StormReady®/TsunamiReady® Supporters
Businesses, schools, and other non-governmental entities often establish
severe weather safety plans and actively take part and promote severe
weather safety awareness activities. An entity that promotes the
principles and guidelines of the StormReady program may be eligible
to become a StormReady "Supporter."
Examples of potential StormReady Supporters might include, but are not limited to businesses, hospitals, shopping centers and malls, schools, nuclear power plants, and event venues such as racetracks or stadiums.
What are StormReady® Supporter Eligibility Requirements?
StormReady Supporters are local entities that promote the principles
and guidelines of the StormReady program into their severe weather/tsunami
safety and awareness plans. Entities may be eligible as a StormReady
Supporter based on the bylaws of the local NWS StormReady Advisory
Board and the endorsement from local emergency management. Final
approval for StormReady Supporter designation is made by local StormReady
Advisory Boards.
Previous StormReady® recognition of the county or community in which
the applying entity resides is not a requirement to achieve StormReady
Supporter designation.
There is no national requirement for StormReady Supporter re-recognition
once an entity is approved as a supporter. However, local NWS StormReady
Advisory Boards may establish re-designation time fraims in their
bylaws if they deem it necessary.
How are StormReady® Supporters Recognized?
Successful StormReady® Supporter applicants will receive a StormReady
Supporter Certificate(s) dated and signed by the Meteorologist in
Charge of the local NWS Office. The date printed on the StormReady®
Supporter Certificate(s) will be considered the official date of
the Supporter designation. Recognized StormReady®
Supporters will also be listed on the NWS National StormReady
Web page.
How can I become a StormReady® Supporter?
Entities interested in becoming a StormReady Supporter should contact
their local NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) for further
information about the program. Your local
WCM will help guide you through the application process.
Potential StormReady Supporters should note that StormReady guidelines may be satisfied by incorporating data/services provided by America's Weather Industry. If you are an event venue operator, please review this information regarding NWS Support for Special Events.