João Francisco Raposo
PhD student (CAPES sponsorship) in Communications Science at Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Researcher at COM+, research group of strategies and digital communications from Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
15 years of experience in Corporate and Strategic Communications. Marketing, internal and external campaigns, PR, influencer marketing, media plans and crisis management. Press conferences, corporate events, photo shoots, social media, people and project management.
Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Specialties: Social Media, Corporate Communications, PR, Influencer Marketing, Events, Integrated and Digital Communications.
Address: São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
15 years of experience in Corporate and Strategic Communications. Marketing, internal and external campaigns, PR, influencer marketing, media plans and crisis management. Press conferences, corporate events, photo shoots, social media, people and project management.
Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.
Specialties: Social Media, Corporate Communications, PR, Influencer Marketing, Events, Integrated and Digital Communications.
Address: São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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Papers by João Francisco Raposo
Palavras-chave: transformação digital; Big Data; dados; Comunicação Organizacional; organizações.
Abstract: Our article seeks to initiate a theoretical and critical discussion about concepts such as digital transformation and Big Data in the context of Organizational Communication and the work of contemporary organizations. Our methodology is the bibliographic research of authors in the field and the so-called Internet Studies, to try to understand some of the new requirements and new practices that challenge professionals and organizations, in a reality of data, performance and personalization provided by digital.
Keywords: digital transformation; Big data; Data; Organizational communication; organizations.
Marcas influenciadoras digitais; social; comunicação; visibilidade; colaboração.
The article aims to discuss and present how brands become social and digital influencers through communication, visibility and collaboration strategies. We take as a basis the scenario of digitization of individuals and entities, in the first place, and then we analyze organizations as potential producers of content, relationships and influence in the digital sphere. The theoretical path goes through compulsory digitization, the culture of collaboration, influence, digital influencer brands, brands with social impact and brand activism. Finally, we make an intentional selection of examples to illustrate how organizations, often competitors, are able to unite in favor of providing services to the community. Our base methodology is bibliographic research, added by an intentional non-probabilistic sample.
Key words
Digital influencer brands; Social; Communication; visibility; collaboration.
Este é um artigo ancorado na pesquisa bibliográfica, que tem como objetivo refletir sobre o percurso teórico-metodológico da trajetória de formação dos públicos em comunicação organizacional e relações públicas. A partir desta reflexão, apresentamos uma nova perspectiva para o mapeamento dos públicos diante do protagonismo do sujeito-dados. Questionamos se as classificações existentes dão conta da temática de formação dos públicos contemporâneos, e quais elementos devemos nos preocupar, frente a esse cenário de digitalização compulsória. Por fim, propomos um formato de mapeamento dos públicos de uma organização sustentado pelas visões de transformação a partir do contexto de ambiências digitalizadas.
Palavras-Chave: 1. Públicos. 2. Usuário-mídia. 3. Comunicação organizacional. 4. Sujeito-dados 5. Digital.
Abstract: This is an article anchored in the bibliographic research, which aims to reflect on the theoretical-methodological trajectory of the formation of the public in organizational communication and public relations. Based on this reflection, we present a new perspective for the mapping of audiences before the protagonism of the subject-data. We question whether the existing classifications account for the theme of training contemporary audiences, and what elements we should be concerned with, in view of this scenario of compulsory digitalization. Finally, we propose a format for mapping the publics of an organization supported by visions of transformation from the context of digitized environments.
Keywords: 1. Audiences. 2. User-media. 3. Organizational Communication. 4. Subjetct-data 5. Digital.
The paper deals with the relationship between organizations belonging to the sharing economy and their practices, behaviors and postures in organizational communication due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. We define the sharing economy (or collaborative economy) as the goods and services provided by the digital platforms of the network through the shar-ing of resources and trust. We take as a premise the compulsory digitalization that many busi-nesses have been subjected to and we started the reflection from there. Our analysis, based on bibliographic and exploratory research, was located in brands chosen intentionally, in Brazil and Portugal, seeking to reflect on the context of covid-19 and its respective communication actions in their digital properties or in their social media profiles. We illustrated strategies for exposure and communicational visibility from March until August 2020, reaching a reflection on the urgen-cy to act actively in social demands, characterizing them as social brands. In our understanding, a social brand has a strong presence in digital, stands out with good communication practices and, above all, has a performance strategy that goes beyond its business or direct profit not only during a period of crisis, but also aware of its social role and the impact that its responsible per-formance generates.
Palavras-chave: Comunicação. Visibilidade. Marcas. Plataformas. Plataformização.
In this work, we discuss how the network platforms design new communication dynamics, especially with regard to brands and organizations, platformization and the so-called "walled gardens". Through a work based on bibliographic research, we seek support in the theory of Internet Studies; and how important it is to be visible today in these environments governed by the algorithmic systems of large transnational corporations. We also try to understand how the communication work of the brands uses these spaces of interaction and exchanges with their audiences as a strategy, and some of the paths that permeate this practice intermediated today by online platforms.
Keywords: Communication. Visibility. Brands. Platforms. Platformization.
Palavras-Chave: Dataficação, Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas, Dados.
Resumen: El artículo está dedicado a comprender cómo los datos de la red influyen, guían e impactan las actividades de Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas en la actualidad, a través de la dinámica de interacción, predicción y personalización. Inicialmente, la metodología utilizada es la de la investigación bibliográfica agregada con ejemplos y casos reales, seleccionados por muestreo intencional, no probabilístico, con el fin de ilustrar la teoría discutida.
Palabras-Clave: Dataficación, Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas, Datos.
Abstract: The article is an understanding on how web data influence, guide and impact the activities of Organizational Communication and Public Relations today, through the dynamics of interaction, prediction and personalization. The methodology used is bibliographic research added with real examples and cases, selected by intentional, non-probabilistic sampling, for the purpose of illustrating the discussed theory.
Key words: Datafication, Organizational Communication and Public Relations, Data.
Palavras-chave Midiatização; plataformização; dataficação; dados; comunicação organizacional.
Abstract The article aims to discuss the use of data in communications. In the light of concepts such as mediatization, datafication and platformization, we show how organizational communication suffers the impacts of the current dynamic digital culture. We concentrate the methodology on bibliographic research, added with real examples and cases, selected by intentional, non-probabilistic sampling, for the purpose of illustrating the theory discussed.
Keywords Mediatization; platformization; datafication; Data; organizational communication.
Abstract In this paper, we seek to reflect on the role of organizations and their communication in the scenario of hyper digitization caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 in the first half of 2020. To this end, we use concepts from Organizational Communication such as relationship, presence, engagement, need and / or social assistance obligation, among others, to outline what we call social brands. We believe that the crisis of the new coronavirus has directly impacted and shaped the communicational actions of organizations, which we illustrate through Brazilian examples chosen intentionally.
Palavras-Chave: comunicação organizacional; algoritmos, comunicação organizacional digital, hiperconexão, digital.
Abstract: From a bibliographic research based on the Internet Studies, Digital Organizational Communication and Algorithms, we correlate the digital context with the three dimensions of the Organizational Communication proposed by Baldissera (2009B), in order to explore the impacts that organizations and their strategies of presence, relationship and visibility from the technological context and social media platforms. In our work, we begin characterizing the algorithmic culture, as well as the data used by organizations for institutional, relationship and marketing purposes. Finally, we make preliminary considerations on how to take advantage of the irreversible scenario of existence of the algorithm and data for the Organizational Communication.
Keywords: organizational communication; algorithms, digital organizational communication, hyperconnection, digital.
Palavras-chave: comunicação; visibilidade; organizações; dados.
In this work, we seek to consider on the dynamics of the so-called data age, which operates by capturing user attention and quantifying our actions in a media environment characterized by digitalization. Through a bibliographic study, we also discuss connectivity, visibility and engagement in order to understand the logic and role of organizations in such panorama.
Keywords: communication; visibility; organizations; data.
Governança; algoritmos; publicização; marcas; propagabilidade; Facebook.
Our dissertation intends to discuss the emergence of a databased economy and a society based on algorithmic visibility and quantified life analysis. Through case studies under the propagation paradigm, we seek to understand how brands behave in the numerical environment of online platforms, in this case, Facebook, for the distribution of content. We also intend to find evidence on the behavior of corporations in relation to the algorithmic standardization to publicize their relationship strategies and build symbologies with their stakeholders.
Governance; algorithms; advertising; brands; propagability; Facebook
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Algoritmos; Personalização; Filtragem.
Based on the literature review, we suggest a critical and reflexive look at information governance by the algorithms that work through the main online platforms through the curation, filtering and personalization of content on the web.
KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Personalization; Filtration.
sociedade em rede; consumidor; prossumo; empresas;
This article presents the importance of the role of the consumer-producer connected to the companies of contemporary society, seeking to reveal the main characteristics and advantages of their collaboration in the network society. Through a literary study and the main contributions of the continuos in the collaborative economy, we will try to understand how corporations and brands take advantage of this reality of collective participation, giving rise to another form of relationship with its public via digital environment.
network society; consumer; prossumo; companies;
Palavras-chave: curadoria; conteúdo; comunicação; contemporânea; digital; curador; in- formação.
In this work we discuss the importance of curating content from its origens, characteristics and applications in the context of contemporary and digital communication. We also seek to understand what it is, how and where it can be applied, why it is used and who is the curator of content in the current communicational scenario.
Keywords: curatorship; content; Communication; contemporary; digital; curator; information.
Palavras-chave: cultura participativa; rede; prosumer; cocriação; marcas; influenciador digital.
In the present article, we present and discuss, through the dynamics of the participatory culture of the network, the concept of prosumer, relating it to the marketing practices of product co-creation with brands and the role of digital influencer.
Keywords: participative culture; network; prosumer; co-creation; brands; digital influencer.
Palavras-chave: sociedade em rede; consumo; empresas; colaboração; prosumers
Our article proposes to identify some of the major contributions of prosumers to corporations and collectivity. Through recent cases and a literary study on concepts such as society in network, consumer, business, collaboration and prosumers, we present the importance of the role of consumer-producer connected to contemporaneity. We also seek to reveal the main characteristics and advantages of this collaborative action with the business world.
Keywords: network society; consumption; companies; collaboration; prosumers
Conference Presentations by João Francisco Raposo
utilizada é a da pesquisa bibliográfica adicionada de exemplos e casos reais, selecionados por amostragem intencional, não-probabilística, com fins de ilustração da teoria discutida.
Palavras-chave: transformação digital; Big Data; dados; Comunicação Organizacional; organizações.
Abstract: Our article seeks to initiate a theoretical and critical discussion about concepts such as digital transformation and Big Data in the context of Organizational Communication and the work of contemporary organizations. Our methodology is the bibliographic research of authors in the field and the so-called Internet Studies, to try to understand some of the new requirements and new practices that challenge professionals and organizations, in a reality of data, performance and personalization provided by digital.
Keywords: digital transformation; Big data; Data; Organizational communication; organizations.
Marcas influenciadoras digitais; social; comunicação; visibilidade; colaboração.
The article aims to discuss and present how brands become social and digital influencers through communication, visibility and collaboration strategies. We take as a basis the scenario of digitization of individuals and entities, in the first place, and then we analyze organizations as potential producers of content, relationships and influence in the digital sphere. The theoretical path goes through compulsory digitization, the culture of collaboration, influence, digital influencer brands, brands with social impact and brand activism. Finally, we make an intentional selection of examples to illustrate how organizations, often competitors, are able to unite in favor of providing services to the community. Our base methodology is bibliographic research, added by an intentional non-probabilistic sample.
Key words
Digital influencer brands; Social; Communication; visibility; collaboration.
Este é um artigo ancorado na pesquisa bibliográfica, que tem como objetivo refletir sobre o percurso teórico-metodológico da trajetória de formação dos públicos em comunicação organizacional e relações públicas. A partir desta reflexão, apresentamos uma nova perspectiva para o mapeamento dos públicos diante do protagonismo do sujeito-dados. Questionamos se as classificações existentes dão conta da temática de formação dos públicos contemporâneos, e quais elementos devemos nos preocupar, frente a esse cenário de digitalização compulsória. Por fim, propomos um formato de mapeamento dos públicos de uma organização sustentado pelas visões de transformação a partir do contexto de ambiências digitalizadas.
Palavras-Chave: 1. Públicos. 2. Usuário-mídia. 3. Comunicação organizacional. 4. Sujeito-dados 5. Digital.
Abstract: This is an article anchored in the bibliographic research, which aims to reflect on the theoretical-methodological trajectory of the formation of the public in organizational communication and public relations. Based on this reflection, we present a new perspective for the mapping of audiences before the protagonism of the subject-data. We question whether the existing classifications account for the theme of training contemporary audiences, and what elements we should be concerned with, in view of this scenario of compulsory digitalization. Finally, we propose a format for mapping the publics of an organization supported by visions of transformation from the context of digitized environments.
Keywords: 1. Audiences. 2. User-media. 3. Organizational Communication. 4. Subjetct-data 5. Digital.
The paper deals with the relationship between organizations belonging to the sharing economy and their practices, behaviors and postures in organizational communication due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. We define the sharing economy (or collaborative economy) as the goods and services provided by the digital platforms of the network through the shar-ing of resources and trust. We take as a premise the compulsory digitalization that many busi-nesses have been subjected to and we started the reflection from there. Our analysis, based on bibliographic and exploratory research, was located in brands chosen intentionally, in Brazil and Portugal, seeking to reflect on the context of covid-19 and its respective communication actions in their digital properties or in their social media profiles. We illustrated strategies for exposure and communicational visibility from March until August 2020, reaching a reflection on the urgen-cy to act actively in social demands, characterizing them as social brands. In our understanding, a social brand has a strong presence in digital, stands out with good communication practices and, above all, has a performance strategy that goes beyond its business or direct profit not only during a period of crisis, but also aware of its social role and the impact that its responsible per-formance generates.
Palavras-chave: Comunicação. Visibilidade. Marcas. Plataformas. Plataformização.
In this work, we discuss how the network platforms design new communication dynamics, especially with regard to brands and organizations, platformization and the so-called "walled gardens". Through a work based on bibliographic research, we seek support in the theory of Internet Studies; and how important it is to be visible today in these environments governed by the algorithmic systems of large transnational corporations. We also try to understand how the communication work of the brands uses these spaces of interaction and exchanges with their audiences as a strategy, and some of the paths that permeate this practice intermediated today by online platforms.
Keywords: Communication. Visibility. Brands. Platforms. Platformization.
Palavras-Chave: Dataficação, Comunicação Organizacional e Relações Públicas, Dados.
Resumen: El artículo está dedicado a comprender cómo los datos de la red influyen, guían e impactan las actividades de Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas en la actualidad, a través de la dinámica de interacción, predicción y personalización. Inicialmente, la metodología utilizada es la de la investigación bibliográfica agregada con ejemplos y casos reales, seleccionados por muestreo intencional, no probabilístico, con el fin de ilustrar la teoría discutida.
Palabras-Clave: Dataficación, Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas, Datos.
Abstract: The article is an understanding on how web data influence, guide and impact the activities of Organizational Communication and Public Relations today, through the dynamics of interaction, prediction and personalization. The methodology used is bibliographic research added with real examples and cases, selected by intentional, non-probabilistic sampling, for the purpose of illustrating the discussed theory.
Key words: Datafication, Organizational Communication and Public Relations, Data.
Palavras-chave Midiatização; plataformização; dataficação; dados; comunicação organizacional.
Abstract The article aims to discuss the use of data in communications. In the light of concepts such as mediatization, datafication and platformization, we show how organizational communication suffers the impacts of the current dynamic digital culture. We concentrate the methodology on bibliographic research, added with real examples and cases, selected by intentional, non-probabilistic sampling, for the purpose of illustrating the theory discussed.
Keywords Mediatization; platformization; datafication; Data; organizational communication.
Abstract In this paper, we seek to reflect on the role of organizations and their communication in the scenario of hyper digitization caused by the pandemic of COVID-19 in the first half of 2020. To this end, we use concepts from Organizational Communication such as relationship, presence, engagement, need and / or social assistance obligation, among others, to outline what we call social brands. We believe that the crisis of the new coronavirus has directly impacted and shaped the communicational actions of organizations, which we illustrate through Brazilian examples chosen intentionally.
Palavras-Chave: comunicação organizacional; algoritmos, comunicação organizacional digital, hiperconexão, digital.
Abstract: From a bibliographic research based on the Internet Studies, Digital Organizational Communication and Algorithms, we correlate the digital context with the three dimensions of the Organizational Communication proposed by Baldissera (2009B), in order to explore the impacts that organizations and their strategies of presence, relationship and visibility from the technological context and social media platforms. In our work, we begin characterizing the algorithmic culture, as well as the data used by organizations for institutional, relationship and marketing purposes. Finally, we make preliminary considerations on how to take advantage of the irreversible scenario of existence of the algorithm and data for the Organizational Communication.
Keywords: organizational communication; algorithms, digital organizational communication, hyperconnection, digital.
Palavras-chave: comunicação; visibilidade; organizações; dados.
In this work, we seek to consider on the dynamics of the so-called data age, which operates by capturing user attention and quantifying our actions in a media environment characterized by digitalization. Through a bibliographic study, we also discuss connectivity, visibility and engagement in order to understand the logic and role of organizations in such panorama.
Keywords: communication; visibility; organizations; data.
Governança; algoritmos; publicização; marcas; propagabilidade; Facebook.
Our dissertation intends to discuss the emergence of a databased economy and a society based on algorithmic visibility and quantified life analysis. Through case studies under the propagation paradigm, we seek to understand how brands behave in the numerical environment of online platforms, in this case, Facebook, for the distribution of content. We also intend to find evidence on the behavior of corporations in relation to the algorithmic standardization to publicize their relationship strategies and build symbologies with their stakeholders.
Governance; algorithms; advertising; brands; propagability; Facebook
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Algoritmos; Personalização; Filtragem.
Based on the literature review, we suggest a critical and reflexive look at information governance by the algorithms that work through the main online platforms through the curation, filtering and personalization of content on the web.
KEYWORDS: Algorithms; Personalization; Filtration.
sociedade em rede; consumidor; prossumo; empresas;
This article presents the importance of the role of the consumer-producer connected to the companies of contemporary society, seeking to reveal the main characteristics and advantages of their collaboration in the network society. Through a literary study and the main contributions of the continuos in the collaborative economy, we will try to understand how corporations and brands take advantage of this reality of collective participation, giving rise to another form of relationship with its public via digital environment.
network society; consumer; prossumo; companies;
Palavras-chave: curadoria; conteúdo; comunicação; contemporânea; digital; curador; in- formação.
In this work we discuss the importance of curating content from its origens, characteristics and applications in the context of contemporary and digital communication. We also seek to understand what it is, how and where it can be applied, why it is used and who is the curator of content in the current communicational scenario.
Keywords: curatorship; content; Communication; contemporary; digital; curator; information.
Palavras-chave: cultura participativa; rede; prosumer; cocriação; marcas; influenciador digital.
In the present article, we present and discuss, through the dynamics of the participatory culture of the network, the concept of prosumer, relating it to the marketing practices of product co-creation with brands and the role of digital influencer.
Keywords: participative culture; network; prosumer; co-creation; brands; digital influencer.
Palavras-chave: sociedade em rede; consumo; empresas; colaboração; prosumers
Our article proposes to identify some of the major contributions of prosumers to corporations and collectivity. Through recent cases and a literary study on concepts such as society in network, consumer, business, collaboration and prosumers, we present the importance of the role of consumer-producer connected to contemporaneity. We also seek to reveal the main characteristics and advantages of this collaborative action with the business world.
Keywords: network society; consumption; companies; collaboration; prosumers
utilizada é a da pesquisa bibliográfica adicionada de exemplos e casos reais, selecionados por amostragem intencional, não-probabilística, com fins de ilustração da teoria discutida.