Rome was victorious because it had... more In the traditional interpretatio Romana of military conflicts, Rome was victorious because it had the favour of the gods: the pax deorum ensured victory. Defeat could come about because one or several gods had been offended, and the recovery of the divine favour was sought by rituals. The interpretatio Christiana of some military conflicts in which Roman emperors participated during the fourth century was based on the same concept. These were interpreted, a posteriori, as actions in which a religious belief was fought for: Constantine versus Maxentius, Licinius versus Maximinus Daia or Constantine versus Licinius.

De Falsa et Vera Historia 2. Estudios sobre pseudoepígrafos y falsificaciones textuales antiguas · Studies on pseudepigrapha and ancient text forgeries. De ayer y hoy Contribuciones multidisciplinares sobre pseudoepígrafos literarios y documentales. Editado por Mikel Labiano, 2019
In the year 32 BC Octavian read in the Senate and in the Assembly the will that Mark Antony had d... more In the year 32 BC Octavian read in the Senate and in the Assembly the will that Mark Antony had deposited in the temple of Vesta. The matter caused a great scandal because of the illegality and sacrilege committed by Octavian to take over the will and its contents impacted so much on Rome that the plebs supported Octavian's cause. The Greek-Latin sources that collect the contents of the will and the hypotheses about the falsification or alteration of the document by Octavian are analyzed. Finally, it reviews the content and concludes that its most scandalous parts were an Octavian manipulation to attack Mark Antony´s pietas.

Hispania et Roma: Estudios en homenaje al profesor Narciso Santos Yanguas. Editado por J. I. San Vicente González de Aspuru, C. Cortés Bárcena & E. González. Publisher: Ediuno. Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2019
The propaganda about Ceres has unique characteristics. It is an Italic goddess associated from th... more The propaganda about Ceres has unique characteristics. It is an Italic goddess associated from the beginning with the plebeian cause, so since its origens, its propaganda was linked to this faction and highly politicized. For this reason, it is difficult to discern its role in political events described by ancient historiography, but it is easier to analyze her role in the late-Republican coin where her image was used by triumviri monetales as faction propaganda or personal publicity. Ceres remained the goddess of agriculture and the annnona, at the same time was the goddess of the plebs for excellence and thus played an important symbolic role in the political struggle of the last period of the Republic.
Papers by J. Ignacio San Vicente
Decreto de diezmos y primicias 1738 3.7. Escrituras 1499-1835 3.8. Aguas y pagos 1709-1922 3.9. O... more Decreto de diezmos y primicias 1738 3.7. Escrituras 1499-1835 3.8. Aguas y pagos 1709-1922 3.9. Obras en la Iglesia 1952 3.10. Acuerdos 1901-1929 3.11. Decreto 1897 3.12. Reunion sobre caza, pesca, concejo y molino 1867-1894 3.13. Obligacion de siembra de los vecinos 1697 3.14.

Eikasía Revista de Filosofía, 2023
Este artículo analiza la crisis de la República romana tardía, atribuida por los antiguos autores... more Este artículo analiza la crisis de la República romana tardía, atribuida por los antiguos autores a la decadencia moral y a los vicios orientales y cómo Cicerón, defensor de las instituciones republicanas y de los boni, se enfrentó a los populares que buscaban reformas estructurales. Se destacan sus conflictos con Catilina, Clodio, Pisón y, especialmente, con Antonio. A lo largo de su carrera, Cicerón defendió su dignitas y argumentó que las virtudes cardinales propuestas por Platón y Panecio eran clave para alcanzar la verdadera gloria. En las Filípicas, atacó a Antonio y apoyó a Octaviano, aunque este último terminó traicionándolo. Estos discursos polarizaron la política romana, mostrando, según Bruto, la falta de visión política de Cicerón. Para defenderse de los ataques por su condena a los catilinarios y promover reformas estatales, Cicerón recurrió a la filosofía y defendió los principios platónicos y estoicos, abogando por la creencia en una providencia divina, la importancia de las virtudes cardinales, el uso de la razón y la superioridad del derecho natural de inspiración divina sobre la ley humana. También criticó a los epicúreos por su rechazo a la política, negación de la providencia divina y búsqueda del placer.
This article examines the crisis of the late Roman Republic, attributed by ancient authors to moral decay and oriental vices, and how Cicero, a defender of republican institutions and the boni, confronted the populares who sought structural reforms. His conflicts with Catiline, Clodius, Piso, and especially Antony are highlighted. Throughout his career, Cicero defended his dignitas and argued that the cardinal virtues proposed by Plato and Panaetius were key to achieving true glory. In the Philippics, he attacked Antony and supported Octavian, although the latter ultimately betrayed him. These speeches polarized Roman politics, revealing, according to Brutus, Cicero's lack of political vision. To defend himself from attacks for his condemnation of the Catilinarians and to promote state reforms, Cicero turned to philosophy and defended the Platonic and Stoic principles, advocating belief in divine providence, the importance of cardinal virtues, the use of reason, and the superiority of divinely inspired natural law over human law. He also criticized the Epicureans for their rejection of politics, denial of divine providence, and pursuit of pleasure.

Eikasía Revista de Filosofía, 2023
En las Filípicas, Cicerón utilizó una amplia variedad de invectivas para denigrar a Antonio, retr... more En las Filípicas, Cicerón utilizó una amplia variedad de invectivas para denigrar a Antonio, retratándolo como un individuo antisocial que encarnaba todas las taras morales y vicios. Lo describió como un enemigo del Estado y un tirano que aspiraba a la autocracia y buscaba eliminar a los boni, defensores de la República. Estos insultos se analizan a lo largo del artículo y se observa en ellos una inversión de las virtudes cardinales descritas por Cicerón. Según Cicerón, estas virtudes eran las cualidades que un estadista debía poseer, tal y como se detalla en su obra De Officiis, que escribió al mismo tiempo que pronunciaba las Filípicas.
In the Philippics, Cicero employed a wide range of invectives to denigrate Antony, portraying him as an antisocial individual who embodied all moral defects and vices. He described him as an enemy of the state and a tyrant who aspired to autocracy and sought to eliminate the boni, defenders of the republic. These insults are analysed throughout the article, and an inversion of the cardinal virtues which, as described by Cicero, is observed in them. According to Cicero, these virtues were the qualities that a statesman should possess, as outlined in his work De Officiis, which he wrote concurrently with delivering the Philippics

Mundus Vult Decipi Estudios Interdisciplinares Sobre Falsificacion Textual Y Literaria 2012 Isbn 84 7882 738 2 Pags 319 334, 2012
The foedi of Consuls Spurius Postumius Albinus and Titus Veturius Calvinus with the Samnites in 3... more The foedi of Consuls Spurius Postumius Albinus and Titus Veturius Calvinus with the Samnites in 321 BC and Consul Gaius Hostilius Mancinus with Numantia in 137 BC, are reviewed on the basis of literary, numismatic and legislative sources. Postumius's deditio is analyzed from the consul's testimony to the effect that he was a Samnite. The conclusion is that the debate about Mancinus's loss of citizenship would never have been raised, if Postumius' deditio had actually happened. It is argued that the issue was distorted, and a precedent was invented for the position taken by Scipio's factio during the discussion about Mancino's foedus. Finally, it is pointed out that Ab Urbe Condita is a patriotic, moral and exemplary work, and that Livy opted for the new version of the Pax Caudina. The pietas and the fetiales, important components of Augustan politics, played a decisive role in this choice
Books by J. Ignacio San Vicente
reina de Egipto y su dedicación a asentar su trono y engrandecer el reino lágida. Estas fueron las bases que marcaron su línea de actuación, aunque esta no podía quedar al margen de la política romana. Al apoyar con sus recursos y su potestas a Antonio, marcó su destino y el de su reino.
The object of this study is the coin cluster found on July 23 1997 in the excavations of the cathedral of Santa Maria in Vitoria (Alava), consisting of 17 copper coins. A circular ball of lead 16 mm in diameter, probably a projectile from a firearm, appeared by the side of the coins. The author is therefore of the opinion that this cluster can be considered a «bag hoard», that is, that it contains the coins that were circulating at the time the coinage was withdrawn from circulation, and that they are a faithful reflection of the coinage that circulated at that time.
The article examines the characteristics of the coins minted in the first half of the 4th century. The numismatic analysis covering these years has been divided into periods based on the different coin releases. For each period comments have been provided on the characteristics of the coins, the percentages of the different releases that took place in each period, and the duration of the issues.
Papers by J. Ignacio San Vicente
This article examines the crisis of the late Roman Republic, attributed by ancient authors to moral decay and oriental vices, and how Cicero, a defender of republican institutions and the boni, confronted the populares who sought structural reforms. His conflicts with Catiline, Clodius, Piso, and especially Antony are highlighted. Throughout his career, Cicero defended his dignitas and argued that the cardinal virtues proposed by Plato and Panaetius were key to achieving true glory. In the Philippics, he attacked Antony and supported Octavian, although the latter ultimately betrayed him. These speeches polarized Roman politics, revealing, according to Brutus, Cicero's lack of political vision. To defend himself from attacks for his condemnation of the Catilinarians and to promote state reforms, Cicero turned to philosophy and defended the Platonic and Stoic principles, advocating belief in divine providence, the importance of cardinal virtues, the use of reason, and the superiority of divinely inspired natural law over human law. He also criticized the Epicureans for their rejection of politics, denial of divine providence, and pursuit of pleasure.
In the Philippics, Cicero employed a wide range of invectives to denigrate Antony, portraying him as an antisocial individual who embodied all moral defects and vices. He described him as an enemy of the state and a tyrant who aspired to autocracy and sought to eliminate the boni, defenders of the republic. These insults are analysed throughout the article, and an inversion of the cardinal virtues which, as described by Cicero, is observed in them. According to Cicero, these virtues were the qualities that a statesman should possess, as outlined in his work De Officiis, which he wrote concurrently with delivering the Philippics
reina de Egipto y su dedicación a asentar su trono y engrandecer el reino lágida. Estas fueron las bases que marcaron su línea de actuación, aunque esta no podía quedar al margen de la política romana. Al apoyar con sus recursos y su potestas a Antonio, marcó su destino y el de su reino.
The object of this study is the coin cluster found on July 23 1997 in the excavations of the cathedral of Santa Maria in Vitoria (Alava), consisting of 17 copper coins. A circular ball of lead 16 mm in diameter, probably a projectile from a firearm, appeared by the side of the coins. The author is therefore of the opinion that this cluster can be considered a «bag hoard», that is, that it contains the coins that were circulating at the time the coinage was withdrawn from circulation, and that they are a faithful reflection of the coinage that circulated at that time.
The article examines the characteristics of the coins minted in the first half of the 4th century. The numismatic analysis covering these years has been divided into periods based on the different coin releases. For each period comments have been provided on the characteristics of the coins, the percentages of the different releases that took place in each period, and the duration of the issues.
This article examines the crisis of the late Roman Republic, attributed by ancient authors to moral decay and oriental vices, and how Cicero, a defender of republican institutions and the boni, confronted the populares who sought structural reforms. His conflicts with Catiline, Clodius, Piso, and especially Antony are highlighted. Throughout his career, Cicero defended his dignitas and argued that the cardinal virtues proposed by Plato and Panaetius were key to achieving true glory. In the Philippics, he attacked Antony and supported Octavian, although the latter ultimately betrayed him. These speeches polarized Roman politics, revealing, according to Brutus, Cicero's lack of political vision. To defend himself from attacks for his condemnation of the Catilinarians and to promote state reforms, Cicero turned to philosophy and defended the Platonic and Stoic principles, advocating belief in divine providence, the importance of cardinal virtues, the use of reason, and the superiority of divinely inspired natural law over human law. He also criticized the Epicureans for their rejection of politics, denial of divine providence, and pursuit of pleasure.
In the Philippics, Cicero employed a wide range of invectives to denigrate Antony, portraying him as an antisocial individual who embodied all moral defects and vices. He described him as an enemy of the state and a tyrant who aspired to autocracy and sought to eliminate the boni, defenders of the republic. These insults are analysed throughout the article, and an inversion of the cardinal virtues which, as described by Cicero, is observed in them. According to Cicero, these virtues were the qualities that a statesman should possess, as outlined in his work De Officiis, which he wrote concurrently with delivering the Philippics
The article discusses the commemoratives coi ns striked by Maxentius in the mint of Rome. In the emisions appears Romulus, his son, as well as other relatives, Constantius, M. Herculius and Galerius. The builcling's fronts represented in the reverses of the coins are studied on the bases of these emissions. The final result is that only one edifice has been represented, and the author gives an hypothetical reconstruction. The author compares the reconstruction with the Mausoleum in the Via Appia and with the Templum of Divo Romulo in the Sacra Via, and after that he proposes that the building represented in che coins was the Mausoleum.
It is analyzed a sestertius of Nero used as ornamental element. An artisan made in the reverse of the coin some curved radii and five holes. In this article is made some consideracions about the realizacion of this unusual work and their possible function. On the other hand, some aspects of the ornamental uses of the coin and the moral evaluation of the figure of Nero are analyzed as well.
The article consists of two parts. In the first part it is analyzed the taking of the power by Eugenio in the year 392 and the política! and religious consequences. Híspania was under Eugenius's domain. Africa, in theory under the control of Teodosius, it maintained an independent political behavior. In the second part, the Gloria Romanorum's importance in Hispania is analyzed and the law CTh, IX, 23 is examined. The arrival of these coins from the Orient to Hispania is studied. The thick of the volume of AE 2 should arrive after the war, transported by the merchants. The reason of its continuity in Hispania was the lack of chronic liquidity that this province had.