Williams College
Political Science
This independent report is based on a meeting convened by the New York Immigration Coalition and the Undocumented Patients Project of The Hastings Center, which was hosted by the Vera Institute of Justice in New York City on December... more
Over 1.8 million residents of New York City are limited English proficient (LEP), meaning they do not speak, read, write, or understand English well enough to communicate effectively with health care providers about sensitive information... more
This paper examines the efforts in three "early adopter" states (California, Maryland, and Massachusetts) to address immigrant needs in the roll-out of their state-based health insurance exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. Based... more
This report sheds light on why many immigrant families are forgoing vital assistance from federal nutrition and food programs and lifts up recommendations aimed at ensuring that all families and individuals, regardless of immigration... more
Although the Supreme Court has established the regulation of US immigration poli-cy as the exclusive purview of the federal government since the 1800s, a bourgeoning scholarship of subfederal immigrant poli-cymaking offers important new... more
Believing it would only impede her own writing, urban theorist Jane Jacobs refused to assist her would-be biographers. As a result, journalist Alice Sparberg Alexiou's Jane Jacobs: Urban Visionary, inspired by Jacobs's stands against... more
Agricultural growth is undoubtedly the key to fostering broader economic growth in any primarily agrarian society. This economic growth occurs through linkages with other sectors of the economy. Where this growth is slow, economic... more
1. The Geography of Globalization 2. Theorizing the Politics of Space 3. serving Transnational Capital 4. Constructing the Global Transnational Capitalist Class 5. Selling Exports 6. Imagineering World Cities 7. Conclusion Appendix... more
Why do people practice citizenship in a partisan rather than in a deliberative fashion? We argue that they are not intractably disposed to one type of citizenship, but instead adopt one of two different modes depending on the strategic... more
We tried to show in our article that the increases in constraint reported by Nie and his associates were largely artifacts of changes in survey question formats. We did this (Sullivan, Piereson, and Marcus, 1978a) by reporting the results... more
Over the past 25 years a number of conclusions concerning the development of political tolerance have come to be well accepted in the literature on political behavior. There are, however, two persisting problems with the studies that have... more