Re-enrollment Dashboard
This dashboard reports weekly counts and percentages of students not re-enrolled, along with pivot tables and filters related to academic career, year in school, race/ethnicity, primary school/college, degree-seeking status, GPA, credits, academic performance (e.g. probation, academic drop), and financial information… Read More
Weekly Comparison of Enrollment Dashboard
Comparison of current and previous years enrollment by headcount, FTE, credits enrolled, and average credit load. By year in school, current entry status, academic group (primarily school/college), gender, tuition residency, fulltime/part-time, targeted status and ethnicity. Users of this dashboard may… Read More
Historical Comparison of Enrollment Dashboard
Student Data: Comparison of enrollment by headcount and FTE. By year in school, current entry status, academic group (primarily school/college), gender, tuition residency, full-time/part-time, targeted status and ethnicity, etc.. Credits, Fund & Section Data: Comparison of enrollment by number of… Read More
Application to Enrollment Funnel Dashboard (Weekly & Final Versions)
This dashboard combines both application/admission data with enrollment data to show the progression of students from the time of application to the time of enrollment. Users can filter the data in a number of different ways, including by school/college, plan,… Read More
Program Analytics Dashboard
The Program Analytics Dashboard provides summary data for undergraduate major programs related to the following topics: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), Completions, Credits to Degree, and Faculty and Staff. The metrics in this dashboard were selected… Read More
Department Analytics Dashboard
The Department Analytics Dashboard provides summary data related to the following topics, by department: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), DFW Rates, Completions, Faculty and Staff, and Financials. Users of this dashboard may be accessing FERPA-protected data… Read More
School/College Analytics Dashboard
The School/College Analytics Dashboard provides summary data related to the following topics, by school/college and for UWM as a whole: Enrollment, Retention & Graduation Rates, Student Credit Hours (SCH), DFW Rates, Completions, Faculty and Staff, and Financials. Users of this… Read More
UWM Partnerships
Within the context of the Collaborations strategy of UW System’s Strategic Framework, a partnership is a relationship between a UW institution and one or more external entities, in which each partner contributes resources that are not supplied by the other… Read More
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
Student responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement center on the degree to which they spend time on various learning activities. The topics explored are linked by previous research on student success in college.
Flex Retention and Graduation Trends
Trends in retention and graduation rates across multiple cohorts of students enrolled in the Flexible Option. Retention and graduation rates for specific sub-populations of students can be generated using the filters in the dashboard.
Flex Degree Reports
Counts of UW Flexible Option undergraduate degrees and certificates conferred by field of study. Each report includes degrees and certificates completed in subscription periods from July to June. Counts of non-Flex degrees may not match what is reported in the… Read More
Retention and Graduation Trends at the Main Campus
Trends in retention and graduation rates across multiple fall cohorts of new freshmen and new transfers at the main campus. Retention and graduation rates for specific sub-populations of students can be generated using the filters in the dashboard.
Access to Success (A2S)
Started in the fall of 2005, A2S is UWM’s umbrella program that encompasses high impact practices and document student participation. Activities tracked within A2S include mentoring, tutoring, advising, learning communities, course re-design initiatives, undergraduate research, etc. Data is tracked each… Read More
Current Plans
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the active students in a plan or program and their enrollment status for current and future terms.
Degrees Awarded
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the number of degrees awarded by completion term, plan/subplan, and plan type.
Class Tallies
This report provides aggregate counts of section-by-section enrollments for upcoming semesters starting with the first enrollment date and continuing through to the drop deadline for each semester. A PDF report is hosted in SharePoint, and a filterable dashboard with the… Read More
Degrees Expected
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies the number of expected degrees based on student’s calculated graduation terms, plan/subplan, and plan type.
Dean’s Honors
OBIEE Shared Report that identifies students for a given term who have earned Dean’s Honors.
Academic Standing
OBIEE Shared dashboard that identifies students for a given term who have an academic standing other than No Action. User must have Students Records Consumer access to OBIEE.
Athletics Enrollment Information
OBIEE Shared Dashboard that identifies athletes with less than 12 credits, a grade change or a program or plan change in the last 30 days. User must have Students Records Consumer access to OBIEE.