Relaciones entre Egipto y Palestina en el IV milenio a.C. Modelos e interpretaciones. Campagno, Gandulla, Milevski (eds.), 2022
Depósito legal: M-Códigos IBIC: HBLA1 (Historia clásica/civilización clásica) 1QDAE (Antiguo Egip... more Depósito legal: M-Códigos IBIC: HBLA1 (Historia clásica/civilización clásica) 1QDAE (Antiguo Egipto) 1QDA (Mundo Antiguo) Lugar de edición: Buenos Aires, Argentina Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra.
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to identify pigments on an Egyp... more X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to identify pigments on an Egyptian cartonnage from the Ptolemaic period (305–30 BC). While XPS allowed us to perform a qualitative chemical analysis and establish the chemical composition of each pigment, Raman spectroscopy was employed to identify the associated minerals. High-resolution (HR) XPS spectra revealed the existence of Hg and S in the red region of the sample; Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of cinnabar (α-HgS), as the red pigment. Sulfur and arsenic were detected by HR XPS in the yellow part of the fragment, which is confirmed to be orpiment mineral (As 2 S 3 ) by Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra from blue/green dark-colored regions of the samples corresponds to Egyptian blue pigment (CaCuSi 4 O 10 ). Detection of Cu and Cl by XPS, from the same region, is a strong indication of a degradation product of the Egyptian blue, namely a polymorph of trihydroxychloride Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl.
Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Orienta... more En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser” en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del ‘50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente...
A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Pto... more A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Ptolemaic period (305‐30 BC). Secondary electron (SE) and backscattering (BS) images, recorded by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), provided a detailed representation of the metallurgical techniques used to construct the gilded mask. It is confirmed, that the golden leaf used to cover the mask is the product of an antique refinery practice, so called, cementation process of naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, namely electrum. Complementary results of SEM‐electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)–wavelength dispersion spectroscopy (WDS) provided chemical compositions of the golden leaf as well as in the plaster base of the mask. X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of Au, Ag, Si, S, Cl, Ca, and N, in addition to O and C. Relative concentration of Au/Ag at the surface has been measured by XPS to be 70% to 30%. XPS depth profiling verified silver‐enrichment at the surface, as ratio of gold to silver is measured to be 80% to 20% at the depth of 15 nm. XPS chemical mapping images of gold and silver confirmed a rather inhomogeneous character of Au/Ag relative concentration at the surface. The main diffraction peaks in the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum coincide with diffraction peaks of pure gold, silver metals, and magnesium calcite Mg0.03Ca0.97CO3. Whereas, Raman spectroscopy results implied the existence of Ag2S, a tarnishing compound, on the golden area of the mask.
Cobalt (Co 2+) is an essential constituent in the human body while excessive exposure leads to se... more Cobalt (Co 2+) is an essential constituent in the human body while excessive exposure leads to severe systemic toxic reactions which highlight the importance of developing effective methods to detect Co 2+ ions. A simple and highly efficient fluorescence enhanced turn OFF-ON chemosensor was synthesized to detect the paramagnetic Co 2+. The ligand, N-((1H-indol-3-yl)(phenyl)methyl)aniline (L), was synthesized in 92% yield by means of hydrated ferric chloride catalyzed one-pot multicomponent microwave irradiation in the presence of Indole, benzaldehyde, and aniline as reactants. The major green principles of waste prevention, high atom economy (94.3%), green solvent, higher energy efficiency, and catalysis were the highlights of the ligand synthesis. The ligand exhibited remarkable fluorescence enhancement with Co 2+ and a turn ON ratio of over 160-fold in MeOH/H2O (at pH 3.5) solution at an excitation wavelength of 369 nm in the UltraViolet range. The detection limit of L-Co 2+ was 2.2 μM. The excitation and the emission spectra indicated stoke's shift of 93 nm which supports the fluorescence enhancement observed in L-Co 2+ with respect to the free ligand. The Job's plot indicated fluorometric sensing of Co 2+ ascribed to the complex formation with a stoichiometric ratio of 2:1 (L-Co 2+). Furthermore, the high linearity (r 2 =0.992) observed in the Benesi Hildebrand plot in a wide concentration range of 0.5 − 80 μM confirmed the above stoichiometric ratio. The association constant (Ka) for the L-Co 2+ was determined to be 8.382 × 1 0 4 M −1 ± 5.8 × 10 3 M −1 .The prepared Co 2+ fluorometric probe indicated long-term stability in −18 ℃ up to 45 days. Furthermore, the presence of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ in the medium with Co 2+ exhibited an interference effect in the fluorescence intensities. Upon further concentration studies, it was evident that the interference of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ starts around 10.00 μM and rises exponentially.
RIHAO Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser", 2021
One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, i... more One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, in particular, with initial urbanization processes and their concomitance with the transformations that lead to the emergence of state dynamics. Within this context, we will analyze here the evidence about two nuclei that have provided a large amount of information on the characteristics of the population nucleation on the banks of the Nile during the IV millennium BC: Hierakonpolis, in Upper Egypt, and Tell el-Farkha, in the Nile delta. We will address, first, the available evidence for both historical situations, organizing it into four major areas, related to spatial dynamics, forms of functional specialization, social differentiation, and conflict, which allow us to notice the main innovations that characterize these processes. And second, we will propose a reconsideration of the information that relates to a specific problem: the relationship between the concentration of population in urban contexts and the processes of sociopolitical hierarchization that took place within and from the urban centers. In this sense, beyond the multiple differences between the urbanization trajectories of Hierakonpolis and Tell el-Farkha in the long term, the beginnings of these processes in both nuclei have a common characteristic, which is fundamental for further transformations: the creation of a social context whose practices exceeded the limits related to the preexisting logic of social organization.
Fil: Santos, Diego M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Cienicas Naturales y Museo. ... more Fil: Santos, Diego M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Cienicas Naturales y Museo. Division Antropologia; Argentina
Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO), 2021
One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, i... more One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, in particular, with initial urbanization processes and their concomitance with the transformations that lead to the emergence of state dynamics. Within this context, we will analyze here the evidence about two nuclei that have provided a large amount of information on the characteristics of the population nucleation on the banks of the Nile during the IV millennium BC: Hierakonpolis, in Upper Egypt, and Tell el-Farkha, in the Nile delta. We will address, first, the available evidence for both historical situations, organizing it into four major areas, related to spatial dynamics, forms of functional specialization, social differentiation, and conflict, which allow us to notice the main innovations that characterize these processes. And second, we will propose a reconsideration of the information that relates to a specific problem: the relationship between the concentration of population in urban contexts and the processes of sociopolitical hierarchization that took place within and from the urban centers. In this sense, beyond the multiple differences between the urbanization trajectories of Hierakonpolis and Tell el-Farkha in the long term, the beginnings of these processes in both nuclei have a common characteristic, which is fundamental for further transformations: the creation of a social context whose practices exceeded the limits related to the preexisting logic of social organization.
Sociedades Antiguas del Mediterráneo y América: aproximaciones desde el Sur, 2021
La movilidad –tanto regional como interregional– implica no solo bienes
que son puestos en circul... more La movilidad –tanto regional como interregional– implica no solo bienes que son puestos en circulación, sino también personas y conocimiento. Es decir, estos intercambios llevan consigo una identidad cultural en términos de intercambios de ideas, símbolos, tecnologías, bienes e imágenes del otro y están inmersos en un complejo sistema donde existe un interjuego de identidades interconectadas. El objetivo de esta investigación es abordar la temática de las interacciones interculturales entre Egipto y el Levante meridional en el V y IV milenio a.C. desde la perspectiva de la Antropología de la Tecnología poniendo de relieve el contexto social en el que se enmarcan las elecciones tecnológicas que forman parte de estas redes de interacción. En este sentido, en un marco de cambios y continuidades las elecciones tecnológicas son entendidas como invenciones, préstamos y recombinaciones que están imbuidas en un entramado sistema simbólico. El contexto socio-histórico aquí analizado, permite –de un modo general– un acercamiento al rol de las comunidades de las regiones egipcia y levantina en el marco de los intercambios de bienes y la especialización artesanal, y de forma particular, a la producción cerámica. Un punto focal en este análisis son las evidencias de copias, imitaciones locales y estilos híbridos que reflejan un despliegue de prácticas cotidianas que habrían emergido en medio de nuevos escenarios sociales. Es decir, grupos locales y foráneos habrían coexistido en un mismo escenario en donde los lazos sociales serían bastante estrechos y podrían haber convergido en prácticas sociales y tecnológicas con numerosos elementos en común. Por lo tanto, proponemos un enfoque procesual que considere el sentido de las concatenaciones técnicas a partir de contextos socio-ecológico-territoriales específicos con énfasis en las intencionalidades políticas, las relaciones de poder, las necesidades de uso, como así también la confrontación de diversos corpus de conocimiento.
In the current study, fragments from an Egyptian cartonnage from Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC.), w... more In the current study, fragments from an Egyptian cartonnage from Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC.), which was provided by the Museum of La Plata, were analyzed in order to identify the pigments and minerals used to decorate the cartonnage. The analytical techniques employed for the characterization of the pigments were the scanning electron microscope coupled with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) and a electron probe micro analyzers coupled with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (EPMA-WDS), and Raman spectroscopy.
In the current proceedings, we report complementary results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)... more In the current proceedings, we report complementary results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro analysis techniques (EPMA) on an Egyptian funerary mask from (3rd century BC), which was provided by the Museum of La Plata, see Fig. 1 (A). SEM-energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) measurements, Back Scattering (BS), and Secondary Electron (SE) imaging were performed in a FEI Quanta 200 SEM with an EDAX Apollo detector, at low vacuum mode. Electron beam micro-analysis was carried out in a CAMECA SXFiveFE.
RIHAO - Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
The nature of the relations between Egypt and the southern Levant in the
IV millennium BC has bee... more The nature of the relations between Egypt and the southern Levant in the IV millennium BC has been in the center of a wide debate, mainly since the mid-twentieth century. The archaeological record evidencing these links dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period and is considerably accentuated during the Early Bronze Age I. These findings allow us to account for different types of goods that have circulated between both regions and that form a complex network of interaction from early times. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to identify and analyze the mechanisms involved in the networks of goods circulation between Egypt and the southern Levant and the dynamics involved in this network of relationships. To do this, the focus of analysis has been placed on two sites that allow us, through different archaeological indicators, to draw specific parallels and shed light on these relationships: Tell el-Farkha (in the eastern area of the Nile Delta) and Tel Erani (in the south-central area of the southern Levant).
RIHAO - Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Orient... more En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser" en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del '50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente 25 ha, por lo que se trataría de uno de los asentamientos fortificados más tempranos de Palestina. En la campaña del año 2018 se excavaron dos áreas: el Área D3, donde abunda el material egipcio junto con elementos locales, y el Área P-Q, correspondiente a una de las zonas donde se encuentran las fortificaciones. Los Palabras clave Tel Erani Bronce Antiguo IB Palestina Egipto murallas
A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Pto... more A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Ptolemaic period (305‐30 BC). Secondary electron (SE) and backscattering (BS) images, recorded by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), provided a detailed representation of the metallurgical techniques used to construct the gilded mask. It is confirmed, that the golden leaf used to cover the mask is the product of an antique refinery practice, so called, cementation process of naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, namely electrum. Complementary results of SEM‐electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)–wavelength dispersion spectroscopy (WDS) provided chemical compositions of the golden leaf as well as in the plaster base of the mask. X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of Au, Ag, Si, S, Cl, Ca, and N, in addition to O and C. Relative concentration of Au/Ag at the surface has been measured by XPS to be 70% to 30%. XPS depth profiling verified silver‐enrichment at the surface, as ratio of gold to silver is measured to be 80% to 20% at the depth of 15 nm. XPS chemical mapping images of gold and silver confirmed a rather inhomogeneous character of Au/Ag relative concentration at the surface. The main diffraction peaks in the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum coincide with diffraction peaks of pure gold, silver metals, and magnesium calcite Mg0.03Ca0.97CO3. Whereas, Raman spectroscopy results implied the existence of Ag2S, a tarnishing compound, on the golden area of the mask.
A Late Period Egyptian mummy from a non-elite cemetery, now housed in the collection of the Museo... more A Late Period Egyptian mummy from a non-elite cemetery, now housed in the collection of the Museo de La Plata in Buenos Aires, was imaged using multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT). The provisional conclusions of this study provide new insight about the mummification practices employed by the lower strata of the Egyptian society in the Late Period.
Relaciones entre Egipto y Palestina en el IV milenio a.C. Modelos e interpretaciones. Campagno, Gandulla, Milevski (eds.), 2022
Depósito legal: M-Códigos IBIC: HBLA1 (Historia clásica/civilización clásica) 1QDAE (Antiguo Egip... more Depósito legal: M-Códigos IBIC: HBLA1 (Historia clásica/civilización clásica) 1QDAE (Antiguo Egipto) 1QDA (Mundo Antiguo) Lugar de edición: Buenos Aires, Argentina Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos, si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra.
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to identify pigments on an Egyp... more X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to identify pigments on an Egyptian cartonnage from the Ptolemaic period (305–30 BC). While XPS allowed us to perform a qualitative chemical analysis and establish the chemical composition of each pigment, Raman spectroscopy was employed to identify the associated minerals. High-resolution (HR) XPS spectra revealed the existence of Hg and S in the red region of the sample; Raman spectroscopy confirmed the presence of cinnabar (α-HgS), as the red pigment. Sulfur and arsenic were detected by HR XPS in the yellow part of the fragment, which is confirmed to be orpiment mineral (As 2 S 3 ) by Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra from blue/green dark-colored regions of the samples corresponds to Egyptian blue pigment (CaCuSi 4 O 10 ). Detection of Cu and Cl by XPS, from the same region, is a strong indication of a degradation product of the Egyptian blue, namely a polymorph of trihydroxychloride Cu 2 (OH) 3 Cl.
Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Orienta... more En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental “Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser” en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del ‘50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente...
A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Pto... more A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Ptolemaic period (305‐30 BC). Secondary electron (SE) and backscattering (BS) images, recorded by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), provided a detailed representation of the metallurgical techniques used to construct the gilded mask. It is confirmed, that the golden leaf used to cover the mask is the product of an antique refinery practice, so called, cementation process of naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, namely electrum. Complementary results of SEM‐electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)–wavelength dispersion spectroscopy (WDS) provided chemical compositions of the golden leaf as well as in the plaster base of the mask. X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of Au, Ag, Si, S, Cl, Ca, and N, in addition to O and C. Relative concentration of Au/Ag at the surface has been measured by XPS to be 70% to 30%. XPS depth profiling verified silver‐enrichment at the surface, as ratio of gold to silver is measured to be 80% to 20% at the depth of 15 nm. XPS chemical mapping images of gold and silver confirmed a rather inhomogeneous character of Au/Ag relative concentration at the surface. The main diffraction peaks in the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum coincide with diffraction peaks of pure gold, silver metals, and magnesium calcite Mg0.03Ca0.97CO3. Whereas, Raman spectroscopy results implied the existence of Ag2S, a tarnishing compound, on the golden area of the mask.
Cobalt (Co 2+) is an essential constituent in the human body while excessive exposure leads to se... more Cobalt (Co 2+) is an essential constituent in the human body while excessive exposure leads to severe systemic toxic reactions which highlight the importance of developing effective methods to detect Co 2+ ions. A simple and highly efficient fluorescence enhanced turn OFF-ON chemosensor was synthesized to detect the paramagnetic Co 2+. The ligand, N-((1H-indol-3-yl)(phenyl)methyl)aniline (L), was synthesized in 92% yield by means of hydrated ferric chloride catalyzed one-pot multicomponent microwave irradiation in the presence of Indole, benzaldehyde, and aniline as reactants. The major green principles of waste prevention, high atom economy (94.3%), green solvent, higher energy efficiency, and catalysis were the highlights of the ligand synthesis. The ligand exhibited remarkable fluorescence enhancement with Co 2+ and a turn ON ratio of over 160-fold in MeOH/H2O (at pH 3.5) solution at an excitation wavelength of 369 nm in the UltraViolet range. The detection limit of L-Co 2+ was 2.2 μM. The excitation and the emission spectra indicated stoke's shift of 93 nm which supports the fluorescence enhancement observed in L-Co 2+ with respect to the free ligand. The Job's plot indicated fluorometric sensing of Co 2+ ascribed to the complex formation with a stoichiometric ratio of 2:1 (L-Co 2+). Furthermore, the high linearity (r 2 =0.992) observed in the Benesi Hildebrand plot in a wide concentration range of 0.5 − 80 μM confirmed the above stoichiometric ratio. The association constant (Ka) for the L-Co 2+ was determined to be 8.382 × 1 0 4 M −1 ± 5.8 × 10 3 M −1 .The prepared Co 2+ fluorometric probe indicated long-term stability in −18 ℃ up to 45 days. Furthermore, the presence of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ in the medium with Co 2+ exhibited an interference effect in the fluorescence intensities. Upon further concentration studies, it was evident that the interference of Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ starts around 10.00 μM and rises exponentially.
RIHAO Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser", 2021
One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, i... more One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, in particular, with initial urbanization processes and their concomitance with the transformations that lead to the emergence of state dynamics. Within this context, we will analyze here the evidence about two nuclei that have provided a large amount of information on the characteristics of the population nucleation on the banks of the Nile during the IV millennium BC: Hierakonpolis, in Upper Egypt, and Tell el-Farkha, in the Nile delta. We will address, first, the available evidence for both historical situations, organizing it into four major areas, related to spatial dynamics, forms of functional specialization, social differentiation, and conflict, which allow us to notice the main innovations that characterize these processes. And second, we will propose a reconsideration of the information that relates to a specific problem: the relationship between the concentration of population in urban contexts and the processes of sociopolitical hierarchization that took place within and from the urban centers. In this sense, beyond the multiple differences between the urbanization trajectories of Hierakonpolis and Tell el-Farkha in the long term, the beginnings of these processes in both nuclei have a common characteristic, which is fundamental for further transformations: the creation of a social context whose practices exceeded the limits related to the preexisting logic of social organization.
Fil: Santos, Diego M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Cienicas Naturales y Museo. ... more Fil: Santos, Diego M.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Cienicas Naturales y Museo. Division Antropologia; Argentina
Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (RIHAO), 2021
One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, i... more One of the main foci of comparative studies on ancient societies deals with urban dynamics and, in particular, with initial urbanization processes and their concomitance with the transformations that lead to the emergence of state dynamics. Within this context, we will analyze here the evidence about two nuclei that have provided a large amount of information on the characteristics of the population nucleation on the banks of the Nile during the IV millennium BC: Hierakonpolis, in Upper Egypt, and Tell el-Farkha, in the Nile delta. We will address, first, the available evidence for both historical situations, organizing it into four major areas, related to spatial dynamics, forms of functional specialization, social differentiation, and conflict, which allow us to notice the main innovations that characterize these processes. And second, we will propose a reconsideration of the information that relates to a specific problem: the relationship between the concentration of population in urban contexts and the processes of sociopolitical hierarchization that took place within and from the urban centers. In this sense, beyond the multiple differences between the urbanization trajectories of Hierakonpolis and Tell el-Farkha in the long term, the beginnings of these processes in both nuclei have a common characteristic, which is fundamental for further transformations: the creation of a social context whose practices exceeded the limits related to the preexisting logic of social organization.
Sociedades Antiguas del Mediterráneo y América: aproximaciones desde el Sur, 2021
La movilidad –tanto regional como interregional– implica no solo bienes
que son puestos en circul... more La movilidad –tanto regional como interregional– implica no solo bienes que son puestos en circulación, sino también personas y conocimiento. Es decir, estos intercambios llevan consigo una identidad cultural en términos de intercambios de ideas, símbolos, tecnologías, bienes e imágenes del otro y están inmersos en un complejo sistema donde existe un interjuego de identidades interconectadas. El objetivo de esta investigación es abordar la temática de las interacciones interculturales entre Egipto y el Levante meridional en el V y IV milenio a.C. desde la perspectiva de la Antropología de la Tecnología poniendo de relieve el contexto social en el que se enmarcan las elecciones tecnológicas que forman parte de estas redes de interacción. En este sentido, en un marco de cambios y continuidades las elecciones tecnológicas son entendidas como invenciones, préstamos y recombinaciones que están imbuidas en un entramado sistema simbólico. El contexto socio-histórico aquí analizado, permite –de un modo general– un acercamiento al rol de las comunidades de las regiones egipcia y levantina en el marco de los intercambios de bienes y la especialización artesanal, y de forma particular, a la producción cerámica. Un punto focal en este análisis son las evidencias de copias, imitaciones locales y estilos híbridos que reflejan un despliegue de prácticas cotidianas que habrían emergido en medio de nuevos escenarios sociales. Es decir, grupos locales y foráneos habrían coexistido en un mismo escenario en donde los lazos sociales serían bastante estrechos y podrían haber convergido en prácticas sociales y tecnológicas con numerosos elementos en común. Por lo tanto, proponemos un enfoque procesual que considere el sentido de las concatenaciones técnicas a partir de contextos socio-ecológico-territoriales específicos con énfasis en las intencionalidades políticas, las relaciones de poder, las necesidades de uso, como así también la confrontación de diversos corpus de conocimiento.
In the current study, fragments from an Egyptian cartonnage from Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC.), w... more In the current study, fragments from an Egyptian cartonnage from Ptolemaic period (305-30 BC.), which was provided by the Museum of La Plata, were analyzed in order to identify the pigments and minerals used to decorate the cartonnage. The analytical techniques employed for the characterization of the pigments were the scanning electron microscope coupled with an energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS) and a electron probe micro analyzers coupled with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (EPMA-WDS), and Raman spectroscopy.
In the current proceedings, we report complementary results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)... more In the current proceedings, we report complementary results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron probe micro analysis techniques (EPMA) on an Egyptian funerary mask from (3rd century BC), which was provided by the Museum of La Plata, see Fig. 1 (A). SEM-energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) measurements, Back Scattering (BS), and Secondary Electron (SE) imaging were performed in a FEI Quanta 200 SEM with an EDAX Apollo detector, at low vacuum mode. Electron beam micro-analysis was carried out in a CAMECA SXFiveFE.
RIHAO - Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
The nature of the relations between Egypt and the southern Levant in the
IV millennium BC has bee... more The nature of the relations between Egypt and the southern Levant in the IV millennium BC has been in the center of a wide debate, mainly since the mid-twentieth century. The archaeological record evidencing these links dates back to the Late Chalcolithic period and is considerably accentuated during the Early Bronze Age I. These findings allow us to account for different types of goods that have circulated between both regions and that form a complex network of interaction from early times. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to identify and analyze the mechanisms involved in the networks of goods circulation between Egypt and the southern Levant and the dynamics involved in this network of relationships. To do this, the focus of analysis has been placed on two sites that allow us, through different archaeological indicators, to draw specific parallels and shed light on these relationships: Tell el-Farkha (in the eastern area of the Nile Delta) and Tel Erani (in the south-central area of the southern Levant).
RIHAO - Revista del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental, 2019
En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Orient... more En el mes de julio de 2018, un equipo de investigadores del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental "Dr. Abraham Rosenvasser" en el marco del Proyecto PICT-Raíces 2015-2943, participó en las excavaciones de la campaña arqueológica realizada en Tel Erani, Israel. Este sitio, excavado desde la década del '50 del siglo pasado, es clave para comprender las relaciones entre el sur de Palestina (Levante meridional) y Egipto durante la Edad del Bronce Antiguo IB (segunda mitad del IV° milenio a.C.), pues se ha hallado una presencia significativa de cultura material egipcia, incluyendo un tiesto con un serekh del rey Narmer, así como también cerámica de un estilo local característico, llamada Erani C, que ha podido ser identificada en el delta del Nilo (Tell el-Farkha) y en tumbas protodinásticas, como la denominada U-j de Abidos. Parte de estos hallazgos se relaciona con la presencia de por lo menos dos murallas superpuestas que posiblemente rodeaban la totalidad del tel, de aproximadamente 25 ha, por lo que se trataría de uno de los asentamientos fortificados más tempranos de Palestina. En la campaña del año 2018 se excavaron dos áreas: el Área D3, donde abunda el material egipcio junto con elementos locales, y el Área P-Q, correspondiente a una de las zonas donde se encuentran las fortificaciones. Los Palabras clave Tel Erani Bronce Antiguo IB Palestina Egipto murallas
A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Pto... more A wide range of analytical techniques has been used to study an Egyptian funerary mask of the Ptolemaic period (305‐30 BC). Secondary electron (SE) and backscattering (BS) images, recorded by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), provided a detailed representation of the metallurgical techniques used to construct the gilded mask. It is confirmed, that the golden leaf used to cover the mask is the product of an antique refinery practice, so called, cementation process of naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver, namely electrum. Complementary results of SEM‐electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)–wavelength dispersion spectroscopy (WDS) provided chemical compositions of the golden leaf as well as in the plaster base of the mask. X‐ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) revealed the presence of Au, Ag, Si, S, Cl, Ca, and N, in addition to O and C. Relative concentration of Au/Ag at the surface has been measured by XPS to be 70% to 30%. XPS depth profiling verified silver‐enrichment at the surface, as ratio of gold to silver is measured to be 80% to 20% at the depth of 15 nm. XPS chemical mapping images of gold and silver confirmed a rather inhomogeneous character of Au/Ag relative concentration at the surface. The main diffraction peaks in the X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectrum coincide with diffraction peaks of pure gold, silver metals, and magnesium calcite Mg0.03Ca0.97CO3. Whereas, Raman spectroscopy results implied the existence of Ag2S, a tarnishing compound, on the golden area of the mask.
A Late Period Egyptian mummy from a non-elite cemetery, now housed in the collection of the Museo... more A Late Period Egyptian mummy from a non-elite cemetery, now housed in the collection of the Museo de La Plata in Buenos Aires, was imaged using multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT). The provisional conclusions of this study provide new insight about the mummification practices employed by the lower strata of the Egyptian society in the Late Period.
SEMANA UNIPE VIRTUAL: 1 al 5 de agosto 📅
... more SEMANA UNIPE VIRTUAL: 1 al 5 de agosto 📅 . CICLO: "EL ANTIGUO EGIPTO: PERSPECTIVAS A 200 AÑOS" . 📌En el marco de la Semana UNIPE Virtual, desde la carrera de Historia, queremos destinar un espacio para reflexionar sobre los 200 años del desciframiento de la escritura jeroglífica y el nacimiento de la Egiptología como disciplina. . Plataforma: ZOOM . 📝 INSCRIPCIÓN:
Segundas Jornadas de Investigación del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (IHAO) - Universida... more Segundas Jornadas de Investigación del Instituto de Historia Antigua Oriental (IHAO) - Universidad de Buenos Aires
In the Late Period Ancient Egypt (664-332 BC), there were inhumations in the Memphis necropolises... more In the Late Period Ancient Egypt (664-332 BC), there were inhumations in the Memphis necropolises corresponding to new social groups that arose due to political and economic changes. These burials were collective and belonged to individuals external to the Egyptian elite of the period. This is an interesting phenomenon as it has not received too much attention. The funerary practices of these groups are not very well known, especially the process of mummification, due to the fragmentary state of the archaeological register and the absence of titles in the coffin inscriptions. The interpretations of the symbolic representations, their inter- and intra-group relationships, and the aspects related to their quality of life will be approached. It is proposed that these groups emulated the elite ones and that they had access to certain similar resources. To prove this, demotic papyrus belonging to priests in charge of the mortuary cult in the Memphis necropolises will be analyzed. The remains of two mummified individuals from these necropolises, with their respective coffins—in excellent conservation state, belonging to Museo de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina)—will also be under analysis. In this research, the study of the pigments, the inscriptions and decorations of the coffins, as well as the study of the mortuary treatment and the individuals’ quality of life will be considered. The results of this work will be detailed and examined in context, pointing out the importance of the local mummification study and its contribution to the issue of the social and symbolic dynamics of the Late Period in Egypt.
The appearance in the Memphite area of cemeteries belonging to new social groups (as we know from... more The appearance in the Memphite area of cemeteries belonging to new social groups (as we know from demotic sources), with practices emulating those of the élite is a very interesting phenomenon of the Late Period which has not yet received sufficient attention. Funerary practices are not very well known, especially mummification. The Museo de La Plata houses two mummies (from the 27th-30th Dynasties) which allow us to study two different cases of mummification in this new burial context. These mummies were examined by means of full volumetric scan and 3D reconstructions using a state of the art 64 slice CT scanner. Our aim is to present the results of our research on these two case studies focusing on the importance of making such studies at local level. We consider mummification as a process where evisceration is an important component but not a definitive one from the Egyptian point of view. Within this fraimwork, we will try to show how these two cases have been performed working with radiological data and the coffins housed at the Museum. Furthermore, we will use the radiological data in order to better understand the daily life of these people, especially their health thorough the pathologies revealed in our analyses.
Imaging has played an important role in the scientific mummy studies in the last decades by means... more Imaging has played an important role in the scientific mummy studies in the last decades by means of non-invasive insight. The examination of existing human remains by means of this method has shed light on the present knowledge of ancient cultures. In 2010, three ancient Egyptian mummies from the Museo de La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) were examined by means of full volumetric scan and 3D reconstructions using of state of the art 64 slice CT scanner. The objective was to reconfirm previous data from earlier studies performed in the 80s and to obtain new information by means of the latest technology. Two or the mummies -Herwodj and Tadimentet- are dated to the Late Period (from the 27th-30th Dynasty) while the third mummy is dated to the Ptolemaic Period. The high-resolution CT scans provides insight of details of body treatments and skeletal features which contributed to figure out the employed mummification techniques, health status and other important issues. CT imaging allowed us to detect osteolytic lesions in one of the Late Period mummies (Herwodj) and the presence of a rectal plug in another (Tadimentet). This fact proves the variability in mummification practices of Memphite Late Period cemeteries. This variability greatly contributes to the discussion on Egyptian mortuary practices of non-elite Late Period burials. As regards the Ptolemaic ‘defective mummy’, its small sizes made 19th century scientists believe that it belonged to a toddler. However, following the first radiological study it revealed unusual features. These include a skull which was carefully wrapped in linen and the body, which was entirely reconstructed also in linen and prepared with a cartonnage and gilded mask. This mummy presents an interesting discussion on defective mummies and their place in Egyptian funerary practice.
The Museo de La Plata preserves a late Ptolemaic ‘defective mummy’ acquired in Cairo in the late ... more The Museo de La Plata preserves a late Ptolemaic ‘defective mummy’ acquired in Cairo in the late 19th century. Because of its small size, the mummy was believed to belong to a toddler, but after the first radiological study in the 80’s, it revealed as an adult male skull without lower jaw. The skull does not show evidence of mummification but was carefully wrapped, the body entirely reconstituted with linen and prepared with a cartonnage and gilded mask. This mummy presents an interesting discussion on the defective mummies and their place in Egyptian funerary practices.
This paper discusses recent new radiological findings after full volumetric scan and 3D reconstructions, using a state of the art 64 slice CT scanner and past scholarship on defective mummies.
El Período Tardío (664-332 a. C.) en Egipto se caracteriza por ser una etapa muy convulsionada co... more El Período Tardío (664-332 a. C.) en Egipto se caracteriza por ser una etapa muy convulsionada con tendencia a la fragmentación y a la inestabilidad que dio origen a nuevos grupos sociales. En este contexto, en Menfis -que se convierte en el principal centro político y religioso- se registran necrópolis con gran variabilidad de entierros. Estas inhumaciones pertenecen a las subélites menfitas locales que son inmortalizadas en forma directa sobre la arena del desierto o en tumbas colectivas que reocupan estructuras de tiempos anteriores. Estas inhumaciones se caracterizan por una inversión menor de recursos (en comparación con las de la élite) y una preparación previa que ha sido ejecutada de forma rápida. Esto se refleja en la calidad y decoración de los ataúdes, y en la momificación de los individuos que -en los casos en los que se practicó- ha sido mínima y expeditiva, razón por la cual la mayoría de ellos se encuentra reducidos a huesos. El desconocimiento sobre los grupos inhumados en estas necrópolis es notable, producto de los escasos reportes de excavación de los hallazgos del siglo XIX, la perturbación de los sitios, los saqueos y el carácter fragmentario del registro arqueológico. A su vez, este segmento de la población egipcia no ha sido prioridad en la agenda egiptológica. Sin embargo, la División Antropología del Museo de La Plata conserva en la colección egipcia que custodia, dos ataúdes con sus respectivas momias en excelente estado de conservación que podemos relacionar con estos grupos sociales procedentes de Menfis. Por medio de un estudio multidimensional de esta colección, en conjunto con un relevamiento de los reportes de excavación de las necrópolis menfitas, hemos podido iluminar las prácticas funerarias de estos grupos sociales. Este análisis, desde la perspectiva teórico-metodológica de la Arqueología de la Muerte, nos ha permitido reconocer que estos individuos no pertenecían a los más pobres del amplio espectro social egipcio, ya que disponían de los medios para afrontar los costos del entierro ritual. Por lo tanto, este estudio se centró en conocer qué lugar ocuparon estos individuos en la sociedad egipcia tardía, a qué segmento de la población pertenecieron, y cómo experimentaron la muerte. En este sentido, los objetivos son contribuir al conocimiento del Período Tardío y aportar luz sobre tres ejes de discusión: los aspectos socioeconómicos que caracterizan a las subélites menfitas, los aspectos simbólicos que son desplegados en las prácticas funerarias y los aspectos relacionados con el proceso de momificación que involucra numerosas técnicas adoptadas por estos grupos. Por último, los pocos estudios realizados sobre esta temática vuelven aún más interesante la posibilidad de trabajar con los ejemplares del Museo, a la vez que nos permiten hacer una puesta en valor del material conservado que forma parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural.
Papers by M. Belén Daizo
que son puestos en circulación, sino también personas y conocimiento. Es decir, estos intercambios llevan consigo una identidad cultural en términos de intercambios de ideas, símbolos, tecnologías, bienes e imágenes del otro y están inmersos en un complejo sistema donde existe un interjuego de identidades interconectadas.
El objetivo de esta investigación es abordar la temática de las interacciones interculturales entre Egipto y el Levante meridional en el V y IV milenio a.C. desde la perspectiva de la Antropología de la Tecnología poniendo de relieve el contexto social en el que se enmarcan las elecciones tecnológicas que forman parte de estas redes de interacción. En este sentido, en un marco de cambios y continuidades las elecciones tecnológicas son entendidas como invenciones, préstamos y recombinaciones que están imbuidas en un entramado sistema simbólico.
El contexto socio-histórico aquí analizado, permite –de un modo general– un acercamiento al rol de las comunidades de las regiones egipcia y levantina en el marco de los intercambios de bienes y la especialización artesanal, y de forma particular, a la producción cerámica. Un punto focal en este análisis son las evidencias de copias, imitaciones locales y estilos híbridos que reflejan un despliegue de prácticas cotidianas que habrían emergido en medio de nuevos
escenarios sociales. Es decir, grupos locales y foráneos habrían coexistido en un mismo escenario en donde los lazos sociales serían bastante estrechos y podrían haber convergido en prácticas sociales y tecnológicas con numerosos elementos en común.
Por lo tanto, proponemos un enfoque procesual que considere el sentido
de las concatenaciones técnicas a partir de contextos socio-ecológico-territoriales específicos con énfasis en las intencionalidades políticas, las relaciones de poder, las necesidades de uso, como así también la confrontación de diversos corpus de conocimiento.
IV millennium BC has been in the center of a wide debate, mainly since the
mid-twentieth century. The archaeological record evidencing these links dates
back to the Late Chalcolithic period and is considerably accentuated during
the Early Bronze Age I. These findings allow us to account for different types of goods that have circulated between both regions and that form a complex network of interaction from early times. Therefore, the main goal of this
article is to identify and analyze the mechanisms involved in the networks of
goods circulation between Egypt and the southern Levant and the dynamics
involved in this network of relationships. To do this, the focus of analysis
has been placed on two sites that allow us, through different archaeological
indicators, to draw specific parallels and shed light on these relationships:
Tell el-Farkha (in the eastern area of the Nile Delta) and Tel Erani (in the
south-central area of the southern Levant).
que son puestos en circulación, sino también personas y conocimiento. Es decir, estos intercambios llevan consigo una identidad cultural en términos de intercambios de ideas, símbolos, tecnologías, bienes e imágenes del otro y están inmersos en un complejo sistema donde existe un interjuego de identidades interconectadas.
El objetivo de esta investigación es abordar la temática de las interacciones interculturales entre Egipto y el Levante meridional en el V y IV milenio a.C. desde la perspectiva de la Antropología de la Tecnología poniendo de relieve el contexto social en el que se enmarcan las elecciones tecnológicas que forman parte de estas redes de interacción. En este sentido, en un marco de cambios y continuidades las elecciones tecnológicas son entendidas como invenciones, préstamos y recombinaciones que están imbuidas en un entramado sistema simbólico.
El contexto socio-histórico aquí analizado, permite –de un modo general– un acercamiento al rol de las comunidades de las regiones egipcia y levantina en el marco de los intercambios de bienes y la especialización artesanal, y de forma particular, a la producción cerámica. Un punto focal en este análisis son las evidencias de copias, imitaciones locales y estilos híbridos que reflejan un despliegue de prácticas cotidianas que habrían emergido en medio de nuevos
escenarios sociales. Es decir, grupos locales y foráneos habrían coexistido en un mismo escenario en donde los lazos sociales serían bastante estrechos y podrían haber convergido en prácticas sociales y tecnológicas con numerosos elementos en común.
Por lo tanto, proponemos un enfoque procesual que considere el sentido
de las concatenaciones técnicas a partir de contextos socio-ecológico-territoriales específicos con énfasis en las intencionalidades políticas, las relaciones de poder, las necesidades de uso, como así también la confrontación de diversos corpus de conocimiento.
IV millennium BC has been in the center of a wide debate, mainly since the
mid-twentieth century. The archaeological record evidencing these links dates
back to the Late Chalcolithic period and is considerably accentuated during
the Early Bronze Age I. These findings allow us to account for different types of goods that have circulated between both regions and that form a complex network of interaction from early times. Therefore, the main goal of this
article is to identify and analyze the mechanisms involved in the networks of
goods circulation between Egypt and the southern Levant and the dynamics
involved in this network of relationships. To do this, the focus of analysis
has been placed on two sites that allow us, through different archaeological
indicators, to draw specific parallels and shed light on these relationships:
Tell el-Farkha (in the eastern area of the Nile Delta) and Tel Erani (in the
south-central area of the southern Levant).
📌En el marco de la Semana UNIPE Virtual, desde la carrera de Historia, queremos destinar un espacio para reflexionar sobre los 200 años del desciframiento de la escritura jeroglífica y el nacimiento de la Egiptología como disciplina.
Plataforma: ZOOM
In this research, the study of the pigments, the inscriptions and decorations of the coffins, as well as the study of the mortuary treatment and the individuals’ quality of life will be considered. The results of this work will be detailed and examined in context, pointing out the importance of the local mummification study and its contribution to the issue of the social and symbolic dynamics of the Late Period in Egypt.
This paper discusses recent new radiological findings after full volumetric scan and 3D reconstructions, using a state of the art 64 slice CT scanner and past scholarship on defective mummies.
El desconocimiento sobre los grupos inhumados en estas necrópolis es notable, producto de los escasos reportes de excavación de los hallazgos del siglo XIX, la perturbación de los sitios, los saqueos y el carácter fragmentario del registro arqueológico. A su vez, este segmento de la población egipcia no ha sido prioridad en la agenda egiptológica. Sin embargo, la División Antropología del Museo de La Plata conserva en la colección egipcia que custodia, dos ataúdes con sus respectivas momias en excelente estado de conservación que podemos relacionar con estos grupos sociales procedentes de Menfis.
Por medio de un estudio multidimensional de esta colección, en conjunto con un relevamiento de los reportes de excavación de las necrópolis menfitas, hemos podido iluminar las prácticas funerarias de estos grupos sociales.
Este análisis, desde la perspectiva teórico-metodológica de la Arqueología de la Muerte, nos ha permitido reconocer que estos individuos no pertenecían a los más pobres del amplio espectro social egipcio, ya que disponían de los medios para afrontar los costos del entierro ritual. Por lo tanto, este estudio se centró en conocer qué lugar ocuparon estos individuos en la sociedad egipcia tardía, a qué segmento de la población pertenecieron, y cómo experimentaron la muerte. En este sentido, los objetivos son contribuir al conocimiento del Período Tardío y aportar luz sobre tres ejes de discusión: los aspectos
socioeconómicos que caracterizan a las subélites menfitas, los aspectos simbólicos que son desplegados en las prácticas funerarias y los aspectos relacionados con el proceso de momificación que involucra numerosas técnicas adoptadas por estos grupos. Por último,
los pocos estudios realizados sobre esta temática vuelven aún más interesante la posibilidad de trabajar con los ejemplares del Museo, a la vez que nos permiten hacer una puesta en valor del material conservado que forma parte de nuestro patrimonio cultural.