Retention of words in long-term memory: a
functional neuroanatomical study with PET
Jiro Okuda,1,2,CA Toshikatsu Fujii,1 Atsushi Yamadori,1 Ryuta Kawashima,3,4 Takashi Tsukiura,1
Hiroya Ohtake,1 Reiko Fukatsu,1 Kyoko Suzuki,1 Masatoshi Itoh5 and Hiroshi Fukuda3,4
Section of Neuropsychology, Division of Disability Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-1, Seiryo-machi,
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8575; 2 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083; 3 Department of
Nuclear Medicine and Radiology, IDAC, and 5 Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8575/8; 4 Aoba
Brain Imaging Research Center, TAO, Sendai 980-8575, Japan
Corresponding Author
Received 21 October 1999; accepted 25 November 1999
Acknowledgements: We thank Mr Kazunori Sato (IDAC, Tohoku University) for providing a computer program of ANOVA.
This study was supported by grants-in-aid to J.O. (1705) and A.Y. (08279103) for scienti®c research from the Ministry of
Education, Science and Culture of Japan. This study was also supported by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science (JSPS-RFTF97L00202).
We used PET to identify brain regions associated with
retention of verbal materials in long-term memory. During a
PET scan, subjects repeated many sets of words one after
another. In a retention condition, they were simultaneously
required to retain 10 key words that were irrelevant to the
repetition task. Signi®cant increases in regional cerebral blood
¯ow during the retention condition were found in bilateral
parahippocampal regions, the left prefrontal and parietal
association cortices, the supplementary motor area, the
neostriatum and the cerebellum. We clearly demonstrated that
retention of verbal materials was accompanied by neural
activities in the medial temporal lobes. We also showed that,
in the early phase, retention of words in long-term memory
recruited left cortical areas surrounding those relevant to
verbal short-term memory. NeuroReport 11:323±328 & 2000
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Key words: Long-term memory; Neostriatum; Parahippocampal region; Parietal association cortex, Prefrontal cortex; Positron emission
tomography; Rehearsal; Retention; Supplementary motor area; Verbal short-term memory
Many neuroimaging studies on human memory have
focused on cerebral systems involved with encoding and
retrieval processes (see [1] for a review). However, the
retention process, which intervenes between encoding and
retrieval periods of memory processing, is also essential in
the psychological model of human memory. In the model,
the memory system is divided into short-term and longterm, based on the length of the retention period [2]. For
short-term memory or working memory, the retention
process has been termed short-term maintenance or storage, and its possible psychological structures have been
well investigated, especially for verbal materials. Previous
studies have proposed two distinct mechanisms involved
in the short-term maintenance of verbal materials: a subvocal rehearsal and a phonological store [3,4]. Neural
correlates of these mechanisms have been identi®ed
around the prefrontal and parietal association cortices by
PET [4]. The anatomical basis of the retention process in
long-term memory, however, has seldom been investigated
with methods of functional neuroimaging. As the abovementioned psychological model implies that short-term
0959-4965 & Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
memory is more or less related to long-term memory [2], it
is of great interest how the neural substrates of the two are
related to each other.
The aim of the present study was to identify brain areas
relevant to the retention process of verbal materials in
long-term memory by using PET. To assess the retention
process in long-term memory, we measured regional
cerebral blood ¯ow (rCBF) while subjects attempted to
retain many verbal items that exceeded the normal span of
verbal short-term memory for about 10 min. We minimized
the effects of sub-vocal rehearsal by employing an irrelevant word repetition task during the PET scan, which
prevented rehearsal of the verbal items to be retained.
Subjects: Seven healthy male volunteers (age range 19±24
years, mean 21.0) participated in this study. All subjects
were native Japanese undergraduate students of Tohoku
University. None had any signs or history of medical or
neurological diseases. Each subject's MRI of the brain was
normal. They were all right-handed, as assessed by the
Edinburgh Handedness Inventory [5]. All subjects were
Vol 11 No 2 7 February 2000
PET measurements: The rCBF was measured by PET
(SET2400W Shimadzu, FWHM 4.0 mm) using 15 O-labeled
water [7] (35 mCi injected for each PET scan). The
transaxial sampling ®eld of view (FOV) was 256 mm, and
the axial FOV was 190 mm. The thickness of the slice
measured was 3.125 mm. Prior to the PET experiments,
each subject had a catheter inserted into the right brachial
vein for tracer administration and wore an individual
stereotaxic ®xation helmet. PET data acquisition was
started simultaneously with bolus injection of H2 15 O. Each
acquisition was performed during the 120 s repetition task
under each condition. A transmission scan was performed
before the experiment and the data were used to obtain
corrected emission images. All PET data were reconstructed by using a convolution ®lter (cut-off value 8 mm).
informed of the nature of the experiment and they gave
written consent in accordance with guidelines approved by
Tohoku University and the Declaration of Human Rights,
Helsinki 1975.
Task procedures: To clarify neural substrates of retention
of verbal information when the subjects are prevented from
rehearsal, we designed two conditions for a repetition task.
One was a retention condition and the other a control
condition. Each condition was performed twice in random
order. Verbal stimuli were Japanese nouns whose values of
psychological property have been fully investigated [6].
The number of syllables in the stimulus words was from 2
to 4 (mean s.d., 3.47 0.58). Different lists of 50 stimuli
consisting of 10 sets of ®ve stimuli were prepared for the
repetition task during each PET scan. For the retention
condition, ten additional stimuli not used in the repetition
task were also prepared as key words. Averaged scores of
imageability and ease of learning of the words were
controlled so as to be equal in each list. All stimuli were
presented to the subjects by a tape recorder through a pair
of earphones.
The following procedures of the repetition task were
common in the two conditions. Within 120 s of one task
trial, ten sets of ®ve stimuli were presented to the subjects
with inter-set intervals of 7 s. Each stimulus was presented
at a rate of 1/s. They were asked to repeat as many of the
®ve stimulus words in each set as possible during the
inter-set interval. For the retention condition, the following
procedures were added to this repetition task. The subjects
were presented with the 10 key words ®ve times in a row
at least ®ve minutes and at most eight minutes before the
start of the repetition task, and were asked to memorize
them. Then they were instructed to try to hold them until
the end of the PET scan. They were informed that they
would be asked to recall them immediately after the task.
Tests of free recall of the key words were performed
immediately after the key words had been heard ®ve times
and immediately after the repetition task. A schematic
representation of the task design is shown in Fig. 1.
Data analysis: The rCBF images were transformed into a
standard anatomical format using the Human Brain Atlas
system [8] and each subject's MRI. They were then
smoothed with a three-dimensional Gaussian ®lter (FWHM
10 mm), and normalized for global cerebral blood ¯ow of
50 ml/100 g/min [9,10]. Difference between rCBF patterns
during the retention condition and the control one was
evaluated by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA, two
tasks and seven subjects as factors) on a voxel by voxel
basis. We calculated F-images for task difference and
voxels with F values . 11.8 ( p , 0.005, d.f. 1,12) were
considered to represent regions of signi®cantly increased
rCBF. Each activation focus was superimposed onto an
average reformatted MRI of the seven subjects, slice thickness of which was 1 mm. Anatomical localization of areas
of activation was performed in relation to this MRI. We
also identi®ed the Brodmann area of each focus by referring to the atlas of Talairach and Tournoux [11].
Mean ( s.d.) rates of successful repetition of words during
the PET scan were not different between the two conditions (0.82 0.08 for the retention condition and 0.84 0.08
for the control condition). In the retention condition, the
Task procedures
Before the scan
(5–8 min before)
During PET scan
(2 min)
Hear and memorize
10 keywords
Hear and orally repeat 5 words*
(perform 10 times)
Hold the keywords in mind
After the scan
(immediately after)
Recall the keywords
Hear and orally repeat 5 words*
(perform 10 times)
No tasks
No tasks
*Time sequence for the repetition task:
repetition of words 1–5
Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the experimental design.
Vol 11 No 2 7 February 2000
subjects could recall 9.4 0.1 words immediately after they
had heard the key words ®ve times and 9.5 0.1 words
immediately after the repetition task.
Regions showing signi®cant increases in rCBF during
the retention condition compared with the control are
listed in Table 1. The number of activation foci was greater
in the left hemisphere than in the right. In the left hemisphere, signi®cant rCBF changes were found in the dorsolateral prefrontal areas including the inferior frontal gyrus
(anterior to Broca's area) and the middle frontal gyrus,
orbitofrontal areas, the precentral gyrus and the inferior
parietal lobule (angular gyrus). In the right hemisphere,
activations were observed in the supplementary motor area
(SMA) and lateral temporal cortices. Furthermore, the
parahippocampal gyri, small regions of the caudate nuclei,
inferior occipito-temporal areas and cerebellum were activated bilaterally. It is noteworthy that activation foci of the
parahippocampal areas were asymmetrical, i.e. posterior in
the left hemisphere and anterior in the right. Representative areas of activation are illustrated in Fig. 2.
In this study, we attempted to localize brain regions related
to retention of words in long-term memory. We would like
to emphasize that our experiment dealt with long-term
memory rather than short-term memory. Reasons for this
are as follows; ®rst, the retention interval was around
10 min and therefore exceeded the period during which
materials are thought to be stored in the short-term
memory. Second, the number of items that the subjects
attempted to retain exceeded the normal span of shortterm memory. In addition, this task can be regarded as an
episodic memory task, because the subjects had to retain
the 10 key words that they had experienced (heard) at a
speci®c time before the PET scan.
In our design, we asked the subjects to perform the same
repetition task in both the retention and the control conditions during PET scans. Effects of word repetition on the
rCBFs should be the same between the two conditions, and
comparison between the conditions should cancel out these
effects. This idea is supported by the behavioral result that
the number of correctly repeated words during the scan
did not signi®cantly differ between the two conditions. It is
important to note that responses on the word repetition
were not perfect but rather 85% at the most. This implies
that the repetition task in this study was painstaking and
that the subjects had to engage in the word repetition
attentively during the scan. Thus, in the retention condi-
Table 1. Activation foci during the retention condition determined by ANOVA ( p , 0.005).
Anatomical structure
Left hemisphere
Orbital gyrus (11)
Rectal gyrus (25)
Fusiform gyrus (19)
Parahippocampal gyrus (36)
Inferior occipital gyrus (18)
Inferior frontal gyrus (47)
Inferior frontal gyrus (45)
Caudate nucleus (tail)
Angular gyrus (39)
Middle frontal gyrus (9)
Inferior parietal lobule (40)
Precentral gyrus (4)
Right hemisphere
Inferior temporal gyrus (20)
Parahippocampal gyrus (28)
Middle occipital gyrus (19)
Middle temporal gyrus (37)
Posterior insura
Caudate nucleus (tail)
Middle temporal gyrus (21)
Medial frontal lobe (8)
Medial frontal lobe (SMA) (6)
Talairach coordinates
Peak F-value
Stereotaxic coordinates refer to maximal activations indicated by peak F-values in particular cerebral structures.
Numbers in parentheses following each anatomical structure refer to the Brodmann areas. Distances refer to
the stereotactic space de®ned by Talairach and Tournoux [11]. Coordinates are expressed in mm.
Vol 11 No 2 7 February 2000
Fig. 2. Representative brain activations during the retention condition compared with the control one were superimposed onto the mean reformatted
MRI of the seven subjects. The top and second ranks (A and B) show contiguous horizontal sections with a thickness of 1 mm, and the third and
bottom ranks (C,D) show contiguous sagittal sections with a thickness of 1 mm. White areas in the far left image of (A) represent locations of the
sagittal sections of (C) and (D). In the horizontal section, the right side of the image represents the right side of the brain. Black arrows indicate the
activations of (A) the left and right parahippocampal gyri, (B) small regions around the tail of the caudate nuclei, (C) the left inferior frontal, middle
frontal and angular gyri and (D) the right SMA.
tion, they must have been prevented from articulatory
rehearsal of the 10 key words. Nevertheless, the subjects
were able to recall most of the key words after the PET
scan. This means that the subjects must have retained the
key words during the scan period with minimal rehearsal.
These behavioral data led us to conclude that comparison
of the experimental retention condition with the control
condition should reveal the process of retention of words
in long-term memory up to 10 min without active rehearsal.
As for functional neuroanatomical data, the most intriguing ®nding is the strong bilateral activations of parahippocampal regions in the retention condition, which
were not reported in previous studies on the retention
process in short-term memory. In previous neuroimaging
studies, activation of the medial temporal lobes was observed in relation to encoding and retrieval in episodic
memory [1,12]. Our results clearly demonstrate that the
medial temporal lobes are involved not only in encoding
and retrieval but also in the early retention process in longterm memory. This ®nding is consistent with the idea that
the initial stage of the retention process in long-term
memory, i.e. the memory consolidation process, requires
participation of the medial temporal lobes [13,14], although
the duration necessary for memory consolidation is still a
controversial issue [15].
Vol 11 No 2 7 February 2000
It is interesting that anterior±posterior dissociation was
observed in our activations of the parahippocampal regions, i.e. posterior in the left parahippocampal region and
anterior in the right. Recently, a model of distinct anterior±
posterior hippocampal activities during episodic encoding
and retrieval was proposed considering the ®ndings of
many PET activation studies. This so-called HIPER (hippocampal encoding/retrieval) model proposed that encoding
in the episodic memory would recruit anterior hippocampal areas and retrieval would recruit posterior areas [16]. If
the model is valid, we can hypothesize that the retention
process is associated with interaction of the encoding and
retrieval processes. Further research is needed on this
Neocortical activations in the retention condition were
observed in the inferior frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus,
precentral gyrus, SMA, inferior parietal lobule and inferior
occipito-temporal areas. Interestingly, several neocortical
regions activated in the retention condition were in the
vicinity of cortical areas that have been reported to be
involved in maintenance of verbal information in shortterm memory or working memory. For instance, Fiez et al.
[17] reported activations in the left frontal lobes (Broca's
area, the premotor area, the SMA), the bilateral middle
frontal gyri and cerebellum during sub-vocal rehearsal of
®ve words. They concluded that these areas are related to
short-term maintenance of verbal materials in an active
state. They also argued that Broca's area plays a main role
in sub-vocal rehearsal, supported by the SMA and the
premotor area. Paulesu et al. [4] compared tasks of auditory and visual discrimination of letters, and suggested
that Broca's area had a role in articulatory rehearsal and
that the left inferior parietal lobule (the supramarginal
gyrus) was related to the phonological store. Their ®ndings
were replicated by Salmon et al. [18]. Awh et al. [19] and
Smith et al. [20] also con®rmed this idea by comparing a
short-term memory task and a rehearsal task with letters.
When compared with these neuroimaging results on verbal
short-term memory, the left inferior frontal area and the
left inferior parietal lobule activated in the present study
were similar but not identical. Generally, the activations
we observed were located outside of the above-mentioned
areas, i.e. area 45/47 of the inferior frontal gyrus and area
39 of the angular gyrus (see Fig. 3). It is plausible that
activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus was near but not
in Broca's area itself, since our task design prevented the
subjects from active rehearsal of the key words. The
retention condition in our study concerned with the period
beyond short-term memory, but the period was rather
short when compared with that in general long-term
memory that might be fully consolidated as one's episode.
We speculate that the activated neocortical areas in the
present study are involved with vary early phase of
retention process in long term memory, which may represent a certain transitional process from short-term to longterm memory. When verbal information is being stored
into long-term memory from short-term memory, areas
near but slightly different from those associated with
maintenance in verbal short-term memory may be recruited.
The repetition task employed in our study was very
demanding even for the young university students. They
had to repeat ®ve words each of which had 3.4 syllables on
average during 7 s. We assumed that it was too tight to
perform any conscious operations in addition to word
repetition. Nevertheless, it can not be completely ruled out
that the activated inferior frontal areas in the present study
are somewhat related to retrieval process of the key words
such as attempts for retrieval and the strategic retrieval
process. For instance, Petrides et al. [21] reported that the
mid-ventrolateral frontal cortex (BA 45) in the left hemisphere was involved in the strategic retrieval of verbal
information from long-term memory. The activations in the
left inferior frontal gyrus in the present study overlap those
observed in the free recall task by Petrides et al. Therefore,
it is possible that subtle retrieval of the key words, as well
as the transitional process mentioned above, contributes to
the activity observed in the left inferior frontal area.
The activations in the left middle frontal gyrus might be
related to working memory, while activations of bilateral
middle frontal gyri were often observed in studies focusing
on verbal working memory [22,23]. The retention condition
in the present study, in a sense, can be regarded as a
working memory task, as an additional demand for retention of the key words was loaded on the repetition task.
The present study also showed small but strong activations around the tail of the caudate nuclei. Jueptner et al.
[24] reported activations of the caudate nucleus in relation
to a motor learning task. The nucleus was strongly activated during new learning of sequences of eight ®nger
movements. Although it is dif®cult to discuss the role of
the nuclei in verbal memory retention, we suppose that the
nuclei have a certain role in the retention process in longterm memory. It has been reported that patients with
damage of the bilateral neostriatum showed impaired
learning of cognitive skills [25]. The patients' failure in
learning might have been due to disturbance of retaining a
certain type of memory information for a long time against
Phonological short-term memory [4,18]
Item recognition [19, 20]
Short-term maintenance [17]
Long-term retention (present study)
Fig. 3. Relationship between activations in the left frontal and parietal
lobes in the present study (closed circles) and in previous reports on
verbal short-term memory (open circles, diamonds and squares) is shown
on a schematic brain surface. Studies from the same research group or
those employing the same task design are represented by the same
symbol. A cross represents y- and z-axes in Talairach space. Activations
in the present study seem to surround those in the previous reports.
Activated areas in the retention process of verbal materials
in long-term memory were found in bilateral parahippocampal regions, several neocortical regions (the left inferior
frontal gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus and
inferior parietal lobule, the right SMA, bilateral inferior
occipito-temporal areas), the tail of the caudate nuclei and
the cerebellum. The results provide evidence, for the ®rst
time using a neuroimaging technique, that medial temporal
lobes are important not only for the encoding and retrieval
processes but also for the retention process in human longterm memory. We also found that, in the early phase, the
retention process in long-term memory activated the left
frontal and parietal regions surrounding those relevant to
the retention process in verbal short-term memory. We
conclude that, in the early phase, retention of verbal
materials in long-term memory requires concerted neural
activities in both the medial temporal lobes and the
Vol 11 No 2 7 February 2000
neocortical regions that are located around the regions
relevant to verbal short-term memory.
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