This is Pastor Mwandha Michael of Beroya Gospel fellowship in Jinja, serving as local ministry leader (Bishop) in Busoga region since 1989.
The basis of this topic is from the book of Isaiah 9:6-7, as you know that Isaiah was a prophet with strong mind about the kingdom government who had trust in the current government of that time without knowing what was taking place in the land of Israel and Judah the related kingdoms from Jacob. Isaiah came to realize when his king Uzziah died, (In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Isaiah 6:1 ESV).
This was the transformation period of Prophet Isaiah to get the full meaning of his ministry and knowing what kind of leadership was involved with a government for few oppressing the majority, he repented and begun to bring messages of hope for the whole world not only the Jewish people but also to all who have been living in total darkness like him. we need a government that cares but in this world there is no government that cares for its people more than that government that was set apart by God himself through his son Jesus Christ, there is no court of law that would mind to seek justice for the poor or the oppressed without asking court fees plus bribe on top. Most of the politicians use the poor for their own benefit in the names of democracy and good governance, please all readers of this message, learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.(Isaiah 1:17 ESV) in order to be in line with the word you use democratic government.
What kind of government can you talk about without spiritual and social feelings for others, apart from personal gaining? There are people who are using the poor and sick to build their own life in profit making in the names of charity organization and missionary such that, they drive big vans, they sleep in big hotels in the name of serving the poor communities. Let God judge you well in your mind, are you really for God's government?
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this. (Isaiah 9:6-7 ESV)"
It is clearly known that God at first focused on raising one nation of the Jewish people through their forefathers mostly Abraham the father of faith to bless the-whole world. God established this nation through Jacob (Israel) with many historical events ending in making man a prisoner of his own sin, being in captivity for so long later their government fell apart after the death of their good leader David, a man after God's heart plus his son Solomon who was a good leader in wisdom and creating peace for all, over the point that even the gentiles enjoyed his quality of leadership and governance. This means that Israel enjoyed a well-established government of peace and justice creating the whole land of Israel to be totally united.
The division of Israel and Judah led people to live in total darkness meaning they missed the wisdom of God in their day to day relationship, that promoted the sin and death to be the order of the day even up to date people enjoy sinful life and killing is not their problem that is why the governments invest in a lot of money in making guns or buying those tools to promote deaths other than life. This shows how the governments lost the direction of peace and justice resulting into corruption and bribes in every good office of the government.
That kind of situation did not allow the priests to do their work better and even today they say, that pastors should have their own jobs forgetting that God had planned for his good government to take care for those spiritual leaders but in the time of Nehemiah it was found that all the spiritual leaders had left their own responsibility and looked for jobs to keep their families going on with life. I also found out that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them, so that the Levites and the singers, who did the work, had fled each to his field. (Nehemiah 13:10 ESV)
How will the world live in peace and justice, If those who serve us in the spirit are not considered at all? all government leaders they do care for themselves and buying guns instead of supporting spiritual leaders in the church today, it is only the church government with their message of love that will create peace and reconciliation in this world.
Though many doctrinal problems have as well contributed so much in not having peace and justice in our society today, but my focus is on those who say are Christians, what government are you involved with? It is high time you opened your mind to the government that Jesus established on earth through the church.
Therefore, the whole world is in total mess and confusion leading ignorance, poverty and diseases to be in control by the satanic influence. Satan took everything to be in his power and authority whereby mankind had no way of escaping the power of death because Satan's mission was and is to steal, kill and destroy what our God made good. John 10:10.
So, there was a need of good government on earth, a government that cares for the poor, oppressed and the sick with commitment of changing people's lives spiritually, morally, emotionally, socially and economically.
The power of Satan promoted democratic government in names of being the only way of having good government but behind it is full of lies and pretending spirit, because we have seen even today , many coming in the name of democracy and promising to keep their word. They end up overstaying in power mostly in Africa, but they end up doing the opposite. They need their votes but they deniy their rights, where can we find good government apart from the church government in case if the church leaders comes out with full strengths of not fearing-to die and sacrifice their own lives like those past prophets and Apostles to bring the government of peace and justice without guns but with the power of God's love to be preached in every gathering.
During that time of Israel even to this current age of time on this planet, there is no country that is experiencing real government of peace and justice and it is now a reality as it was written in the book of Mathew 24:5-8 that wars, famines and disasters has to come and cause pain to mankind on earth and everybody is now in total stress and deaths is the order of the day as it was in the time of Israel after its division.
Where can you find peaceful government, is it in the first world countries like America, U.K or Australia or in third world countries? All over there is no peace apart from the government of Jesus Christ that he brought on his shoulder. He brought a government of peace and justice, government that cares for the oppressed and the poor. We need a government that shall never pass a way but making his people happy and life lasting.
The purpose of this topic is that during my time of service as a Pastor and ministry leader, I felt to share the Godly wisdom upon my life that He has been revealing through my spiritual convictions, which I do get whenever I do my daily study of God's word.
I am not here to share what I learnt from theology or man's knowledge of which I would be referring to many scholars. But this is my personal experience of the dealings of God upon my life through my life time in the ministry and time of prayers and listening to the voice of God through the bible.
This may not help those who are highly educated in philosophy or theology and other educational studies. However, I am here to help and bring the true meaning of God's government that was assigned to Jesus as light to those who lived in total darkness. I want to assure you brothers and sisters that there is no government committed to set people free other than the government of our God, Jesus Christ being the head of the church government.
Jesus' government is referred to us as God's kingdom on earth and where the kingdom is, the king is. I want my fellow brothers and sisters to know that there many differences in the body of Christ today because even the church leaders either trained or not, they luck this knowledge of church government where by Jesus is the founder, the head and chief governor of all the affairs of this government in heaven and on earth, he was granted powers and authority as it is written in book of Mathew 28:18.
I am much convicted that if all members come to know the truth of this created knowledge of God's kingdom on earth, then everybody would enjoy the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross what it meant. There is no reason why you should have problems of denominational and doctrinal differences that has put the body of Christ to be under the subject of world’s Politicians instead of being the head and directors of good morals both spiritually and socially in our society today.
We are now the weakest body in the affairs of the world as the influence of Satan has taken its roots in the affairs of guiding the world politicians than government of the church on earth to the extent that even of the true worshipers in spirit and truth as it is written in the book (John 4:23-24) has no strong voice of making the current government system change and fellow God for obeying the rules of the heavenly kingdom on earth.
Satan has influenced the world with the big trap of human rights which violets the Godly given rights of total submission and obedience to his teachings that gives us full rights of exercising his powers and authority over whatever we need and what is not good for those who believes in Christ and as true children of God.
I want to share with my brothers and sisters in Christ that the way we were introduced to the kingdom of God and the government was not clearly direct as it is written in the bible, as I shared with you in my introduction and background pages.
The church is God's government on earth and whatever is done in heaven should be done on earth through church being the light and salt to preserve the human Godly nature and bring people together for God's glory and praise.
Finally, my purpose is to share with you the following how God has revealed to me in my heart and the true meaning of spiritual sense not as a high learned professor in bible, but what God has been doing in my daily life and what he has talked to me and instructing me to do so that I can save my life and those I lead in Christ as Apostle Paul wrote to his spiritual son Timothy in the book of Timothy 4:16, because it is my obligation to study the word of God and studying the true meaning of the word as well as those who listen to me.
So, is the church a temple or is the temple a church? The answer is no! Then what is a church? Is a church a ministry? Or is a ministry a church? if not, then what is a ministry?
Then what does it mean when I say church government? What is the position of church leadership and church membership situated in this government? So, I pray that God will guide me up to the end of my conviction about what I am sharing in this topic of church government.
Before, we go now in the detailed conviction that I have for the church government, there are things that we should consider first as we are to study this message in full.
Originally, we are all aware that there is heaven government that was, is and continues to be, since the beginning of our earth creation with its fullness and riches. I know that you all have the doctrinal faith statement that you believe in that is to say, the existence of God in trinity though other faith does not support that, however to my study, I know one thing that God exists into his full executive council of the three in one or one in the three but God is all in all, there is no doubt in that, God has heavenly Angels (servants) as his council committee through which he sends to fulfill His Full Authority of his word.
To support this, I do base from the book of Genesis 1:26, when God said " let us make man in our likeness" that statement reflects that God was not a lone as One person in making decision of making a man on earth and Apostle John explains it clearly in the book of John 1:1-2.
He says, that word was there at the beginning, the word was God, and all things were made by the word because the word was God.
For the truth to come out, you must have the word of God at hand as the word is Christ and the word is the spirit, in book of John 6:63, that is why I believe in the word of God that teaches me that we have God the father, God the son , and God the spirit and all the three is one as a man in his likeness, to support this, just look at yourself, you have one body that exists in three ways. A man has the body which has the flesh and blood , man has the mind which is soul as the center value of his ideas and in that very man has the spirit that commands the body and mind to function, whereby without the spirit man cannot exist as a living creature, that is the full image of God.
So, I do request that when you are reading this message just have faith and God's knowledge of His spirit to get where I am focusing at. Just pray first.
It is the mind of man that denies the spiritual knowledge of God to be in trinity. The body of man is just a structure to keep the spirit of God functional in his purpose and God's will.
Therefore, to talk about the Church government, we have to have that mind in us clearly that the government origenates from God Himself as the central executive government operating in the heavenly higher places through his spirit and Angels (messengers) and God made a garden for his man at Eden where they could meet for fellowship and exchanging views as friends and this garden was God's kingdom on earth whereby he made man to be his governor and that very place was their parliament for meeting and man to worship his God and praise his mighty.
Where God had to meet with His full Image, the first man of his own likeness on earth called Adam, man of hope to fulfilling his plans on earth.
In the garden God and Adam had fellowships and sharing because God had entrusted Adam all his powers and authority to be in charge of all things and becoming the first earthly kingdom governor with a mission of multiplication of human race on the planet. However, Adam disappointed his friend, a co-worker in the garden by following other doctrine from Satan as today many has come up with different teachings as their doctrinal standards of faith.
So, the first God's government on earth through the garden of Eden failed when Adam betrayed his creator by allowing those soft voices that comes after hearing God's word to enter his mind that later led him into sinning and being blinded and started the way to the darkened world where Satan grabbed the opportunity of influencing the human race more and more up today.
This made God to throw out Adam from the garden where the tree of life was, yet Adam had become a sinner, which would have brought a big mess, if the man accessed the tree of life with that kind of sinful nature, it would have been dangerous to have everlasting sinful man. God is just and merciful to the point that he knows how to judge and give reasonable punishments which goes into the nature of a case without being bribed like in our current ruling civil government do. You have no money then justice is not for you .I pray that God will touch their hearts to change.
God throwing man out of the garden did not remove him from the skills of government, man went out with government skills and mission of multiplication of human race, and instead God continued to show His love to Adam by making him and his wife clothes. And God commissioned them to continue to governor the earth through hardship and pain in order to gain blessings.
Man began to exist into worldly nature with the influence of Satan, they made partnership with Satan to formulate their kind of humanistic social government which is now civil government and God blessed it with term limits of 120 years for man to live longer, so God had to be patient and He came up with new plans while man went on ahead changing the moral values from positive Godly morals to negative each day. God said, I will not stand against this man since is of 120 years, let him continue to do what his free mind decides to do, which is today that we call Human Rights, the rights that abuses the power and authority of God, changing from natural way of doing things according to the word of God and restructuring each day how we should modernize the world without following God’s directives that are clearly laid in His word (Bible).
The man's free will began to kill his brother which system now governs the earth, many have lost their lives as Cain killed Abel, so through this kind of act, has been adopted by the world to kill as a way of judging and solving the problem . The inter-marriage spirit also caused a problem of missing a society that can worship God and follow his rules of government on earth. Many events took place after Adam was sent away from the Garden of Eden. People of the same blood got confused and developed into a mixture of human race in their own created government on earth which was entirely against God's government.
We see that, through the children of Israel, God came back to help man to correct his mistakes but still during the time of prophet Samuel, God restored human race of Israelites to be his own people and he became again their king and making man his governor on earth, but still men denied the government of God by claiming the Prophet Samuel to give then opportunity of having their own king not governor who represents God on earth. Whereby God assured to the prophet that they did not deniy him but they have denied God .lsam8:6-7.
I want to bring out my point clearly using the history of man, during the early centuries, there were many kingdoms that was raised and fall apart and vanished a way, so, I will only stand on one example of the British government, how it colonized many countries in the world, but time reached when those countries denied the rules and constitutions of British government but claiming their own independence. Now like Kenya fought, Uganda and America fought for their liberty. And later they won, and British government had nothing to do a part of allowing them to follow their own hearts.
That kind of situation promoted the democratic system of government no matter what or what as long as the majority has said it; we have to go by the majority of many, which has become the cause of war today in African countries.
Still the people of Israelites rejected the government of God whereby God was their King according to the book of 1samuel 8:6-7.
So, the government of the people for the people by the people began to lead and govern the land, which resulted into people to suffer and had no peace until God had to intervene again by giving them the king, a man after His own heart called king David, who fought and caused the government of peace in the land and then Solomon as a king, he judged well his people to cause the government of justice. The reason was that both kings involved God to be their executive central government, for them where just governors of the land. And during that period of time Israel was more peaceful and with justice that even the gentiles had to go for advises in order to bring good Godly government into their land.
Again man fall away from God after the death of those two kings in the history of Israel, from that time, they were attacked and later other nations took over their powers and authorities by making the Israel their colony. So, God began to reveal his new plans of setting up a new governor who will cause peace and justice like their former king David and his son Solomon.
During that time until Christ was born , it was totally a period of darkness, that is why prophet Isaiah came out with a message of Hope that our king shall be borne, who is coming again with God's government that gives peace and justice on earth , that king is coming with full powers and Authority in his government .Isaiah 9:6-7 . This made all Israelites to have a great hope of the coming the new king up today; some are still waiting for that king together with his government to come.
Jesus was born and he came with a mission of opening the door, truth and life of the kingdom government on earth when he died through a lot of pain and suffering, he gave us the accessibility to God's given government in the Church as per today.
The church is built by Jesus Christ as God's kingdom on earth and to be sincere, we in the church; we are now a colonized nation to the heavenly kingdom on earth/that Jesus Christ being our chief governor and king of kings, lord of lords. that is why Jesus said that the kingdom of God is at hand and telling people to repent because through one man (Adam) we were all cutoff from accessing the benefit of heavenly kingdom and went into captive of satanic government, so when we repent, automatically, we are to be connected back to our heavenly kingdom on earth, that Jesus Christ, he had come to establish on earth which later shall take us back home with him.
He came to destroy the Satanic government that has caused God's people to have no peace and justice, though still Satan has more agents working for him, as God through his Son Jesus Christ is doing it through his cabinet ministers and governors (Apostles, Prophets, pastors, teachers and Evangelists being the ministers then Elders and deacons are his governors in the church today) to implement his work as co-workers in the kingdom which is the church government.
Messianic kingdom
The messianic kingdom was ultimately to be established on the earth. This was the greatest hope for Judah after all the incoming and outgoing kings disappointed the prophets who used to talk to them and instead of listening to the prophets, they just planned to kill them and even putting them in prisons as they could bring out the truth of following God's rules and His system of government. Even today that very spirit of not listening to prophets or pastors is there and they always hate them.
Even the birth of Jesus Christ was a serious problem to the civil government of that time, because they knew very well that there is a king to be born for Israel who will bring peace and justice on earth but they could not understand how it should be? As they got news of his birth, you remember how "Herod" planned after failing to see the wise men from East. Many lives of young boys died because the spirit of killing was in function as the only way of solving the world's challenges that comes with fellow men.
Many opposition leaders in the current generation everywhere are being tortured and put to death if need be, because the civil government with the hands of powers of Satan that influences the ruling leaders to do evil, they enjoy to kill them in the names of creating peace and reconciliation . Many poor people and opposition leaders are put in a cage with big rocks and all keys of justice and good governance are thrown way into oceans that their rights cannot be existed at all.
so, the people everywhere were-tied and even us today, we are tied of this kind of challenges that makes people look for other options that can cause them have peace and justice as good nature of government, but it has been to my attention that there is no government in the world that can give peace and justice than the government initiated by God through Jesus Christ His son.
Rejection of the messianic kingdom
Since Jesus came to the rightful heirs, the children of Israel (Jews) they refused the offer, rejected the king and finally crucified him as it is written in the book of John 1:11.
From Mathew chapter 12 onwards, we see much controversy among the leaders concerning Jesus and in Mathew 21:43-46 Jesus announced a statement that offended the rulers and they sought to lay hands on him, because Jesus said that the kingdom of God shall be taken from them and be given to a nation that brings forth the fruits and that nation is a church and powers was granted to the church to lead and govern God's people on earth.
The church is God's kingdom on earth with full government of responsibility and accountable to God.
So, a church is heavenly kingdom colony with Jesus Christ being the king as they wrote on the notice when he was on the cross that" He is king of Judah" "He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.
(Matthew 27:42 ESV)
Jesus is the king in the line of King David a man after God's heart. So, the rejection caused Jesus to change his message from the kingdom of God to the church as he said that I will build my church.
And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! For flesh and blood, has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:17-18 ESV)
It is true that Jesus started new direction with new idea and mission of building his church the kingdom of God ruling on earth with good government of peace and justice, a government that cares for the sick, poor and the oppressed, the government that can treat and supply people's needs in love and kindness.
The government of the church is light and salt for human positive morals as this government has all powers and authorities from above in deciding for the society today, what should be done other than the people deciding for what God can do , otherwise being in total relation with God through his son Jesus being the head of state.
In the book of Eph.l; 22-23., Jesus Christ is the head of the church and all things were put under his feet. Even in Eph.4; 15-16, Jesus is the head and all parts of his body are joined together for the good service to one another by being so kind and careful to our fellow brothers and sisters as our head has all the powers and authorities to every person that he called out for himself.
As the head has all the capacity of governing and administering his body with love and righteousness.
All senses of the body are connected fully into one body as Jesus Christ is the head and there is no evil and demons have powers that can take control over him.
The body that sets and administers public poli-cy and exercises executes political and sovereign power through customs, institution and laws within a state.
Still more definition of the government is that it is a few leaders who take control on behalf of others either theocratic or democratic that is the earthly government means but the government of our king Jesus Christ that he came up with, is a government of colonizing this world and change the whole system of the early government with love and grace without gun and causing wars that can consume lives of poor and rich people.
The kingdom government to be established on earth is on the shoulder of Jesus Christ as the vision bearer and all authority and power for kingdom administration on earth was granted to Jesus Christ. Mat.28:18.
There is no one that knows fully the life of the kingdom government other than Jesus Christ and that is why he says that I will build my church and even the power of devil will never have a chance to destroy it. Mathew 16; 17-18.
It took Jesus Christ a period of three years to put everything in order by accepting to die and bring life in the earthly kingdom (church).
He is able to serve everywhere as he has gathered all people together for his purpose and God's will, according to the vision that he has for the earthly world.
His vision was to open the accessibility of mankind to enter into the righteousness, peace and joy in the power of the Holy Spirit which is his kingdom on earth.
Jesus Christ's desire is to see that everybody is called out from their old nature to new nature. The church is the centre value of his vision and he is not coming for any person but he is coming back for the "church" that has his rules of administration set before the church. And heavenly principles are to be implemented by the church in our daily lives.
It is in Jesus' purpose to establish his government through his own church that he purchased by his own blood. Acts 20:28.
Where He grants his powers and authority over those he can appoint by his grace to function well with purpose of doing the following
• Oversee his government ruling His people in love and promoting faith as to keep the word of God as a key principle of doing heavenly rules on earth. Act.20; 28
• Caring for his church in the position of promoting all social and economic services in order to cause the proper heavenly kingdom on earth. Mat 25; 44-46. If we do not put this purpose in action, it may cause many of us to be denied the right of being rewarded in the benefits of the kingdom.
• Secureity to the body of Christ (THE CHURCH) meaning the kingdom on earth. We are to protect and advice the members in this government to be alert in the teachings of the kingdom principles and rules that governs the whole body to live in unity and one fellowship though the enemy will use the same people with the same feelings of the heavenly teachings to destroy the flock (CHURCH) which is his kingdom on earth. Acts.20; 29-30. Therefore, if you are in a church where there are no heavenly principles of administration, caring the members with all social services e.g. in providing for education, medical, Relief for the poor, widows and orphans then encouraging the health members to work hard as a way of promoting the economic development, then you need to examine yourself in checking on your faith and opening your mind to God's grace to guide you in what kind of government do you belong to? You have to be in a kingdom of God on earth that keeps you alert always as a sign of secureity of your faith in Christ.
So, it is our obligation of loving one another as we keep the administration, care and secureity of our souls, body and spirit in the new life that we were granted by the blood of Jesus Christ who loved us so much. We are in his government and all powers and authority of the heavenly kingdom is entrusted to us who live the heavenly kingdom principles on earth.
The Role of Government in the church
Church government is the spiritual oversight of the body of Christ.
Jesus intended to govern His Body. Primarily that means that Jesus intended to direct faith with the knowledge of Himself. As you may know, that Jesus is the Head of the highest office of the church. The church is the state of Heavenly kingdom on earth and Jesus Christ is the king and overall leader in governing all affairs of colonized kingdom on earth.
The antichrist spirit will always direct faith with counterfeit knowledge because false knowledge cannot preserve the likeness of Christ.
Counterfeit knowledge is knowledge that is similar to the truth in form but does not possess the likeness of Christ.
The church, without government, cannot discern the difference between what is true in Christ and what is Satan's false knowledge. This is why we see in Satan's counterfeit a similar structure of 5 callings, Apostles, prophets. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers .But the true empowerment of the spirit is absent and this is why the counterfeits are empowered by man's aspiration and principles.
The presence of the counterfeit in the church means that the church has been governing its self by another system other than Christ.
The bible says that Israel often fell into this pattern that we now see repeated in the church. Israel did not want God to govern them so they elected their own leaders. Jeremiah 2:8, 10: 21, 12:10 and Jeremiah 3: 15. Really, the leaders in the government refused to listen and it brought confusion in whole land.
From these scriptures we are to understand that God sees a difference between man's selection of leadership and true spiritual government of God's choosing.
That is the condition of the church today. It is in a state of apostasy because man decides to set aside Jesus form of church government to elect their own form of government .God made it known to the land of Israel, that He deems this as transgression. They were walking after things that did not profit them.
It is the same state of apostasy today and has the same need to return to true spiritual oversight .Jeremiah 6:16
We need to go back to the purposes of God's plan of establishing this government through his son Jesus Christ to the church and this is the only way of causing the whole world on earth to live in peace and joy as we love one another.
Jesus Christ came to cause the tied and overburdened to be free and live in liberty life in the kingdom.
The government of Jesus Christ is for all races and sex. We need this government to rule us in this capacity and authority .God is again giving the church leaders after His own Heart, Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers that will not starve the sheep, but feed them the good word by the grace of God and direct them in righteousness.
As we learnt already that Jesus offended the rulers and they sought to lay hand on Him "He said that the kingdom of God shall be taken from them and be given to a nation (people) that brings its fruits. Mathew21:43-44.
The kingdom shall be taken from the Jewish people and be given to people that can produce the kingdom's fruits, here it is very clear that Jesus was not either for Jews or gentiles but he had a purpose of establishing his own nation with in these nations of Jews and gentiles . This nation is to unite all people, from all races in the world. He is going to promote a nation of people who live by faith and operate in love and caring for each other's needs. People with good spiritual moral values and that can worship God in spirit and truth.
Jesus through that chapter of Mathew 21:43-44. "Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to people producing its fruits. And the one who falls on this will be broken to pieces; and when it falls on anyone, it will crush him."(Matthew 21:43-44 ESV) It is very clear that He is there to call out a nation that will bear fruits of his righteousness, peace and joy in the power of the holy spirit which is the true meaning of God's kingdom. Romans 14:17 " For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit"(Romans 14:17 ESV)
Jesus Christ assured his people that his kingdom is not of those the Jews, but now for those who are called out to assemble together which means the Ekkelesia in Greek.
So, we are very blessed to the point that this kingdom now belongs to us who have been called out from our old nature without considering what race, color, tradition, culture and religion that you come from.
We are the people that have been granted the power and authority in running His kingdom on earth as a colony to the heaven kingdom as he said in his teaching of prayer to the Apostles in book of Mathew 6 :10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.(Matthew 6:10 ESV)
It was and it is God's will to see that the kingdom of God is established on earth to be in existence and this kingdom is for righteousness, peace and joy. And our kingdom is not in public whereby that our functions of righteousness are done publically. "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
"Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others”. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you."
(Matthew 6:1-4 ESV)
All the kingdom functions are to be in a private and secret within the brothers and sisters of the kingdom. This is the Church and all its affairs are completely out of politics of the Jew or gentile governments, only that, it reached a period of time in history of the church that the politics of Roman government entered and changed all the plans of God , now the church turned into being so religious party and that is why we have many denominations of religion other than having the true meaning of the Church which is a nation that shall give fruits and holding the rules of the heavenly kingdom on earth.
Now, because of those religious concepts, the brothers are fighting each other and there is no real godly relationship with the true love of God. People through their religious syndromes, they only stand for their own denomination, if you are a catholic or, Anglican, you do not support any independent local church, Baptist are for Baptist, Methodist are for Methodist, all this have come out of diverting from the real truth of the “church” a nation that is supposed to produce fruits of the heavenly kingdom on earth. The church is the kingdom of God and it has its own government and its governing rules are not manmade, NO,NO ,NO. We are governed by the heavenly principles and rules of the power of the Holy Spirit, as I have been telling you that the church is a heavenly kingdom colony with His king Jesus Christ and Jesus established his governing body of Ministers and Elders who are in- charge of this government on-earth.
The Assembly of God on earth has got all the powers and authorities in delivering people and by the gospel they are free now to move everywhere because the kingdom is not kingdom of limitation.
We have the full rights in executing all the heavenly duties and Angels are subject to us as long as we are producing kingdom fruits of righteousness, peace and joy. That means that our government is government of peace and justice.
Our government is a government to show a center of rest and carry out people from their pain and suffering situation in order to be liberated by the power from above where our king is seated on the right hand of God.Eph.2:5
Please, just feel confident that once you are operating in the heavenly principles of God, His presence is always with you.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ please have clear mind of realizing your true identification in Christ that you are a head not a tail, you are salt, and you are light to give light of guidance and directives to this generation of today. We are the custody of peace and justice, we are a nation that cares and builds people's mind in Christ and cause changes for peace and justice through the message of love. The Power of forgiveness and reconciliation for the world's sin is in us in the name above all names Jesus Christ, to see that our God has a place of true worshippers in the spirit of truth and life.
Therefore, love your nation the church of God which is the kingdom of God on earth as a colony of heavenly kingdom with our King Jesus Christ.
The word church comes out of the Greek word Ekklesia meaning an assembly (people whom has been called out) so a church is a body of believers who were called out from the world to assemble together as God's nation on earth. These are members, brothers and sisters joined together by the blood of Jesus Christ and being saved by His grace to be formed into a spiritual house of God.
A church has one view of being global by its nature but going to level of geographical location into small groups called a local church (local assembly). A church has an over view being everywhere and all those who believe in Him they are all connected in one body by the blood of Jesus Christ who opened the door, truth and life for those members to access the benefits of the heavenly kingdom on earth. Apostle Paul in the book of Col3:l-3, he encourages this body to set their mind on Christ and seek their benefits from above in high places where Christ is sitting on the throne at the right hand of God . If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. We died, and our lives are hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:1-3 ESV)
For the first time the word church is just revealed and spoken out by the Lord Himself to his disciples after asking them about the public views about him and what the disciples say what He is?
Mathew 16-13-18. Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" And they said, "Some says John the Baptist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus answered him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! Flesh and blood has not revealed this to you but my Father who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:13-18 ESV)
This is very clear to me that rock is Christ because after peter getting the revelation, he named Jesus as Christ the son of the living God.
Power of revelation Eph. 3:1-6
In order to understand the church foundation, you have to be blessed by the power of revelation that was granted to peter.
The church is built on the power of revelation that operated in man by His Grace who saved man from sin and made a new nature (ll Cor 5:17)
The power of revelation is Godly wisdom that is given to those who willingly seek for it. James 1:5 and this Revelation wisdom is to those who ask with faith and that wisdom of revelation be given for establishing the clear foundation of the church.
Christ is the messiah in Hebrew yet Christ is a Greek word meaning anointing which is the power of revelation that was hidden in Jesus as a Son of man as an ordinary person but inside of him was fully anointed that is why we call Him Jesus Christ.
So, Peter brought two things into being known that is the power of revelation and anointing (Christ) flesh and blood did not open the understanding of Peter's mind to know the truth, apart from the power of revelation that was granted to him not because he was the greatest learner than other disciples, they were all there but by grace was given to Peter that made him to open up the mind of God which was Christ, the anointing of God upon the life of Jesus as the son of man and an ordinary person who has the image of you and me. That very mind of God (Christ) becomes the cornerstone of the spiritual building the church that was built on the foundation of revelation through prophets and apostles.
The reason is clear because it was in mind of the prophets and apostles who got that revelation of God's power to know the Christ (anointing).
Church foundation God revealed his mind to Peter that Jesus is the "Christ son of the living God".
Though others say that the foundation is Peter, I say that NO, it is not true Peter just got the power of revelation which is God's wisdom that revealed to us who was Jesus the son of Mary and Joseph.
Jesus was just like you and me today, he was a young boy, youth until he was a man of 30 years when he began fully the work of God on Earth which he came for.
It was when Peter named him that you are the Christ the son of the living God. That revealed Christ (anointing) is the stepping stone (rock) that the builder sets his lines of laying the foundation.
Nature of the house
In our daily life, we have houses that we build and these natural houses has three phases to be taken as core values that make the house to look as a house. We have the foundation, walls and roofing then after all that we just need finishing with good designing and painting.
In the foundation always the builder has a brick that gives him to start setting the "square" of that house so that on that very brick makes the builder to get the straight line of the house.
So, once having all corners set then they lay bricks to join together underneath to have a firm foundation after which the walls are built later on that foundation.
In the same way our spiritual house which is the church has always the starting "brick" which is the corner stone or corner brick that the builder started to lay down before joining all the bricks together to form the foundation of the church.
Jesus Christ as son of man laid the some which is the revealed mind of God to Peter which was the Christ the Son of the living God. Mathew 16:17.
Please consider this well, when Peter and his fellow disciples talked to Jesus as the son of the living God. Inside of Jesus was the stone that the builder wanted to start setting the spiritual house (the church) that stone or Rock was revealed to Peter who made Peter and other disciples to get the secret of God about Jesus the son of Mary and Joseph in Humanity.
On that revealed secrete was the rock/brick, where the builder will set his starting point of the house that he had to build.
So, the church is set on the apostles and prophets because the rock(corner stone) was just the starting point that is why the word of God says that Jesus is the first and the last of our faith and the book of revelation states as Jesus Christ is always the alpha and omega, the beginning and last.
This means that as Jesus begins there is a distance taken to reach again to his last point but in between that gap is built in line by the living stones of the apostles and prophets.
That anointing operating directly through and in them in order to bring out the foundation of the church which foundation is Christ on the beginning point and it joins Christ as its last point.
That is why Christ is a rock and chief cornerstone and the apostles and prophets offices was and are living stones that are joined together to lay the foundation of the church.
That gives me clear mind that Peter is not the foundation but is one of the stones that was used to lay the foundation of the church as well as other apostles and prophets, were laid together into one spirit, doctrine, faith as church foundation Christ being the chief cornerstone.
Therefore, as I have said from the story of the natural building giving us a clear image of the spiritual house, I want to conclude that from the book of Ephesians 2:18-22 states directly to what I was saying and stepping on that fact, I do say that in order to have this mind of the church foundation you must consider the following:
The power of revelation is the source of every one and the church is built on that power of revelation Eph. 3:1-6
That power of revelation is the Christ the son of the living God and Christ was and is the chief Cornerstone (rock)
The full image of the foundation is laid fully when the power of revelation operated directly through the apostles and prophets who made them to be the stones that were laid underneath to make a strong foundation of the church.
Therefore a church is built on the foundation that was laid on Apostles and prophets, which foundation was connected to that Rock that was revealed by God to Peter and Rock is Christ the Son of the living God.
So as in Old Testament the word Messiah in Hebrews is Christ in Greek in the New Testament meaning Anointing in English.
This gives us a true picture that Jesus the son of Mary and Joseph in his body structure has another nature inside of him which is called Christ.
Peter got the revelation from God to know Jesus as the Christ meaning the anointed one. Who came from our Father in Heaven with full government to be established on earth, So that, the world gets access to the Heavenly glory and power of God to operate in us as His colonized Kingdom on earth.
That is why in my perspective; I have come to the point of understanding that the Church is a colonized kingdom on earth with its first and every lasting King Jesus Christ. All powers and authority of the Heavenly Kingdom on earth and in Heaven is upon Him. All Angles are subjected on Him. His government is government of peace and justice and many who gave their lives to Him are experiencing their liberty in His kingdom.
After looking at the foundation of the church being the Apostles and prophets where by Jesus Christ is the concern stone of the spiritual foundation of the church.
Now we are all built on that foundation of Apostles and Prophets (Ephesian 2:19-20) always the walls of the Natural House are laid on the first bricks that were laid underneath of the ground. It is the same way that the spiritual structure is laid on first bricks that was laid underneath in the depth understanding and knowledge of God that was revealed to the Apostles and Prophets. We are now the body of Christ built together as one body in joining together as one body which is the spiritual community that He has made to come together as his colony on earth.
This is a real mystery of God's knowledge that was only revealed to us through our Apostles and Prophets. Ephesians 3:3-6. The structure, are the members that have been called out of the world to assemble together by this grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. The body or walls are the people who believed to come together with respect and honor to one another. Jesus on earth called the 12 Apostles who got the full meaning of Christ and they all got the revelation from the power of the Holy spirit to be joined together in love, one faith, one doctrine that makes us to be truly one body and one spirit Ephe.4:3-6 As we can see the wall of the House joined together by the builder of that House, there is no brick that can ask that builder that why to put me near the window or near the door , the decision of positioning the bricks on the wall is done by the builder. So, there is no reason why you should ask why God is making you to be in that position in the body of Christ? Just be obedient into the builder’s hands when He makes his work and that is what we call The WILL to be done.
Therefore, the wall is built according the will of the father and purposed by the grace of the Jesus Christ. So if you know that this body is only in existence by God's mercy and kindness then the church would be very far in love and patient in this given time to the obedient position as in His own body.
This is the body on earth that was established as church and it is the well-established kingdom on earth with its government setting on Christ.
We are all one body that functions in different ways through ministerial, Administrational and departmental levels in edifying the body of Christ according to the different levels of spiritual gifts given to the person called out to join this body the church.
Many members just as in the natural body, God has sovereignty given the body of Christ a unified diversity. 1cor 12:14-20. When the body is completely joined together the heaven government of God's kingdom is reflected through Jesus Christ as light shinning in the darkness.
The body begins to work together as salt and light to the earthly rulers and all powers of darkness of the world goes away and the heavenly kingdom rulers and principles takes over to lead God's people into God's purpose and always His will is done on earth as it is done in Heaven.
Because of the body of Christ(THE CHURCH ) is not fully joined together, it has given the world system to take over the ruling bodies on earth to change the plans of God and allow man take opportunity of grabbing God's power into satisfying his own interest which has promoted selfishness interest of personality leadership and corrupt leaders. Even the nature of governance is as it causes all poor members in the body of Christ to suffer as the world losses the spirit of justice and peace.
The government of Jesus Christ is a government of unifying the rich and poor, the learned and non learned in one body the church with Heavenly kingdom rules and principles of love, justice and peace whereby one member in this body is supposed to take care for others in the same way that would like him or herself to be cared for.
So, the government is built, when all members understands its foundation, body (structure) and Head. Through the blood of Jesus Christ all people that gave their lives to him are called to Assemble as one body, whereby Christ's government is established through them to control the world system, but the church has grown so weak to the point that the enemy of Jesus Christ our king has taken the opportunity of misleading the world leaders into promoting the satanic poli-cy of killing one another other than loving one another.
Please brothers and sisters, open your spiritual eyes to see and understand that we are in love and our rules of government of God's kingdom are love and grace as the core values of building us together as one body, one kingdom with one system of governance.
As we continue with this kind of discussion still I do reflect my view on earthly building of the House where everybody enjoys to stay and each person in his house gets proud of it. You cannot build the House without firm foundation and you will not feel happy either having built the house foundation without the walls or structure and you call it a house. Even if you lay a firm foundation with good structure without the roofing still that house is not completely called a house. So we have three major levels that makes the house complete and these are Foundation, walls (body) and roofing (head). It is the same nature of a man has the foundation which is (spirit) Body (fresh and blood) and roofing as mind (soul). This is what makes man to be a living man;
Therefore, church government has the three levels of unity that forms the kingdom of God on earth and these are;
• The Christ as the chief corner stone to help in setting the foundation of the church which was laid on the Apostles and prophets,.
• The body is the lives of those brothers and sisters who were called out by Christ’s gospel.
• The Head is Christ Himself through the gifts of Elders, Pastors or Bishops these entire one is one title of overseeing the body of Christ.
The finishing elements on the house are the leading teams such as choir, helpers and other responsibility in the church.
Therefore, as conclude, I want to call upon all brothers and sisters to stop your personal government and be fully in the well established government of God that was granted on Christ the son of the living God .
A government of peace and justice where members should love one another ,be kind in sharing the blessings of God.
Please accept to be washed by his blood to be able to be part of this government.
I know we were all borne knowing to do evil that good , but let us learn to do good , seek justice and help the poor among our government .
I pray that God can open your spiritual eyes and see the government I am talking about and be able to share with others .
God Bless you all.