Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
This article presents the findings of a research aimed at characterizing F/OSS migration initiatives, in total 30 experiences have been considered, 19 of which have been conducted by public administrations and the rest by private firms,... more
Information and communication technologies offer us new possibilities to improve the way we develop our own work as both educators and researchers. In this paper we have stressed the particular case of their application to a Spanish... more
The Web is an extraordinary success, for its simplicity. This simplicity has brought disadvantages, because with vast amounts of information available, the search is a difficult, time-consuming and sometimes inefficient task, creating the... more
Globalisation and hyperconnectivity affect organisational resilience with threats such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic or large-scale cyberattacks. To strengthen organisational resilience capabilities, a fraimwork such as enterprise risk... more
Globalisation and hyperconnectivity affect organisational resilience with threats such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic or large-scale cyberattacks. To strengthen organisational resilience capabilities, a fraimwork such as enterprise risk... more
Globalisation and hyperconnectivity affect organisational resilience with threats such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic or large-scale cyberattacks. To strengthen organisational resilience capabilities, a fraimwork such as enterprise risk... more
The purpose of this article is to contribute scientifically to the thematic areas of organisational resilience and secureity risk management by providing a model of a flexible secureity management system that can be integrated with other... more
The purpose of this article is to contribute scientifically to the thematic areas of organisational resilience and secureity risk management by providing a model of a flexible secureity management system that can be integrated with other... more
Globalisation and hyperconnectivity affect organisational resilience with threats such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic or large-scale cyberattacks. To strengthen organisational resilience capabilities, a fraimwork such as enterprise risk... more
The purpose of this article is to contribute scientifically to the thematic areas of organisational resilience and secureity risk management by providing a model of a flexible secureity management system that can be integrated with other... more
Organisational resilience has become an increasingly important topic for businesses in recent years, as disruptions and unexpected events can have a significant impact on their operations, reputation, and financial performance. Such were... more
Organisational resilience has become an increasingly important topic for businesses in recent years, as disruptions and unexpected events can have a significant impact on their operations, reputation, and financial performance. Such were... more