Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Department of Urban Design
Santrauka. Nagrinėjamas Lietuvos miestų struktūroms ypač didelės reikšmės turėjęs ir tebeturintis fenomenas -masinės statybos gyvenamieji rajonai. Analizuojama ir apibendrinama Lietuvoje bei užsienyje išleista masinės statybos teorinius... more
Santrauka. Nagrinėjamas Lietuvos miestų struktūroms ypač didelės reikšmės turėjęs ir tebeturintis fenomenas -masinės statybos gyvenamieji rajonai. Analizuojama ir apibendrinama Lietuvoje bei užsienyje išleista masinės statybos teorinius... more
This article gives an overview of some aspects of postmodern reality, directly touching upon the large-scale housing estates, and searches for the evidence to prove such an assumption that the post-Soviet society has changed; thus, the... more
Common objectives of the formation of mixed-use city centres are discussed, mostly focusing on local centres of residential districts. Vitality and viability are the main features of mixed-use city centres influencing the potential to... more
The most important factors, functionally diverse local centres, being in a proper location, are the ones that have an impact on urban functioning. The paper aims to reveal some issues concerning the location and role of local centres in... more
Interrelationship between transport infrastructure development and the processed of adjacent urban structure development is discussed and examples of Vilnius transport infrastructure development are presented. Urban structural zones are... more
One of the key goals of the design process is to arrange the main elements of compositional structure. Space syntax as an effective method when dealing with the already defined spatial configuration is widely applied to different urban... more
A possibility from every location in an urban grid to easily access a range of shops and local services that meet the everyday needs, as well as workplaces, educational institutions and places for recreation is one of the biggest... more
The dissertation discusses the problem of coherence between functional and compositional structures of the city based on evidence that the existing and planned functions, including the possibilities of moving within the street network,... more
The subject of the impact of transport on health has been highly placed on the agenda as more and more cities around the world are facing a challenge to reducing the need to use a car for short trips in urban areas thus creating an... more
Disertacijoje nagrinėjama miesto funkcinės ir kompozicinės struktūrų sąryšio problema, pasireiškianti esamų bei suplanuotų funkcijų, įtraukiant galimybes susisiekti, išsidėstymo ir urbanistinės kompozicijos darna (t. y. derinimusi,... more
The paper presents research executed in the field of optimization of urban planning model for the health care (HC) network. Based on an analysis of territorial, spatial and comparative data, visions for future development of the HC system... more
Abstract. For centuries health institutions have been the most traditional community-oriented providers of public services. The paper focuses on the initial steps of urban development of health facilities in Vilnius city. Historic health... more
Ur ba NIS tI ka Ir ar chI tek tū ra town Plan ning and ar chi tec tu re 2009 33(1): 28-38 Įvadas Siekiant gerinti šiuolaikinių miestų gyvenimo kokybę vis svarbesnis tampa jų plėtros socialinių pasekmių analizavimas ir vertinimas. Plėtros... more
For centuries health institutions have been the most traditional communityoriented providers of public services. The paper focuses on the initial steps of urban development of health facilities in Vilnius city. historic health... more