University of Salento
Una fonte importantissima per conoscere la magia nel mondo antico sono i Papiri Magici. Essi sono stati redatti tra il II e il V secolo d.C. nell'Egitto greco-romano e sono considerati come dei veri e propri "prontuari della magica... more
This article focuses on the topic of war, as it is addressed by Michael Scot in the Liber introductorius, particularly in the Prohemium and in the Liber quatuor distinctionum.The first section comprises the text of an interrogation about... more
This article examines the use of Honorius Augustodunensis's Elucidarium in the Prohemium of a three-part introduction to the astrological sciences, namely the Liber introductorius by Michael Scot. The investigation into the adoption of... more
Report of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Workgroup of the Herzog August Bibliothek des Mittelalters, organised by: Carmen Cardelle de Hartmann (Zürich) and Martina Giese (Potsdam); sponsored by: Herzog August Bibliothek. This report... more
This article primarly focuses on the manuscript Edinburgh, University Library, 132 (=L), as a witness to the Liber introductorius of Michael Scot. It includes a codicological description of the manuscript, an investigation of its... more
The aim of this article is to contribute to the scholarly discussion on the relationship between predictive practices and religious orthodoxy, as displayed in the Liber introductorius of Michael Scot. The present article includes a study... more
Book Review
When the Warburg Institute Library was shipped across the North Sea in 1933, six people came over from Germany with it; among them Hans Meier, former librarian of the Institute. While a student in Hamburg, Meier began an edition of the... more
Contribution currently under publication by Brepols; a preliminary draft is available on HAL at the following link: --------- This article concerns a text beginning with 'Arabes maxime' included in... more
Contribution currently under publication by Brepols; a preliminary draft is available on HAL at the following link: The purpose of this article is to provide and discuss evidence of Conrad... more
The article focuses on a text by Regiomontanus, written around 1456, included in his 'Rechenbuch' (calculation book), which develops a specific calculation of the equation of time. Based on a critical edition and translation of the text,... more
Reading of selected chapters of John of Lignères’ Saphea through draft editions of the work, as part of the Ancient Mathematical Texts Reading Seminar at the Sphere Laboratory in Paris. This edition is part of a book in preparation with... more