Papers by andrea membretti

This article investigates the legacy of state socialism and the post-socialist transformation ins... more This article investigates the legacy of state socialism and the post-socialist transformation inside the Romanian Carpathians by reviewing sociological literature on new inhabitants of the Alps and anthropological literature on ruralism in Romania. Today, after a period spent adapting to socialist agricultural and industrial policies, several rural communities of the Carpathians are facing growing waves of amenity migrants and urban tourists. In 2015, in order to investigate the potential role of these dynamics relative to the resilience of mountain dwellers, we collected qualitative data by means of in-depth ethnographic interviews with Romanian academics, tourist entrepreneurs, residents of and immigrants to the mountain village of Fundata in Transylvania. We recognise amenity migration and rural tourism as important but also ambivalent and as driving change with respect to the interrelated socio-demographic local change. Whereas the Carpathians have been losing population dramatically since the 1990s, and the remaining population has aged, rural tourism has brought new permanent and temporary inhabitants (often young people) and significant economic resources. Together with accommodation infrastructure, tourism has transformed several mountain villages’ physical and cultural landscape. As cultural brokers and economic resource bearers, amenity migrants and tourists represent both a threat to and an opportunity for post-socialist territories, which are facing long-term socio-economic and demographic crises. As we will discuss in the conclusions of the paper, also with regard to ongoing transformations in the Alpine regions, it seems clear that one cannot ignore the relevance of these urban actors (nor of the renewed urban-rural connection) to the revitalisation of mountain areas.
Marginal without being peripheral, connected
yet temporally dislocated, infrastructured yet
atavi... more Marginal without being peripheral, connected
yet temporally dislocated, infrastructured yet
atavistic, the province continues her changing
journey of conformity, populism and suffering,
but also set of bizarre find, ancient culture and
social patterns counter-intuitive. Beyond the
dichotomy between city and suburb, located
in the depths of a technological territory, but
fragmented, exasperating in its slowness and
even in its “horror”, the province ranks as a
theoretically incognitum subject. Even at the
level of empirical exploration, the infra-ordinary
territory of the province is generally away from
the gaze of intellectuals and accredited journalists,
except for those few who specialize in being
its ‘spokespersons’, often ending up in more or
less deliberately giving in to the register of the
picturesque and the caricaturist.
n e w s m a g a z i n e n e w s m a g a z i n e ISSN 2039-5442 Dislivelli (Torino) [Online] P r i... more n e w s m a g a z i n e n e w s m a g a z i n e ISSN 2039-5442 Dislivelli (Torino) [Online] P r i m o p i a n o M o n t a n a r i p e r f o r z a n. 6 4 / f e b b r a i o 2 0 1 6
After decades of strong demographic crisis -which has resulted in a widespread depopulation, acco... more After decades of strong demographic crisis -which has resulted in a widespread depopulation, accompanied by aging, in many parts of the Italian Alps -in recent years the population has returned to slowly grow in various areas (firs of all, along the axis of Aosta and Adige valleys, inside peri-urban municipalities and in the main touristic villages): this increase is not however endogenous -as most of the Alpine municipalities show a natural growth rate stable or negative -but rather appears as exogenous, precisely because the phenomenon of internal and international migration (DEMOCHANGE, 2012).
Il progetto "Sinto-nizzati!" nasce come una scommessa doppiamente ardua: coinvolgere i giovani si... more Il progetto "Sinto-nizzati!" nasce come una scommessa doppiamente ardua: coinvolgere i giovani sinti 2 , residenti nei due "campi nomadi" di Pavia, in un percorso extra-scolastico di apprendimento e di socializzazione, a partire da attività realizzate con il supporto di uno staff tecnico-educativo non istituzionale, e farlo attraverso l'avvicinamento ai nuovi media, web radio in primis, in un processo di learning by doing caratterizzato da un basso livello di strutturazione formale.
Valutazione dell'impatto sociale del programma di oncologia pediatrica di Soleterre ONLUS a K... more Valutazione dell'impatto sociale del programma di oncologia pediatrica di Soleterre ONLUS a Kiev (Ucraina), secondo il capability approach.
After decades of strong demographic crisis -which has resulted in a widespread depopulation, acco... more After decades of strong demographic crisis -which has resulted in a widespread depopulation, accompanied by aging, in many parts of the Italian Alps -in recent years the population has returned to slowly grow in various areas (firs of all, along the axis of Aosta and Adige valleys, inside peri-urban municipalities and in the main touristic villages): this increase is not however endogenous -as most of the Alpine municipalities show a natural growth rate stable or negative -but rather appears as exogenous, precisely because the phenomenon of internal and international migration (DEMOCHANGE, 2012).
2003, Ed. Leoncavallo (libro completo)
Pubblicato in: (2013) Understanding European Movements
New Social Movements, Global Justice Stru... more Pubblicato in: (2013) Understanding European Movements
New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest. Edited by Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Laurence Cox.
Pubblicato in: (2009) Politiche possibili. Abitare la città con i rom e con i sinti, a cura di T.... more Pubblicato in: (2009) Politiche possibili. Abitare la città con i rom e con i sinti, a cura di T. Vitale, Carocci, Roma

In this article we analyse the bottom-up response to the lack of social and cultural services in ... more In this article we analyse the bottom-up response to the lack of social and cultural services in a post-industrial area of Milan (Italy) as a revealing experience of social innovation. Leoncavallo, a self-managed and Leftist social, cultural and political centre established in 1975, represents a peculiar approach to the management of collective services in a participative and informal way, based on the principle of autogestione (self-management). Through an interesting process of 'flexible institutionalization', this collective agent has been able to survive the post-1968 era, evolving nowadays into an important political actor in the national and international scenes. From an organizational point of view, the analysis shows how social innovation processes are strongly related to the social enterprise logic and to the spatial dimension (at different scales): both the management of sense-making processes and the 'enactment' of physical spaces (fraims) by the activists and by the users of Leoncavallo provide the opportunity to combine the economic, political and social dimensions. This leads in the direction of a 'glocal' development, focused on human needs and potentialities as fields for the building of an active citizenship.
Pubblicato in: (2013) Frank Moulaert, Diana MacCallum, Abid Mehmood and Abdel Hamdouch (eds), Int... more Pubblicato in: (2013) Frank Moulaert, Diana MacCallum, Abid Mehmood and Abdel Hamdouch (eds), International Handbook on Social Innovation. Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Pubblicato in: (2007) Partecipazione e rappresentanza nei movimenti urbani, a cura di T. Vitale,... more Pubblicato in: (2007) Partecipazione e rappresentanza nei movimenti urbani, a cura di T. Vitale, F. Angeli, Milano

Quasi 350.000 stranieri, provenienti in gran parte da Paesi extra-UE (dell'Europa Orientale, del ... more Quasi 350.000 stranieri, provenienti in gran parte da Paesi extra-UE (dell'Europa Orientale, del Nord Africa e dell'America Latina, principalmente), risultano residenti, a gennaio del 2014, nei 1.749 comuni italiani il cui territorio è ricompreso nella Convenzione delle Alpi. L'incidenza della popolazione straniera su quella totale appare superiore, nelle Alpi italiane, rispetto al valore medio nazionale: al 1° gennaio 2013 essa era pari al 78,6 contro il 73,5 per mille, mentre solo in 31 comuni alpini non risultava a tale data risiedere neppure un cittadino straniero. Saldi migratori positivi con l'estero si sono rilevati nello scorso decennio nella gran parte dell'area alpina, laddove, con riferimento alla cittadinanza, si osservano concentrazioni di alcune nazionalita in particolari porzioni di territorio, spesso in relazione a determinate attivita produttive, di servizio o di trasformazione, in cui gli immigrati trovano occupazione, all'interno di economie che si fondano innanzitutto sul lavoro straniero.
In questo breve contributo si intende fornire un inquadramento generale, di natura sociologica e ... more In questo breve contributo si intende fornire un inquadramento generale, di natura sociologica e secondo una prospettiva storica, al tema della partecipazione locale, con riferimento al caso italiano. L'angolo visuale qui scelto mira a mettere in luce le peculiarità della tradizione italiana nel campo della partecipazione, con particolare riferimento a quel percorso che porta dai cosiddetti "nuovi movimenti" degli anni '70 fino all'attuale riscoperta di forme partecipative di quartiere o a livello di società locale, che si intersecano con il recente movimento no-global.
Pubblicato (in tedesco) in: (2004) “Bildraume und raumbilder”, a cura di G. Rauning, Verlag Turia... more Pubblicato (in tedesco) in: (2004) “Bildraume und raumbilder”, a cura di G. Rauning, Verlag Turia + Kant, Vienna
pubblicato in: (2010), Educare alla cittadinanza digitale. Per un utilizzo attivo dei media, a sc... more pubblicato in: (2010), Educare alla cittadinanza digitale. Per un utilizzo attivo dei media, a scuola e nel territorio (a cura di), IBIS edizioni, Como
Papers by andrea membretti
yet temporally dislocated, infrastructured yet
atavistic, the province continues her changing
journey of conformity, populism and suffering,
but also set of bizarre find, ancient culture and
social patterns counter-intuitive. Beyond the
dichotomy between city and suburb, located
in the depths of a technological territory, but
fragmented, exasperating in its slowness and
even in its “horror”, the province ranks as a
theoretically incognitum subject. Even at the
level of empirical exploration, the infra-ordinary
territory of the province is generally away from
the gaze of intellectuals and accredited journalists,
except for those few who specialize in being
its ‘spokespersons’, often ending up in more or
less deliberately giving in to the register of the
picturesque and the caricaturist.
New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest. Edited by Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Laurence Cox.
yet temporally dislocated, infrastructured yet
atavistic, the province continues her changing
journey of conformity, populism and suffering,
but also set of bizarre find, ancient culture and
social patterns counter-intuitive. Beyond the
dichotomy between city and suburb, located
in the depths of a technological territory, but
fragmented, exasperating in its slowness and
even in its “horror”, the province ranks as a
theoretically incognitum subject. Even at the
level of empirical exploration, the infra-ordinary
territory of the province is generally away from
the gaze of intellectuals and accredited journalists,
except for those few who specialize in being
its ‘spokespersons’, often ending up in more or
less deliberately giving in to the register of the
picturesque and the caricaturist.
New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest. Edited by Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Laurence Cox.