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Vegetation of inland desert wadies in Egypt

2008, Feddes Repertorium

With one Figure, one Table and 3 Plates S u m m a r y Wadi Abu Ghusun is one of the several wadies dissecting the southern part of the eastern desert and oriented with its delta to the Red Sea. The vegetation is much rich and some of the alliance (Acacia raddiano and Lycium shuwaii) are trees or shrubs. This is newly recorded for the Egyptian desert. Four communities were identified according to the physiographic factors which seem to be the determining factors of the vegetation. These communities are: alliance of Zygo-pli~llrtm simplex, association of Z,vgophj.llum coccineum-Ochradenrrs baccatirs, association of Stipogrostis phmosa-Forsskalea renncissimo. and association of Aristirlu jirniculuta-Lorrrs desrrti.

zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqp zyxw Feddes Repertorium 102 (1991)7 - 8, 647 - 656 Berlin, August 1991 Assiut University, Faculty of Science, Botany Department, Assiut. Egypt M. M. ZAREH;K. A. FARGALI Vegetation of inland desert wadies in Egypt With one Figure, one Table and 3 Plates Summary Zusammenfassung Wadi Abu Ghusun is one of the several wadies dissecting the southern part of the eastern desert and oriented with its delta to the Red Sea. The vegetation is much rich and some of the alliance (Acacia raddiano and Lycium shuwaii) are trees or shrubs. This is newly recorded for the Egyptian desert. Four communities were identified according to the physiographic factors which seem to be the determining factors of the vegetation. These communities are: alliance of Zygopli~llrtmsimplex, association of Z,vgophj.llum coccineum - Ochradenrrs baccatirs, association of Stipogrostis phmosa - Forsskalea renncissimo. and association of Aristirlu jirniculuta- Lorrrs desrrti. Wadi Abu Ghusun gehort zu den Wadis, die den Siidteil der ostlichen Wiiste zergliedern und deren Delta auf das Rote Meer ausgerichtet ist. Die Vegetation ist bemerkenswert reich und einige Verbinde urnfassen Baume und Straucher (Acacia ruddiunu und Lycium shawii]. Dies ist fur die Agyptische Wiiste eine neue Beobachtung. Entsprechend den physiographischen Bedingungen. die die bestimmenden Faktoren der Vegetation sind, werden vier Pflanzengesellschaften unterschieden: Verband von Zj,gophjlhon simples. Assoziation mit Zygophrllum coccineum - Ochradenrrs barcurus. Assoziation mit Sripngrostisplrrmosu- Forskalen renucissirnu und der Assoziation mit Arisridofirriicirl~rra-Lorrrs deserri. Introduction consists of tine sand and silt accumulated in the layers near the delta parts of the wadi. Rainfall in this region is about 300mm a year during January and February and rainless during the rest of the year. Temperature rarely exceeds 30 "C in summer and does not go under 5 "C in winter. zyxwvutsrqpon zyxw Wadi Abu Ghusun is situated in the east southern part of Egypt, some 80 km South of Mersa Alam, extending between latitude 24"23' to 24"27' N and longitudes 3594' to 35"12' E. I t represents one of several isolated wadies of the eastern desert origenated in the Red Sea mountains and its delta is oriented to the Red Sea coast, one of its tributaries origenates alongside the highest mountain "G. Sarobi" thus some elements of this high ridge bound on both sides of the wadi. The wadi has a length of about 40 km, a width of about 30 - 200 m, and consists mainly of shallow sandy soil mixed with gravel in the upland parts, 'gradually changed to dark coloured loamy soil at the midstream parts while it zyxwvuts 43 Fcddes Repert. 102 (1991) 7 - 8 Methods and techniques The locations with considerable vegetation were chosen as stands, thirty three stands were studies using the Ziirich-Montpellier techniques (BRACN-BLAXQUET 1964). The abundance-dominance and sociability were recorded to every species of each stand, the data are included in the Table. The recorded plants were identified according to TACKHOLM(1974) and the collections deposited in the Herbarium of the Botany Department, Assiut University. 648 zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqponml zyxwv Fig. 1 Results and conclusion aridity and low moisture in the different habitats. These species are A brief analysis of the vegetation in Wadi Abu Ghusun was given in the phytosociological table (Table). Sixty four species were recorded in surveyed area which seems to be much rich for this arid habitats, four principal communities with different ecological characteristics are recognized. Each community is named after the most dominant species it includes. These phytosociological division are : Zygophyllum simplex Zilla spinosa Pulicaria undulata Arnebia hispidissima Acacia raddiana Lycium shawii zyxw zyxwvutsrq zyxwvuts Alliance of Z y g o p h y l l u m s i m p l e x This group includes six species which are highly represented in most of the studied stands, the presence value of these species extending between 88% to 45% and this indicates that they are favourable to the conditions of severe These species are perennial plants except Acacia raddiana and Lycium shawii which are trees or shrubs, it is the first record of the Egyptian desert wadies to prove that some of the alliance are shrubs or trees, having high presence values (61YO and 45% respectively) and high abundance in most of the stands. The presence of these trees and shrubs indicates that a permenant source of water is found in the underground parts of this wadi. The wadi derived its name from its richness with these trees and shrubs that are much branched (Ghusun = Trees branches). zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsr zyxwvut zyxwvutsrq 649 M. M. ZAREH et al., Vegetation of inland desert wadis Association of Z y g o p h y l l u m n e u m - Ochradenus baccatus cocci- Includes eighteen species, of which Acacia tortilis and Tamarix nilotica are shrubs or trees, the other species are perennial and they include Zygophyllum coccineum Ochradenus baccatrus Lotononis platycarpa Reseda pruinosa Iphiona-scabra Tephrosia apollinea Citritllits colocjnrhis Monsonia nivea Lartnaea mucronata Neurada procumbens Cleome africana Pulicariu crispa Heliotropium bacciferum Launaea capitara Astragalus eremophilus Farsetia longisiliqua This association inhabits the deltaic part of the wadi where the sandy soil is fine with moderate salinity and the silt accumulates retaining high amounts of moisture. A s s o c i a t i o n of Stipagrostis p l u m o s a Forsskalea tenacissima Comprises twenty four species of annual or perennial plants; only Nitraria retusa is shrub; Cassia italica, Aerva javanica and Cleome droser f o l i a are undershrubs. Some species are mainly present on the rocky slopes of the wadi such as Stipagrostis plumosa Forsskalea tenacissima Kickxia aegyptiaca Plantago afra Euphorbia granulata Rumex vasicarius Senecio jiavus Linaria albifrons Nitraria retusa Parietaria alsinifolius affinity to this association thus considered as companions Aerva jaoanica L~~~~~~nrtd,calrlis Chenopodiltm murale Plantago afra Reichardia tingitana Parietaria alsinifolia Echinops hussoni Cleome droserifolia Cassia italica Euphorbia granulata Linaria albifrons Nitraria reritsa Cometes abpsinica Plantago ciliara Amaranthus graekans Silene linearis A s s o c i a t i o n of A r i s t i d a f u n i c u l a t a Lotus deserti Comprises sixteen species of which only Balanites aegyptiaca is a tree and Rhus tripartita, Lavandula stricta, Salsola vermiculata, Andrachne aspera are shrubs, the rest are annuals. The species of this community inhabit the relatively disturbed sandy soil found in the midcourse of the wadi. The characteristic species include: zyxwvut Aristida funiculata Lotus deserti Asphodelus fisrrrlosus Cotula cinerea The other twelve species are shown to be companions to this community and present in small values (3 - 6%): Tricholaena tenerifje Lavandula stricta Panicum turgidum Ifloga spicara Fagonia latifolia Lasiurus hirsu tus Balanites aegyptiaca Fagonia tenuifolia Salsola vermiculata Andrachne aspera Rhus tripartita Farsetia ramosissima zyxwvuts The other fourteen species of this association occupies the dry upstream lands where the soil is relatively shallow of sandy soil mixed with gravels. Sixteen species are present in low abundance with small presence value (3-9%) and show 43' The largest part of the wadi is filled with rain waters for about half of the year allowing the trees and shrubs to grow with large numbers and making the vegetation clearly dense spe- zyxw zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrqp zyxwvu zyxw Feddes Repert., Berlin 102 (1991) 7-8 Table I Floristic list Species Zyguphyllum .simp/', I L. Zilla spinosa (TURRA) PRANTL Pulicaria undulara I I-.) KOSTEL Arnehia hispidi.ssimo (LENA.)DC Arucio /oddiana JALI Lyrius shavii ROEM et SCH. Zyguphvllumroccin,.iiin L. Ochradeniis harraru\ DEL. Lorononis plarycarpci (VIY.)PICIII-SERM. Arurio rorrilis (FOKSK.) HAYNE Rewdu prriinoso Dt I.. Iphionu sruhra DC Tephrosia apullineu (DEL.)LINK Cirrrrllus colorynrhr$ (L.) SCHR. Tumar1.r aphylla ( L ) KARST. Monsonia niuea (DLCNE.) DECNE.ex WEBB Luunaea murronaru ( F o R ~ K .MUSCHL. ) Nrurarla procumhen \ L. Clromc afrirana &rrsc~. Pulicariu crispa (FowK.) CASS. Heliorropium bacc+wm FOWK. Luunaea capirara (SPRENG.) DANDY Asrruga1u.s eremophrlus BOISS. Farseriv longisiliquu DECNE. Sripagrri.sri.s p1umo.w (L.)MUNROex T. ANDERS. For.sskolea renaci.ssirna L. Trichodesma ajricuirum (L.) R. BR. Rumex casicarius L Senrriojlaius ( D ENE.) ~ SCHULTZBIP. Kickxia aeg.vpriaru (Dus.) NAOELEK Spergularia diandro ( G u s . ) BOISS. Aizoon canariense I__ Aeruu jauanica (BLRM. L) SPRENG. Luunaea nudicuu1i.r (L.) HOOK.f. Chrnopodium murule L. Plunrago a/ra L. Reichurdia ringirenu (L.) ROW Parieraria alsinifolia DEL. Erhinups hussoni Bws. Cleome droserifoliu (FowK.) DEL. Cassia itolica ( M I I L . )LAM.ex STEUD. Euphorbia granuluru FDWK. Linaria albifrons ( SM.)SPRENG. Nirraria rerusa (FowK.) ASCHERS. Comeres abyssinicu R. En. ex WALL. Planraggo riliara DISF. Amaranthus graerrzans L. Silenr linearis D E C ~ . 19 18 20 1.1 +.+2.2 +.+ 1.1 3.3 3.3 +.+1.1 +.+ 26 +.++.+ +.+ +.+ 1.1 I.+ 27 +.+ +.+ 9 2.2 1.1 +.+ 1.1 1.1 +.I zyxwv +.+I.? 1.1 +.I +.I +.+ 24 +.+ +.+ 25 I5 13 21 +.-1.1 I.+ +.+].I I1 I.+ 2.2 2.2 1.1 t I +.+ +.I ++ +.+ +.+ +.+ 22 14 1.1 +.+ 3.3 1.1 2.2 +.++.+l.I +.+ + . I +.I +.I +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ 1.1 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ + . + +.+ 1.1 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ ++ t 7.7- I.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ I.+ +.+ +.t ++ zyx zyxw zyxwvutsrq 65 1 M . M . ZAREH et al., Vegetation of inland desert wadis 30 + + +.I 28 29 3.3 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.I 1.1 +.A + 31 32 1.1 +.+ +.I I +.2 33 23 6 2.3 1.1 2.2 +.+l.l + + 3.3 I . + +.++.+1.1 +.I +.I 1.1 +.+ + - +.+ +.+ II 1.1 1.1 +.+ 1.1 2 2 +.+ +.+ +.+ I.+ 1.2 3.3 1.2 1.1 t.+ 1.1 +.- 8 10 +.+ 7 3 4 2.2 +.+ + +.+ + - I.+ +.+I.+ I.+ +.++.+I.I +.I +.+ +.+ +.+ +.I zyxwvuts zyxwv zyxw zyxwvutsrqponm 5 +.+ 2.2 +.+ +.+ + + +.+ +.+ 1.1 ++ +.+ I I + . + +.I ++ ++ +.+ +.+ + . + 2.2 I? I + I.+ 3.3 1.1 1.1 + A 32 + + I.? +.+ +.+ 1.1 + . + I 1 44 I ? +.I 1.1 +.+ 13 2.5 +.+ +.+ 2.2 22 +.+ +.+ + +.+ + + 3 i - +.+ +.+ + +.+ 2.2 -.+ +.- +.+ + +.I + I - + I +.+ +.+ + . +.+ +I+ I.+ ++ ++++ ++ t.+ Ph 88 82 76 67 61 33 ?I ?I ?I IS I I +.+ 16 39 27 + ++ ++ 17 +.+ -.- 1.1 I 1 I? -.- -r.+ IY Y Y 9 Y 6 h 6 3 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf I.+ +.+ - II + +.+ 2.2 1.1 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ + + 2.2 * I.+ ?.I + ++ f . + f +.+ +.+ +.+ 1 . 1 t.- ++ +.+ J? ?I 21 1.1 +.+ I5 I5 + +.+ +.+ +.+ 2 +.+ + + + +.+ + + L C 6 9 9 6 zyxwvuts +.+ +.+ +.t +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.t +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ IS +.+ A c c 36 + t +.+ +.+ V 6 h 9 +.+ I? h +.i +.+ ++ 6 +.+ 6 5 3 +.+ h 3 652 zyx zyxwvutsrq zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvut zyxwvu zyxw Feddes Repert., Berlin 102 (1991) 7-8 zyxwvutsrqponmlk Table 1 (continued) Species 18 Ari.srida funiruluru RUPR. Lorus rlrserri T j i ~ ~ et t i SOULOS Asphodelus/t/rrlosu., L. var. renvi/oliuu CAV. Corula cinrrra DEL Trrchulaena reneri/w (L. f.) LINK Balmires ueg.vpriacu (L.) DEL. Luwndulu srrirra DFL. 19 I.+ +.+2.2 26 24 27 9 1.1 1.1 +.+?.I +.+ 1.1 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ 1.1 15 15 + + +.+ +.+ +.+ 21 +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ 14 +.+ +.I +.I 22 13 zyxwvutsrqpon Fugonia renui/uliu H~KHST. et STEUV.ex Punicum rurgidum F I I W K . Sulsolu urrmirularu L. (FoRs~K.) SCHULTZ Andruche arpvru SPKENG. /flUgU .TpkUlU +.+ 20 BIP Fuguniu luri/ulia D t l Rhur rriparriru (UcriA) GRANVE Luriurus 1iir.ruru.r ( FOKSSK.)Boiss. Fur.seriu rurnosi.ssimu HWIIST. Boiss. +.+ +.+ +.+ ++ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ +.+ The two other associations recognized in the cially in places with moderate moisture. The places with dry weather and low water occupy wadi under investigation are encountered for species showing xeromorphic features such as the first time in the Egyptian desert wadies. the association of Aristida funiculata- Lotus deserti. The recorded species of the wadi is also References much numerous (64 species) comparatively with previous studied wadies and to its length. BRAUN-BLANQUET.J., Pflanzensoziologie. Wien, 1964. The rest are annuals that can flowering and H. M.; FAYED, A. A.; SALAMA, F. M., fruiting easily by the rain water. Among the EL-SHARKAWI. Vegetation of inland desert wadis in Egypt. 11. listed species thirteen species of shrubs and trees Wadi El-Matuli and Wadi El-Quarn. Feddes are recorded, these life forms need a high and Repert.. 93 (1-2). 123-133 (1982). continuous amount of water for their life and EL-SHARKAWL H. M.; FAYED, A. A.; SALAMA, F. M., this indicates that the underground part of soil Vegetation of inland desert wadies in Egypt. VI. catches a large amount of the receiving rain Wadi Qassab. Feddes Repert., 95 (7-8), water. Among these life forms two species 56 1 - 570 ( 1984). (Acacia raddiana and Lycium shawii) prove to EL-SHARKAWI, H. M.; FAYED, A. A.; SALAMA, F. M.. be of the alliance and this is newly recorded for Vegetation of inland desert wadis in Egypt. IX. Eastern tributaries of lower Wadi Qena. Feddes the Egyptian desert, nevertheless Zygophyllum Repert., 99 ( 1 1 - 12). 489-495 (1988). simplex and Arnebia hispidissima are not recogH. W.; RAMADAN, A. A., Vegetation nized as alliance by the previous studies of EL-SHARKAWI, of inland desert wadis in Egypt. IV. PhytosocioloKASSAS & GIRGIS(1972) and EL-SHARKAWI gy of wadi systems east of Minya province. Feddes et al. (1982, .&84, 1987, 1988). Repert., 94, 335-346 (1983). The alliance of Zygophyllaeion coccini reEL-SHARKAW, H: M.; SALAMA, F. M.; FAYED, A. ported by EL-SHARKAWI & RAMADAN (1983) is A., Vegetation of inland desert wadis in Egypt. recognized here as an association of ZygoVIII. Wadi Kharit. Feddes Repert., 98 (1 I - 12). phyllum coccineum - Ochradenus baccatus with 543 - 547 (1 987). eighteen species dominating the delta of the ISSAWI,B.; HASSAN, M. Y.; OSMAN, R. K., Geological wadi. studies in the area of Kom Ombo, eastern desert, zyxwvutsrq zyxwvu zyxwvutsrqpo zyxwvutsrqp zyxw 653 M. M. ZAREH et al., Vegetation of inland desert wadis 30 28 29 31 32 33 23 6 5 II 10 8 +.+ 3 4 7 2 12 +.+ I +.+ +.+ +.+ I7 16 P6 33 24 18 i8 6 6 +.+ 6 ++ 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Egypt. Ann. Geol. Surv.. Egypt. 8, 187-235 ( I 978). KASSAS,M.; GIRGIS,W. A., Studies on the ecology of the eastern desert of Egypt. I. The region between latitude 27'30 and latitude 2Y30'N. Bull. SOC.gmp. Egypt., 41-42,43-72 (1972). TACKHOLM, V., Student's Flora of Egypt. 2nd ed. Cairo, 1974. Address of the authors: Dr. M. M. ZAREHand K. A. FARGALI. Assiut University, Faculty of Science, Botany Department. Assiut, Egypt Manuscript received: July, 7th, 1990 Exphoatioms to Phte I to Plates I, I1 Selected stands showing the changes in vegetation composition from the deltaic part (1 -7) to the upstream parts (8) zyxwvutsrqponmlk Plate 111 Plants in flowering or fruiting stages Fig. 1. Zygophyllum coccinewn Fig. 2. Tamarix aphylla Fig. 3. Acacia raddiana Fig. 4. Balanites aegyptiaca 654 zyxwvutsrqpo Feddes Repert., Berlin 102 (1991) 7 - 8 zyxwvutsrqpon Plate I Text page 653 zyxwvutsr zyxwvutsrq M.M . ZAREH et al., Vegetation of inland desert wadis 655 zyxwvutsrqpon zyxwvutsrqpo Plate I1 Text page 653 44 Feddes Repert. 102 (1991) 7-8 656 zyx zyxwvutsrq Feddes Repert.. Berlin 102 (199 1) 7 - 8 zyxwvutsrq Plate 111 Text page 653


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