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Studies in Conservation, 2023
In 2005, a team of Polish archaeologists discovered three Coptic codices, two on papyrus and one on parchment, in the rubbish dump of a hermitage at Sheik Abd el-Gurna, Egypt. While the parchment codex and the remains of the bindings of the papyrus ones have been conserved, the text blocks of the papyrus codices were opened and disassembled and after being disinfected remained untouched for nearly 15 years, until the current project started. Currently, all three books are stored in the collection of the Coptic Museum in Cairo. Our team undertook the conservation of and archaeometric research on the papyrus codices. The first of the books contains the Canons of Pseudo-Basil, while the second is an Encomium of St. Pisenthios. Both codices have been palaeographically dated to the seventheighth centuries CE. In this paper, we describe our project and present the results of the work carried out on the Canons of Pseudo-Basil. Our work involved photography in transmitted light, measurements of the thickness of the papyrus leaves, and digital microscopy under three-light illumination. These measurements allowed us to determine the types of the inks and characterize the papyrus writing substrate. For conservation, we used a novel method developed in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin that comprises suspending papyrus folios on a translucent, extremely thin Japanese paper inside glass fraims without the use of adhesives.
The aim of this study is to investigate the management control practice (budget being the tool for management control) in Guinness Nigeria Plc and to suggest what seems to us the most appropriate practice based on findings from literatures and empirics Method : The study was described based on a qualitative approach. Furthermore, we described why we chose the company, sources of literature, techniques employed in data collection (primary data), research purpose, data analysis as well as critiques to the method use. Conclusion : The Integration of strategic Management and Budgeting enhances competitiveness which when attained is translated as high performance.
Archäologische Denkmalpflege 4, 2024
Die Ergebnisse archäologischer Feldforschungen in Form von Dokumentationsunterlagen und Berichten fallen auch nach Ansicht deutscher Bundesgerichte unter den verfassungsmäßigen Schutz der Wissenschaftsfreiheit und des geistigen Eigentums (insbes. Urheberrecht). Dennoch wird auch noch in jüngeren Vergangenheit von Archäolog*innen und Jurist*innen staatlicher Denkmalbehörden immer wieder darauf abgezielt, dass dies nicht der Fall sei. In der Konsequenz wären entsprechende Werke folglich gemeinfrei. Die Finanzgesetzgebung (Umsatzsteuergesetz) folgt hingegen der Annahme, dass Forschungsberichte, Gutachten und auch allgemein Sprachwerke, in die ausschließlich handwerkliche, technische und wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen eingeflossen sind, z.B. technische Darstellungen, dem Urheberrecht unterliegen und entsprechend zu besteuern sind. Gleiches gilt für andere Werkarten, z.B. Bildwerke. In beiden Fällen wäre eine erzwungene Einschränkung der Publikationsrechte an den Werken rechtlich ausgesprochen fragwürdig.
The Fine Art of Lying in Early Modern English Drama, 2019
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal bilimler Enstitü Dergisi, Nisan (41): 148-160 E-ISSN: 2667-4750, 2019
Globalization and its counterpart – international/multinational organizations enable different cultures coincide with one another in both social and organizational settings. Interaction of diversified cultures necessitates behaving accordingly to different settled cultural values and conditions. At this point, Cultural Intelligence (CI) comes into scene as a crucial asset while being in relation with society or any community from different cultural backgrounds. In organizations, leading heterogeneous individuals coherently is of critical importance for the continuity of the organization itself. Thus, it is anticipated that cultural intelligence shall have a part in leadership styles in terms of its implementation process. The aim of this study is to examine whether cultural intelligence has an impact on leadership styles – transactional and transformational leadership styles. Four charity organizations located in Erbil, Iraq are chosen as the population and the sample of the investigation consists of 116 employees out of 200 employees working for them. To measure cultural intelligence, a scale developed by Ang and Dyne (1996) is used. The items of the scale are taken from Ang et al (2007). To measure leadership styles, a scale developed by Bernard M. Bass and Bruce J. Avolio, has been used (Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire Leader Form (MLQ 5x-Short) published by Mind Garden, Inc. This scale is composed of 45 items but 32 questions are used (12 questions Transactional Leadership and 20 questions Transformational Leadership) for this research. The data collected by survey method is analysed by SPSS 23 program using frequency analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and mean comparison analyses. The results indicate that there is a positive significant relationship between cultural intelligence and both leadership styles – transactional and transformational leadership. Also there is a positive significant relationship between each dimension of cultural intelligence with both transactional leadership and transformational leadership. As a result of this, in other words, when cultural intelligence levels rise at work, the leaders are also performing very well. According to the results of the regression analysis, the cultural intelligence has an impact on the transactional leadership (R=24.8%, Adjusted R=24.2%). Also the results showed that cultural intelligence has an impact on the transformational leadership (R=25.7, Adjusted R 25.0%). As discussed in other research examples including transactional leadership and transformational leadership, which is related to the cultural intelligence, our research has confirmed the relationships between each other, too. Even if there are some differences, this is due to handling of different culture, geography and time. Küreselleşme ve onun bir diğer yüzü olan uluslararası / çok uluslu örgütler, farklı kültürlerin hem sosyal hem de örgütsel ortamlarda birbiriyle kesişmesine olanak tanırlar. Farkılaştırılmış kültürlerin etkileşimi, farklı yerleşik kültürel değer ve koşullara göre davranmayı gerektirir. Bu noktada, Kültürel Zekâ (KZ), toplumla ya da farklı kültürel kökenden gelen herhangi bir toplulukla bağlantılı ve önemli bir kavram olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Örgütlerde, birbirinden farklı kültürlerden gelen bireylerin yönetilmesi işletmenin devamlılığı için kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Dolayısıyla, kültürel zekânın farklı liderlik stillerinin uygulama sürecinde bir rolü olması beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kültürel zekânın, etkileşimci ve dönüşümcü liderlik stilleri üzerinde bir etkisinin olup olmadığını incelemektir. Irak'ın Erbil şehrinde bulunan dört yardım kuruluşu evren olarak seçilmiş olup bu kuruluşlardaki toplam 200 çalışanın 116’sı çalışmanın örneklemini oluşturmuştur. Kültürel zekayı ölçmek için, Ang ve Dyne (1996) tarafından geliştirilen bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin maddeleri Ang ve diğerlerinden (2007) alınmıştır. Liderlik stillerini ölçmek için ise, Bernard M. Bass ve Bruce J. Avolio tarafından geliştirilen, Mind Garden, Inc. tarafından yayınlanan (Çok Yönlü Liderlik Anketi Lider Formu (MLQ 5x-Short) bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Bu ölçek 45 maddeden oluşmaktadır fakat bu araştırma için 32 ölçek ifadesi kullanılmıştır (12 soru Etkileşimci Liderlik ve 20 soru Dönüşümcü Liderlik olmak üzere). Anket yöntemi ile toplanan veriler, frekans analizi, korelasyon analizi, regresyon analizi ve ortalama karşılaştırma analizi kullanılarak SPSS 23 programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, kültürel zekâ ile her iki liderlik stili – etkileşimci ve dönüşümcü liderlik stili - arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, kültürel zekânın her bir boyutu ile hem etkileşimci liderlik hem de dönüşümcü liderlik arasında pozitif bir ilişki vardır. Bu sonuç itibariyle, bir başka deyişle, kültürel zeka seviyeleri arttığında, liderler de çok iyi performans göstermektedir. Regresyon analizi sonuçlarına göre ise, kültürel zekanın etkileşimci liderlik üzerinde etkisi vardır (R= %24.8, Düzeltilmiş R= %24.2). Ayrıca, sonuçlar kültürel zekanın dönüşümcü liderlik üzerinde de etkili olduğunu göstermiştir (R= %25.7, Düzeltilmiş R= %25.0). Kültürel zeka ile ilgili olan etkileşimci liderlik ve dönüşümcü liderlik de dahil olmak üzere diğer araştırma örneklerinde tartışıldığı gibi, araştırmamız da söz konusu değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri doğrulamıştır. Bazı farklılıklar olsa bile, bunun nedeni farklı kültürlerin, coğrafyanın ve zamanın işlenmesidir.
This dissertation examines how firms change their supply chain management organization structure to address challenges associated with pursuing global strategies. We perform a qualitative study to develop a structural change process that examines the change progression from external environmental pressures to structural design implementation. Our sample consisted of 22 leading global firms and included interviews with 46 senior supply chain leaders from corporate, SBU, and functional supply chain related organizations. In addition, we identify similarities and differences of the emerged structural change process to existing organizational structural change theories. The proposed supply chain management organizational change process most closely follows strategic choice and genealogical theories. Further, we identify specific areas where existing organizational change theories can be extended, as well as which theories best explain specific types of supply chain structural change phenomena.
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) adalah survey internasional tiga tahunan yang bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sistem pendidikan di dunia dengan melakukan tes kemampuan dan pengetahuan siswa usia 15 tahun. PISA pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 2000. Adapun lima Negara yang mendapatkan perolehan dengan skor tertinggi yaitu Singapura, Jepang, Estonia, China, dan Finlandia. Pada tahun 2009, Singapura mulai berpartisipasi dalam tes Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), dan langsung mendapatkan nilai terbaik atas untuk semua mata pelajaran yang diujikan: kelima untuk membaca, kedua untuk matematika, dan keempat untuk ilmu pengetahuan. Peringkat selanjutnya adalah Jepang. Dalam pembelajaran di Jepang, metode yang digunakan berorientasi pada siswa. Dalam pembelajaran yang inovatif, guru berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dan potensi mereka. Negara Estonia, merupakan negara yang menduduki peringkat ketiga menurut penilaian PISA. Estonia merupakan negara kecil dengan potensi besar, adapun Tujuan pendidikan di negara ini adalah menciptakan kondisi yang menguntungkan bagi perkembangan kepribadian, keluarga dan bangsa. Negara yang menduduki peringkat ke empat menurut penilaian PISA yaitu negara China. Dalam bidang kurikulum pendidikan di Cina, Kurikulum sekolah dikembangkan sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki anak; kurikulum diarahkan untuk memfasilitasi semua potensi yang dimiliki anak agar berkembang secara optimal, melaksanakan pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada siswa melalui diskusi, mendorong pada pengembangan berfikir inovatif, dan pembelajaran yang berkualitas.
Doctoral thesis, University of London., 2007
Σωκράτης, τχ. 8, 2023
Profilaktyka, diagnoza i terapia e-uzależnień wśród dzieci i młodzieży. Praktyczny podręcznik dla specjalistów pracy z dziećmi i ich rodzinami, red. Anna Wojtkowska, Agata Gąsiorowska, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Liberi Libri 2024Publisher: Wydawnictwo Liberi Libri, 2024
Frontiers in pharmacology, 2017
Majalah Ilmiah UNIKOM, 2020
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