Detection of Leaks in Underground Storage
Tanks Using Electrical Resistance Methods:
1996 Results
A. Ramirez
W. Daily
October 7, 1996
ce re
re mo l y
r a r
La ive tion rato
L a o
N ab
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Detection of Leaks in
Underground Storage Tanks
Using Electrical Resistance Methods: 1996 Results
Abelardo Ramirez
William Daily
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O Box 808, L-206
Livermore, CA 94550
off. 510-422-6909
This document provides a summary of a field experiment performed under a 15
m diameter steel tank mockup located at the Hanford Reservation, Washington.
The purpose of this test was to image a contaminant plume as it develops in soil
under a tank already contaminated by previous leakage and to determine
whether contaminant plumes can be detected without the benefit of background
data . Measurements of electrical resistance were made before and during a salt
water release. These measurements were made in soil which contained the
remnants of salt water plumes released during previous tests in 1994 and in
1995. The total volume of salt water released in 1994 and 1995 was about
10,750 liters. Thus, the test conducted in 1996 tested the sensitivity of electrical
resistance measurements to a leak developing in the presence of previously
established plumes. About 11150 liters of saline solution were released along a
portion of the tank's edge in 1996. Changes in electrical resistivity due to release
of salt water conducted in 1996 were determined in two ways: 1) changes relative
to the 1996 pre-spill data, and 2) changes relative to data collected near the
middle of the 1996 spill after the release flow rate was increased. In both cases,
the observed resistivity changes show clearly defined anomalies caused by the
salt water release. These results indicate that when a plume develops over an
existing plume and in a geologic environment similar to the test site environment,
the resulting resistivity changes are easily detectable. Three dimensional
tomographs of the resistivity of the soil under the tank show that the salt water
release caused a region of low soil resistivity which can be observed directly
without the benefit of comparing the tomograph to tomographs or data collected
before the spill started. This means that it may be possible to infer the presence
of pre-existing plumes if there is other data showing that the regions of low
resistivity are correlated with the presence of contaminated soil. However, this
approach does not appear reliable in defining the total extent of the plume due to
the confounding effect that natural heterogeneity has on our ability to define the
margins of the anomaly.
1.0 Introduction:
In 1994 and 1995, field experiments were conducted under a 15 m diameter steel
tank mockup located at the Hanford Reservation, Washington to evaluate the
capabilities of Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) to detect leaks invading
the soil around metal tanks; the details of this work can be found in Ramirez et al,
1995. This work showed that ERT tomographs mapped the spatial and temporal
evolution of resistivity changes caused by the leak; as the solution penetrated the
soil, readily detectable resistivity decreases were observed and used to map the
associated plume. The results showed that the metal tank has significant effects
on the results obtained, primarily in reducing sensitivity to the leak.
The tests described here and in Ramirez et al., 1995, were designed specifically
to address the issues of leaks from the single shell tanks built by the DOE during
the cold war for storage of highly radioactive mixed wastes. The contents of
these tanks is highly variable but typically the liquids are highly saline and
therefore electrically conductive. Single shell and the double shell waste tank
designs are common throughout the United States. The Department of Defense
and industrial activities use thousands of storage tanks primarily for fuels,
solvents, and other chemicals. The double shell tank design provides redundant
containment barriers and allows detection of leakage prior to escape to the soil.
The single shell tanks present potential environmental hazards because only a
single barrier contains the liquids and any breach in the barrier will cause
contaminant spillage. One method being considered to retrieve the waste is
sluicing. This method will require recirculating thousands of gallons of water in
the tank. If the sluicing method is used, it is possible to leak HLW into the soil. In
other tanks, water is added to keep waste matrix from drying out and providing
possible ignition to the flammable gases. For this reason a salt water tracer was
used. For testing, an electrical equivalent (saline solution) was used instead of
the real contaminant (radioactive nitrate solutions, see Cruse et al., for details) to
preserve the environmental quality of the test site.
The presence of a metal tank with a resistivity of approximately 10-8 ohm-m
embedded in soil with a resistivity of 102 to 103 ohm-m results in resistivity
contrasts that are much larger than those found in natural geologic settings. One
consequence of this large contrast is that a large fraction of the electrical current
transmitted during a survey is shunted through the metal. This causes a
significant reduction in the sensitivity of the measurements to the soil properties
and in the ability to resolve the anomalies. Also, many of the assumptions made
in formulating the forward and inverse problems are only valid for smaller
The ERT method employed by Ramirez et al., (1995) was based on mapping the
resistivity around and below a tank mockup. When the spillage of the liquids
changes the electrical resistivity of the invaded soil in a measurable way,
electrical resistivity tomographs can be used to map the resistivity changes
caused by spillage. This strategy required that pre-spill measurements be
available so that the pre-spill and post-spill resistivities could be compared. Such
a strategy may be useful in operations such as tank sluicing were it is possible to
collect pre-spill data prior to the start of a possible leak.
The ERT tests conducted at Hanford in 1994 and 1995 were conducted in soil
that had not been previously disturbed by salt water plumes. In contrast, it is
known that the soil around several tanks at the Hanford have released
radioactive salt solutions, thereby decreasing the soil resistivity relative to pristine
conditions. This means that any future leakage due to activities such as sluicing
will invade soil which has already been disturbed by previous leak(s).
The purpose of the test described here was to more closely represent the
conditions which may exist around real tanks surrounded by contaminant plumes
(Figure 1) and determine whether it is possible to: 1) use resistivity changes to
map a contaminant plume as it developed in soil already contaminated by
previous leakage, 2) image a contaminant plume when an active leak is present
and current activities cause the leak flow rate to increase, and 3) detect leaks
and map contaminant plume beneath a tank without the benefit of background
(pre-spill) data .
1.1 Description of ERT:
Electrical resistance tomography (ERT) is a geophysical imaging technique which
can be used to map subsurface liquids as flow occurs during natural or maninduced processes and to map geologic structure. Man-induced processes such
as tank leaks and clean-up processes such as steam injection can create
changes in a soil's electrical properties that are readily measured. Electrical
resistance tomography is a technique for reconstruction of subsurface electrical
resistivity. The result of such a reconstruction is a 2 or 3 dimensional map of the
electrical resistivity distribution underground made from a series of voltage and
current measurements from buried electrodes. The ERT approach we follow here
relies on detection and mapping of the changes in electrical resistivity associated
with a leak.
ERT surveys are performed using a number of electrodes in boreholes and/or at
the ground surface to image the resistivity distribution between two boreholes.
Using an automatic data collection and switching system, we collect a few
hundred electrical resistance measurements. The data is then processed to
produce electrical resistivity tomographs using state of the art data inversion
algorithms. We use these measurements to calculate tomographs that show the
spatial distribution of the subsurface resistivities.
1.2 Description of inverse algorithms:
Here we describe briefly some of the important features of the 2D and 3D
algorithms. For additional details, the reader is referred to LaBrecque et al.
(1996) (2D algorithm) and LaBrecque and Morelli (1996) (3D algorithm). Both
algorithms involves solving both the forward and inverse problems. The forward
problem is solved using a finite difference technique in the 3D problem and a
finite element technique in 2D. Both algorithms implement a regularized solution
which minimizes an objective function. The objective of the inverse routine is to
minimize the misfit between the forward modeling data and the field data, and a
stabilizing functional of the parameters. The stabilizing functional is the solution's
roughness. This means that the inverse procedure tries to find the smoothest
resistivity model which fits the field data to a prescribed tolerance.
1.3 Description of Experimental Site :
The following geologic description is based on geological information presented
in a report by Reidel et al., (1992). The test site used for this work is part of the
200 East Area at the Hanford Site, located near Richland, Washington. The near
surface sediments at the test site and throughout the Hanford Site were
deposited during periods of Pleistocene cataclysmic flooding and Holocene
eolian activity. The cataclysmic flooding occurred when ice dams in western
Montana and northern Idaho were breached, allowing large volumes of water to
spill across eastern and northern Idaho. The floods created a variety of deposits,
including giant flood bars.
The test site is underlain by the Hanford formation, which includes one of the
cataclysmic flood bars. The Hanford formation consists of pebble to boulder size
gravel, fine to coarse grained sand, and silt. This formation is thickest in the
vicinity of the 200 West and 200 East Areas where it is up to 65 m thick. The near
surface sediments at the test site consist primarily of fine to coarse grained sand
displaying plane lamination and bedding. Paleocurrent indicators within beds of
plane laminated sands are unidirectional, generally toward the South and East.
Hydraulic conductivities for these sediments depend upon the silt content, which
is variable.
1.4 Description of the Field Test :
The field experiments were performed under a 15.2 m diameter steel tank
mockup located at the Hanford Reservation (200 East Area). Figure 2 shows the
layout at the leak detection experiment site. This empty steel tank contained
several built-in spill points (three of which are shown). Sixteen boreholes with
eight electrodes in each surrounded the tank. The electrodes were located in
10.7 m deep boreholes starting at the ground surface and spaced every 1.52 m.
The diametrical distance between boreholes was 20.7 m.
This report covers the results obtained during a brine release experiment
conducted from 5/29/96 to 6/10/96 at the leak test facility. About 11000 liters of
saline solution were released along a portion of the tank's edge (side release
point in Fig. 2) . The brine release was started at about 3:30 PM on 5/29/96 . The
released volume is plotted as a function of time in Figure 3. The release rate
varied from about 30 liters/hour to about 44 liters/hour depending on the ERT
data being taken. The release rate is plotted as a function of time in Figure 4.
Twenty-four kg of salt was added to every 3780 liters of Columbia River water
and this resulted in an electrical conductivity of about 3 S/m (approximately that
of sea water). Because this solution is lower salinity than the saturated brine in
single shell tanks, it is a conservative tracer for this study. That is, if we can
detect this tracer solution as a leak, then the brine from a tank will be easier to
ERT data surveys were collected before, and during the brine release in each of
8 horizontal planes beneath the tank. The ERT measurements were made using
a dipole-dipole approach. Plane 8 is a horizontal cross section at the ground
surface 1.5 m above the bottom of the tank (so it contained the tank itself). Plane
7 is 1.5 m lower, a cross section level with the tank bottom. Plane 6 is 1.5 m
below the tank bottom and so on to plane 1 which is 10.7 m below the ground
surface. This arrangement provided a series of 2D image planes at many levels
which, when assembled together, gave an overall 3D view of the plume formed
beneath the tank during the release and which could be used to determine the
effects of imaging current shunted through the tank bottom.
To calculate the changes in the soil's electrical resistivity we compared a data set
calculated for the case where a plume caused by a tank release is present, and a
corresponding data set calculated for the case where there is no plume. One may
consider performing the analysis by subtracting, pixel by pixel, images without
the plume anomaly beneath the tank from those with the plume. However, this
approach cannot be used because the two dimensional reconstruction algorithm
will not converge using input data for which the boundary conditions are clearly
three dimensional--the earth surface and the tank bottom are not accounted for in
the forward model of the 2D code. Therefore, the comparison was performed by
inverting the quantity
× Rh
where Ra is the measured transfer resistance after the release, R b is the transfer
resistance before the release and Rh is the calculated transfer resistance for a
model of uniform resistivity. The transfer resistance is simply the ratio of voltage
to current for an individual 4 electrode measurement.
2.0 Results
2.1 Two dimensional resistivity change tomographs in the presence of a preexisting plume:
In this section, we consider the scenario where a tank has leaked in the past but
is not actively leaking when the first ERT surveys are made (Figure 1). This
scenario assumes that a radioactive nitrate plume previously invaded some of
the partially saturated soil surrounding the tank. With time, some of the salt water
in the pore space drains away, leaving a region of increased moisture content
and increased pore fluid conductivity. Then, a new leak springs from the tank
(due to a sluicing operation) into the soil containing the remnant nitrate plume.
Figures 5 a and b present two-dimensional (2D) tomographs collected during the
course of the salt water release. The released water penetrated soil already
invaded by previous salt water plumes during the 1994 and 1995 tests. The
location of the release point in 1996 releases is indicated on the figure. Each
column of images shows the changes detected for a given time at various
depths; the depth of images on each column increases from top (0 m. depth to
bottom (10.7 m depth). Time and released volume increase from left to right on
the figure. The images for June 30, 1996 at depths of 1.5, 3.0 and 4.6 m show
clearly detectable electrical conductivity increases directly below the release
point close to the "path for vertical migration". This behavior suggests that the
brine is moving almost straight down as may be expected in reasonably
homogeneous sandy soil present at the experimental site. Note that the changes
observed increase in magnitude as time and spilled volume increase. Also, note
that the bottom of the changing region deepens as time increases. The resistivity
decreases become larger over time (i.e. the resistivity ratios become increasingly
different from 1.0, the condition of no change) implying that the flow paths are
becoming more saturated with salt water. The position of the flow paths also
appears to be stable over the period of the experiment.
The image at 4.6 m of depth seems to extend farther to the west than images
above or below, thereby suggesting lateral spreading of the plume at this depth.
This anomaly suggests that some of the released water has encountered a
relatively less permeable layer at this depth which forces the water to travel
sideways. Narbutovskih et al. (1996) have shown that a layer of caliche was
observed at about 4.6 m depth in core samples from boreholes 40 to 50 ft to the
East. It may be that the same caliche layer is responsible for the lateral fluid
migration suggested by the images.
In 1994, a salt water release was conducted from the same release point used in
the 1996 test. The 1994 results are shown in Figure 6 for comparison with the
1996 results shown in Figure 5. The 7/27/94 tomographs and the 5/31/96
tomographs (second column from the left in Figures 6 and 5a respectively)
represent resistivity changes caused by roughly equal salt water volumes in the
soil. A comparison of these two figures shows that the top two images in each
column (those closest to the tank) are shaped differently. Simulations presented
in Ramirez et al (1995) show that the anomalies are deformed, particularly those
close to the tank probably due to the high resistivity contrast between soil and
metal. The remaining six images in each of the figures suggest that the resistivity
ratios observed in 1996 are closer to 1.0 (no change relative to baseline) than
those observed in 1994. This means that the 1994 changes in soil resistivity are
somewhat larger in magnitude than the changes in 1996. We believe that the
smaller changes observed in 1996 are due to the remnants of the salt water
plume created during the 1994 and 1995 tests. This remnant plume: 1) reduced
the resistivity contrast between the salt water solution released and the pore
water in the soil and 2) increased the moisture content of the soil when the 1996
baseline surveys were collected. The combined effects of higher moisture
content and higher pore fluid conductivity would have reduced the resistivity of
the soil when the baseline surveys were collected, thereby decreasing the
change in resistivity caused by the 1996 salt water release.
The shapes of the anomalies observed in the two experiments are also
somewhat different. There are several possible causes for the differences. 1) The
images in Figure 6 (1994) are somewhat smoother than those in Figures 5a and
5b (1996). Higher quality data (better signal to noise ratio) was collected in 1996
because an instrument with much wider dynamic range was used. Also, as
indicated by LaBrecque et al., 1996, the objective function minimized by the
inversion algorithm consist of two parts: one part seeks to minimize model
roughness and the other part seeks to minimize the misfit between the measured
and calculated data. As the noise of the data increases, the resulting images are
smoother because the part of the objective function which minimizes model
roughness becomes more important. 2) We speculate that the shape and extent
of the flowpaths in 1996 changed relative to 1994 because the moisture content
of the partially saturated soil in 1996 was higher and the matric potential was
lower than in 1994. Similar comments can be made regarding the tomographs of
7/31/94 and 6/03/96 (rightmost column of tomographs in Figures 5a and 6.
2.2 Two dimensional resistivity change tomographs in the presence of an active
In this section, we consider the scenario where a tank is actively leaking when
the first ERT surveys are made. In this case, a radioactive nitrate plume is
penetrating the partially saturated soil surrounding the tank. Then, the active leak
point starts releasing water at a higher flow rate due to the start of a sluicing
operation into the region. In this scenario, the moisture content and fluid
conductivity of the soil during the baseline surveys are higher than what would be
observed in the preceding scenario, because now the salt water plume has much
less time to drain. Thus, the changes caused by the increased leak flow rate may
be smaller than those observed with a remnant nitrate plume.
Figure 7 presents two-dimensional tomographs showing the resistivity changes
after the flow rate was increased from about 720 liters/day to about 1060
liters/day. The location of the release point remains the same. These resistivity
ratios were calculated relative to the surveys of 6/03/96 after about 3600 liters
had been spilled. The spill volumes presented are the difference between the
total volume released for each date and the volume released as of 6/03/96. Also,
the color scale used is different from that shown in Figures 5 and 6 because the
changes in resistivity are smaller in this case. Time and leaked volume increase
from left to right on the figure.
The images for June 4 and 5 (1996) at depths of 6.1 to 8.1m show detectable but
small electrical conductivity increases directly below the release point close to the
"path for vertical migration". Once again, the changes observed increase in
magnitude as time and spilled volume increase. From Figures 7 and 5b we see
that the shape and magnitude of the anomalies are roughly the same for the
6/06/96 tomographs (changes relative to the baseline of 6/03/96, collected after
the flow rate was increased during the 1996 spill) in Figure 7 and the 6/03/96
tomographs in Figure 5/29 (changes relative to the baseline of 5/29/96, collected
prior to the start of the 1996 spill). Each of these tomograph sets show changes
after roughly the same volume of water has been spilled. Note that the anomaly
shapes and magnitudes are similar. This suggests that increasing the flow rate
did not change the water flow path in any significant way. In a tank farm setting,
we may observe similar results when the baseline ERT surveys are collected
during an active leak and when the baseline surveys sample soil by a leak which
occurred in the past. We believe that this observation needs to be corroborated in
a tank farm because the infiltration test used to simulate tank farm conditions was
probably conducted on a much shorter time scale than a leak from a real tank
that may have been leaking for months or years.
A comparison of Figure 5a and 5b (changes relative to the baseline of 5/29/96,
collected prior to the start of the 1996 spill), Figure 6 (changes relative to the
baseline of 6/23/94, collected prior to the start of the 1994 spill) and Figure 7
(changes relative to the baseline of 6/03/96, collected after 3600 liters had been
spilled had been released during the 1996 spill) suggests the following
observations: 1) The largest resistivity changes observed developed during the
first spill in 1994 (Figure 6 ) where the changes are calculated relative to pristine
conditions. This expected result is due to the fact that the pre-spill soil probably
had the lowest soil moisture and pore fluid electrical conductivity. When the first
spill occurred in 1994, the resulting increases in moisture content and fluid
conductivity caused the largest reductions in resistivity relative to the baseline
surveys. 2) The resistivity changes caused by increased flow rate (Figure 7) of an
active leak are roughly equivalent to the resistivity changes observed when a
new plume invades a soil region containing a pre-existing plume (Figure 6). 3) In
a tank farm environment, it appears possible to detect new plumes which develop
over pre-existing plumes. This conclusion needs to be corroborated in a tank
environment because the ionic strength of real tank fluids is significantly higher
than that of the test salt water solution.
2.3 Three dimensional resistivity tomographs used without the benefit of pre-spill
One question which may be posed regarding the use of ERT for leak monitoring
is whether it is possible to detect leaks without the benefit of pre-spill baseline
surveys. It is known that individual tanks at Hanford have released contaminant
plumes in years past. If these plumes change the resistivity of the soil in a
detectable way, and these resistivity changes remain imprinted in the soil years
after the leak became inactive, it may be possible to detect these plumes without
the benefit of pre-spill data. These plumes may remain detectable over a
significant period of time because the invaded soil has a higher moisture content
and a higher pore fluid conductivity than the surrounding soil. All other conditions
being equal, soils with a higher moisture content and pore fluid conductivity will
have a lower resistivity than the surrounding soil.
One strategy that may be used to identify pre-exiting plumes is to look for regions
of relatively low electrical resistivity under the tank. We note that regions of low
resistivity can be due to natural causes such as changes in mineralogy (e.g.
increases in clay content) and natural fluctuations in moisture content. Thus, low
resistivity soil regions may be caused by remnant contaminant plumes as well as
by normal soil heterogeneity. If this strategy is used to identify possible plumes, it
will be necessary to have access to independent data (e.g. core samples,
neutron well logs, gamma ray logs) in order to determine the root cause of the
low resistivity region.
The results shown in this report and in Ramirez et al., (1995) show that plumes
larger than several hundred liters change the soil in a detectable way when prespill data is available for comparison. The next question that needs to be
evaluated is whether the leak-induced changes will remain detectable long after
the spill event finished. In order to provide a partial answer to this question, we
compared the resistivity measured before the first spill started in 1994 (6/94) to
the resistivity measured before the start of the 1996 spill (5/96-6/96). During this
period of time, three separate spills were conducted and a total of about 10750
liters were released. The last of the three spill tests ended in May of 1995. This
means that the 1996 baseline surveys were collected one year after the end of
the last spill. Drainage of excess pore water should have occurred during this
period and the remaining salt water should move very slowly due to the effect of
capillary forces.
Figure 8 shows the results of this data comparison. The tomographs show that in
1996 there are soil regions which have a lower resistivity than in 1994. Note that
tomographs at 3.0 m depth and below show relatively large regions with
resistivity ratios smaller than 1.0. We believe that these changes are due to the
spills conducted in 1994 and 1995. Rain water infiltration can be ruled out as a
cause for these anomalies because measurements conducted during significant
rainfall events have shown that rain induced resistivity changes are basically
undetectable at depths of 1.5 m and below. Thus, the results in Figure 8 suggest
that the remnant of the 1994 and 1995 plumes remained detectable for at least
one year. Summarizing, we propose that leaks of the order of several thousand
liters cause easily detectable changes in soil resistivity, and these changes
remain imprinted in the soil for a period of at least a year.
The next question is whether it is possible to map contaminant plumes when ERT
pre-spill measurements are unavailable, that is, resistivity change tomographs
are no longer possible and only tomographs of absolute resistivity are available.
This is a scenario considered likely for many tanks at Hanford, because the spills
occurred years before any ERT surveys were performed. This situation requires
that a "plume imprint" caused by previous spills be somehow recognized in the
absolute resistivity structure of the soil surrounding a tank. It is necessary to
model the tank resistivity structure explicitly in order to correctly map the
resistivity structure around a tank because of the significant effect that the tank's
metal has on current flow in the soil. A fully three dimensional tomography
inverse algorithm is necessary in this case. Using the field test results obtained
over a 2 year period and a 3D inverse code, we generated 3D tomographs of
resistivity structure surrounding the tank. With these tomographs we then
evaluated whether the plume imprint is recognizable in resistivity tomographs.
Figure 9 shows three dimensional ERT tomographs generated from data
collected during the leak. In this case, the data are used to calculate the
resistivity changes within a block underneath the tank (instead of as a series of
two dimensional slices such as those shown in Figure 2 using only data from
electrodes located at 1.5 m, 6.1 and 10.7 m depth). The 3D reconstruction shown
in Figure 9 is 21.3 m wide, 21.3 m. long and 10.7 m. tall and is the reconstructed
volume bounded by the electrode arrays in the sixteen holes around the tank.
The 3D images may provide a better view of the changes caused by the leak
because: a) the flow regime is truly three-dimensional, so there is no need to
assume that the resistivity extends to infinity in the third dimension, b) there is no
need for interpolation between adjacent 2D slices, and, c) the effect of the
metallic barrier is explicitly accounted for in the 3D images but not in the 2D
images. However, the 3D images takes much longer to calculate (5 hours per
tomograph block) than the 2D images (5 minutes per tomograph plane).
The top two images in Figure 9 show three dimensional tomographs of resistivity.
The tomographs show the resistivity structure before any salt water spills had
affected the site (June 1994) and the resistivity structure obtained with data
collected in May of 1996, after three salt water spills had affected the soil below
the tank. These spills were conducted from each of the three release point shown
in Figures 2 and 9. A total of 10700 liters were released between the time the two
data surveys were taken and the last spill concluded in May of 1995, one year
before the 1996 data was taken. The top left hand tomograph shows that the soil
under tank in 1994 was heterogeneous with a 0.75 order of magnitude contrast
between the high and low resistivity regions. The top right tomograph shows that
the soil in 1996 has a somewhat larger resistivity contrast of about 1.0 order of
The top right tomograph in Figure 9 is an example of the resistivity information
that would likely be available when the first ERT survey is collected a year (or
more) after the spill occurred. One strategy that could work in this situation is to
look for the regions of low resistivity as possible indicators of the plume. The top
row of elements in each of the top two tomographs shows a region of low
resistivity that is caused by the presence of the tank metal, so these elements
need to be disregarded. The low resistivity region (blue in color) observed in the
NE quadrant of the tomograph between depths of 7 and 10.5 m is a good
candidate indicator of a plume. If we had the benefit of the 1994 data for
comparison (top left tomograph in Figure 9), we could clearly see that the low
resistivity anomaly observed in 1996 is not present in 1994; other changes could
be seen as well, as illustrated by the percent resistivity difference image in Figure
9. Without the 1994 data, we would first have to decide whether the low resistivity
zone: 1)is a credible indicator of a plume, or, 2)is caused by natural soil
heterogeneity such as changes in soil mineralogy. If independent data ( such as
core logs or geophysical well logs) are available and indicate that the less
resistive region is not likely caused by natural heterogeneity, then we may decide
to consider this anomaly as an indicator of the presence of a plume.
The next question we address is how well correlated are the leak volume
estimated without baseline data and the leak volume estimated when baseline
data are available. A comparison of the top right and bottom tomographs in
Figure 9 can be used to illustrate the answer to this question. For this discussion,
we will assume that resistivity changes larger than 10% are reliable indicators of
the plume location. The region of largest percent difference in the bottom
tomograph roughly coincides with the low resistivity anomaly in the top right
tomograph. The bottom tomograph shows that a large fraction of the volume
below the tank shows percent resistivity decreases between -20% and -100 %.
The top right tomograph shows that the volume occupied by the low resistivity
anomaly is a small fraction of the total volume. This means that relying on low
resistivity anomalies as plume indicators will likely result in a significant
underestimation of the total plume volume.
An important cause of this discrepancy is the confounding effect that natural
heterogeneity has on our ability to define the margins of the low resistivity
anomaly. We would expect that this effect gets worse with increasing natural soil
heterogeneity. For example, the low resistivity anomaly (top right tomograph in
Figure 9) could be caused by slight increases in the clay content of the sand in
this part of the sand layer. We can only rule out this possibility because we have
available the 1994 tomograph which does not show a region of low resistivity in
the same area; thus, we know that the anomaly was due to a change that
developed over time and not due to spatial changes in clay content (which
remain invariant over time).
The work reported by Ramirez et al. 1995, indicated that the 3D images take
much longer to calculate (5 -6 days hours per tomograph block) than the 2D
images (20 minutes per tomograph plane). Since then, improvements in the 3D
algorithm, coupled with increases in CPU processing speed have reduced the
amount of time needed for the 3D images to about 5 hours (all others aspects of
the problem remaining the same). This means that, if the 3D technique were to
be used for leak detection during sluicing operations, tomographs could be
available several hours after data collection ended.
3.0 Summary And Conclusions:
This document provides a summary of a field experiment performed under a 15
m diameter steel tank mockup located at the Hanford Reservation, Washington.
The purpose of the test described here was to more closely represent the
conditions which may exist around tanks surrounded by contaminant plumes and
determine whether it is possible to: 1) use resistive changes to image a
contaminant plume as it developed in soil under a tank already contaminated by
previous leakage, 2) use resistivity changes to image a contaminant plume when
an active leak is present and current activities cause the leak flow rate to
increase, and 3) use absolute resistivity tomographs to map a contaminant plume
beneath a tank without the benefit of background (pre-spill) data. A brine release
experiment was conducted from 5/29/96 to 6/10/96 at the leak test facility. About
11000 liters of saline solution were released along a portion of the tank's edge.
The release rate was varied from about 30 liters/hour to about 44 liters/hour,
depending on the ERT data being taken.
The 1996 field test is, in many ways, a replica of a test conducted in 1994 and
reported in Ramirez et al 1995. A key difference between the 1996 and 1994
tests is that the 1994 test was conducted in a pristine soil environment, whereas
the 1996 test was conducted in a soil contaminated by three separate spills.
Resistivity change tomographs from the 1996 test show that the 1994 changes in
soil resistivity are somewhat larger than the changes in 1996; we believe that
smaller changes observed in 1996 are due to the remnant salt water plume
created during the 1994 and 1995 tests. The 1996 resistivity change tomographs
also show that the changes caused by increasing the flow rate of an active leak
are roughly equivalent to the resistivity changes observed when a new plume
invades a soil region countering a pre-existing plume. In a tank farm
environment, it appears possible to detect new plumes which develop over preexisting plumes. This conclusion needs to be corroborated in a tank environment
because the ionic strength of real tank fluids is significantly higher than that of the
test salt water solution.
Resistivity change tomographs based on data collected in 1994 and in 1996
suggest that leak-induced changes are easily detectable and remain imprinted in
the soil for a period of at least a year. Absolute three dimensional tomographs of
resistivity were used in an attempt to map contaminant plumes when ERT prespill measurements are unavailable. Visual inspection of the 3D tomographs
suggest that low resistivity anomalies associated with the plume may be visible.
However, such anomalies could also be due to natural heterogeneity of the soil
and independent data would be needed to correctly interpret the source of the
anomalies. The 3D results also suggest that using low resistivity anomalies as
plume indicators will likely result in a significant underestimation of the total
plume volume. An important cause of this discrepancy is the confounding effect
that natural heterogeneity has on our ability to define the margins of the low
resistivity anomaly.
4.0 Acknowledgments:
The work of many people was needed to ensure the success of this project. D.
Iwatate and S. Narbutovskih, Westinghouse Hanford Co., coordinated site
activities, helped plan the tests, and provided general field support. Mark
Sweeney of Westinghouse Hanford Co. also provided field assistance and
supporting equipment.
This work was performed under the Environmental Programs Directorate at
LLNL. It was funded by the Characterization, Monitoring and Sensors Tech.
Program, Office of Technology Development, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
The Tank Focus Area provided funds to operate and maintain the experimental
test site at Hanford.
5.0 References:
Cruse, J., D. Iwatate, K. Tollefson, R. Treat, T. Trenkler, and R. Lewis, 1995,
Functions and Requirements for Hanford Single-Shell Tank Leakage Detection
and Monitoring, WHC-SD-WM-FRD-021, Westinghouse Hanford Co, Richland,
LaBrecque, D. J., M. Miletto, W. Daily, A. Ramirez, and E. Owen, 1996, The
effects of Noise on Occam's Inversion of Resistivity Tomography Data,
Geophysics,, vol. 61, no. 2,.pp. 538-548.
LaBrecque, D., and G. Morelli,1996, 3-D Electrical Resistivtiy Tomography for
Environmetal Monitoring, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of
Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Keystone, CO, April
28-May 1, 1996; sponsored by the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical
Narbutovskih, S., W. Daily, A. Ramirez, T. Halter, and M. Sweeney, Electrical
Resistivity Tomography at the Hanford Site, Proc. Symposium on the Application
of Geophysiscs to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Keystone, April 28 May 2, 1996.
Ramirez, A., W. Daily, A. Binley, D. LaBrecque and D. Roelant, 1995, Detection
of Leaks in Underground Storage Tanks Using Electrical Resistance Methods,
UCRL-JC-122180, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, accepted for
publication in J. Engineering and Environmental Geophysics.
Reidel, S. P., K. A. Lindsey, and K. R. Fecht, 1992, Field Trip Guide to the
Hanford Site, WHC-MR-0391, Westighouse Hanford Corp., Richland, WA.
New Plume
Pre-existing plume
Figure 1 shows the tank leakage scenario physically modeled by the test
described here.
Tank 105
release points
used 1994,1995
15.0 m
depth, m
ERT image
Figure 2. Schematic of experimental set up for leak detection. A 15 m diameter
steel tank, the lower 2 meters of which is buried, contains several built-in spill
points. Note that the release point on the East side of the tanks is the one used
for this study. The other two release points and the one to the East were used in
1994 and 1995 to conduct other leak experiments. Sixteen boreholes, with eight
electrodes in each, surround the tank.
(l ite rs)
8000. 0
6000. 0
4000. 0
2000. 0
10. 00
12. 00
14. 00
days since st art
Figure 3. Cumulative volume released during the infiltration experiment. The flow
rate (as indicated by the slope of each line segment) started at about 30
liters/hour for the first 5 days and then increased to about 44 liters/hour. Day 0.0
equals 5/29/96 at approximately 3:30 PM.
flow rat e
(l it e rs/h ou r)
Figure 4. Instantaneous flow rate during the infiltration experiment. The flow rate
averaged about 30 liters /hour for the first 5 days and then increased to an
average of about 44 liters/hour for the remainder of the test. Day 0.0 equals
5/29/96 at approximately 3:30 PM.
50 liters
13 gals
495 liters
130 gals
1330 liters
350 gals.
3600 liters
950 gals
1.5 m
3.0 m
4.6 m
6.1 m
path for
7.6 m
8.1 m
10.7 m
resistivity ratio
Figure 5a presents a series of two-dimensional resistivity change tomographs
which show how the electrical resistivity of the soil decreased during a salt water
release experiment conducted in 1996. These resistivity ratios were calculated
relative to the baseline surveys of 5/29/96. Note that these baseline surveys were
collected after about 10,700 liters had been spilled in 1994 and 1995. Red
indicates which portions of the images remain unchanged (ratio = 1.0).
Increasingly yellow and green tones indicate which portions of the image show
electrical resistivity decreases associated with the leak. A vertical dotted line
shows the trajectory the brine would follow if it moved straight down.
4470 liters
1180 gals
6800 liters
1800 gals
5400 liters
1420 gals
11150 liters
2950 gals
1.5 m
3.0 m
4.6 m
6.1 m
7.6 m
8.1 m
10.7 m
resistivity ratio
Figure 5b shows the continuation of the time sequence of tomographs which
began in Figure 5a.
1.5 m
3.0 m
4.6 m
6.1 m
path for
7.6 m
8.1 m
10.7 m
640 liters
1200 liters
2100 liters
3970 liters
resistivity ratio
Figure 6 shows a series of two-dimensional resistivity change tomographs which
show how the electrical resistivity of the soil decreased during the salt water
release experiment conducted in 1994. These resistivity ratios were calculated
relative to the baseline surveys of 6/23/94. Note that these baseline surveys were
collected before the soil under the tank was invaded by salt water tracer. The
image scale used is identical to that used for Figure 5 a and b for ease of
711 liters
188 gals.
2083 liters
550 gals.
3181 liters
840 gals.
7544 liters
1993 gals.
1.5 m
3.0 m
4.6 m
6.1 m
path for
7.6 m
8.1 m
10.7 m
resistivity ratio
Figure 7 presents a series of two-dimensional resistivity change tomographs
which show how the electrical resistivity of the soil decreased during the side
release experiment. These resistivity ratios were calculated relative to the
surveys of 6/03/96. Note that these surveys were collected after about 3700 liters
had already been spilled in 1996. The spill volumes presented are the difference
between the total volume released for each date and the volume released as of
6/03/96. The color scale used is different from that shown in Figures 5 and 6
because the changes in resistivity are smaller in this case. Red indicates which
portions of the images remain unchanged (ratio = 1.0). Increasingly yellow and
green tones indicate electrical resistivity decreases associated with the leak.
t a nk
0 m
1 .5 m
3 .0 m
4. 6 m
6 .1 m
7 .6 m
8 .1 m
10 .7 m
re sist iv it y
r at io
0. 5
Figure 8 shows the resistivity changes calculated when the 1996 pre-spill data is
compared to the 1994 baseline. The resistivity ratios show that the 1996
resistivities remain lower than the 1994 resistivities. This suggests that remnants
of the salt water plumes released in 1994 and 1995 are still detectable in 1996.
1 99 4
baseline resistivit y
19 96
0 m.
baseline resistivity
6/ 23 /94
0 m.
6 /2 3/9 4
5/2 8/ 96
resisti vit y
(log1 0 ohm-m)
-10 0.0 %
resisti vit y
resisti vit y
dif ferences
0 m.
release point locat ion
dif f erence
0 .0 %
Figure 9 shows three dimensional tomographs of resistivities. Slices through the
block are shown and the remaining block volume is transparent in order to see
inside the volume. The upper two tomographs are the baseline resistivity
structures obtained before the beginning of the 1994 and 1996 spills. The upper
two tomographs are displayed using a logarithmic scale. The bottom figure
shows the cumulative percent resistivity change between the 1994 and 1996
baseline resistivity tomographs; this image is displayed using a linear scale. The
resistivity changes were caused by salt water releases from each of the release
points shown. The total volume spilled during this time was about 10700 liters.
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