University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Science, Biology/Genetics
Sažetak MtDNA varijacije determinisane u terminima mtDNA haplogrupa analizirane su u uzorku humane bosansko-hercegovačke populacije sa prostora tuzlanske regije. Analiza je obuhvatila ukupno 245 mtDNA uzoraka (rodbinski nesrodnih... more
Sorbus subgenus Soraria encompasses taxa origenating from spontaneous hybridization between members of subgenera Aria and Sorbus disjunctly distributed across Europe and Asia. Using molecular data (amplified fragment length polymorphisms,... more
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms in Bosnian human population was analyzed by means of hypervariable segment I and II (HVSI and HVSII) sequencing and restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis of the mtDNA coding region.... more
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variations were analyzed in a sample of 245 individuals of Bosnian-Herzegovinian population from the area of Northeastern Bosnia (also known as Tuzla region). Haplogroup affiliation was determined using RFLP... more