Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies
The Relevance of Heidegger's Notion of Production. This article discusses the relevance of one of the main concepts of Heidegger's philosophy of technology - production (Herstellung). It is argued that Heidegger presciently foresaw one of... more
Reception of Heidegger’s Notion of the Essence of Technology in the “Empirical Turn” Philosophy of Technology. In this article some important aspects of Heidegger’s philosophy of technology is addressed. It is argued against Don Ihde’s... more
The Context of Heidegger’s Philosophy of Technology: Cassirer, Jünger, Spengler. In this article the context of the formation of some important elements of Heidegger's philosophy of technology is presented. The parallels between... more
The Problem of Autonomy of Technology in Philosophy of Gilbert Simondon In this article, an important part of Simondon’s philosophy of technology (mainly as it is elaborated in On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects) is presented... more
Short introduction to journal Philosophy. Sociology 33 (1)
Contextualizing Simondon’s Critique of Hylemorphism: On Technological Mediation In the article the Simondonian critique of hylomorphism is contextualized within the theme of technological mediation. According to Simondon, the... more
The overview of this issue of Philosophy/Sociology presents the main themes through the lens of basic introduction to philosophy: metaphysics, epistemology and practical philosophy. The interrelationship between the three is shown. In... more
This article is an overview and introduction of the current issue of Filosofija. Sociologija, thematically divided into five chapters. The topics cover various aspects of contemporary world: from the challenges related to technology and... more
This article is an overview and introduction of the current issue of Filosofija. Sociologija, thematically divided into five chapters. The topics cover various aspects of contemporary world: from the challenges related to technology and... more
Digitalisation and platformisation are continuously impacting and reshaping the societies we live in. In this context, we are witnessing the rise of phenomena such as fake news, hate speech, and the sharing of any other illegal content... more
Technologies, media, and creativity are strictly intersected in creative society. This study sheds light on how new media and technologies affect creativity and creative communication, through research articles published in the Web of... more