Nature Vol. 250 July 26 1974
Muscle and silk
Conformation in Fibrous Proteins and
Related Synthetic Polypeptides. By
R. D. B. Fraser and T. P. MacRae.
Pp. xviii + 628. (Molecular Biology: An
International Series of Monographs and
Textbooks.) (Academic: New York and
London, December 1973.) $45; £19.50.
THE fibrous proteins form an important class among the complex structures found in living organisms, and
the investigation of their structure
poses special problems because they
cannot, in general, be obtained in the
form of single crystals suitable for
X-ray investigation. The first part of
this book describes the major techniques in current use and their application to the problems. They include
X-ray, electron and optical diffraction,
electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy (using polarised radiation) and
the important if less direct techniques
based on the use of known atomic
dimensions and interaction energies
which may be described as model
building. There is also a chapter on
methods for obtaining the optimum
structure and another on several techniques of more limited application.
The second part describes in considerable detail the several well-characterised conformations found in synthetic
polypeptides (o:-helix, .8-conformation
and so on) which have been basic to an
understanding of the structure of fibrous proteins, and there are separate
chapters on the silks (of which many
kinds are known), collagens, muscle
proteins and the keratins. There is a
chapter on fibrin, fibrinogen, flagel!in,
elastin and resilin.
The writing is lucid and critical. The
many line diagrams are excellent and
there is a good selection of half-tone
reproductions, chiefly of diffraction
patterns and electron micrographs. The
list of references is very comprehensive
and it is evident that care has been
taken with the indexes. The authors
(who have made major contributions
to our understanding of fibrous protein
structure) are to be congratulated on
the publication of such a thorough and
useful work.
Drifting in the Pacific
The Settlement of Polynesia: A Computer Simulation. By M. Levison, R.
Gerard Ward and J. W. Webb. Pp.
vi+ 137. (University of Minnesota
Press: Minneapolis, 1973.) £5.50.
THE question of how the scattered
islands of Polynesia were settled during
a 2,000-year period ending about a
thousand years ago has been a perplexing one for European colon1sers
whose own methods of navigation
only allowed them to arrive there
less than 300 years ago. One rather
loud voice in the debate in recent
times has been that of Andrew Sharp.
He simply applied to the problem
his hard-headed common sense, Occam's razor, and a due cynicism about
far-fetched or fantastical tales of intrepid ancient Polynesian seamen with
sophisticated navigational skills. After
all, Polynesians were both illiterate
and living in the Stone Age. Sharp's
thesis is that island discovery took
place by unnavigated one-way voyages
either of exile, or accidental drift, and
that there is no reason to suppose that
deliberately navigated journeys of exploration or long voyages with return
to the starting place occurred. In the
preface to his 1964 book, Sharp states,
"It is six years since my previous
book . . . During those years I have
gathered upwards of a hundred published notices . . . and have been involved in 2,191 oral discussions of the
book's themes. I have yet to hear of
a fact or read an argument which
impugns the basic contentions of the
former book". The present book by
Levison, Ward and Webb, contains
both facts and arguments which do
impugn Sharp's contentions.
What Levison, Ward and Webb have
done is to take the recorded data of
frequencies of different winds and currents throughout the Pacific, and simulate by computer one-way drift voyages from a variety of starting points.
All the assumptions of the simulation seem remarkably sensible. On
each day a particular wind and a
current direction are chosen randomly
from the available recorded frequencies of winds and currents for the
particular month in the particular
Sox so (approximately 300 nautical
mile) square, and the vessel is moved
an appropriate distance and directicn.
A craft makes a landfall if its passes
within 10 miles of a low island or
20 miles of higher ones. There is a
sigmoid curve of increasing tendency
of a voyage to end due to factors like
death of the crew (50o/o of voyages
terminate in this way by 10 weeks).
But there is also a 0.5 probability of
foundering if a gale of force 9 or
above occurs.
The authors have simulated more
than 100,000 drift voyages, and 8,000
deliberately guided ones. The drift
voyages included a main series of
46,000 from 61 starting points starting
every day of the year, 11,000 under
shifts of climatic conditions of the
kind that might have occurred in the
last 2,000 years or so, 32.000 starting
from specially advantageous points at
months of the year, and 10,000
in reverse from destinations towards
possible starting points.
© 1974 Nature Publishing Group
Their conclusion was that drifting
produced a zero probability of reaching
either Hawaii or Easter Island from
any inhabited part of Polynesia, and
less than 0.1 o/o chance of reaching
New Zealand. Thus drifting alone does
not seem to be able to account for
the colonisation. Among other things
they also show that Kon Tiki would
never have reached Easter Island, or
anywhere else in Polynesia unless it
had been very deliberately steered
westward (which it was). Indeed, in
simulated voyages with an attempt to
hold a particular course, and with a
limitation of only being able to lay
as close as 90° to the wind, the chances
of reaching the outlying parts of Polynesia become quite reasonable.
Levison et a!. are judicious on the
subject of relevant archaeological data
and the various theories that have been
put forward. They also are scrupulous
about the technical part of their simulation. Both a complete listing of their
ALGOL program and a large selection of their results in the form of
maps of scattered destinations of voyages from particular starting places appear in appendices which occupy about
half the book. But the non-technical
should not be deterred. The text
though detailed is well written, and the
whole is a substantial contribution.
Put together with the recent publications by Gladwin and Lewis of
sophisticated navigational techniques
still practiced in the Caroline Islands,
this work finally disposes of the idea
that Polynesians were savages who just
happened to have been blown to accidental discovery of the vast reaches of
the Pacific which they came to inhabit.
Relativity with reprints
General Theory of Relativity. By C. W.
Kilmister. Pp.ix + 365. (Commonwealth
and International Library: Selected
Readings in Physics.) (Pergamon:
Oxford and New York, November
1973.) £3.50 boards; £2 paper.
AccoRDING to the publisher's note on
the back cover, this book meets "the
increasing need for an undergraduate
text on the general theory of relativity". It will be an unusual undergraduate who absorbs more than a
portion of it but there is a need for
a textbook for all students with ambitions to research into relativity, cosmology and astrophysics (and pure differential geometry). This should ideally
not only present the facts about relativity they need, but also assist the
transition from didacticaly helpful
lectures to the scientific literature.
This book is important because it
has both these aims. Before venturing