Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Architectural Engineering
Modern design practice, where an architect works with engineers in a large team, lacks optimisation. Improvement of collaboration between the professions of architecture (A) and structural engineering (SE) would result in more efficient... more
Motivation. Modern design practice, where an architect works with engineers in a large team, lacks optimization. If collaboration between the professions of architecture (A.) and engineering (E.) were improved, it would result in more... more
The article determines natural frequencies of vibration and the corresponding mode shapes of a suspension bridge with the varying bending stiffness of cables and examines variations that occur in these characteristics with respect to... more
Santrauka. Patrauklių ir konstrukciniu požiūriu racionalių architektūrinių formų projektavimas yra sudėtingas procesas, susidedantis iš nuoseklių projektavimo etapų ir galutinio racionalaus sprendinio parinkimo. Palengvinti ir pagreitinti... more
The natural frequencies of vibration and the corresponding mode shapes of a suspension bridge with varying bending stiffness of cables are determined, and the changes that occur in these characteristics with respect to parametric changes... more
The article presents the results of the numerical analysis of the asymmetrical one-pylon suspension bridge built-in rigid cables. The models for the suspension bridge with the cables of different rigidity are analyzed by comparing... more
The present study focuses on a prediction of crack width and load-carrying capacity of flexural reinforced concrete (RC) elements strengthened with fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcements. Most studies on cracking phenomena of... more
The basic disadvantage of suspension bridges can be considered their increased deformability. One of the ways to increase the rigidity of a suspension bridge is to transfer a part of stiffening girder rigidity to a suspension cable. A... more
The suspension bridges are inherently flexible structures and in majority of cases stiffening measures must be incorporated in the design. To give the suspension bridge a more stable appearance, authors proposed to use the main cables of... more
For launching a project on a structural object, the calculation of building structures stands as one of the most important stages of project development. In order to correctly analyse structural behaviour, determine the stress-strain... more
Mokslinis vadovas prof. habil. dr. Ipolitas Zenonas KAMAITIS (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, statybos inžinerija-02T). Disertacija ginama Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Statybos inžinerijos... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Modelling of cable kinematic displacements is performed by FE, proposed by authors analytical and engi-neering methods. The proposed analytical and FE methods results fit sufficiently well, when engineering methods yield significant errors.