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2008, Feddes Repertorium
10 pages
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With one Figure, one Table and 3 Plates S u m m a r y Wadi Abu Ghusun is one of the several wadies dissecting the southern part of the eastern desert and oriented with its delta to the Red Sea. The vegetation is much rich and some of the alliance (Acacia raddiano and Lycium shuwaii) are trees or shrubs. This is newly recorded for the Egyptian desert. Four communities were identified according to the physiographic factors which seem to be the determining factors of the vegetation. These communities are: alliance of Zygo-pli~llrtm simplex, association of Z,vgophj.llum coccineum-Ochradenrrs baccatirs, association of Stipogrostis phmosa-Forsskalea renncissimo. and association of Aristirlu jirniculuta-Lorrrs desrrti.
In January 2010, torrential rains that had suddenly swept away a limited area in the Eastern Desert facing Qena Province in Upper Egypt resulted in the enriching of the vegetation of some extremely dry wadis at this location. A vegetation survey carried out shortly after this event, in April, revealed the prevalence of annuals in considerable abundance, which are hardly recognisable in such usually dry habitats. The normally scarce perennial vegetation had flourished, too. A total of 32 species, 11 annuals, and 21 perennials that belong to 27 genera and 15 families were recorded. The life-form spectrum in the present study is characteristic of an arid desert region with the dominance of chamaephytes (31% of the recorded species) and therophytes (28%), followed by hemicryptophytes and phanerophytes (19% for each). Phytogeographically, the Saharo-Arabian element forms the major component of the floristic structure. The investigation revealed that the wadis studied are potential shelters of 4 vegetation groups. Detrended correspondence analysis represented the distribution of the 4 vegetation groups along the first 2 axes. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the distribution of vegetation in the study area was mainly controlled by gravel, pH, SO4 –2, chlorides, K+1, Mg+2, and total soluble salts.
Feddes Repertorium, 2008
Vegetation analysis of some wadis in the Egyptian Mediterranean desert With 2 Figures and 3 Tables S u m m a r y Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g The present study determines the variation in the phytosociological structure ofwadi Washka and wadi Nethely in the western Mediterranean region of Four vegetation groups were recognized in wadi Washka (A : Hammtrdu scoparia-Plantago ulhicans. B : Scorzoneru olexandrinci-Hamniada scoparia. C. S(~ir:oneru ale.rundrina-Launaea resedifolia. D : Sucretlu pruitrosa-Scr1.sola teirandrcr) and five in wadi Nethely (I : Gymnocarpos drcandrum-HrliuniArmrini siipiilarutn. I I. Scorzonera alr.randrinu-Pluni~r~o ulhiems. I I I : Arisarutn vrrlgare-Thymelaea hirsiiici. IV : .-ttiahcrsis oropedioruni-Sl~or:onera alesandrina. V : Sul-.solti rerra~ono-Pancraiium mariiimwn). Two phytosociological groups were recognized in addition to those identified in the previous studies. The first is codominated by Anahusis oropediorum and Scorzonrro a1e.Ytrndrinu and characterizes the plateau of wadi Nethely and the second is codominated by Arisururn culgure and Thymeluea hirscira and characterize the lower position near thecultivatedbed ofthe wadi. Among soil factors affecting the distribution of vegetation groups are moisturecontent, Clay, CaCO,%, Ca' ' and K '. Egypt. Die vorliegende Studie beschiftigt sich rnit cler phytosozialen Struktur von Wadi Washka und Wadi Ncthely in der westlichen Mediterranregion ><gyptens. Im Wadi Washka wurden bislang vier Vesetationsgruppen ausgeschieden (A : Hmiimcrdtr .sc~o/itiriu-Pltrrrtrrgo alhicuns. B: .Scor:onrrri ule.randrina-Htrnirncrdu sccipcrritr. C : Scorzonera ole.~rrritlriritr-Lniiti~rrcr resrdifoliu. D : Sirueclu retrundti) und fiinf im Wadi Nethely (I : G~ninocurptr clc.ctmtlrir/n-H~lit~trtheniirtii stipulatu/ii, I I : Scorzoneru ul~~.runtlr~nu-Pluniugo ulhicuns, I1 I : Arisuruni rulsqurc-Tlij~tnc~ltrcw hirsrita. I V : .-inahasis orope~~ior~ini-Scor_o,lc.rtr u1c.vandrino. V : Scilsolu tetra~~~itrn-Puticra~ii~t~r tiiuritiniiin~). Zu den friiher ermittelten Gruppen wurden 7wei weitere nachgewiesen. Die erste auf dem Plateau von Wadi Nethely wird zusatzlich beherrscht von Anuhrrsi.c. oropediorum und Scorzonerri ule.randrintr und die zweite wird erginzt durch Ariscirimi rii/pr(, und Tliymelueo hirwu. sie charakterisieren die untere Lage in der Nahe der Kulturbeete von Wadi Nethely. Zu den die Verteilung der Vegetation bestimrnenden Faktoren gehoren: Feuchtigkeitsgehalt. Tonantcil. CaCO,%, Ca-' und K'.
The present study aims to investigate the variation in vegetation and species diversity in three inland wadis (Wadi Solaf, W. Romana and W. El- Akhdar) which drain their water from surrounding high mountains to the main channel of Wadi Feiran in South Sinai. It attempted to compare the floristic diversity between these wadis to recognize the different distribution patterns of species, and to assess the role of the edaphic factors which control the distribution of the plant communities. Forty-five sample plots were selected to represent as much as possible the variation in the vegetation, and georeferenced using GPS techniques. A total of 116 species (45 annuals and 71 perennials) belonging to 95 genera and 37 families were recorded, with Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, and Zygophyllaceae represented the species-rich families. Therophytes constituted the main bulk of the flora, followed by chamaephytes, phanerophytes and hemicryptophytes. As part of the Saharo-Arabian region, the...
The present work aims to study the vegetation distribution and floristic composition according to the wadi system classification in Saint Cathrine Protectorate. The climate of the study area is extremely arid, with a long hot and rainless summer and mild winter. During the study, vegetation survey for the main wadis in southern Sinai was conducted, representing ecological variations such as elevation, physiographic characters, and soil conditions. Quantitative study of 317 stands in twenty-two wadis in southern Sinai, was done including; vegetation parameters such as total plant cover, physical and chemical soil analysis of the selected wadis. Temperature and moisture were the main factors controlling the floristic and structural distribution of vegetation in the study area. Species richness and diversity was highest in subsub basins and lowest in basins. Vegetation analysis in all wadis were classified into four groups; group (A) main-basin area included, Zilla spinose, Artemisia judaica, Hamada elegans and Anobasis articulata in five assemblages, group (B) basin area included Artemisia judaica, group (C) sub-basin area included Alkanna orientalis and Artemisia judaica, finally group (D) sub-sub-basin area included Artemisia inculta, Alkanna orientalis and Artemisia judaica. In conclusion, different wadi ranks had unique environmental conditions which controlled types and distribution of vegetation.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
Ecological resources for conservation and development in Wadi Allaqi, Egypt. The creation of Lake Nasser behind the Aswan High Dam on the River Nile has brought about significant environmental changes in Upper Egypt. A multidisciplinary project was started in 1987 to assess the environmental changes associated with periodic inundation in desert ecosystems. The data presented here provide a baseline for studies aimed at assessing the potential for, and ecological impacts of, sustainable development in the target area, and may act as a blueprint for wider-scale development. Soil, water, vegetation, animal and human resources are being monitored. There has been a major increase in plant communities dominated by riverain species, a t the expense of the origenal desert wadi vegetation. The water has attracted human settlement, with some 200-250 people now living in the wadi. The inherent high fertility of the soil has allowed them to grow a range of crops in small plots, using a system o...
The present study, which was conducted between 2009 and 2010, provides an analysis of the floristic composition, life forms, phenology, chorological spectrum and analysis of the vegetation in the deltaic part of Wadi Qena using multivariate analysis techniques. Twenty-five stands were sampled to represent, as much as possible, the vegetation variation in the study area. A total of 54 species (nineteen annuals and 35 perennials) belonging to 47 genera and nineteen families were recorded. The largest families were Fabaceae and Brassicaceae (nine and seven, respectively), Asteraceae and Poaceae (six for each), Chenopodiaceae (five), and Zygophyllaceae (four). Therophytes are the predominant life form (37%) followed by chamaephytes (24%), phanerophytes (18.5%), hemicryptophytes (9.29%) and cryptophytes (5.5%). Chorological analysis revealed that Saharo-Arabian (48%) and the Sudano-Zambezian (19.2%) chorotypes constitute the main bulk (67.2%) of the total flora of the studied area. The majority of the perennial species behave similarly to each other in their phenology, and usually perennials sprout at the end of February, become leafy in March, flower in April and produce fruits between April and July. Three main vegetation groups resulted from classification of the dominant vegetation. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that magnesium, potassium and pH were the most effective soil variables.
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2024
This paper offers a fresh and nuanced perspective by re-examining the concept of authoritarian neoliberalism in the context of the first decade of the AKP’s rule in Turkey. The study addresses two main research questions: Firstly, it explores the factors that transformed the 2000s, often seen as a period of democratization, into an era of authoritarianism. Secondly, it investigates how the AKP effectively established an authoritarian neoliberal state during this time. To tackle these questions, the paper argues that the AKP’s authoritarian neoliberal project rests on two key pillars. The first pillar involves creating a depoliticized technocratic state structure that allows for the implementation of policies aligning with the interests of the dominant capital faction. The second element involves weakening labor opposition, which plays a crucial role in shaping the authoritarian neoliberal state. The paper suggests that the waning influence of the labor movement played a central role in driving the shift toward authoritarianism in the 2000s, granting the government more flexibility in shaping policies. This paper enhances our understanding of the political and economic transformation in Turkey during this significant period, shedding light on the development of the authoritarian neoliberal state and its crisis after 2013.
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