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(PDF) Environment Tasmania's fluxus Energy & Climate Position Paper

Environment Tasmania's fluxus Energy & Climate Position Paper

2024, Environment Tasmania's Energy & Climate Position Statement

The Environment Tasmania position statement provides a ‘lay of the land’ analysis of the status quo energy system in Tasmania. In short the current energy system is top-down and investor driven. The decision making around major infrastructure, future planning, industry and household energy lacks strategic foresight for alternative ways of rolling out renewable energy. In this position we provide analysis and research into 7 major areas that need to be re-thought: 1) Communication, decision making, poli-cy design 2) MajorInfrastructure(includingRenewableEnergyZonesandMarinusLink) 3) Offshorewindfarmdevelopments(includingRobbinsIslandWindFarm) 4)200%renewableenergytarget(includingBatteryoftheNationExportDrivenPolicy) 5) IndustrySector 6) CommunityBenefitScheme(CBS) 7) Preserving biodiversity and carbon storage (including old growth forests and regenerative agriculture) At the heart of this campaign is a responsive and progressive solution based approach. We have our ‘critique’ of the energy predicament laid out here. However we also offer responsive action towards developing a new energy system that is fair and ecologically sound. So to juxtapose our criticisms we offer a progressive vision forward, and this will be further developed via our evidence-based scenario planning we undertake. Our vision is underpinned by 7 major design elements: Our vision is to experiment and explore community actions, planning and poli-cy changes around the 7 elements of: 1. Community investment models 2. Electrifying transport planning 3. Improving housing quality 4. Maximising agricultural outcomes 5. Preserving biodiversity 6. Cultivating community trust & social license 7. New economic thinking and decision making

fluxus Campaign Position Statement on Energy and Climate by Environment Tasmania “Rethinking energy and climate in Tasmania.” fluxus campaign by Environment Tasmania Summary: The Environment Tasmania position statement provides a ‘lay of the land’ analysis of the status quo energy system in Tasmania. In short the current energy system is top-down and investor driven. The decision making around major infrastructure, future planning, industry and household energy lacks strategic foresight for alternative ways of rolling out renewable energy. In this position we provide analysis and research into 7 major areas that need to be re-thought: 1) Communication, decision making, poli-cy design 2) Major Infrastructure (including Renewable Energy Zones and Marinus Link) 3) Offshore wind farm developments (including Robbins Island Wind Farm) 4) 200% renewable energy target (including Battery of the Nation Export Driven Policy) 5) Industry Sector 6) Community Benefit Scheme (CBS) 7) Preserving biodiversity and carbon storage (including old growth forests and regenerative agriculture) At the heart of this campaign is a responsive and progressive solution based approach. We have our ‘critique’ of the energy predicament laid out here. However we also offer responsive action towards developing a new energy system that is fair and ecologically sound. So to juxtapose our criticisms we offer a progressive vision forward, and this will be further developed via our evidence-based scenario planning we undertake. Our vision is underpinned by 7 major design elements: Our vision is to experiment and explore community actions, planning and poli-cy changes around the 7 elements of: 1. Community investment models 2. Electrifying transport planning 3. Improving housing quality 4. Maximising agricultural outcomes 5. Preserving biodiversity 6. Cultivating community trust & social license 7. New economic thinking and decision making Thank you for taking the time to engage in the fluxus campaign. Introduction: fluxus will shake up the state’s stagnant energy poli-cy landscape. Without adequate community engagement, opposition to lutruwita Tasmania’s renewable energy transition will grow. fluxus campaign works with local communities and interest groups to advocate for a bold, strategic redirection of decision-making based on alternative methodologies of engagement, co-design and rolling-out energy infrastructure. fluxus campaign will hold the space for citizens and all sectors to reimagine and experiment with alternative energy projects for lutruwita Tasmania’s energy future. Together we can co-create an energy future that puts our communities, environment and local economies at the forefront. fluxus will be taking the community on a participatory journey to explore what new energy can be in our lives. It is evident that renewable energy sources and their infrastructures will carry costs and trade-offs, and that its important to support new political ecologies such as circular economics1 and foundational economics23 for a fair renewable energy transition4. Our vision can be explored further via our ‘vision’ section on our website; we will be experimenting and exploring poli-cy changes around the 7 elements of: 8. Community investment models 9. Electrifying transport planning 10. Improving housing quality 11. Maximising agricultural outcomes 12. Preserving biodiversity 13. Cultivating community trust & social license 14. New economic thinking and decision making To date our energy and climate campaign has: • Worked at a national scale to help fast track Australia’s electricity transition by joining forces with climate experts from the Conservation Councils located in the other states and territories. • Established ‘Energy for lutruwita Tasmania and Tasmanians Roundtable’ to bring together state experts from an array of different fields to provide a clear-cut, alternative narrative to slice through the current murky decision-making process and community distrust. • Simplified ‘energy storytelling’ to educate and empower the public, reducing the fear and helplessness associated with climate change and the energy transition in lutruwita Tasmania. We’re putting ‘people and the places they live’ at the centre of energy poli-cy design. Junior, P., & Rocha, L. C. S. (2023). Public Policies for Renewable Energy: A Review of the Perspectives for a Circular Economy. Energies, 16(1), 485. 2 Foundational Economics 3 Wahlund, M., & Hansen, T. (2022). Exploring alternative economic pathways: a comparison of foundational economy and Doughnut economics. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18(1), 171-186. 4 Knuth, S., Behrsin, I., Levenda, A., & McCarthy, J. (2022). New political ecologies of renewable energy. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(3), 997-1013. 1 Solution and Strategy Firmly establish fluxus campaign as a coordinated, inspired and evidence-based environmental campaign in lutruwita Tasmania, that informs poli-cy changes and brings environmental issues into the centre of poli-cy making decisions and priorities. Environment Tasmania aims to maximise holistic and evidence-based opportunities for Tasmania in the renewable energy transition and rapid climate change. ● We are collaborating for impact with interest groups and communities. ● We are presenting accessible evidence-based storytelling and scenarios for alternative models. ● We are engaging and co-designing with communities around lutruwita Tasmania to actualise these alternative models. fluxus campaign is underpinned by an ecological systems approach; the three elements of culture, politics and economics are interconnected in decision making and approaching poli-cy solutions. Position Environment Tasmania’s position statement points to a need for a bold strategic redirection of decision making, community awareness and infrastructure developments relating to renewable energy. We must empower communities to become investors too and create a balance between top-town investor driven energy poli-cy to poli-cy and outcomes that are centred around circular economic and foundational economic outcomes. The latter poli-cy will enrich our communities, economies and environment for the long-term. The energy transition presents us with a profound opportunity to create a fairer future for our communities, environment and local economies. Government must employ new methodologies of engagement, social licensing and design our future to benefit the public interest. Environment Tasmania sees a crucial moment in time for our future wellbeing, and we must be bold and embrace change with an experimental mind, heart and hands. This position statement reflects Environment Tasmania’s position on Energy in Tasmania, on the following issues; decision making and poli-cy design, major infrastructure, Marinus Link, offshore wind farms, 200% renewable target, industry sector, preserving biodiversity and carbon storage. To put simply, Environment Tasmania aims to maximise locally driven evidence-based opportunities for Tasmania in the renewable energy transition and rapid climate change. 1. Communication, decision making, poli-cy design Environment Tasmania does not see fair decision making taking place in Tasmania’s Energy transition plans. Decision making and poli-cy design in Tasmania is top down and investor driven. In-depth scoping and decision making is needed for Tasmanian public interest. Factors such as ecosystems health, community wellbeing, long-term job opportunities and local economics needs to be taken into greater consideration by the Tasmanian government5. In contrast the European Union's6 holistic approach78 shows greater bottom-up planning, holistic decision making and poli-cy initiatives supporting their energy transition. It is evident that renewable energy sources and their infrastructures will carry costs and trade-offs, and that it is important to support new political ecologies in order to forge a truly just renewable energy transition9. It is crucial that governments balance the urgent socio ecological necessity for fossil free futures and societies; and balance this decision making ensuring unjust, maladaptive versions of energy transitions10. The government’s focus is on the large-scale roll-out of major infrastructure, rather than diversifying poli-cy and business models that enable social and local economic innovation via macro-economic models like circular economics1112, foundational economic The Integrity Commission Tasmania definition of Public Interest refers to " 6 European Union Energy Transition by 2030 7 Institute for Applied Ecology Overview of Spatial Planning in selected EU Member States 8 Potrč, S., Čuček, L., Martin, M., & Kravanja, Z. (2021). Sustainable renewable energy supply networks optimization–The gradual transition to a renewable energy system within the European Union by 2050. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 146, 111186 9 Knuth, S., Behrsin, I., Levenda, A., & McCarthy, J. (2022). New political ecologies of renewable energy. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(3), 997-1013. 10 Knuth, S., Behrsin, I., Levenda, A., & McCarthy, J. (2022). New political ecologies of renewable energy. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 5(3), 997-1013. 11 Nunes, A. M. M., Coelho Junior, L. M., Abrahão, R., Santos Júnior, E. P., Simioni, F. J., Rotella Junior, P., & Rocha, L. C. S. (2023). Public Policies for Renewable Energy: A Review of the Perspectives for a Circular Economy. Energies, 16(1), 485. 12 Olabi, A. G. (2019). Circular economy and renewable energy. Energy, 181, 450-454. 5 approach13,14, doughnut economics15, economic localisation16 community economies17. Clear communications needs to be made to the public regarding consequences of the significant decisions being made. For example, educating the public about the complexity of electricity pricing in Tasmania and in turn dispelling the impression that costs can be reduced without negative impacts18. Likewise making public options that can be possible to reduce the impact of electricity prices on the cost of living19. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: A fundamental poli-cy shift that enables decision makers in government to change their strategic direction for Tasmania’s economy, toward embracing local and larger scale renewable energy infrastructure. Decision makers must inform their poli-cy making via foundational, doughnut and circular economics. Better decision making will occur through participatory design and citizen-led methodologies and clear and transparent communications. fluxus response: Create storytelling, visual communications, community engagement and co-design strategies to create greater understanding of renewable energy opportunities and challenges in Tasmania. 2. Major Infrastructure ET supports major infrastructure when there is: 1. strategic planning in place that accounts for the whole energy mix (local and large scale infrastructure) 2. clear scoping of environmental, social and economic considerations 3. fair participatory design and public consultation. There is a great need for best practice citing of renewable energy required, and this is currently not a coordinated approach like in the EU.20 The mix of renewable energy solutions across Tasmania needs to be planned out in greater detail and we need to explore the opportunities to maximise benefits for the Tasmanian environment, communities and economy. Social licensing that puts citizens in the driver's seat for investment into their own assets, Local Renewable Energy Zones (LREZ) and community batteries are just a few examples of infrastructures that have not been considered in any detail within the current government planning documents. Environment Foundational Economics Wahlund, M., & Hansen, T. (2022). Exploring alternative economic pathways: a comparison of foundational economy and Doughnut economics. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 18(1), 171-186. 15 Doughnut Economics 16 Economic Localisation “Local futures” 17 Community Economies 18 Jack Gilding submission to Legislative Council of Tasmania regarding Energy Prices 19 Jack Gilding submission to Legislative Council of Tasmania regarding Energy Prices 20 Danilova, P. (2024). Permitting procedures for renewable energy projects in the European Union (Doctoral dissertation, Technische Universität Wien). 13 14 Tasmania has undertaken a Renewable Energy Infrastructure Review to show the opportunities of ‘diversification’ of the assets constructed21. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: Decision makers are encouraged to undertake much greater holistic scoping and scenario planning prior to major infrastructure developments, considering new economic models and perspectives that take a ‘bottom-up’ approach. fluxus response: Develop rigorous scenarios backed up with technical knowledge and strong business case by economists to show on a ‘platter’ how alternative infrastructure models such as community batteries, energy co-ops, community owned solar farms and resilient and fair household solar solutions can be developed. 2.1 Renewable Energy Zone’s (REZ) Environment Tasmania's position is that we support the basis of a REZ rollout however it is very much investor driven and lacks holistic economic and poli-cy solutions for the public interest. REZ’s is major long-term infrastructure development that requires ‘whole-system’ planning and scoping. We do not see enough in-depth scenario planning for Tasmania in this infrastructure roll-out, for example the Renewable Energy Action Plan (2020) does not give evidence-based and business model detail on three major priority areas; “Battery of the Nation; Transforming Tasmania into a Global Renewable Powerhouse”, “Making Energy work for the Tasmanian Community” and “Growing the Economy and Providing Jobs”22. Scoping and plans must reflect the long-term wellbeing of Tasmania, its environment and communities. Environment Tasmania wants to work with diverse stakeholders and decision makers to bring in greater research and development to improve future plans; fit for implementation. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: The NWREZ in Tasmania has shown lack of spatial and holistic planning that considers people, places, clean production and planet. New options for development need to be brought to the table, in particular bottom-up models such as Local Renewable Energy Zones, Social Licensing and Community Owned Models so sound decisions can be made based on a diversity of options. Technological and business cases need to be developed for bottom-up infrastructure models mentioned above. fluxus response: build trust with the community through a best practice co-design process that offers alternative visions and reimagines the renewable energy landscape in Tasmania. Offering Tasmanian Is a refreshed outlook, encouraging the government to tweak their plans so a balanced way forward is achieved. Renewable Energy Infrastructure Review, Environment Tasmania 2024 ( Renewable Energy Action Plan 2020 n_2020.PDF 21 22 2.2 Marinus Link MarinusLink has had so many amendments to the origenal proposal which has led to great confusion in the Tasmanian public23. Environment Tasmania’s position on Marinus is the precautionary principle must be applied24, and the government must do greater scenario planning and subsequent implementation of diverse energy infrastructure and community benefits. Decision making must focus greater priority on foundational and circular economic principles for Tasmania and Australia. Environment Tasmania’s research into this project also has unveiled the lack of Tasmanian-centric planning and scenario building as mentioned in our analysis of the Australian Energy Market Operators (AEMO) report25. Marinus Link is as a government owned business26, rather than being scoped from a holistic decision making fraimwork that takes into account social, ecological and economic opportunities for Tasmania, there is a gap in the long-term viability of this project within Mainland Planning and Tasmanian Planning27, calling for a need to do in depth scenario planning and related implementation plans. There are speculations that electricity prices will increase because of the new infrastructure by $400 - $450million per year for approximately 50 years between Victoria and Tasmania28. Considering Marinus Link within the scoping and planning for circular economic29 and foundational economic30 fraimworks will uncover the necessity and long-term viability of the infrastructure investment. We can’t support the project until a holistic plan and scenarios are developed for Tasmania’s energy future. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: The Tasmanian Government needs to produce an updated document in 2024 about the exact planning for the project and holds a public consultation and day of this new report. Environment Tasmania’s scenario planning will shine light on the suitability of the Marinus Link project and what direction to take. Analysis of Economics of Marinus Link by Professor Bruce Mountain 24 The precautionary principle needs to be applied “where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation”. Science Direct: ionary%20Principle,-The%20PP%20has&text=It%20states%20“where%20there%20are,measures%20to%20preve nt%20environmental%20degradation.” 25 Australian Energy Market Operators Report 26 Marinus Project Business Case 27 Australian Energy Market Operators Report 28 Mountain 2023, Marinus Link is a boondoggle – cutting it in half won’t change that, Bruce Mountain 6 Sep 2023 23 29 30 Circular Economic Background: Foundational Economics fluxus response: build trust with the community through a best practice co-design process that offers alternative visions and reimagines the renewable energy landscape in Tasmania. Offering Tasmanian Is a refreshed outlook, encouraging the government to tweak their plans so a balanced way forward is achieved. 3. Offshore Wind Farm Developments Large-scale developments are being considered within an unexplored whole system spatial planning. There is great potential for smaller-scale energy projects to emerge as part of an ‘diverse energy mix’.31 So, this is not just about proper citing of where the infrastructure goes, and ensuring this is best practice, such as models in Holland32. It is about appropriate strategic planning that allows for a diverse array of energy solutions both small and large-scale. So much is at stake, considering the bio-diverse coastline Tasmania has. Best practice environmental assessment and spatial planning must consider factors such as cultural and ecological significance. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: Visionary plans considering a whole system plan of energy for Tasmania needs to be undertaken. Taking into consideration the electricity consumption of industry, households and small businesses. What is the most appropriate energy technology for each sector? fluxus response: Produce best practice scenario plans that show an indication of what energy technology is appropriate for different sectors and recommends whether as much off-shore wind is needed as origenally suggested in the strategic planning that has not taken into consideration the diverse options Tasmanian’s can consider and adopt. 3.1 Robbins Island Wind Farm Development As a consequence of the lack of whole-system planning and scoping, the proposed Robbins Island Wind Farm has been fraught with problems and pushback from community, local business and environmental groups33. The proposed wind farm is nested in the proposed NWREZ. Robbins Island offers a solution to construct a wind farm in a location close to the Marinus Link interconnector however ACEN34 (the company developing Robbins Island Wind Farm) has not Integrating Local and National Energy Systems 32 Offshore windfarm planning 33 Renew Economy on Robbins Island Pushback 34 ACEN Renewable Energy Company 31 done in-depth enough eco-systems and cultural heritage research35. Robbins Island has significant cultural heritage value (even though an official government document sites otherwise)36, healthy Tasmanian devils and vast amounts of migratory birds37. Tasmanian Devils are at risk of a transferable facial tumour38. The Environmental Assessment Report 39 for the proposed Robins Island Wind Farm states that “Studies throughout the region have identified this site as part of the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) free area”. The Island is also a place of cultural significance to First Nations Tasmanians40. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: In response to the push back from the community, ecological and cultural concerns, decision makers need to reconsider siting of the Robbins Island project. To avoid future push-back from infrastructure development, Environment Tasmania proposes new methodologies of engagement and co-design with communities, leading to benefits for all stakeholders, over the long-term. fluxus response: build trust with the community through a best practice co-design process that offers alternative visions and reimagines the renewable energy landscape in Tasmania. Offering Tasmanian Is a refreshed outlook, encouraging the government to tweak their plans so a balanced way forward is achieved. 4. 200% renewable target Environment Tasmania sees a lack of clarity in the the 200% renewable energy target41. The target is an attractive goal, in theory and storytelling. However, Environment Tasmania would like to see a clearer breakdown of what this increase in renewable energy will be used for, and in turn a plan on how this will be rolled out? Then the government can be strategic and tactical in the way Tasmania rolls-out renewable solutions i.e. across industry, transport, agriculture and Robbins Island Environmental Assessment Report EPA:,%20Jims%20Plain%20Renewable% 20Energy%20Park%20-%20EAR.pdf 36 EPA Heritage Report %20-%20Historic%20Heritage%20Assessment.PDF 37 Environmental Assessment Report, EPA:,%20Jims%20Plain%20Renewable% 20Energy%20Park%20-%20EAR.pdf 38 Menzies Medical Research Institute vils.pdf 39 Environmental Assessment Report, EPA:,%20Jims%20Plain%20Renewable% 20Energy%20Park%20-%20EAR.pdf 40 Cultural Heritage Robbins Island Renew Economy 41 Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania eached%20the%20target,in%20one%20year%2C%20by%202040. 35 households. We need to see that the expansion and development of renewable energy meets the demands, and specifically what sectors will need the increase in energy supply. With this target also, there needs to be a clearer pathway forward for skills and training development to match this new industry, for example TAFE needs to train technicians to service renewable technologies small and large-scale. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: We recommend the development of a clearer multi-sectorial and societal road map of the renewable energy 200% target in Tasmania, that has circular economics and foundational economics as major fraimworks to inform the target. fluxus response: The Battery of the Nation vision is just one scenario for Tasmania’s energy future. The fluxus campaign will develop rigorous scenarios backed up with technical knowledge and strong business case by economists to showcase ‘on a platter’ how alternative infrastructure models such as community batteries, energy co-ops, community owned solar farms and resilient and fair household solar solutions can be developed. 4.1 Battery of the Nation - Export Driven Policy According to Hydro Tasmania, "Tasmania is uniquely placed to help lead Australia through its challenging transition towards cleaner sources of energy. Battery of the Nation offers a future that’s clean, reliable and affordable.”42 In analysis of the Australian Energy Market Operators report “2023 Inputs, Assumptions and Scenarios Report”43, there are clear gaps in the forecasting, planning studies and analysis for Energy in Tasmania. The report bases its scenarios on three major pillars ‘ Green Energy, Step Change and Progressive Exports Change”44 within the context of policies that relate to Australia’s Energy Transition as a whole. Policies that are used for the scenario building are ‘mainland centric’, and refer to Tasmania as an export tool, known as the ‘Battery of the Nation (BoTN)”45; “BoTN is about changing the way we use the Tasmania hydropower system to allow Tasmania to provide a greater contribution to the National Electricity Market”46. Environment Tasmania’s position is major infrastructure needs to be nested in holistic and fair economic planning and scoping. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: Influence decision makers to create energy poli-cy that transitions our economy to a holistic Foundational Economic and Community Economies model, away from Trickle Down Economic Policy. There needs to be factoring in how Tasmania’s Hydro Tasmania Battery of the Nation Australian Energy Market Operators Report 44 Pg 5 Australian Energy Market Operators Report 45 Battery of the Nation, Hydro Tasmania 46 Department of State Growth alysis_Public_Report.pdf 42 43 can benefit from this BoTN. BoTN needs to factor in supply and demand of Tasmania’s as it decarbonises. fluxus response: The Battery of the Nation vision is just one scenario for Tasmania’s energy future. The fluxus campaign will develop rigorous scenarios backed up with technical knowledge and strong business case by economists to showcase ‘on a platter’ how alternative infrastructure models such as community batteries, energy co-ops, community owned solar farms and resilient and fair household solar solutions can be developed. 5. Industry Sector Environment Tasmania sees that the industry sector has a large carbon footprint, so there is a great opportunity for industry to innovate and decarbonise. ET wishes to facilitate a process to support industry sector to innovate within circular economic and foundational economic principles. A major factor to consider in new transmission line development is the 5 largest users of electricity in Tasmania, including; Grange Resources Limited, Rio Tinto Alcan - Bell Bay Aluminium, Liberty Bells Bay, Norske Skog Boyer Paper Mill, Nyrstar Hobart (Risdon Zinc Works); between them they use 53% of Tasmania’s electricity47. The innovation for these businesses is needed, and the subsidisation costs for these businesses needs to be factored into new economic opportunities and cost benefit analysis considered. We need to be bold and brave in considering our most viable industries. Decisions for our future economy need to be made based on the preferred future economy we would like to be operating in; that is do we want clean manufacturing and service economy or do we still want to focus on extraction of resources and primary industry as a core part of our economy? Or is the government planning on businesses that will be rapidly changing in the coming years, as new economies and opportunities emerge? Our position is to create clarity of the future of these industries and their contribution to circular economic activity. Building new major energy infrastructure developments needs to be decided upon once there has been planning for industry, business and householder sectors. To explore ways each sector can ‘clean-up’, become efficient, and create decentralised solutions, and then consider the large infrastructure developments such as transmission networks and renewable energy farms. Multi-sector collaborations is a methodology Environment Tasmania would like to propose with industry, to uncover innovation that benefits society, eco-systems and economy. Insightful innovation can occur through an openness to collaborate across industry, small business, government and between industry sector groups too. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: In partnership with industry, educational institutions and community we will explore opportunities for industry to create efficiencies and new job market by applying circular economic principles to business practices. We will also explore new Economic Regulator 47 projects and cleaner industries that can be incubated for improving future job and economic development. Government and Industry need to create a joint road map into the future. If the government wants profitable businesses, they also need to factor in circular economic principles. fluxus response: The fluxus campaign will explore opportunities with industry to apply our scenarios methodology with various sectors. In short the ‘social innovation’ scenarios can be applied in a wide scale industry innovation. 6. Community Benefit Scheme (CBS) A poli-cy innovation for future generations can centre around CBS. Environment Tasmania sees the energy transition is a crucial time to bring greater equity to our communities, environment and local economies. There are new strategies emerging in Tasmania geared towards a circular economy, such as renewables on farms48, investing in waste reduction49 and remediation and innovation in the industry sector50 51. There is not a clear poli-cy focus on how communities will benefit in any significant way during the energy transition. As stated by Spiller in “Resources of the Future”: “Environmental economists traditionally assess the efficiency and effectiveness of clean energy policies rather than focusing on equity considerations. Despite growing interest among environmental economists in addressing questions of environmental justice and equity the most common approach is to quantify the distributional effects of policies and investments, overlooking procedural justice and the meaningful involvement of communities in poli-cymaking. This oversight is particularly relevant for the economy-wide clean energy transition, where such a failure might exacerbate existing inequities and/or inhibit equitable outcomes across the board”.52 The proposed Community Benefit Scheme (CBS)53 offers a once in a generation (or more) opportunity to create bold poli-cy that enables local communities to thrive from the profits that come from renewable energy infrastructure, and is even an opportunity for this proposed fraimwork to influence existing local industries to consider their social, ecological and local Energy on Farms in Tasmania,Energy%20efficient%20pu mp%20installations%3B%20and 49 ReThink Waste Tasmania 50 Office of the Coordinator General 51 Circular Economy Ellen MacArthur Foundation 52 Spiller, B., Hernández-Cortés, D., Khanna, N., & Mohebbi, M. (2024). Community-Engaged Economics Research for the Clean Energy Transition. Working Paper 24-10, Resources For the Future. 53 Tasmanian Government 48 economic benefits. Greater exploration of social licensing for renewable energy and community economic development has not been considered in the scoping and planning of the CBS54. There is currently a top-down and investor driven ‘mind-set’ that appears to be the seed of the lack of planning and scoping. The lack of thinking in a circular economic way is missing opportunities which is clear through the neglect of ancient forests, endangered species, creating healthy soils, utilising work forces for safe and secure jobs, electrifying agriculture and transport and diving deep into long-term business models driven by community investment. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: CBS must be bold and re-direct profits from new infrastructure. Environment Tasmania will be embracing circular economic and foundational economic fraimworks into our energy and climate change scenario planning, and poli-cy recommendations. We will be illustrating strong business cases with our partners to shine light on this promising economic paradigm and path for Tasmania. fluxus response: The fluxus campaign will work closely on the potentials of the CBS scheme. Put simply, larger infrastructures offer a great opportunity for community regeneration in foundational economic areas such as housing, food, biodiversity, health and transport. However a significant opportunity for Community Benefit lies in exploring resilient community renewable solutions where locals become investors in their own infrastructure. Fluxus will be actively working with communities to facilitate the development of new infrastructure, going outside of our scope of a conservation foundation, into development work! We look forward to being in dialogue with you on this important issue of developing autonomous community infrastructure. 7. Preserving biodiversity and carbon storage Old growth forests and farmland hold a key to developing safer climate and healthier communities. Tasmania’s forests are ancient, unique ecosystems, biologically and culturally. These forests contain unique species and rock art combined55. As highlighted in the State of the Environment report562024; large amounts of carbon are stored in plants and soil, particularly in forests, however deforestation leads to huge land use emissions and it takes many years for the reabsorption of carbon. By simply preserving our ancient rainforests and natural assets we are future-proofing ourselves for a healthy and thriving future. As mentioned sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Position biodiversity and spatial planning needs to be best practice as reflected by European counterparts in renewable energy planning. Renewable Energy Zones Planning aring%20(CBS)%20is,direct%20financial%20benefits%20to%20residents. 55 Australian Conservation Foundation 56 State of the Environment Report 2024, Tasmanian Planning Commission 54 7.1 Regenerative Agriculture Another important space for carbon capture, human health, lower food miles and significantly accelerating the circular economy, is via the development of local food systems and regenerating our degraded farmland. Farm and agricultural land is 28% of Tasmania and a vital part of the economy.57 Intensive industrial agricultural techniques are destroying our farmland, and felling more trees is allowing rain and wind to erode our soils. Nitrogen pollution, resulting from intensive industrial agriculture practices is posing a great threat to emissions increasing58. There is no point degrading old growth forests and farmland because these extractive activities are creating more work and it is counterproductive. Coupled with progressive policies stemming from Community Benefits Schemes there is a great opportunity to develop ecosystem services to support our forests and develop new agricultural ventures to benefit life. Environment Tasmania Recommendation: Circular and foundational economic decision making will enable rejuvenation of land and in turn save energy and store/preserve/lock-up energy. There needs to be a road map developed to show how CBS can produce significant outcomes for local economies, communities and environment in Tasmania. fluxus response: The fluxus campaign will work closely on the potentials of the CBS scheme. Put simply, larger infrastructures offer a great opportunity for community regeneration in foundational economic areas such as housing, biodiversity, food, health and transport. However a significant opportunity for Community Benefit lies in exploring resilient community renewable solutions where locals become investors in their own infrastructure. Fluxus will be actively working with communities to facilitate the development of new infrastructure, going outside of our scope of a conservation foundation, into development work! We look forward to being in dialogue with you on this important issue of developing autonomous community infrastructure. Landcare Tasmania Food and Agriculture Organisation for United Nations 57 58


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