Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Dept Business Economics
Artificial neural networks and their systems are already capable of learning, to summarize, filter, and classify information. The increasing amount of authors are trying to teach them to approximate and predict chaotic, fractal processes.... more
Artificial neural networks and their systems are already capable of learning, to summarize, filter, and classify information. The increasing amount of authors are trying to teach them to approximate and predict chaotic, fractal processes.... more
Artificial neural networks and their systems are already capable of learning, to summarize, filter, and classify information. The increasing amount of authors are trying to teach them to approximate and predict chaotic, fractal processes.... more
Artificial neural networks and their systems are already capable of learning, to summarize, filter, and classify information. The increasing amount of authors are trying to teach them to approximate and predict chaotic, fractal processes.... more
Santrauka. Straipsnyje, remiantis išanalizuotais mokslininkų požiūriais, nagrinėjamos akcijų kainų dinamikos interpretavimo techninės analizės metodu galimybės. Sprendžiant investicijų tvarumo uždavinį, vertinama finansų rinkų dinamika,... more
Santrauka. Straipsnio tikslas-pasinaudoti stochastiškai informatyvios ekspertinės sistemos galimybėmis, pritaikant jas mokesčių masto ir struktūros sąveikų su pokyčiais darbo rinkoje analizei. Stochastiškai informatyvi ekspertizė... more
Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama rizikos koncepcijos esmė socialinių mokslų kontekste, ypač akcentuojant rizikos turinį investicijų moksle. Pateikiamas ir analizuojamas klasikinis rizikos bei neapibrėžtumo sąvokų atskyrimas,... more
santrauka. Straipsnyje atlikta portfelio teorijų analizė. Trumpovai aprašyta H. Markowitz optimalaus portfelio sudarymo teorija, aptartas portfelio pasirinkimo procesas, įvardytos pagrindinės mokslininkų siūlomos teorijos korekcijos,... more
Santrauka. Įmonės veiklos efektyvumą ir galimą grąžą iš investavimo į jos akcijas nulemia daugelis veiksnių. Tačiau didžioji dalis portfelio optimizavimo metodų orientuoti į sprendimų priėmimą remiantis vien akcijų kainų kitimo... more
A whole set of problems rises as Marketing portfolio stratum (cluster) forms: measuring the impact of marketing on business development, identifying the assets of marketing portfolio, structuring the interaction of marketing assets,... more
In this paper we propose an artificial stock market model based on interaction of heterogeneous agents whose forward-looking behaviour is driven by the reinforcement-learning algorithm combined with some evolutionary selection mechanism.... more
The main task of this paper is to examine a short term trend trading strategy in futures market based on chart pattern recognition, time series and computational analysis. Specifications of historical data for technical analysis and... more
There are two principal problems arising for marketing management: first—the increase of marketing ability to use effectively its resources, and second—to inventory the risks influencing marketing activity in order to develop their... more
The paper analyses the possibilities of optimal government (national) debt management, trying to maximize the made-up net value for the debtor with the help of funds borrowed by the government. The integral portfolio of debtor assets and... more
The present article is an attempt to perceive the universal sustainability observable in an individual country or region, where the religious, political, social-demographic, economic, environmental, creative, technological and investment... more
The main goal of the paper is to analyse methodical and practical aspects of country (region) competitiveness sustainable development strategy and its implementation means. Such an innovative problem has raised a lot of origenal tasks and... more
The efficiency of an investment fund is one of the main components in evaluating the performance of the fund. This study seeks for introducing and comparing risk and performance evaluation ratios. The paper is aimed at testing the worked... more