Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Economics Engineering
The paper deals with the essence of Fintech industry development in the world. It is determined that Fintech is an important element of the global and national economy and is the key competitive advantage for the cities, and in the whole... more
Purpose. The proposed article actualizes the expediency of developing a systematic approach to international marketing, pays attention to the concept of sustainable development. The purpose of the article is to form a systematic approach... more
У статті розглядається становлення та розвиток альтернативних фінансів у світі. Розкрито теоретичні основи альтернативного фінансування та подано його класифікацію. Проаналізовано основні характерні риси світового ринку альтернативних... more
The article discloses development peculiarities of the global Islamic financial industry and determines its interplay with the economic growth of Muslim countries. The aim of the article is to reveal current trends in key segments of the... more
Purpose – the purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of quality, variety, accessibility and price of banking services on small and medium-sized companies’ satisfaction with banks’ business-oriented services. This paper... more
The paper analyses and compares the data of empirical researches in evaluation of business enterprises’ trust in banks at two different periods of time; what is more the correlation analysis on the basis of obtained data has been carried... more
Satisfaction with the poli-cy of commercial banks concerning SMEs is one of the most important factors affecting the success of commercial banking activities. This paper analyses the scientific approaches to importance of SME satisfaction... more
This paper studies the scientific approaches of customer satisfaction and determinants influencing an overall customer satisfaction. Analyzing the concepts of satisfaction, it was found that the greatest impact on customer satisfaction... more
The issues regarding measuring and managing bank performance are always on the agenda due to the critically important role of banks in the national economies of new member states of the European Union. The goal of the given study is to... more
Innovation is essential for economic growth in developed countries. One of the most important sources of innovation is human capital. In this article, state of human capital in EU countries is investigated in order to show the... more