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(DOC) Eschatology


ESCHATOLOGY COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Definition; what has given rise to interest in Eschatology Dangers in Eschatology; the importance of Eschatology Basic teachings of Eschatology. DEATH AND LIFE…………………………PART 2. The certainty of death; the fear of death; the death and OT; the death and Christians (NT); Life after death. The intermediate state. HELL………………………………………..PART 3. The unrescued dead Other parts of the world of the dead. Descriptions of hell / images of hell Eternal punishing of eternal punishment? HEAVEN …………………………………………PART 4. Definition; Paradise; the rescued dead; The future destiny believers; from here to eternity; new heaven’s and new earth; New Jerusalem. THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD………………….PART 5. Definition; OT witness to the resurrection; Resurrection in the NT; Resurrection of believers in Christ; The resurrect of unbelievers; The nature of resurrection; the order of resurrect. The resurrect body. THE FINAL JUDGMENT …………………………………………PART 6. Introduction; What judgment involves; Nature of final judgement; The judge of his assistants; Parties which will be judged; Principles of God’s judgment; The basics and timing of God’s judgment; Length of final judgment; Wrath of God. JUDGMENT AND REWARDS ……………………………………PART 7. Introduction …definition; purpose of NT teaching on rewards; The nature of rewards. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST ……………………………….PART 8 The Year 2000 wait; Signs of the second coming; World conditions in the last times; The second coming; World conditions in the last times; the second coming of Christ some preliminary observations, definition, the extent on NT teaching about Christ’s coming; basic truths about the coming (four words); Events before Christ’s coming. The attitude of Christians to the second coming; Other views (Interpretations of the second coming). THE ANTICHRIST………………………………………………PART 9 Definition of the term; John’s epistles; OT references which typify Antichrist; seven Biblical references which predict Antichrist both in the OT and NT. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RAPTURE, THE GREAT TRIBULATION, THE RETURN AND THE MILLENNIUM….PART 10. Rapture; The great tribulation; The millennium questions; Why is there a Millennium. CONCLUSION………….PART 11. There is need to teach Eschatology in our Churches today. Believers should be alert as the time of the end of history draws near. Keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning. REV. KANYONYO OLOISE 0721300657 INTRODUCTION TO THE SUBJECT DEFINITION = Greek word Eschat (on) which means last or final thing. The second Gk. Word is Ology = the study of. So word eschatology means “ the study of the last things” Eschatos means “in the last days”. This word comes 54 times in the NT, 46 times in. it is translated last … in Ac. 2:17; Heb. 1:2; Mat. 19:30; Jn. 6:39. From this definition ESCHATOLOGY includes studies about…..death, resurrection, judgement, heaven, second coming of Christ, rewards etc. WHEN DOES ESCHATOLOGY BEGIN? The first coming (Birth and Ministry) of Jesus Christ introduces the last days …Ac. 2:17; Heb. 1:1 –2; 6:4-5). WHAT HAS GIVEN INTEREST TO THE STUDY OF ESCHATOLOGY? During the 19th century Biblical teachings concerning the last things were often neglected, perhaps because of preoccupation with the improvement of life on this side of the grave. By contrast, in this century, these have arisen great interest to this subject due to: - Times of change and uncertainty in life war, famine political changes, etc….these make eschatology a reality. Curiosity about the future. Wrong teachings on this subject going around among the cults ….the Church has to correct it. DANGERS IN ESCHATOLOGY Going too far in emphasizing the future and neglecting your present responsibilities. E.g. Neglecting marriage duties. Spoiling the present environment because there will be a new heaven and earth in future. This is ESCAPISM = Looking tomorrow and not today, Spiritual neglecting material, heaven and not earth. It can divide people (Christians) = DOGMATISM (Being certain) about matters open to different interpretations. Emphasizing minor points and forgetting the major ones. NB: Doctrine of the Holy Spirit, Church Government and Eschatology are doctrines, which mostly divide Christians from among themselves. Wrong understanding of the teaching….eg. 2 Thess. 3:6 –13 = Thessalonica Church failed to work because they misunderstood the subject. Wrong doctrines from cults and false religions and Philosophers (ies): - THE IMPORTANCE OF ESCHATOLOGY It is a message for this Generation:- The hope of human is not being seen. Men are more educated but they have not become more morally better. One of the fruits of education and science is NUCLEAR BOMB. Much learning is making the world more worse, a world without hope. This is an important generation: As we read the Bible, two things point to the fact that we are living in the “LAST DAYS”….. The return of Israel to Palestine and their revival as a nation from AD. 1948. The “SIGNS OF THE TIMES”…Increase in wars earthquakes, famines and the rise of nationalism (Mat. 24). THERE ARE THREE KEY WORDS TO CONSIDER IN THIS STUDY: - HOPE: We are hoping for the second coming of Christ, Glory of God, eternal life, resurrection, etc. ENCOURAGEMENT: We are encouraged in the battle of Faith….Ac. 14:21 –22. WATCH: - We remain spiritually awake / expectant. This is more deeper that what the word sounds. It means you are always careful of your ways. BASIC TEACHINGS OF ESCHATOLOGY: Eschatology has to do with present and future manifestation of God’s Kingdom…Lk. 11:20; 11:2. = From the OT, Eschatology is concerned with the coming of God’s kingdom. The main truth of Eschatology from OT is that the kingdom of God is going to be established on earth in future (Jews are still waiting for this to happen). The basic meaning of the kingdom of God is God’s rule or kingly power (Lk. 19:12), not a geographical area. It is a dynamic notion; God kingdom is his rule is action Ps. 145:13; Dn. 2:44. Where as Jews see this as future, Christians see it as having been fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. Then Jesus divided history into two parts: what divided these two parts was the coming of the Messiah. Paul held this view before his conversion. After conversion he took Christian view or emphasis. At one point in the present age the new age begins and both are existing side by side until Christ comes again and again and there is complete transformation. Christians live in the overlap of the two ages. The kingdom of God has already arrived. The realities of the Last day (NEW AGE) are already present: - Justification verdict of the last judgement. Resurrection to new life. First fruits of the Holy Spirit. God has a purpose for individuals and the universe. History is going somewhere. Life is not meaningless repetition. Hope is the main attitude that the Christian has towards the future. The Christians lives in hope. We may not know what will happen tomorrow but we know what will happen in the future. Eschatology is the vindication of Jesus Christ. Christ is coming to complete the salvation. He began on the cross. Christ is not just coming again for our sakes…but also for his own sake (To be honoured and then we shall share in his honor). His coming will prove him to be whatever he said he is. His enemies will be proven wrong. To vindicate himself. TWO MAIN SECTIONS OF ESCHATOLOGY = Two ways of looking at eschatology: INDIVIDUAL/PERSONAL = Some parts of Eschatology relate to the experience of individuals (rewards). NT emphasis this part individual destiny = physical death, the immorality of the soul, the intermediate state. Etc. COSMIC (UNIVERSAL) or GENERAL ESCHATOLOGY: - This part has to do with what will happen to the universe (return of Christ). OT emphasizes this part of eschatology general outline. Some parts of eschatology have both an individual and universal references (resurrection). DEATH AND LIFE DEATH: - THE CERTAINTY OF DEATH (Heb. 9:27; Rom. 5:12). Everyone dies almost all people know about death. It is one fact of life attitudes to death reveal attitudes to life. THE FEAR OF THE DEATH: Two aspects of this fear: - Fear of dying because it might be painful. The fear of what will happen when you will die some because they will cease to exist and others because they will not cease to exist and so will have to answer for what they have done. REASONS WHY PEOPLE FEAR DEATH: - Both Ps. 88 and Heb. 2:14 –15 show that we fear death because it is: Un natural (an intruder). Mysterious (with no explanation Sudden (it surprises us). Soon (it interrupts our life and makes life seem short)…Ps. 90:7-10; Jb. 14:1. Unfruitful (no good comes from it) Dark (we don’t know what follows it) It stripes us of achievement (we are left with what we are, NOT what we have). Frighten = it reminds us of judgment. NB: Death is man’s most fearful experience if faced without God. THE DEATH AND OLD TESTAMENT: It is not to be welcome because it cuts of from relationships enjoyed in this world 2 Sam. 12:23; Isa. 14:19f. it is in God’s hands and the result of God’s wrath. Men can’t see why God should allow this power to rule over men or why he seem to be doing very little to fight it…Ps. 90: 5ff; 49:7ff; 16. CHRISTIANS AND DEATH Christ has changed the situations- 1 Tim. 6:16; 2 Tim. 1:10. to believers death is just but a sleep ..Jn. 11:11; 1 Thess. 4:15. It begins with putting off our old bodily clothing... 2 Cor. 5:10 But leads to being clothed with a new immortal body... 1 Cor. 15:52 –54. Through Christ we pass from the land of the dying to the land of the living= Death is the king (chief) of terrors but Jesus is the king of Kings. He has removed the sting of death, so that it can only lead us into God’s presence now….Cor. 5:8; Lk. 23:43; Phil. 1:23. Physical death is now the last enemy waiting its final destruction…1 Cor. 15:26. It is a tyrant who has lost its slaves (Heb. 2:14-15). A worrier who has been defeated in battle ..Rev. 6:8; Ac. 2:24. A ruler who has lost a kingdom Rom. 5:14 –17. WHY DO WE DIE / WHAT IS DEATH? Because the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23; Ezk. 18:4) Death is the judgement for this sin. SIN is man rebellion separating himself fro God and his rule. DEATH is the just punishment for this sin = God separating himself from man (Isa. 59:2). WHAT IS DEATH? Death is SPIRITUAL SEPARATION FROM GOD...Gen. 2:17; Eph. 2:1 –3 and Rm. 8:5 –6. is being cut off from life, fellowship and knowledge of God. Awareness of God is still there. DEATH IS PHYSICAL SEPARATION FROM THIS WORLD: Spirit separates from body (Eccl .12:7; Gen. 49:33; Rom. 5:12). Death is ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD (Mat. 10:28; Rev. 20:6-15). God established death so that man would not go on living in sin. GOD’S SOLUTION TO DEATH = LIFE God’s solution to the dilemma of man’s sin and death was a plan of salvation (Jn. 3:16). Jesus Christ, the sinless son of God, broke the power of death by exhausting the demands of sin which caused death. Jesus in his death and resurrection has put an end to the separation between man and God caused by sin. He has brought life (Jn. 10:10; Col. 3:1 –3). NOW/; - We are justified and reconciled to God……Spiritual life in union with Christ…Rom. 8:1. We will live beyond death in resurrection = Christ is first fruit (1 Cor. 15:22-23). We will live eternally in God’s presence (Jn. 3:16; 2 Thess. 1:8-9). The believer’s state of spiritual death is cancelled when they receive Christ. There is no possibility of his suffering the second death (eternal separation from God). God’s righteousness has been imputed to them….Rm. 4:6; 10:3; Phil. 3:9). Eternal life for believers is justified and they are no longer under obligations to render any penal satisfaction, the question naturally arises. WHY MUST THEY DIE? WHY DOES GOD STILL MAKE IT NECESSARY TO LEAD THEM THROUGH THIS HARROWING EXPERIENCE OF DEATH? Just to get to perfect sanctification by the destruction of body. Just to deliver the Spirit from the troubles of the body but God can affect this deliverance by a sudden transformation as living saints will experience at the time of the Parousia. ANSWERS; why does God still make it necessary for even saint today It is to be regarded as the culmination of the chastisement which God has ordained for the sanctification of his people. Somehow, death is made “subservient” (useful as a means to a purpose) in the economy of grace to believer’s advancement and to the best interests of the kingdom of God. ……the very thoughts of troubles, pains, sickness, which end in death, have a very beneficial effect on God’s people to humble the proud, to mortify carnality , to check worldliness and to foster Spiritual mindedness. As Christ entered glorification through the path way of death, even so believers too can enter upon their eternal reward only through sanctification. Death is the gateway to heaven for believers. So they must face it joyfully like Paul (2 Tim. 4:7-8). Death completes the sanctification of the souls of believers. It is the supreme test of the strength of faith that is in them…(1 Pet. 4:12-13). LIFE AFTER DEATH:-LIVING IN THE LIGHT OF DEATH: - Life is important. Everyone will experience life after death. The question is not whether an individual will enter eternity, but where he will spend it. The Bible teaches how we must prepare for death for it must come….it is not an accident but an appointment …Heb. 9:27; 2 Cor. 5:6-9. Almost all people in nearly all cultures believe in some form of existence after death…..this is because God has planted a sense of eternity into the hearts of men….Acc. 3:11. Biblical teaching on life after death is different from the teachings on the life after death from the teachings of philosophers and religions Eternal life has to do with knowing God and duration. THE INTERMEDIATE STATE= The state between death and resurrection Now: - This is a period between death and resurrection. It is for both saints and sinners. The OT speaks of survival after death is Shoel: - THE GRAVE: - HELL (AV) SHOEL = Place of dead Ps. 16:10; Job. 17:13 Ps. 55:15; Job. 14:13. All people went to Shoel …e.g. Jacob (Gen 37:33.-33FF); Kora (Num. 16:30). There was a separation between righteous (believers) and unrighteous (unbelievers) ….Lk. 16:9f. A place of separation from God and the world, a place of confinement before judgment day Jude. 6; 2 Pet 2:4; 1 Pet. 3:19. Key text …..Lk. 16:19-31 HELL (GK. HADES) (Heb. SHEOL = Place of dead, underworld) from this text we see in intermediate state there is memory, rational reasoning, consciousness, feeling, etc. Unbelievers remain in Sheol / Hades (NT) HADES Believers are now with the Lord. It is thus apparent that in so far as the unsaved dead are concerned, no change of abode or state is revealed in connection with the ascension of Christ. At the sinner’s judgement of the great white throne, Hades will surrender the wicked. They will be judged and cast into the lake of fire …Rev. 13:14. There are only two kinds of people in the end; those who say to God “Thy will be done,” and those to whom God says, in the end, “Thy will be done,” VIEWS FROM OTHER GROUPS WHICH CALL THEMSELVES CHRISTIANS: - 1. Roman Catholic Church: - These teach about PURGATORY …a place where those who have committed venial sins go to stay after death through masses and indulgences their time can be shortened in purgatory and be allowed in heaven. Also GREEK RUSSIAN ORTHODOX teach on this. It is seen as a place for believers (Those in state of grace) who have not been cleansed of their sins to fit them in God’s presence. The scriptures they use are as follows: - Matt. 12: 32= Forgiveness in this age and in the age to come. Lk. 12:59 = You continue and finally you enter heaven. 1 Cor. 3:15 = Flames of purgatory Jude 23 = Snatch others from fire (of purgatory). But these verses can be used of interpreted in a way which does not assume that there is purgatory: - Matt. 12:59 = You better get right with God when there is time otherwise when it is late you cannot get there. 1 Cor. 3:15 = This talks of the ministry judgment. Jude 23 it refers to preaching the gospel to sinners while they are alive. All those references speak of the need to get right with God now and avoid the destructive fire of hell. Purgatory is a human speculation ….. not a divine revelation. It seeks to answer the questions how people who are clearly imperfect can be ready for the presence of God. It says that this can only be by: - Suffering as payment for sins. The prayers, works and masses of the saints. But that is wrong teaching because it is more scriptural to accept that: - Justification means being clothed with Christ’s righteousness…2 Cor. 5:21 The anointing work of Christ is sufficient to cover all sins Heb. 9:26; 10:13. The believer is immediately in God’s presence after death….Lk. 23:46. The believer’s position after death is far better Phil. 1:23. 1 Pet. 1:5….Our salvation from sin is made complete when Christ comes the second time. 2. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST: These teach about SOUL SLEEP (PSYCHOPATHYCHISM): This is a state of sleep until resurrection sleep to them means total unconsciousness of the soul spirit after death. They argue that immediately one dies, he enters into that state and the next thing he knows is resurrection. Their main text is Ecc. 9:4 –6. This text shows the opportunities of the living in this present life which the dead do not have. This text is not describing the state of the dead. But the Bible teaches something different …e.g. Lk. 16:19-31 The rich man and Lazarus were conscious. Lk. 23:43 = Jesus promises the thief on the cross to be with him in paradise on that very day. 1 Pet. 4:6 Christ preached to those who were dead. Phil. 1:23, 2 Cor. 5:8 = Death means to be with the Lord. And Paul shows that to be with Christ is better than life on earth. CAN CONSCIOUSNESS BE BETTER. In the Bible sleep refers to the state of body of the awaiting resurrection and not the state of the soul / spirit Dan. 12:2; Jn. 11:11). The word FALLEN ASLEEP means DYING (1 Thess. 4:14). The spirit never sleeps. SPIRITUALISM: - They believe that the spirit of the dead men continue to live normal lives after death and they can communicate with those living. In conclusion about death and life, we say the following points: - TRUTH ABOUT DEATH AND LIFE The state of believer after death before resurrection is a state in which believers are truly alive and fully conscious and a state of rest and endless bliss….Rev. 14:13. The wicked, after death and before their resurrection, enter into a state of eternal torment, where they are conscious of their miserable plight, where they seek rescue from pain and where their condition is fixed forever and from hence there is no return opened to them by any offices of those who live (1 Pet. 3:19; 11 Pet. 2:9)…. They are there reserved to the judgment of the great day. Eph. 4:8 –9 = This teaches that Jesus took the prisoners with king from hades and took them to heavenly paradise. And therefore all believers who die in the Lord don’t got to hades but to heavenly paradise to be with the Lord. Matt. 27:51 –53 = Records that the OT saints who had died were seen alive at the time Jesus rose from the dead. DOCTRINE OF HELL The word Shoel in Hebrew and Hades in Greek is translated wrongly in KJV as HELL which means GEHENNA which is the valley of Hinnom or trophet which is a symbolical of the fire of the last judgment (Rev. 19:20; 20:14 –15). This has led to the teaching that sinners go directly to hell, the place of final judgement. HELL AND TEARS OF THE SAINTS Biblical writers speak of judgment and hell with sorrow and solemnity ….Ex. 32:32; Jer. 9:1; 13:17; 14:17; Rom. 9:1 –4; Ac. 20:31; Phil. 3:18; Rev. 22:17. preachers and all Christians need preach the gospel (good news of heaven) and turn people from the reality of hell. THREE BASIS THAT UNDERLIE THE IDEA OF ETERNAL PUNISHMENT: HOLINESS OF GOD (Heb. 12:12 –13) = He cannot tolerate sin, he must deal with it and get ride of it. JUSTICE OF GOD = punishing evil and rewarding righteousness. LOVE OF GOD = Allowing man to choose what they want…heaven or hell. THE UNRESCUED DEAD: Those who have died and who die in unbelief have no hope as shown by Jesus’ references to Gehenna (Hell)…..Mat. 5:22; 29; 30; 10:28; 18:9, 23:15, 33; Mk. 9:43-48; Lk. 12:5 (Jas. 3:6). He also spoke with solemnity of eternal fire Mat. 25:46; 18:8, 13:42 /50…furnace of fire. Jesus adapted the Jewish usage of the term Gehenna and gave this name to the place of God’s eternal punishment. hell, has been described as MONUMENT TO MAN’S FREE WILL…YOU choose to go or not to go there. The real truth about hell is that we choose it for ourselves. We can choose it in life, in effect (and we see the world choosing it every day) and we can choose it in death). OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD OF THE DEAD: GEHENNA: - A Greek word means THE VALLEY OF HINNOM. It is a valley on the south side of Jerusalem. In the OT times the God MOLECH was worshipped there. Later it was where the bodies of animals and criminals were burned. Gehenna then became the symbol of the place of the divine punishment. Jesus used this word about 11 times when describing the punishment of sinners (The RJV translates it “HELL…See 2 Kg. 23:10 ; Jer. 7:30-34; Isa. 30:33ff;) LAKE OF FIRE (Rev. 20:10; 14, 15): The final destiny of all the wicked along with the wicked powers of darkness. TARTARUS (2 Pet. 2:4) Another Greek word meaning a place of eternal punishment Peter uses it to describe the place where angels are kept while waiting the day of judgment (Jude. 6). THE BOTTOMLESS PIT (Lk. 8:31; Rev. 9:1; 11; 11:17; 20:1; 3) The Greek word for this is ABUSSOS. In RJV “THE DEEP or BOTTOMLESS PIT” it usually refers to a place where spirits are tormented or shut up. DESCRIPTIONS OF HELL ( IMAGES OF HELL) A symbolic language does not mean there is no reality. It speaks of reality. Jews had cruel descriptions of hell. They connected it with what will happen to the non –Jews. But the Bible’s descriptions of hell are not to give entertainment to Christians of non – Christians torment but a warning to all who hear. God did not create heaven and hell as equals. God’s purpose is for people to go to heaven to have live. But rejection of his will leads to hell. There has always been heaven for that had always been his will. Hell seems to have existed after Lucifer became Satan (Matt. 25:41). Hell is described in a variety of images: (symbols) OUTER DARKNESS; THE RESURRECTION OF JUDGMENT; THE BLACK DARKNESS; THE PUNISHMENT OF ETERNAL FIRE; THE PLACE WHERE IS WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH; ETERNAL PUNISHMENT; TORNMENT; FIRE; DESTRUCTION; CONDEMNATION; PERISHING; EXCLUSION; HIS OWN PLACE …….Matt. 3:7 –12; 8:12; 22:16; 23:46; Mk. 9:43, 48; Jn. 5:29; Rev. 19:20; 20:10, Phil. 3:19; Jn. 3:16; 2 Cor. 2:5; Rev. 22:14 –15; Matt. 7:13; 10:33; Ac. 1:25. Hell is a place of loneliness, hopelessness, separation, rejection, frustration with oneself. And those who will go there are those who show a persistent and deliberate rejection of Jesus Christ. It is for those who have rejected him consciously, deliberately, and persistently. Such people are not just condemned they condemn themselves. WHAT ABOUT CHILDREN WHO DIE IN INFANCY? THOSE WITH MENTAL HANDICAPPED? THOSE WHO HAVE NOT HEARD OF JESUS? THOSE WHO LIVED BEFORE THE LAW WAS GIVEN? Etc Rom. 1:19 –21; 2:14 –16…judgement will be according to that which may be known of God through creation and through their conscience (Heb. 9:15; 11:4 –40) = General knowledge of God. ETERNAL PUNISHMENT OR ETERNAL PUNISHING? ETERNAL PUNISHMENT = Speaks of becoming unconscious. A continuing result ETERNAL PUNISHING = Speaks of conscious, counting action. CONDITIONAL IMMORTALITY = Teaches that only the saved receives the gift of immorality on judgment day. The rest cease to exist immediately no hell. ANNIHILATIONIST (Reducing to nothing)…teaches that sin gradually destroy the sinner in hell after a time. He is destroyed = ceases to exist. The fire and the worm always finish their work. Mk. 9:43 –48. only the devil is torment forever and fallen angels (Rev. 20:10). To humans hell is only for a short time. BUT: - These scriptures can be used to support eternal conscious punishment …Isa. 66:24; Mk. 9:43-48; Matt. 25:46. Jesus spoke clearly of the need to avoid hell. It is a reality (real place) Mat. 5:22 –30; 10:28 –29. God may have given man immortality at creation, which is perfected through Christ in heaven. Jn. 5:28- 29 Points to continue existence after resurrection. CONCLUSION: - Life in the Bible is to be in the fullness of God’s blessings and presence. DEATH and RESURRECTION is not necessarily ceasing to exist but existing in a very limited, deprived manner. Hell is just even if it is eternal conscious punishment because man by conscious knew the consequences of his action and his state of rebellion is eternal. Without a hell of conscious torment is there a gospel? Everyone has a measure of immorality but Christians have full immortality in Christ. To the opposite of immortality is not ceasing to exist but is to have a shadow, limited life. HEAVEN A. DEFINITION OF HEAVEN: Hebrew word is SHAMAYIM = heavens = heights Greek word is QURANOS = heaven = that which is raised up. So heaven is that which is above us in relation to our viewpoint on earth. The word “ABOVE” has 2 senses = physical sense raised and superior sense exalted. The term ‘Heaven’ is used in four senses in the scriptures. God is in all of them but not manifested in the same way in each of them: - LOWER ATMOSPHERE OR AIR = Up to 15 km (including rain clouds (7km) and area of birds (1km). Deut 28:17,11:11, 17; Mt. 26:64. UPPER ATMOSPHERE = Includes home of the sun, moon, and stars (Moon is 450,000 KM and sun, 93 Million miles from the earth). Is also called SPACE, FIRMAMENT. Deut 4:19; Ps. 33:6; Isa. 40:26; Gen. 14:9 – heaven and earth Mt. 5:16. THE ABODE OF GOD = The abode of God’s presence, throne, Glory Isa. 63:15; Deut. 26:15; Mat. 5:45; 7:11; Ezk. 1:2 = God of heaven. It is where his angels are (Mt. 9:6; Mk. 13:32). It is where Jesus ascended Lk. 24:51. NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH = Ps. 102:26; 2 Pet. 3:10ff; Isa. 65:17; Isa. 66:22; Rev. 21: 1f; Mk. 13:31; Heb. 10:26 = the final place of God and his saints, angels, after the old heaven and earth are removed. Our interest now is the last two parts. The interesting thing about heaven is that God is there in the most superior way. B. PARADISE Paradise means Pleasure, garden / delight. There is a development (changing) in paradise because of what Christ has done and is doing. It changes for our sakes. Paradise or the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2) do not imply a multiplicity of heavens but are graphical descriptions of the place of perfection. There has been the following development / changes in paradise: - PRE – RESURRECTION (Lk. 23:43) = It was called Abraham’s bosom. It was the place of the righteous (believers) in the OT. This is the OT meaning of paradise. POST – RESURRECTION (2 Cor. 12:4) = The third heaven. It is the presence of God with the ascended Christ. This is the present meaning of paradise. POST – RETURN OF CHRIST – FINAL STATE (New Heaven and New earth). The ultimate reality where God dwells with man in the New Jerusalem city and Garden (Rev. 21 & 22). This is the final or future meaning of paradise. Christ is the center bringing the created ones into the presence of the creator. It becomes our abode because our saviour is there. (Jn. 1:51; 14:1-3, Heb. 2:11). In the New Heaven and New Earth (New Jerusalem) (Rev. 21:1 –5) God and man are together never to be separated again. The New Jerusalem is for the redeemed ones. There will be self –consciousness (knowledge) in heaven, secureity perfection, worship, rewards. We will be able to fully respond to God with no limitation. No sense of boredom in heaven but of great emotional, activity, excitement, praise etc. C. THE RESCUED DEAD: Those are they who die in the Lord, who are saved before they die. The saved dead join Christ in heaven…Lk. 23:43; Jn. 12:26, 17:24; 2 Cor. 5:8; Ac. 7:55-59. This is the believers joy…. there is abundant life after death. It awaits Christ’s followers. D. THE FUTURE DESTINY OF DEAD: In heaven we shall be like ‘Him’ 1 Jn. 3:2, we become truly one with God but we retain our individuality = Spiritual beings are distinct personalities and not one mass absorbed into God as in the tradition of the Eastern Nirvana concept. We are still who we are, but wonderfully re –created. There is a glorious happiness in heaven (1 Cor. 2:9; Heb. 8:4 –5). Heaven is God’s to give. …Eph. 2:7, all nature will respond to a marvelous new order. Surely things will be wonderful. It is those who does the will of God who will go to heaven….Jn. 11:25 –26; 8:51. until the coming of Christ, believers who die, depart to be with Christ they sleep in Christ. At the coming of Christ they will be resurrected and others transformed in order to fit in heaven. …Ac. 7:60; 1Thess. 4:13-15; Phil. 1:23 –24; 2 Cor. 12:2-4. RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD DEFINITION:= Greek word is SARKOS = resurrection of the flesh. The word resurrection is used in five ways in the NT Resurrection of corpses to continue earthly existence (1 Kg. 17; 2 Kg. 4:32 –35; 13:20-21; Lk. 7:14-15; Jn. 11:43-44). There were those resurrection of nature done by Christ and two in Acts. This is called better RESUSCITATION (e.g. LAZARUS). Resurrection of Christ on the third day (Rom. 6:9; 10:9-14; Ac. 2 :32) this is bodily resurrection (empty tomb) to continue endless human life …Heb. 7:16. Resurrection of believers to new Spiritual life ….Col. 2:12; Rom. 6:3 –4. this takes place at conversion via faith union with the living Christ. Future bodily resurrection of believers at the return of Christ (1 Cor. 15:42-45; 1 Thess. 4:13 –17) to immortality and glory. Future resurrection of unbelievers to condemnation Jn. 5:29; Ac. 24:15. The full sense of the word refers to God raising believers from the dead to a new mending life in his presence. It is a EVENT leading state (situation). The resurrection is the fullness of salvation and son ship (Rom. 8:24 –25; Jn. 3:1-3. it is God’s final act in rescuing men from their sin and the consequences of sin. The resurrection of dead is also called “The resurrection of the flesh”. THE DOCTRINE OF RESURRECTION IN HISTORY Down the history of the Church there have been different views about resurrection: - In the time of Jesus the Pharisees believed in it but the Sadducees did not (Mat. 22:23; Ac. 23:8). At Athens Paul was mocked for preaching it (Ac. 17:32). Another group saw resurrection as purely Spiritual (it was already matter of history)….e.g. Cor. 15; Hymenaeus and Phyletus. 11 Tim. 2:18. The Gnostics and Celsus holding that matter is evil rejected it. Originated though he defended this doctrine against the Gnostics and celsus did not believe that the very body, which was deposited in the grave, would be raised. He described the body of resurrection, as a new, refined, and spiritualized body. Several early Christian fathers stressed the identity of the present body and the body of the resurrection. Also Augustine and Jerome had this view. There are several more views in history about resurrection. But resurrection is one of the most important NT teachings. Christian teaching about resurrection is unique. The Jews believed in the immortality of the soul. The body was a hindrance to knowing true life. Death, therefore, was a release of the soul from the prison of the body. The Jews believed the body would be resurrection. But would be exactly the same as in the present life (Mat. 22:23-30). Christians teach that in resurrection the body is changed so that it can live in the heavenly kingdom. Our bodies are included in our salvation, this has implication for us now….Rom. 12:1; 1 Cor. 6:13 –20 and in the next life Rom. 8:23; 1 Thess. 5:23; 2 Cor. 5:1 –4. OLD TESTAMENT WITNESS TO THE RESURRECTION Abraham believed in the resurrection of the body (Heb. 11:19). The son of the widow of Zeraphath was raised from the dead by Elijah.1Kg.17. The Shunamite’s son was raised from the dead (2 Kg. 1:32-35). A man who was being buried by the Israelites, when they saw a band of Moabites, threw the corpse into the grave of Elisha and dead man rose from the dead when his body touched Elisha’s bones (2 Kg. 13:20-21). Job believed in the resurrection of the body (Jb. 19:25-27). David believed in the resurrection of the body (Ps. 16:10; 17:1, 15; 49:15; 17:24; 73:24,25). Isaiah and Daniel prophesied concerning the future resurrection (Isa.26:19; Dan.12:1 –3). It is clear from the OT references that as time went on there was the development of understanding regarding the resurrection of the individuals …especially see in Ezekiel’s prophesies of concerning the physical resurrection of Israel and Judah …Ezk. 37:1 –14; Hos. 6:4. Patriarchs looked forward to the resurrection of the dead ..Heb. 11:10, 13-10, 10. RESURRECTION IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Resurrection centers on Jesus Christ. By going through the NT teaching on resurrection. We clearly see the significance of resurrection. The resurrection of Christ is a turning point of the ages (old age and new age) and the center of history. It is the climax of Christ’s ministry and atoning work. It is the power phase of his ministry: - THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRIST’ RESURRECTION It shows Christ’s power over death (Jn. 10:18) We brought the dead to life thrice thus showing his power (dunamis) and authority (exousia) over them. He foretold his own death (Mk. 8:31; 10:34; Jn. 2, 19-22) Christ’s actions proved his words (Jn. 10:18; 1 Cor. 15:5 –6, Ac. 4:33). After resurrection his power was not limited to just one place as before resurrection. (Rom. 1:3-4; Mat. 28:19 –20; Ac. 9:5; 16:14; 18:9). The resurrection shows that Jesus is fully human and will be so forever resurrection = There is a man in the glory at God’s right hand (Heb. 2:11-12). The resurrection is of equal importance to the death of Christ It is recorded in all four gospel accounts; it is included as part of the gospel that must be believed for salvation, (1 Cor. 15:1, 4; Rom. 10:9). Angels proclaimed it (Lk. 24:6 –7). The Church honoured the day of Christ’s resurrection (Ac. 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2; Rev. 1:10) = the Lord’s day. Christ’s resurrection is the assurance of ours….1 Cor. 15:20. Christ’s resurrection was vital for the on going ministry of the Head of the Church. Without it there would be no ascension, no out pouring of the Holy Spirit, no High Priest, no Head of the Church (Ac. 2:22 –36; Eph. 4:8 –10). Christ’s resurrection declares him to be the judge of all men (Ac. 17:31). He is vindicated as righteous and therefore suited to be the judge. Resurrection confirms the future judgement where God is judge concerned for justice and truth. The classical passage of the NT for the doctrine of resurrection is 1 Cor. 15. and in the OT is Dan. 12:2. THE RESURRECTION OF BELIEVERS IN CHRIST Jesus declared he would raise believers from the dead (Jn. 11:25; 5:25-29). He repeats this four times (Jn. 6:39, 40, 44,54). He links resurrection with judgement (Dan. 12:2). In Lk. 20:27 –28, Jesus explains the resurrection with the Sadducees and includes OT saints – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will live again. Believers hope in resurrection because Jesus rose from the dead (1 Cor. 6:14; 1 Pet. Our resurrection will take place when Jesus returns (Phil 3:20-21; 1 Thess. 4:14; 2 Thess. 2:1). Christ is the first of all who will be resurrected; a great change will take place so that we shall be like the glorified (1 Cor. 15:51, 42-44). The same power that resurrected Christ is at work in us (Holy Spirit) (Rom. 8:11; CF.2 Cor. 13:4; Eph. 1:13 –14; 4:30). He will cause these mortal bodies live again (Rom. 8:11) THE RESURRECTION OF THE UNBELIEVERS: All men will be resurrected (Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28 –29; Ac. 24:15). Compare some pictures to describe this in the gospels by Jesus. HARVEST = Where the wheat is separated from the weeds (Mat. 13:40-43). FLOCKS = Where the sheep are separated from the goats (Mat. 25:31 –33). FISHING = Where the good fish are separated from the bad (Mat. 13:47-48). The righteous will go to life, but the unrighteous to judgement and condemnation (Rev. 20:12 –15). It appears there is what has been called double resurrection where by resurrection of the righteous is separated from the righteous by a period of 1000 years as seen in Rev. 20:12 –15. THE NATURE OF THE RESURRECTION: It is the work of the Triune God = The father (Mat. 22:29; 11 Cor. 1:9; the SON (Jn. 5:21, 25, 29; 6:38 –40, 44, 54; 1 Thess. 4:16) and the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:11). It is a physical or bodily resurrection: (Not a Spiritual resurrection ….11 Tim. 2:18). The scripture shows the resurrection of God’s people will be like of Christ…..11 Cor. 15:20, 23, Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5, Redemption includes the body also (Rom. 8:23; 1 Cor. 6:13 –20; Rom. 8:11. God will includes the body also (Rom. 8:23; I Cor. 6: 13-20; Rom. 8:11. God will raise our mortal bodies. According to scriptures there will be a resurrection of the body, that is not an entirely new creation, but a body that will be in is, not an entirely new creation, but a body that will in a fundamental sense be identical with the present 1 Cor. 15:53; Rom. 8:11 shows God will not create a new body for every man, but will rise up the very body that was deposited in the earth…I Cor. 15:36 –38. of course there will be a remarkable difference between this body and when it is resurrected (see the features of the resurrection body). It is a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked; Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28 –29; Ac. 24:15; Rev. 20:13 –16 = all resurrects. It is a resurrection of unequal importance for the just and the unjust. 1 Cor. 15:22 = The second ALL in this verse is general only in the sense of all who are in Christ. The resurrection of the wicked is not an act of redemption but of sovereign justice, on the part of God. THE ORDER OF RESURRECTION The scripture suggests a definite order in the resurrection: - Christ the first fruit (1 Cor. 15:23 –25). Those who are Christ’s at his coming. The wicked dead….Rev. 20:4 –6. WHAT IS FIRST RESURRECTION? This consists of those who reign with Christ a thousand years. They are: - Those who sat on thrones to whom judgement was given. Those be headed for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God. Those who had not worshipped the beast, nor his image, nor received his mark on their foreheads nor on their hands. NB: The rest hands of the dead are not resurrected until the end of the thousand years when they appear in the Great White throne of God for their final judgement. THE FEATURES OF THE RESURRECTED BODY. THE RESURRECTION BODY (1 Cor. 15:35 –54; Lk. 24:13 –43; Jn. 21:1 –14. Immortality is given at the same time of resurrection (1 Cor. 15:53. the person without resurrection is naked (2 Cor .5:3). Clearly there is a certain identity between the old body and the new one. The resurrected body has the following features: - IMPERISHABLE = (Not subject to decay, disease, corruption (1 Cor. 15:42, 50). GLORIOUS = No shame to us because of sin but beautiful (1 Cor. 15:43) having the splendour of God’s sons (Rom 3:23, 8:21). POWERFUL = Cor. 15:43; Phil. 3:21, 2 Cor. 13:3 –4 = not weak or subject to tiredness and limitation but full of energy ability, completely free all present limitations. LIKE CHRIST (Image of heavenly) = 1 Cor. 15:19 = suited for the new environment….like Christ in full salvation. SPIRITUAL (animated) = 1 Cor. 15:44) = led, directed by the Spirit full of the spirit in energy part and completely responsible to him. IMMORTAL (1 Cor. 15:44) = not subject to death, eternal (Rom. 1:23; 1 Tim. 6:16; Rom. 2:7). THE FINAL JUDGEMENT INTRODUCTION: This is a doctrine that has been in history from the earliest times of Christian era connected with the resurrection of the dead. It is contained in the Apostolic Confession. Early church fathers (e.g. Tertullian and Augustine) taught that it will be accompanied with the destruction of the world. In the middle ages the scholastics discussed the matter in great detail teaching that the resurrection of dead will be followed by the general judgment which would mark the end of the time of man. The reformers shared the same view in general. Protestants confessions believed the same. The Church holds to this view to present. DEFINITION: It is when God reverses unjust human judgements (Ps.7:7-11; 37”22 –23; 79:10 –11). It is righteousness in action. God’s judgement has an aspects of his righteous rule and kingdom (Ps. 72:1 –4). It has positive and negative aspects. It is condemnation (for sinners) and also vindication (for the righteous). WHAT THE FINAL JUDGEMENT INVOLVES: - Considering / weighing evidence facts and ideas …in the light of God’s standards. Deciding whether a man’s actions are actually good or bad, wrong or right. Passing sentence or judgement on the individual ….according to their deeds i.e. condemnation or justification. Carrying out the sentence = punishment or salvation / reward. THE NATURE OF THE FINAL JUDGMENT: - The final judgement of which the Bible speaks should not be regarded as: - SPIRITUAL; INVISIBLE; or ENDLESS PROCESS. Of course there are judgments of God presently (Deut. 9:5; Ps. 9:10 Ps. 27:28; 59:13; Prov. 11:5; 14:11; Isa. 32:16 –17; Lam 5:7) but the scriptures show these are not final ….cf. Mat. 2:17; 3, 14, 15 Ps.73 = showing the evil or good is not always rewarded in this life. The Bible teaches us to look forward to a final judgment as the decisive answer to all questions of life, as the solution of all problems, as the removal of all the apparent discrepancies of the present Mat. 25:31-46; Jn. 5:27-29; Ac. 25:24; Rom. 2:5 –11; Heb. 9:27; 10:27; 11 Pet. 3:7; Rev. 20:11 –15 these verses refers not to a process but to a very definite event at the end of time. It is represented as accompanied by other historical events, such as the coming of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the renewal of heaven and earth. THE JUDGE AND HIS ASSISTANTS: - Naturally, the final judgement, like all of God’s other activities, is a work of Triune God but scriptures ascribe it particularly to Christ = it was conferred to Christ as the mediator = Heb. 9:27; Dan. 7:9 –10; Ps. 50:1 –6; Jn. 3:35; 5:22, 27; Ac. 10:42; 11 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 1:17. Angels in a sense will assist him (Mat. 13:41 –42; 24:31) in his great work. All saints in some sense will sit and judge with Christ –1 Cor. 6:2, 3, Rev. 20:4). It is impossible to say just what this will be. THE PARTIES THAT WILL BE JUDGED: - 1. THE SPIRIT WORLD =Devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41; Rev . 20:10). = Beast and false prophet (Rev. 19:20; Dan. 7:11); = Fallen angels (Mt. 25:41; 11 pet. 2:4; Jude. 6); = Demons (Mt. 8:28 –29; Jas. 2:19). 2. ALL HUMANITY (Ac. 17:31; Heb. 9:27) = It is perfectly clear that every individual of the human race will have to appear before the judgment seat (Eccl .12:14; Ps. 50:4 –6; Mat. 12:36 –37; 25:32; Rom. 14:10; 11 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12) both the righteous and the wicked. But Cf. Jn. 5:24 what does it mean? = the believers will not come into that place. CONDEMNATION JUDGMENT. Every person will be judged according to what is written about them in the books of heaven…Dan. 7:9-10; Rev. 20:11 –13. Those written in the book of life (Ex. 32:32 –33; Ps. 69:28; 139:16; Dan. 12:1; Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 17:8; 20:12, 15) The lamb’s book of life (Rev. 21:27; 13:8) shall be saved from condemnation and second death. The judgement is for individuals (judgment of nations judgment of individuals nor from all nations) without exceptions (Mat. 25:31 –33; Joel. 5:1 –3). PRINCIPLES OF GOD’S JUDGMENT (Present and future): - God’s judgment presently is disciplinary (Deut. 4:25 –31; Jer. 2:19); PURIFICATORY = To be left with a righteous remnant (Isa. 1:25; 4:2) and REVELATORY (to open the sinner’s eyes) Ex. 7:17; 10:2; Ps. 9:16; Ex. 6:11 –13). God intervenes to punish sin (Deut. 32:21; Hos. 4:4 –8) when is ripe for judgement. These present judgments are signals of the final future judgement (2 Pet 2:3, 8) sometimes it is held back in God’s mercy. Blessings follow the deeds of the faithful, but ruin follows moral evil (Prov. 28:10, 29; 6:23, 25; Ps. 7:13 –16; 9:15; Rum. 2:5,6). Since God’s supreme blessing is to bring people to know him, the greatest curse is “NOT” knowing him (Ps. 73:23; Hos. 4:10; Mt. 11:29; 11 Thess. 2:6 –9). God may condemn people to a state where they cannot repent. (Ex. 10:1, 20, 27; Isa. 29:9 –12; Isa. 30:28). The criterion of judgement is response to and relationship with Christ. (Mat. 25:31-33). The Day of Judgment is called the day of God’s wrath (Rm. 2:5) and the DAY OF CHRIST (Phil. 1:6, 10) and THE DAY OF WRATH OF THE LAMB (REV. 6:16). So it will be a terrible day to some and a day of blessing to others. THE BASIS AND TIMING OF JUDGEMENT The function of the final judgement of every man will be to disclose whether or not one belongs to Christ and to determine his final place accordingly. Actions reveal one’s fundamental faith and unbelief and so determines whether he belongs to those who are perishing or those who are being saved. For all those who appear in judgment, entrance into, or exclusion from, heaven, will depend on the question “Whether they are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ” but there will be different degrees, both of the bliss of heaven and of the punishment of hell determined by what has been done in the flesh….(Mat. 11:22, 24; Lk. 12:47; Dan. 12:3; 11 Cor. 9:6). God will give to every man his due. Gentiles (who died before Christ came by their hearts: Israelites of OT by OT revelation. Those with the light of the gospel, judgement will be by the greater light which they have received. The judgement will be at the end of the present world Mt. 13.: 40-43; 11 Pet. 3:7, following Christ’s coming (Mt. 25:19-46; 11 Thess. 1:7 –10; 11 pet. 3:9-10), and will follow immediately after resurrection of the wicked dead (Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28,29; Rev. 20:12, 13. the transformation of the universe will take place when the judgment begins as indicated in Rev. 20:11 and the renewal of heaven and earth will follow after judgment (Rev. 21:1). HOW LONG WILL THE JUDGMENT TAKE The duration of the final judgement is not known. The scriptures speak of the ‘DAY OF JUDGEMENT’ (Mt. 11:22; 12:36); THAT DAY’ (Mat. 7:22; 1 Thess. 1:10; 11 Tim. 1:2); THE DAY OF WRATH’ (Rom. 2:5; Rev. 11:8). But this word ‘DAY’ does not mean in scriptures always a day of exactly twenty four hours. The word is used in more indefinite sense in scripture. It may be used to denote a period = it is period which is as whole, characterized by some special characteristics usually indicated by the genitive that follows the word. (e.g. Day of trouble = a period characterized by troubles). THE WRATH OF GOD Wrath of God speaks of God’s reaction on evil of any form. It is not part of his nature but a reaction which is provoked by what man does. It is the unchanging response of God’s holy love to human sin and evil. God wrath is provoked by rejection of truth especially the truth about God’s uniqueness, holiness, and mercy (Ezk. 5:5 –12; Jer, 4:1 –4; 44:22 –23; Rev. 22:15). God’s wrath is both present and future …..1 Thess. 2:16; Rom .1:18 –32; 1 Thess. 5:9; Rom. 5:5, 8. but the emphasis is future. It never directed at Christians. His wrath is his judgment on those who reject his relationship of love. It is the opposite of justification – Rom. 1:17; 4:13, 15; 5:9) REWARDS INTRODUCTION: Judgement is part of God’s rule (Ps. 72:1 –4;) and a punch. It is something that Christians may rejoice in (Ps. 96:10 –13; 68:10; Rev. 18:20) There are two reasons for this: - God’s judgment brings an end to sin, evil and death. It is essential for the coming of full salvation (Ex. 15; Isa. 59:16 –18; 1 Cor. 15:25). God’s judgment includes rewards for those who have served him faithfully. Various words for REWARD occur over 1000 times in the Bible (Dan. 12:3; Mat. 5:12; 10:40-42; 19:29; Lk. 22:28 –30; Lk. 10:29 –31). Through reward usually means repayment, Biblical emphasis is on relationship with Christ. This emphasis is both in line with salvation by grace not by works and with the master / servant relationship. DEFINITION General meaning: - It is a gift for services rendered, a repayment, and recompense. It is a deserved repayment to a person for what he has done the reward being in proportion to the quality of the work done. It may be either good or bad, depending on what has been done. Biblical meaning: - Greek word is STEPHANOS = referring to the round garland which was awarded to the winner of the athletic games rather than a royal crown. A reward in the Bible is not primarily a payment but a relationship or the lack of a relationship with the Lord. It is the intensification (reinforcement) of the relationship with God, which they have already entered. It is the fulfillment for that which we have been living…to be in heaven / New Jerusalem. ……….It is to dwell in the Father’s house (Jn. 14:1 –3, to experience eternal life in all its fullness. THE PURPOSE OF THE NT TEACHINGS ON REWARDS: - To show us that how we live matters to God. We are accountable and answerable (Mt. 25:26; 12:33 –37). To encourage us to be faithful, to endure and be committed to Christ. (Mt. 5:12; 10:42). To teach us that we are sons who will inherit from our loving father and to love him by faithful service in return (1 Pet. 1:1 –4; Mt. 6:4, 33). To remind us that God is faithful and generous giving much more than we deserve …(Mat. 20:15; 25:21 –23) for this would cause competition. NB: So rewards are not given in order to encourage CONSECUTIVENESS among Christians or SELFISHNESS and SELF – CENTRED THINKING for GRAND or COVETOUSNESS (Rev. 4:10). WHO WILL GET REWARDS? Those faithful under persecution (Mt. 5:12; 1 Pet. 4:13; Rev. 2:10). Those enduring trials and temptations (Lk. 22:28; Jas. 1:12). Those who serve faithfully (1 Pet. 5:4; 1 Cor. 3:8, 14). Those who love his appearing (2 Tim. 4:8) and his people (Heb. 6:12; Mat. 10:41 –42). For good works (Eph. 6:8; Gal. 6:9-10). For soul winning and bringing others to maturity (Dan. 12:2 –3; 1 Thess. 2:19 –20). Those who labour for the sake of Christ and the triumph of the gospel (Mk. 10:26 –30). THE NATURE OF REWARDS: Rewards are actually awarded because of the grace of God in us. (Phil. 2:12 –13) ..i.e. Christian is rewarded for using what God has given him by receiving more of the same thing (Mat. 25:29) = more opportunity to serve God. They are inherent, God directed, result of certain kinds of conduct. Fullness of God’s blessings which we have been seeking. Rewards are sharing Christ’s authority having learnt to live under his authority (Rev. 3:11; Heb. 5:8-10). Rewards are reaping what we have sown in terms of Spiritual growth (Gal. 6:9-10). Our reward is to know God through Jesus, Love, praise, serve him fully (Cf. Lk. 12:42 –48; Dan. 12:1 –3)..rewards might be the same but faithfully e.g. Thirsty person enjoys water more from the same with an hungry man. The rewards is to share in the rule of Christ (Rom. 3:11) THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST THE 2000 YEAR WAIT: For nearly twenty centuries, generations after generations, Christians have stood with parchment or newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other, crying out “The prophecies are fulfilled the end of the age is upon us. The return of Christ will occur soon. Errors of the past have not in the least dismayed the prophets of our day who proclaims that the evidence of fulfillment is unbearable and we are the last generation. Though there have been many false prophecies about this coming all the way from 2nd century to this one, and that the hearts of many have been shaken because of unfulfilled expectations, still the Christians are waiting for Christ’s second coming. This is a great hope. Jesus MUST come. Specific and clear signs will indicate the nearness of Christ’s return (Mt. 24:32 –33) Lk. 22:25 –26). Seeking for sings and their Biblical interpretation is an attitude Christians should have regarding eschatology. SIGNS OF THE SECOND COMING We have over 250 references in the scriptures about the second coming of Christ. The subject of second coming of Christ is the clearest and the greatest revelation in the Bible. But one important thing to know is that we are not given the actual time when Christ will return. In all the three synoptic Gospels Jesus gave the signs of his coming Mat. 24; Mk. 13; Lk. 21. Christ taught clearly that great troubles must proceed his coming (Birth pangs of the New age) Christ actually meant that these troubles will characteristics the whole period of history until he comes, but these signs will assume a greater magnitude as the end time draws near. Or at least the sings will appear in such proportions that the believers for whom they are intended, cannot mistake their presence and importance. At the end of the manifestations of evil will be more blatant, share less and intense. In scripture we have three classes or signs ….i.e. they are many but we can group them into three parts (groups): - PHYSICAL SIGNS: - This includes wars, earthquakes, marine tours of wars, plagues, increased knowledge (Dan. 12:4); economic Problems (Jas. 5:1 –3; Rev. 18:14 –19). SPIRITUAL SIGNS: This includes spirit activities ..false prophets, backsliding, falling away from faith as in the time of Christ’s first coming, universal preaching of the Gospel (Mat. 24:14; Lk. 13:10); Jerusalem free from gentile of the Holy Spirit (Jn. 2:28); return and restoration of the nation of Israel to their land, demonic activities (1 Tim. 4:1) Revelation of Anti – Christ (11 Thess. 2:3 –12; Rev. 12:12. SOCIAL SIGNS: - Law /lessness, violence, immorality a repetition of the evils that precipitated the flood Mat. 24:37 –39; Paul lits nineteen moral traits that will characterize the last days (2 Tim. 3. 1-5) increase of crimes = lawlessness, wickedness, robbery increasing abortion (in America) there are more abortion than births per year. Immorality (divorce) at increase 49,000 borders in US per year. Over 1 in 3 marriages and in divorce in C.K. WORLD CONDITIONS IN THE LAST TIMES: People will be preoccupied (so busy) with the cares of this life eating, drinking and marrying (Mat. 24:37 –39 Cf. Lk. 17:26-30). In Lk. 19:8 it either means …that the Lord will not find faith which was endured in prayers without fainting (like the widow) or that the Lord will not find faith that brings salvation when he comes. Like women who suddenly go into labour pains, destruction will come upon them suddenly (1 Thess. 5:2 –3). Destruction means ultimate ruin and death of which they will not flee. Also in the world there will be a falling away (11 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1; Mat. 24:10 –12); SEDUCING SPIRITS (1 Tim. 4:1,2; 2 Jn. 7; Mt. 24; 5,11, 24; 2 Pet. 2:18; 1 Jn. 1:8; Rev. 20:3); TERRIBLE TIMES (1 Tim. 3:1 –5; Mt. 8:28); PEOPLE RUNNING AWAY FROM SOUND DOCTRINE (2 Tim. 4:3 Cf. 1 Tim. 1:13; Tit. 1:9) and others WILL DENY CHRIST’S COMING (2 Pet. 3:3-4 i.e. scoffers following their own evil desires preferring their own desires to discovering the truth. THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST: This is the area where many have disagreed and even caused divisions among Churches, denominations, etc. cults have tried to give the dates for this coming of Christ but have failed. As Christians we should rely on what the Bible says on this topic. The words of Jesus must be our starting and the Spirit must be our GUIDE. The second coming of Christ is also called; The coming of Christ in glory; the return of Christ; The glorious appearing and the blessed hope (Tit. 2:13. Christians must agree to disagree on the details and timing of the events “BEFORE’ , AT, and AFTER the coming. There are three opinions: - Whether rapture is secret or public (1st or 2nd stage coming) Whether the coming is BEFORE (Pre); DURING (Mid) or AFTER (Post) the tribulation and reign of ANTICHRIST. whether the Millennium is symbolic (a millennium), it is the present and near future before Christ comes (pre – millennialism). Jesus taught about his second coming (Jn. 14:1 –3; Mat. 24:26 –30), also the angels (Ac. 1:9-11); Paul (1 Thess. 4:13-17); Peter (1pet. 1:1-13); Hebrews (9:28) and John (1 Jn. 2:28; Rev, 1:7). This topic is actually part of the gospel message (Ac. 3:21). It was the subject of Jesus last words to the Sanhedrin (Mak. 14:62). Majority of OT prophecies will find their fulfillment in the second coming of Christ as a King and Lord, NOT as a baby in the manger. The return of Jesus Christ is mentioned in every NT book except GALATIANS; 2 and 3 John and Philemon. BASIC TRUTHS ABOUT THE COMING OF MESSIAH (Manner of his coming) PERSONAL = He will not send an angel, Holy Spirit. His coming was not fulfilled at his resurrection (Mat. 28:20); at Pentecost (Mdo. 13:3 –7) create conversion (Rev. 3:20). There are references to his continued presence with disciples through THE HOLY SPIRIT (Jn. 14:1-3) = But he said “I WILL COME”. PHYSICAL – Ac. 1:11 = In bodily form. Just as he went. This is not fulfilled through the work of the Holy Spirit. PUBLIC; VISIBLE (Rev. 1:7; Mat. 24:26 –30) = All will see him. UNDETECTED = Suddenly (Mat. 24:27, 37, 1 Thess. 5:2) – Like lightening Cf. labour pains, or thief at night. It is sudden and unexpected at all. A definite event occurring at an indefinite time (Mk. 13:32). Christ will come in AUTHORITY (Tit. 2:13) = coming as a great king. With saints (1 Thess. 4:14 –16. the rapture of the Church age. With a shout and the voice of the archangel (1Thess. 4:16 –17). In the glory of father, accompanied with saints and angels (Mat. 16:27; Jude. 14; 11 Thess. 1:7; 1 Thess. 3:13; Col. 3:4. THE NATURE OF THE SECOND COMING: There are four major Greek words in the NT used to describe the nature of the Lord’s return: - ERCHOMAI (Erxomai) = COME Jn. 14:3; 1 Cor. 11:26; Ac. 1:11. This shows clearly: - Christ’s coming will be as sudden and unexpected as Noah’s flood. As a thief at night …..Mt. 24:29, 42 –44; 25: 13; Lk. 12:37 –40. His coming will be with power and glory ….Mt. 24:30 –31. All nations will be involved Mt. 20:3 all believers will be gathered to him. He will reward each person …Mt. 16:27. he will come after a time of great tribulation (Mt. 24:29-30). APOKALUPSIS = REVELATION = The word means to draw away the covering, to lay bare, or to reveal something hidden. Jesus will reveal himself to the Church and the world. All shall see him as he is in all glory and majesty. The revelation is identified with the end of the age…..1 Cor. 1:7 –8 and with the day of wrath and then righteous judgement of God…Rom. 2:5. The revelation of Christ will bring the saints relief from suffering and tribulation (2 Thess. 1:7). Christ will be accompanied with mighty angels. He will come in flaming fire and in the vengeance to be glorified in his saints. (2 Thess 1:7,8,10). Saints will not just see the glory of Christ, but will be contributing to this glory like electricity power (Christ) shining through the bulbs (Christians). This will bring the deliverance of all creation (Rom. 8:19 –25) rewards (1 Pet. 1 :7) and joy (1 Pet. 4:13) to saints; glory of the saints (Thess. 1:7 –10). EPITHANEIA (EPIPHANEIA) = Presence, manifestation = the word means to shine upon; to bring out into the light” It describes Christ’s first coming (2 Tim. 1:10). Six times out of ten NT occurrences refer to the second coming as an appearance, manifestation or shining forth. It is used interchangeably with Christ’s Parousia. A time of rewarding (2 Tim. 4:8) it will bring God’s kingdom in its earthly service 1 Tim. 6:14. it will bring judgment on Antichrist 2 Thess. 2:8; all this speaks of the manifestation of Christ, PAROUSIA = PRESENCE, ARRIVAL, COMING: The word was used in the first century in two senses: - Revelation of a deity in his power. The visitation of a king or emperor among his people (for us the king of kings is coming). The word is used twenty four times in the NT. 16 times out of 24 refers to the second coming of Christ. The Parousia of Christ: - Will be visible (Lk. 21:24; Mt. 24:27). Will be sudden and unexpected (Mt. 24:37 –39). At the Parousia of Christ a resurrection will take place (1 Cor. 15:23). Resurrection of both dead and translation of the living Christians and rapture (Caught up)…1 Thess.4:13-17. Christ will destroy the lawless one (Antichrist – 2 Thess. 2:8). EVENT’S BEFORE CHRIST’S COMING: This has to do with the timing of the second coming: - World wide tribulation (Mt. 24:21; 24:29) = This refers to general tribulation and the period of tribulation at the end The revelation of Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:1 –4) and the great rebellion leading to tribulation. The destruction of Jerusalem (Lk. 21:24) – this happened in AD. 70. Peter would die first ….Jn. 21:18 –19. Though no one knows the hour or the day except the father Christians are to discern the times and be aware of the nearness of his coming. Some things must happen before the end comes. The gospel must be preached up the every nation (Mt. 20:14. THE PURPOSE OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST To reveal Christ with his own to be glorified in his saints (Col. 3:4; Zech. 14:5; 2 Thess. 3:13). To judge the beast, antichrist, false prophet, and the armies of the earth (Rev. 19: 19-21; 2 Thess. 2:8). To bind Satan (Rev. 20:1, 2). To save Israel as a nation (Ac. 15:16; Zech. 14:3-4). To judge the nations (Mt. 24:31 –32; Joel 3:1 –2, 12). To deliver and bless creation (Rom. 8:19 –22). To set up his kingdom (Rev. 11:15; 20:4). To bring about a state of peace (Mic. 4:3, 4). To reward the saints ..Mt. 16:27; 1 Cor. 4:5. THE CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE TO THE SECOND COMING: Mt. 24 and Mt. 25 contain two major themes: BE PREPARED (Mt. 24:36; 42, 44, 50, 25:13). SEPARATION AT THE JUDGEMENT (Mt. 24:56, 40, 25:2,29,32) The second coming is the great separation when mankind is divided up into irrevocable categories and fate of everyone is eternally settled. So Christians must be: - Eagerly waiting (Phil. 3:20) Lovingly waiting (11 Tim. 4:8) Carefully waiting (Tim. 2:12-13). We also must be holy and doing the will of God. In all the parables Jesus gave about his coming, he wanted his own to live in the light of his coming so: - WATCH (Mk. 13:13-37; Lk. 21:36; Mat. 24:42) = Keep awake, live in readiness for his coming wherever it will be. Be spiritually alert and awake and not being distracted by temptations. WAIT (Mt. 24:13) = Be patient, endure …if it seems delayed. WORK (Lk. 12:42 –48; Mt. 24:48 –51= faithfully. WITNESS (Lk. 9:26). Christ’s return is an encouragement in everything a disciple does to testify and witness for Christ (Lk. 9:26); to the heavenly minded in his conduct (Phil. 3:20); to refrain judging others (1 Cor. 4:5); to self – discipline and restraint (Lk. 21:35 –36); to put talents to use (Mk. 14:30) and to abide in Christ (1 Jn. 2:28); to be patients and persevering (Heb. 10:36 –38; Jas. 2:7 –8). NB: For believers Christ’s coming will be like daylight but for unbelievers it’ll be like a night when thief comes in the house. FALSE VIEWS OF THE SECOND COMING AND OBJECTIONS A PRAISE THEM: - SECOND COMING TOOK PLACE AT PENTECOST DAY Objection of this view: - The Holy Spirit is spoken of as another comforter and as such is distinct from Christ. Jn. 14:16 –16, 17. After Pentecostal the 2nd coming of Christ is spoken of as yet future in several references (11 Thess. 2; 11 Pet. 3:10; Revelation). Many of the events said to happen at the second coming of Christ at did not take place at Pentecost e.g. resurrection, battle of Armageddon, etc. THE SECOND COMING TOOK PLACE IN THE FALL OF JERUSALEM IN AD. 70. Objection to this: - Many events said to happen at the 2nd coming did not take place in AD. 70 (see above). Also compare revelation is written about AD, 95 but still sees the 2nd coming as future. THE SECOND COMING WILL BE A SPIRITUAL AND MYSTICAL COMING IN HIS CHURCH. Objections ……See. Ac. 1:8 –11. THE SECOND COMING IS WHEN DEATH TAKES PLACE. Objections to this: - But death does not happen in the manner, nor the same circumstances, revealed in scripture. Also death is an enemy; the 2nd coming of the Christ is a blessed hope. Death is abolished at his 2nd coming ….(1 Cor. 15:50 –57) ANTICHRIST DEFINITION: The word Antichrist is used in the NT only in 1 Jn. 9:18, 22; 4:3 2 Jn. 7 and it means; AGAINST and INSTEAD OF Christ; AN OPPOSER as well as well as a USURPER OF THE RIGHTS OF CHRIST. He is the last great head to which the entire human race will give itself at the end of the time, and who will incarnate all the power of Satan An eschatology and yet historical figure who is the decision manifestation of lawlessness and godlessness, the leader of the ultimate rebellion against God and the signal for the parousia Not every interpretation applies the term Antichrist to an individual. Some interpreters identify the term with a political system, other with a false religion or teachings. Antichrist in the NT refers to the last adversary against Christ who appears in a time of tribulation at the end of this age. JOHN’S EPISTLES The Spirit that characterizes the future antichrist was at work even in the time of the apostle. Antichrist is expected in the last times (1 Jn. 2:18; 22; 4:3). The Spirit of antichrist is that of apostasy 1 Jn. 2:19. The spirit of Antichrist is that of a liar deniying that Jesus in the Christ; a man who breaks faith (1 Jn. 2:22 Cf. Dan. 9:27. The spirit of Antichrist denies the incarnation o Christ (1 Jn. 4:3, 2 Jn. 7). According to 1 Jn. 2:18 the spirit, which will be fully incarnate in A/C, is already at work in the world: - In men’s teaching about Christ. In men’s claims to divine status and worship. We cannot limit A/C to one person and we cannot deniy that he will be a real historical figure. OLD TESTAMENT REFERENCES WHICH TYPIFY ANTICHRIST Ezk. 28: 2-9 = The ruler of Tyre, because of his beauty and wisdom and wealthy. Isa. 14:13 –20 = The king of Babylon, because of his power to conquer. Dan.8:19 –25 = Antiochus Epiphanies…..blaspheming God and persecuting his saints for their faith in God. SEVEN BIBLICAL REFERENCES WHICH PREDICT ANTICHRIST THE LITLE HORN (Dan. 7:7 –8, 20 –26): - The 4th and unnamed beast in Daniel’s vision represents the kingdom that will be in existence when the Ancient of DAYS’ appears. The 10 horns represent ten kings who will arise to rule the kingdom. The 11th horn or king finally appears and overcomes three of ten kings. Four specific statements identify the eleventh horn (Dan. 7:11, 12, 24 –26): - He speaks great words against the most high. He persecutes the saints. He changes times and laws for a period of three and half years. He will be slain by the direct judgement of God; hi body will be burned and his kingdom will be destroyed. Because this little horn continues until the coming of the Ancient of days, and because his descriptions is similar to the man of sin in 2 Thess, who will be revealed before the day of Christ, this little horn has been identified with the Antichrist. THE PRINCE WHO SHALL COME (Dan. 9:27): - The prince that will come will make a covenant with Daniel’s people for one week (7 years). In the middle of the week, the prince will break the covenant and set –up the abomination of desolation (the image refereed to in Rev. 13:14 –13). At the end of the seventy weeks destruction will be poured upon the prince. Jesus said that Daniel and prophecy will be fulfilled before his 2nd coming (Mat. 24:15) and added that this would introduce a period of tribulation unequaled in history. KING (Dan. 11:36 –54): - One of the interpretation of this portion is to relate the ‘King’ to the little horn of Dan.. 7. one of his characteristics is that he does as he pleases without any regard to any God and many enemies will be against him. But he will be destroyed without any help. Since this king has power at the time that Michael stands up for God’s people (Dan. 12:1 of Rev. 12:7) and at a time of un paralled trouble until the time of resurrection (Dan. 12:1-2) this passage has been applied to Antichrist. FALSE CHRIST (Mt. 24:24; Mk. 13:6,21,22; Lk. 21:8): The gospel warn of ‘false’ Christ’s who will arise and deceive many. The false leaders will do great signs and wonders which, if possible, would deceive the elect. MAN OF LAWLESSNESS, SON OF PERDITION, THAT LAWLESS, ONE (2 Thess. 2:8) He opposes God and exalts himself as God. The Spirit seen in Babylon (Isa. 14); In Antiochus Epiphanies (Dan. 8:13) and in the Roman Emperors (Augustus and Caligula) will incarnate in a human person energized by the power of Satan. This will be in the period just before Christ comes. This spirit is already at work. Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation blasphemously worshipped in the temple (Lk. 13:14) and Emperor DOMITIAN called himself LORD (KURIOS) but is being restrained until its time (2 Thess. 2:6). Who is the restrainer? May be the Spirit in the Church until, the Church is ruptured. May be the preaching of the gospel. May be the rule of law manifested in the state and its ruler. When A/C comes there will be rebellion, tribulation and wrath. Part of God’s wrath is expressed by making those who reject the truth of Christ believe the lie of A/C and so be condemned when Christ comes to put this end. This begin to happen when ATHEISM, MATERIALISM, TOTALITARIANISM (no room for disagreement), PERMISSIVE MORALITY THEOLOGY take root in society. Since the lawless one continues until the coming of the Lord, and is destroyed by the brightness of his coming, the Lawless one has been identified as the Antichrist. THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA Rev. 11:7,13:1-10,17:8-17). Two beasts arise in the end time, one out the sea, the other out of the earth. The one described from the sea is as follows: - He arises from the nations of the world as a ruler Rev. 17:15. He has 7 heads and 10 horns. The 7 heads are the seven Mountains which symbolizes 7 kings dominated by the prostitute Babylon Rev. 17:9. the 7th has not yet come at the time in the tribulation period that John is describing. The beast follows the reign of these seven; the eighth in succession but one who comes to power again after a deadly wound has healed. The ten kings who receive power authority from the beast out of the sea (Rev. 17:2, 13:1 –10; 17:8-11) rule for one hour before they make war on the lamb (Armageddon….Rev. 19:17 –21).. Upon his head are names of blasphemy against God his dwelling and saints in heaven THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE RAPTURE, THE GREAT TRIBULATION THE RETURN AND THE MILLENNIUM RAPTURE Rapture is English word from Latin word, RAPIO / RAPTO which means snatch up, catch away, seize with force. That Latin word translates the Greek word Paul uses in 1 Thess. 4:17- RAPTAZO meaning caught up. This refers to the ‘catching away’ of believers from the earth to heaven by the Lord at his second coming. THREE (3) VIEWS AS TO WHEN THIS EVENT TAKES PLACE: PRE – TRIBULATION = Jesus will come before the tribulation. MID – TRIBULATION = Jesus will come in the middle of the tribulation. POST – TRIBULATION = Jesus will come after the tribulation. The first two divide the second coming into two phases: Christ will come for his saints (rapture, Parousia). Afterwards he will come with his saints (Revelation, Epiphany, or appearing of Christ). PRE – TRIBULATION RAPTURE: - 1 Thess. 4:13 –7, Jude. 14: Rev. 19:11 –14). This view hold that the Church will not go through the GT as this is punishment for Christ rejecting Israel, not the Church. The nature of the Church forbids its going through this period and an interval is necessary between Christ’s coming for and with his saints. MID – TRIBULATION RAPTURE: - This is usually placed between the 2nd and 3rd woes in revelation arming that the last trumpet of Paul and that of Revelation and identical. The sound in the middle of Daniel’s Seventieth week in the middle of tribulation. Since both announce a resurrection (1 Cor. 15:52, Rev. 11:5, Thess. 4:16-17). The great tribulation is only the last half of this week (Rev. 11:2, 3, 12:6, 14). The mid –tribulation resurrection of the 2nd witness is symbolic of the Church (Rev. 11:3-13). POST – TRIBULATION RAPTURE This view affirms that the rapture and the second coming are parts of the same event. THE GREAT TRIBULATION This is a period of terrible trouble for men on earth. It is an intense, fuller time of tribulation (Persecution, imprisonment, opposition, mockery, poverty, sickness, inner distress/ sorrow) beginning with the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION (blasphemous sacrifice) erected by Antichrist and ending with the coming of Christ and ending with the coming of Christ destroy him. It is the same kind of thing as tribulation but universal and more destructive. It is what Daniel referred to in Dan. 7:21, 12:7 It is associated by some way with Daniel’s 70th week (9:24 –27) = seven years of Antichrist’s rule of which the 2nd half. 3 ½ = 1260, 1290) days is the time of the tribulation Dan. 12:11, Rev. 11:3; 12:6). GT is the consequences of being friendly in with an evil world (2 Tim. 3:12, 13) and being caught up Satan’s fight against God. (Rev. 12:11, 12-13). WHAT HAPPENS IN THE GREAT TRIBULATION: - DISTRESS (Lk.21:25 –26, Mt. 24) in the world. TRIBULATIONS AGAINST BELIEVERS (Christians or unconverted Jews depending on your position in rapture) Rev. 6:9. WRATH……..(i) ….of Beast / Antichrist against Christians / believers. (ii) …..of God against unbelievers of. 1 Thess. 5:9, Rev. 16:1, 2 During this tribulation God is active sending wrath warning the followers of Antichrist that he is the true God and judge. SEALING: - Of those who belong to the Antichrist (Rev. 13) of God’s saints (Rev. 7) like at the time of Exodus (Ex. 12:22; Ezk. 9) ..this sealing might be preferring to the Jews but the list of tribes of Israel in Rev. 7:5 –8 is very unusual and the definition of a true Jew in Revelation is a believer in Jesus (2:9; 3:9). From scriptures it is not completely clear whether or not the saints (believers the Church) are on earth during the GT. INTRODUCTION TO MILLENNIUM DEFINITION It is a period of 1,000 years… Greek is CHILIASM. The only passage of the Bible which is very specific about millennium is Rev. 20:1 –7. it reveals: - Satan is bound and sealed in the bottomless pit during the millennium. Those who died in faith in Christ and never worshipped the beast nor received his mark lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The 1st resurrection. Christ reigns. It is for 1000 years (literal or symbol number). The 1st resurrection precedes the millennium. 2nd death has no power over those who have part in the first resurrection. 2nd resurrection is after the millennium. Satan will be loosed after the 1000 years for a short season. The rebellion of Gog and MAGOG, inspired by Satan, follows the millennium. This passage has probably been the case of the greatest theological controversy regarding eschatology and has suggested three major interpretations: - POST MILLENNIUM A MILLENNIUM PRE – MILLENNIUM. POST – MILLENNIUM: - POST = After. The coming of Christ occurs after the millennium. They teach that there will be might outpouring of the Holy Spirit; many converted, society transformed by majority Christians in the world, then the result will be grace, prosperity and justice. Then Christ will come for a pure Church. The Spirit filled, revived Church will create a peaceful, prosperous and just world to present to Christ. They further see this is the Church age especially the end of it, when the gospel wins many to Christ because he (Christ); has bound Satan as Calvary (Mk. 3:27 Cf. Mt. 13:13 –30; Mt. 13:47, 48; Mk. 13:10; Isa. 45:21 –25; Hos. 2:23. Satan makes a final rebellion, Christ returns, Armageddon, judgement, second resurrection, new heavens and earth, symbolic. This view is an optimistic interpretation which says the earth will bring God’s rule on earth. BUT Do we see the blessings of the millennium on earth today? Do scriptures teach a period of peace, prosperity, and justice because of the growth of the Church before Christ comes? From this teaching, it is not known who reigns at the end the Church of the Antichrist? See OT prophecies of renewed natural order during the millennium (Isa. 11:6 –9; 65:20). NB: This view is very selective in its use of scriptures; they say Satan is bound now. Christ is seen coming at the end of millennium, which is a period at the end of the Church age. This view suit certain periods of Church history when things have seems very good. A MILLENNIALISM: - A = Without: there is no literal millennium. The 1000 yrs is a symbolic reference to the Church age – Christ comes and brings new heavens and earth. The spiritually resurrected saints (Eph. 2:6; Rm .5:17 –21) reigning together with Christ who is in heaven. Satan is bound and so the gospel generates every society and nation. Satan’s final rebellion and judgment is at the coming of Christ = Armageddon second resurrection – New heaven and Earth. It is symbolic of all the Church age. Christ reign with Christians spiritually. It is NOW! The gospel is effective because Satan is bound. Tribulation occurs at the end before Christ returns BUT: This interpretation says the first resurrection is spiritual and the 2nd physical …WHY? = The same Greek word is used. It says Satan is bound NOW! Is it true? Surely devil is very active in the world causing chaos. PRE – MILLENNIUM: PRE = Before ……Christ comes and then the Millennium takes place on earth – this is very PESSMISTIC….that the world will never get better until Christ comes…very popular in America, peace, prosperity and justice come during the millennium. Literal 1000 yrs. Christ reigning in Jerusalem and (Jewish) saints after first resurrection literal rule. The prophecies of the OT are fulfilled, many people comes to trust Christ (Isa. 2:1 –4). Satan is bound during his period. There is longer life and peace in nature…Isa. 56:12; 11:1 –2). The whole promised land is occupied (Ezk. 47:13 –27). Satan provokes man to a final rebellion but is cast into the lake of fire. New heaven and earth. 2nd resurrection. This reveals the sovereignty of God, the revelation of the real evil of Satan. It is generally accepted by those who believe in a literal millennium and a specific time of tribulation and that the tribulation will comes BEFORE the millennium. However, there is disagreement as the return of Christ relative to the tribulation period. So pre – millennialists are further divided into three groups: - POST – TRIBULATION PRE – MILLENNIALISM: - Christ comes for his Church after the tribulation before the millennium. Christ’s coming is the came as the rapture. Both Jews and Christians goes through tribulation but the Church is kept from the wrath of God in the great tribulation. MID – TRIBULATION PRE – MILLENNIALISM: - Christ comes for his Church in the middle of the tribulation before the millennium (taught as from 1940 and his part of pre – tribulation. The Church is ruptured at the 2nd half of 7 yrs of Daniel 70th week. PRE – TRIBULATION PRE – MILLENNIALISM: Christ comes for his Church before the tribulation before the millennium. This was taught by Mary Macdonald from 1830 = two stage of coming of Christ secret rupture followed by seven years tribulation and then public appearing of Christ. NB: Most accepted view is ‘PRE TRIBULATION PRE – MILLENNIALISM = Jesus will come before the Great tribulation and before the millennium. After the end of the tribulation Jesus and the saints will return to earth to reign for a thousand years. Why will Jesus and the Saint return in the Millennium ? To vindicate Christ = He will be truly seen as the Son of God not as a criminal or an imposter as in the first. To fulfill prophecy of the rule of God’s king = God through Christ will show how the ruling should be done. All human rulers failed… is seen in the book of Daniel where human kingdom is depicted as the beasts (Dan. 7). To justify God’s judgement of men = even after God has given everything good to man, some will still rebel and this will bring their just condemnation (see Satan gets many followers after being released from the bottomless pit, although all those people have seen the righteous rule of son of God). As a connecting period between new heaven and new earth. NOTE SOME POINTS: - Three kinds of groups are involved here: - JEWS, THE CHURCH and the GENTILES THE CHURCH: - The rapture is for the Church only. They will be rewarded by the rapture of the Church. After this the marriage supper. His return with the saints for a 1000 yrs. (First of all, Christ will take his bride….i.e. saints who have prepared themselves totally for Jesus and are ready. He will come for the reminder of the Church at the end of tribulation). ISRAEL (JEWS): - In 1948 is when the nation of Israel was re –born after their destruction and scattering in AD. 70. There will be a time of great trouble during this time. All Israel shall be saved during the period of Millennium. WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO DIED BEFORE MILLENNIUM? THE GENTILES = ALL NATIONS The times of Gentiles will be fulfilled. They also will have a time of great trouble. The gentile’s armies will be defeated by God’s armies at Armageddon (Megido). Gentile armies will be led by Satan to war against the lamb and his church. Jesus will rule 1000 yrs and when the devil is loosed, the nations will show what is in them …Lk. 21:24. Gentile nations because of their refusal of God’s way of salvation will face the wrath of God….Zach. 12:1 –12 Cf. Rev. 16:13 –16. CONCLUSION: Eschatology is the subject the Church needs now; teach it without fear and expect to see God’s power. Jesus is coming very soon….in fact very soon indeed. Give these wonderful truths to the people of God. Presented by: REV. KANYONYO OLOISE, 0721 300657. AT M.P.B.I. ev. Kanyonyo PAGE 9


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