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Pedagogiek, 2019
Growing up in complex reality: the unique contribution of pedagogical science in the Netherlands The inception of the discipline of pedagogical science in the Netherlands was exactly one hundred years ago in 2018. After a brief description of the history of pedagogy, several domains of the current field of pedagogy, in particular child and family studies and clinical child and family studies are highlighted. Next, the interrelations between pedagogy, psychology and psychiatry using the bio-psycho-social model and the socio-ecological model are described. Pedagogical science is an empirically-normative, performance-centered, and integrative science that unites the broad spectrum of behavioural sciences. With this unique combination, pedagogical science helps to answer scientific, clinical, and societal questions to help children reach their full potential.
De survey Sociaal-culturele verschuivingen in Vlaanderen (SCV-survey) is sinds 1996 een jaarlijkse survey bij een toevallige steekproef van Nederlandstalige inwoners in het Vlaamse en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest. De survey peilt naar waarden, opvattingen, overtuigingen en gedragingen van Vlamingen met betrekking tot maatschappelijke en beleidsrelevante thema's. In dit deel nemen we u mee in de ontstaansgeschiedenis van de survey, de veranderingen waaraan de survey onderhevig was en de valorisatie van de resultaten.
Het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau is een interdepartementaal, wetenschappelijk instituut, dat-gevraagd en ongevraagd-sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek verricht. Het scp rapporteert aan de regering, de Eerste en Tweede Kamer, de ministeries en maatschappelijke en overheidsorganisaties. Het scp valt formeel onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de minister van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport. Het scp is opgericht bij Koninklijk Besluit op 30 maart 1973. Het Koninklijk Besluit is per 1 april 2012 vervangen door de 'Regeling van de minister-president, Minister van Algemene Zaken, houdende de vaststelling van de Aanwijzingen voor de Planbureaus'.
Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 2021
Fun without worries. Cities promoting fairs in the Austrian Netherlands. Focusing as a case study on the fairs of Kortrijk, a middle-sized city in the county of Flanders, this contribution aims to further our knowledge of an increasing respectability of fairs in the eighteenth century. The city magistrate regulated fairs, but also increasingly had an active role in their organization. Kortrijk had a variety of fairs in the early modern period, ranging from local parish processions to two large scale commercial fairs with additional forms of entertainment visited by people coming from as far away as Normandy. The fairs were celebrated practically all year round and were spread over many locations in the city. They took place on squares and in public buildings. Although traces of the fairs are scarce and need deep archival research to be recovered, there is no doubt that in the latter half of the seventeenth century and in the eighteenth century the fairs of Kortrijk were attractive f...
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Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 2008
Shaw, B.F. (1999). Cognitive-behavioral group treatments in childhood anxiety disorders: The role of parental involvement.
Tijdschrift voor historische geografie, 2022
When the lights go out Lighthouses as an iconic landscape element In September 2021, the cast-iron Kijkduin lighthouse near Den Helder, also known as 'Lange Jaap' (or 'Long Jack'), made the news of the day. The news of the lighthouse's imminent risk of collapse drew many reactions from Den Helder residents. The lighthouse turned out to be a landscape icon in the region, which local residents felt strongly connected to. The issues related to Lange Jaap are not an isolated case. Lighthouses are increasingly losing their primary function as beacons for ships. Modern means of navigation are taking over. Therefore, we need a vision on the preservation and redevelopment of this nautical heritage. This article deals with the history of the beacons and lighthouses and their maintenance. It also covers the importance of lighthouses as a striking element in the Dutch coastal landscape over time. In doing so, it becomes clear how lighthouses are connected to the people living in their vicinity and that these beacons of light should be preserved for the future.
Las medidas implementadas en El Salvador tienen como base el fracaso de las políticas de seguridad ensayadas en la mayor parte de América Latina. Pero ¿cuáles son los logros de Nayib Bukele y cuáles los déficits de las políticas aplicadas en el resto de la región?
TICCIH Bulletin No 85, 2019
Evaluating Wireless Network Technologies (3G, 4G, 5G) and Their Infrastructure: A Systematic Review, 2024
The Messianic Jew and the Jewish Community, 2024
2013 Kansas City, Missouri, July 21 - July 24, 2013, 2013
“Legal protection of LGBT+ persons in war and armed conflict”, 2024
Jurnal Sains dan Kesehatan Darussalam
isara solutions, 2018
Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2009
Ilipa Antiqva. de la Prehistoria a la época romana, 2007
The Biologist, 2021
PloS one, 2024
BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2013
GOT - Geography and Spatial Planning Journal, 2015
Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2014
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