What is Academic Skills Tutoring?
Academic Skills Tutoring consists of individual 30-minute appointments with one of our trained Academic Skills Tutors. These appointments can cover:
- time management strategies (i.e., creating/maintaining a realistic school, work, and homework schedule; prioritizing your various different obligations and responsibilities; blocking your time; and more)
- study strategies that lead to retention and improved exam performance
- test taking strategies that can help mitigate feelings of test anxiety and help you to manage timed tests more efficiently
- note taking strategies that will increase comprehension
- effective midterm/final exam study planning
Our Services
Request Academic Skills Tutoring
Our Academic Skills Tutor can meet with a student in a one:one capacity for 30 minutes to discuss a range of academic skills from time management, note-taking, study skills, and test-taking skills for students to apply them within their classes and beyond.
Request a Skills Presentation
The Student Success Center (SSC) offers a number of Skills-based presentations to help students be successful. These presentations range from 25-60 minutes, and can be customized based off of the unique needs of each student population we present to.
Meet our Team
Audrey Faison
Academic Skills Tutor
- Bolton Hall 120
- amfaison@uwm.edu
Mushtari Nabijonova
Academic Skills Tutor
- Bolton Hall 120
- nabijon2@uwm.edu
Mason Peterson
Academic Skills Tutor
- Bolton Hall 120
- pete2388@uwm.edu
Scott White
Academic Skills Tutor
- Bolton Hall 120
- sewjr@uwm.edu
Kristyn Smith
First-Year Specialist
- Bolton Hall 120
- wiencek@uwm.edu
Handouts and Resources
Our Academic Skills team members created a wide range of materials to help students achieve academic success in their courses.