Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Architectural Fundamentals and Theory
In monitoring, preservation and regeneration of masonry architectural heritage modern digital technologies increase performance speed and quality. In rehabilitation of masonry castles an important role is played by the digital... more
The regeneration of brick castles of Panemunė Regional Park in Lithuania was influenced by the political, economic, and social environment. The motives of their regeneration was the function of state border defence, installation of... more
- by Inga Genytė
tipinius vienbučių projektus, palyginti, kaip tam tikrų reglamentų nurodymai atsispinti namų funkcinėje struktūroje, atskleisti jau nebegaliojančių reglamentų įtaką vėlesniems projektams. Tyrimo metodologija: empirinio tyrimo metu... more
In soviet Lithuania standard single-family housing projects have been actively developed and constantly improved. It was possible to identify about 40 different standard housing projects in Lithuania’s rural areas in the early eighties.... more
The paper is focused on the impact of the public architectural excursions in the discourse of marginal modernist heritage of Soviet residential districts. It is argued that architectural public tours are one of the most acceptable tools... more
The article is on the issue of standardized single-family houses introduced by the Soviet government in post-war Lithuania, which later were strictly prohibited. The relation between standardization and communist ideology and the Soviet... more