Videos by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Nesta palestra, falo de como o poeta Hesíodo (séc. VII a. C.) retrata a decisão dos deuses gregos... more Nesta palestra, falo de como o poeta Hesíodo (séc. VII a. C.) retrata a decisão dos deuses gregos de encerrar a linhagem dos heróis.
Os Interlúdios Clássicos são um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) coordenado pelas professoras Bianca Morganti, Josiane Martinez, Lucia Sano e Talita Juliani. 4 views
Neste episódio, a Profa. Dra. Semíramis Corsi (UFSM) e a mestranda Luiza Batú Rubin (PPGH/UFSM) e... more Neste episódio, a Profa. Dra. Semíramis Corsi (UFSM) e a mestranda Luiza Batú Rubin (PPGH/UFSM) entrevistam o Prof. Me. Juarez Carlos de Oliveira Pinto (USP) sobre a deusa Afrodite, um deusa múltipla, mas reconhecida, especialmente, como deusa da beleza, da guerra e do desejo, principalmente do desejo sexual. Os amplos atributos, poderes, epítetos e elementos dessa deusa são tratados neste episódio, bem como seu reconhecimento enquanto deusa do amor, no imaginário moderno, é discutido, uma vez que o que se entende como amor é reconhecido como algo cultural e que, para os gregos antigos, tinha variadas formas e definições. Também são comentadas as teorias sobre as origens da deusa Afrodite, ligadas aos debates etimológicos sobre seu nome. 4 views
Papers by Juarez OLIVEIRA

Mythos Revista de História Antiga e Medieval, 2021
Partindo de uma análise filológica e pautado pela perspectiva de gênero proposta por Joan Scott e... more Partindo de uma análise filológica e pautado pela perspectiva de gênero proposta por Joan Scott e pela noção de história do cosmo elaborada por Barbara Graziosi e Johannes Haubold, o presente trabalho analisa a participação de Helena na promoção da Guerra de Troia, que tem por objetivo dar fim à linhagem dos heróis. O que se verá, assim, é a instrumentalização de Helena e os elementos de gênero que se destacam nesse processo.
Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.

Rónai, 2020
Este trabalho discute a figura do ἥρως na poesia hesiódica a fim de entender em que consistem o h... more Este trabalho discute a figura do ἥρως na poesia hesiódica a fim de entender em que consistem o herói e a chamada linhagem dos heróis na cosmologia apresentada por Hesíodo. Para isso, partindo da definição de herói, proposta por Gregory Nagy, como alguém, homem ou mulher, que descende de deuses e mortais, realiza-se uma análise filológica das passagens da Teogonia, do Catálogo das Mulheres e de Trabalhos e Dias em que o termo ἥρως é usado. Mostra-se que o herói é um personagem que pode exercer as funções de fundador, rei e guerreiro, sem que elas sejam mutuamente excludentes, vive em cidades e pratica guerra e navegação, além da agricultura. Enquanto membro da chamada linhagem dos heróis, ele está destinado a morrer, especialmente nas guerras de Tebas e de Troia. Palavras-chave: herói; linhagem dos heróis; poesia hesiódica; cosmologia hesiódica.
This paper discusses the figure of the ἥρως in Hesiodic poetry in order to understand what heroes and the so-called Race of Heroes in the Hesiodic cosmology are. Starting from the definition of hero proposed by Gregory Nagy as someone, man or woman, who descends from gods and mortals, we proceed with a philological analysis of passages in which the term ἥρως occurs in the Theogony, the Catalogue of Women and Works and Days. What will be seen here is that the hero is a character who can perform the functions, not mutually exclusive, of founder, king and warrior, lives in cities and practices war and navigation as well as agriculture. As a member of the so-called Race of Heroes, he is destined to die, especially in the wars of Thebes and Troy.

Juarez Oliveira, 2019
Após uma breve contextualização acerca da concepção de fórmula, defende-se que a figura de Afrodi... more Após uma breve contextualização acerca da concepção de fórmula, defende-se que a figura de Afrodite, sobretudo quando apresentada sob a fórmula χρυσέην Ἀφροδίτην, é essencial para compreendermos a dinâmica da linhagem dos heróis e da decisão de Zeus pelo seu fim na poesia hexamétrica grega arcaica. Associada à preposição διά, a fórmula teonímica é utilizada em contextos nos quais seres que ameaçam a ordem e o poder de Zeus são gerados, incluindo-se aí a própria linhagem dos heróis.
After a brief presentation about the notion of formula, this paper argues that Aphrodite, mainly when presented under the formula χρυσέην Ἀφροδίτην, is essential for the understanding of the dynamics of the race of the heroes and Zeus's decision to put an end to it in Greek early hexameter poetry. Associated with the preposition διά, this theonimic formula is used in contexts where beings that threaten the order and power of Zeus are born, the race of heroes included.
The aim of this work is to analyze the representations of the Trojan War and its heroes in the Od... more The aim of this work is to analyze the representations of the Trojan War and its heroes in the Odyssey, in
particular the book XI, from the perspective of the characteristics of the epic genre outlined by Mikhail
Bakhtin in his essay “Epos and Romance (Toward a methodology for the study of the novel)”. This analysis
focuses on the verification of the modes of representation of the past and also the remission to it in order to
evaluate convergence between Bakhtin‟s theory and poetic construction of some scenes from the epic
genre, that is, the so-called intermezzo of Odyssey XI and also the dialogue Odysseus undertakes with
Achilles and Agamemnon.
Book chapters by Juarez OLIVEIRA

OLIVEIRA PINTO, Juarez Carlos de, 2023
En el último siglo ganaron protagonismo los estudios acerca de los ritos que los griegos dedicaba... more En el último siglo ganaron protagonismo los estudios acerca de los ritos que los griegos dedicaban a sus dioses. Eso es porque se estableció la idea de que era en el rito que la religión de hecho se manifestaba, acarreando así la sumisión de los mitos a la interpretación de su relación con las prácticas religiosas propiamente dichas. En los últimos años, sin embargo, los mitos han sido rescatados como exponentes de las ideas religiosas e integrantes de la religión griega. En este sentido, el presente trabajo propone, a partir de la adopción de la noción de teología y de su análisis en el contexto de la Antigüedad, un modo de pensar esa relación, reubicando el mito hacia el rito, considerados ambos como manifestaciones de la religión griega antigua./ In the last century the studies about the rites that the Greeks dedicated to their gods gained prominence. This is because the idea was established that it was in the rite that religion actually manifested itself, thus leading to the submission of myths to the interpretation of their relationship with religious practices themselves. In recent years, however, myths have been rescued as exponents of religious ideas and constituents of Greek religion. In this sense, the present work proposes, adopting the notion of theology and its analysis in the context of Antiquity, a way of thinking about this relationship, regathering myth and rite, both considered as manifestations of ancient Greek religion.
Compêndio Histórico de Mulheres da Antiguidade : a presença das mulheres na literatura e na história, 2021
Compêndio Histórico de Mulheres da Antiguidade : a presença das mulheres na literatura e na história, 2021
Theses by Juarez OLIVEIRA

This work is a study about the end of Race of Heroes as represented in the Hesiodic Catalogue of ... more This work is a study about the end of Race of Heroes as represented in the Hesiodic Catalogue of Women, and it takes into account the archaic Greek epos to which it belongs. In order to do it, the discussion is centered on excerpts from the supposed fifth book of the poem (fragments 154-156 Most). These fragments narrate the wooing of Helen and Zeus’s decision to promote the Trojan War to destroy the demigods. The proem of the Catalogue (fr. 1 Most) and other fragments (19-21 Most), which belong to first book are also analysed, since they can be correlated to the main narrative of the fifth book as they recount Leda’s and Tyndareus’s lineage. The study finds support on the discution about the tradition and genre to which the Catalogue belongs, aiming to widen the comprehension of narrative construction of the fifth book. To discuss the possibilities of meaning which can be gained from the textual reconstruction and its relation with another archaic Greek epic poems, it follows historic-philological approach.
Mythos 2021.2 by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Revista Mythos, 2021
Resumo: Partindo de uma análise filológica e pautado pela perspectiva de gênero proposta por Joan... more Resumo: Partindo de uma análise filológica e pautado pela perspectiva de gênero proposta por Joan Scott e pela noção de história do cosmo elaborada por Barbara Graziosi e Johannes Haubold, o presente trabalho analisa a participação de Helena na promoção da Guerra de Troia, que tem por objetivo dar fim à linhagem dos heróis. O que se verá, assim, é a instrumentalização de Helena e os elementos de gênero que se destacam nesse processo.
Abstract: Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.
Videos by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Os Interlúdios Clássicos são um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) coordenado pelas professoras Bianca Morganti, Josiane Martinez, Lucia Sano e Talita Juliani.
Papers by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.
This paper discusses the figure of the ἥρως in Hesiodic poetry in order to understand what heroes and the so-called Race of Heroes in the Hesiodic cosmology are. Starting from the definition of hero proposed by Gregory Nagy as someone, man or woman, who descends from gods and mortals, we proceed with a philological analysis of passages in which the term ἥρως occurs in the Theogony, the Catalogue of Women and Works and Days. What will be seen here is that the hero is a character who can perform the functions, not mutually exclusive, of founder, king and warrior, lives in cities and practices war and navigation as well as agriculture. As a member of the so-called Race of Heroes, he is destined to die, especially in the wars of Thebes and Troy.
After a brief presentation about the notion of formula, this paper argues that Aphrodite, mainly when presented under the formula χρυσέην Ἀφροδίτην, is essential for the understanding of the dynamics of the race of the heroes and Zeus's decision to put an end to it in Greek early hexameter poetry. Associated with the preposition διά, this theonimic formula is used in contexts where beings that threaten the order and power of Zeus are born, the race of heroes included.
particular the book XI, from the perspective of the characteristics of the epic genre outlined by Mikhail
Bakhtin in his essay “Epos and Romance (Toward a methodology for the study of the novel)”. This analysis
focuses on the verification of the modes of representation of the past and also the remission to it in order to
evaluate convergence between Bakhtin‟s theory and poetic construction of some scenes from the epic
genre, that is, the so-called intermezzo of Odyssey XI and also the dialogue Odysseus undertakes with
Achilles and Agamemnon.
Book chapters by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Theses by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Mythos 2021.2 by Juarez OLIVEIRA
Abstract: Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.
Os Interlúdios Clássicos são um projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp) coordenado pelas professoras Bianca Morganti, Josiane Martinez, Lucia Sano e Talita Juliani.
Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.
This paper discusses the figure of the ἥρως in Hesiodic poetry in order to understand what heroes and the so-called Race of Heroes in the Hesiodic cosmology are. Starting from the definition of hero proposed by Gregory Nagy as someone, man or woman, who descends from gods and mortals, we proceed with a philological analysis of passages in which the term ἥρως occurs in the Theogony, the Catalogue of Women and Works and Days. What will be seen here is that the hero is a character who can perform the functions, not mutually exclusive, of founder, king and warrior, lives in cities and practices war and navigation as well as agriculture. As a member of the so-called Race of Heroes, he is destined to die, especially in the wars of Thebes and Troy.
After a brief presentation about the notion of formula, this paper argues that Aphrodite, mainly when presented under the formula χρυσέην Ἀφροδίτην, is essential for the understanding of the dynamics of the race of the heroes and Zeus's decision to put an end to it in Greek early hexameter poetry. Associated with the preposition διά, this theonimic formula is used in contexts where beings that threaten the order and power of Zeus are born, the race of heroes included.
particular the book XI, from the perspective of the characteristics of the epic genre outlined by Mikhail
Bakhtin in his essay “Epos and Romance (Toward a methodology for the study of the novel)”. This analysis
focuses on the verification of the modes of representation of the past and also the remission to it in order to
evaluate convergence between Bakhtin‟s theory and poetic construction of some scenes from the epic
genre, that is, the so-called intermezzo of Odyssey XI and also the dialogue Odysseus undertakes with
Achilles and Agamemnon.
Abstract: Based on a philological analysis and guided by the gender perspective proposed by Joan Scott and by the notion of the history of cosmos elaborated by Barbara Graziosi and Johannes Haubold, this work analyzes the participation of Helen in the promotion of the Trojan War, which aims to end the race of heroes. What will be seen, then, is the instrumentalization of Helen and the gender elements that stand out in this process.