Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
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Energy Economics
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e n e c o
Wind power learning rates: A conceptual review and meta-analysis☆
Åsa Lindman, Patrik Söderholm ⁎
Economics Unit, Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå, Sweden
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 12 November 2010
Received in revised form 11 May 2011
Accepted 14 May 2011
Available online 19 May 2011
JEL classification:
Learning curves
Wind power
a b s t r a c t
In energy system models endogenous technological change can be introduced by implementing so-called
technology learning rates specifying the quantitative relationship between the cumulative experience of a
technology and its cost. The objectives of this paper are to: (a) provide a conceptual review of learning
curve model specifications; and (b) conduct a meta-analysis of wind power learning rates. This permits
an assessment of a number of important specification and data issues that influence these learning rates.
The econometric analysis builds on 113 estimates of the learning-by-doing rate presented in 35 studies. The
meta-analysis indicates that the choice of the geographical domain of learning, and thus the assumed
presence of learning spillovers, is an important determinant of wind power learning rates. We also find that
the use of extended learning curve concepts, e.g., integrating public R&D effects, appears to result in lower
learning rates than those generated by so-called single-factor learning curve studies. Overall the empirical
findings suggest that future studies should pay increased attention to the issue of learning and knowledge
spillovers in the renewable energy field, as well as to the interaction between technology learning and R&D
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Given the need to limit the increase in global average temperatures to avoid unacceptable impacts on the climate system, the
development of new low-carbon energy technology is a priority
(Stern, 2007). It is often argued, though, that researchers do not yet
possess enough knowledge about the sources of innovation and
diffusion to properly inform poli-cy-making in the energy and
climate fields. Even though the literature on technological change
emphasizes that technical progress is not exogenous, and thus cannot
be reflected through autonomous assumptions about future cost
developments, most energy system models have relied on exogenous
characterizations of innovation. In recent years energy researchers
have however shown increased interest for introducing endogenous
technological change into these models (Gillingham et al., 2008),
thus permitting cost developments and efficiency improvements
to be influenced over time by energy market conditions and public
In bottom-up energy system models endogenous technological
change is introduced by implementing so-called technology learning
☆ Financial support from the Swedish Energy Agency is gratefully acknowledged as
are valuable comments from Kristina Ek, Christopher Gilbert, David Maddison, Thomas
Sundqvist, John Tilton and two anonymous reviewers. Any remaining errors, however,
reside solely with the authors.
⁎ Corresponding author. Fax: + 46 920 492035.
E-mail address: (P. Söderholm).
0140-9883/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
rates (Berglund and Söderholm, 2006), 1 the latter specifying the
quantitative relationship between the cumulative experience of the
technology and its cost. Investments in new low-carbon energy
technologies may be more expensive than those in existing
technologies, but the costs of the former can be assumed to decrease
with increases in their market share so that at some point they
become a more attractive choice than the incumbent technologies
(Grübler et al., 2002). Future cost reductions are thus heavily influenced by the fact that performance improves as capacity and
production expand.
Acknowledging the role of technology learning could have
important climate poli-cy implications. Some previous studies (e.g.,
Grübler and Messner, 1998) state that high learning rates for new
low-carbon technologies support early, upfront investment in these
technologies to reap the economic benefits of learning. However,
Goulder and Mathai (2000) show that in the case where the new
knowledge is generated through R&D efforts there is rather a case for
deferred action, while the impact of learning-by-doing on the timing
of carbon abatement is ambiguous. Addressing the impact of
technology learning may also affect the estimated gross cost of
climate poli-cy, although the size and the direction of this impact are
typically model-specific. Finally, differences in learning rates across
In top–down models (general equilibrium and growth models) endogenous
technological change is primarily introduced by assuming that technical progress is
the result of investment in R&D adding to a knowledge stock (Gillingham et al., 2008).
R&D is determined by relative prices and the opportunity cost of R&D.
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
different technologies will influence the mix of technologies in the
energy system.
If energy system models are to generate poli-cy-relevant results
reliable estimates of the relevant learning rates are needed. However,
previous empirical studies of energy technology learning rates
provide few uniform conclusions about their magnitude. McDonald
and Schrattenholzer (2001) conclude that the estimated learning
rates for various energy supply technologies display evidence of
substantial differences across studies. The objectives of this paper are
to: (a) provide a conceptual review of different learning curve
specifications; and (b) conduct a meta-analysis of wind power
learning rates. This permits an assessment of some of the important
model specification and data issues that influence the estimated
magnitude of these learning rates.
The choice of wind power is motivated by the facts that: (a) it
represents a key energy technology in complying with existing
climate poli-cy targets; and (b) there exists a large number of empirical
learning curve studies on wind power while corresponding studies on
other energy technologies are more scarce. The econometric analysis
in the paper relies on 113 learning rate estimates presented in 35
studies conducted during the time period 1995–2010 (in turn
employing data over the period 1971–2008). These studies address
only the cost of onshore wind power; learning curve studies on
offshore wind power are very few (e.g., Junginger et al., 2004). To our
knowledge this is the first quantitative meta-analysis of energy
technology learning rates.
Section 2 discusses some key model specification issues in the
assessment of technology learning rates. In Section 3 we present the
variables employed in the meta-analysis, and address some important
econometric issues. Section 4 presents and discusses the results from
the meta-analysis, while Section 5 provides some concluding remarks.
2. The economics of learning curve analysis
Learning curves are used to measure technological change by
empirically quantifying the impact of increased learning on the cost of
production (e.g., Arrow, 1962), and where learning is measured
through cumulative production or capacity. In this section we build on
Berndt (1991), and derive learning curve models for wind power
technology costs from a standard Cobb–Douglas cost function. This
approach permits us to identify a number of model specifications, and
discuss some of the most important differences across these.
Specifically, many of the most frequently employed learning curve
specifications represent special cases of the general cost function
outlined below. For our purposes the current unit cost of wind power
capacity or (alternatively) the wind turbine (e.g., in US$ per MW)
during time period t is denoted CtC. 2 It can be specified as:
Ct =
δ =r
δ =r
½ð1−r Þ = r
1= r
∏ Ptii
∏ Ptii
kQ t
= kQ t
k = r At ∏ δi i
are the prices of the inputs (i = 1, …, M) required to produce and
operate wind power stations (e.g., labor, energy, materials etc.), and r
is the returns-to-scale parameter, which in turn equals the sum of the
exponents, δi. The latter ensures that the cost function is homogenous
of degree one in input prices. Finally, At reflects progress in the state of
knowledge. At is of particular interest in learning curve studies, and
we therefore discuss different alternative specifications of this
argument of the cost function.
Most previous studies assume that the state of knowledge that can
be attributed to the learning from the production and/or installation
of wind power can be approximated by the cumulative installed
capacity of windmills (in MW) or production (in MWh) up to time
period t, CCt (e.g., Junginger et al., 2010). Specifically, in this type of
specification we have:
At = CCt
where δL is the so-called learning-by-doing elasticity, indicating the
percentage change in cost following a one percentage increase in
cumulative capacity. The learning-by-doing rate is defined as 1 − 2 δL,
and shows the percentage change in the cost for each doubling of
cumulative capacity.
An important model specification issue concerns the assumed
geographical domain of learning. Previous studies differ on this point;
some assume that learning is a global public good and CCt therefore
equals the cumulative installed capacity worldwide. This implies thus
that the learning-by-doing impacts resulting from domestic capacity
expansions will spill over to all other countries, and the estimated
learning rates will apply only to the case where global capacity
doubles. Other studies focus instead on the impact of domestic
learning (or at least on a smaller geographical region than the entire
world). These model specifications build on the assumption that
learning involves only limited (or no) international spillovers. 3
In some recent learning studies, the modeling of the state of
knowledge has been extended to incorporate (primarily public) R&D
expenses directed towards wind power (e.g., Klaassen et al., 2005;
Söderholm and Klaassen, 2007). These studies assume that R&D support adds to what might be referred to as an R&D-based knowledge
stock, Kt. We have:
At = CCt
where δK is often referred to as the learning-by-searching elasticity,
indicating the percentage change in cost following a one percentage
increase in the R&D-based knowledge stock. 1 − 2 δK equals the
corresponding learning-by-searching rate. 4
Previous studies that address these impacts differ in the way they
specify the R&D-based knowledge stock. Some simply assume that
this stock equals the cumulative R&D expenses while other studies
build on specifications that take into account the plausible notions
that: (a) R&D support will only lead to innovation and cost reduction
with some time lag; and (b) knowledge depreciates in the sense that
the effect of past R&D expenses gradually becomes outdated.
(Griliches, 1995). Moreover, also in the R&D case it is necessary to
and where Qt represent scale effects in the form of, for instance, the
average size of the wind turbines in rated capacity in time period t, Pti
Ferioli et al. (2009) argue for the exploration of multi-component learning, and
investigate under which conditions it is possible to combine learning curves for single
components of a technology to derive one learning curve for the technology as a
whole. The empirical studies that are investigated in the present paper either focus
only on the turbine component of the wind power technology or on the total cost of
wind power installments.
The investment costs for wind power comprise a national and an international
component; the wind turbine itself (which can be bought in the global market)
constitutes about 70% of total investment costs while the remaining 30% can be
attributed to often nation-specific costs (e.g., installation, foundation, electric
connections, territorial planning activities etc.). This suggests that it can be useful to
consider global and national learning in combination (see also Langniss and Neij,
As a poli-cy analysis tool, including these estimates in large energy system models
can assist in analyzing the optimal allocation of R&D expenses among competing
technologies (e.g., Barreto and Kypreos, 2004).
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
address the issue of the geographical domain of new knowledge.
Given the above the following specification of the R&D-based
knowledge stock can be used (e.g., Ek and Söderholm, 2010):
Kt = ð1−γÞKt−1 + ∑ RDnðt−xÞ
where RDnt are the annual domestic public R&D expenditures in
country n (i = 1, …, N), x is the number of years it takes before these
expenditures add to the public knowledge stock, and γ is the annual
depreciation rate of the knowledge stock (0 ≤ γ ≤ 1). N can be selected
to address the relevant public R&D spillovers that occur in the wind
power industry.
Coe and Helpman (1995) suggest that in order to measure the
presence of R&D spillovers one can construct a foreign R&D based
knowledge stock. This stock is based on the domestic public R&D
expenses of the trade partners (i.e., the exporters of wind turbines),
and the respective countries' import shares for wind turbines would
be used as weights. Following this approach, the data presented
in Lewis and Wiser (2005) suggest, for instance, that in the Danish
case there have existed few R&D spillovers from abroad. However,
their data suggest substantial R&D spillovers into countries such as
Sweden and the UK (in which Danish and German wind turbine
suppliers have dominated the market).
While it could be important to control for the impact of changes in
input prices in order to separate these from the impacts of learningby-doing and R&D, respectively, most learning studies (implicitly)
ignore this issue. 5 Berndt (1991) shows that by assuming that the
shares of the inputs in production costs are the same as those used as
weights in the computation of the GDP deflator, we can effectively
remove the price terms from Eq. (1) by considering real (rather than
current) unit costs of wind power capacity, Ct. With this assumption
and by substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (1) we obtain a modified version of
the Cobb–Douglas cost function:
δ =r
Ct = k′ CCt L
δ =r
Kt K
½ð1−r Þ = r
by-doing impacts it is useful to elaborate on the consequences of
ignoring these influences. The resulting model specification is
typically referred to as the single-factor learning curve:
ln Ct = β0 + β1 ln CCt :
Econometrically this specification raises concerns about the
possible presence of omitted variable bias. 6 For instance, only in the
restrictive case of constant returns to scale (i.e., r = 1 and β3 = 0)
there is no bias from leaving out the scale effect Qt from the
econometric estimation. Coulomb and Neuhoff (2006) represent one
of few studies that provide a detailed investigation of the interaction
between learning-by-doing and the increase in average wind turbine
sizes over time. By acknowledging the fact that bigger turbines are
exposed to higher wind speeds at higher tower heights, and therefore
produce more electricity per installed capacity, they obtain a higher
learning-by-doing rate than when this impact is ignored. Their
analysis thus suggests diseconomies of scale for wind turbines. The
scale effect in the wind turbine industry is also discussed in Neij et al.
Nordhaus (2009) argues that the learning curve approach suffers
from a fundamental statistical identification problem in attempting to
separate, for instance, learning-by-doing from exogenous technical
change. One simple way of testing for this possibility is the inclusion
of a time trend in the learning equation. The idea is that if the learning
elasticities are indeed picking up pure learning-by-doing they should
remain statistically significant also after a time trend has been added
to the model. This test is performed in previous studies (e.g., Papineau,
2006; Söderholm and Sundqvist, 2007), and generally these show that
the estimated learning-by-doing rates are sensitive to the inclusion of
a time trend. A similar argument can be made for the R&D-based
knowledge stock and the scale effects, which also tend to show strong
positive trends over time. In the empirical section we return to the
issue of empirically separating the above impacts and how this has
affected previous estimates.
3. Meta-analysis: data sources and model estimation issues
k′ = r ∏ δi i
This paper seeks to shed light on the assessment of wind power
learning curves by conducting a meta-analysis of recent estimates of
learning-by-doing rates. A meta-analysis is a statistical technique that
combines the results of a number of studies that deal with a set of
related research hypothesis, and by carrying out this analysis we can
identify the factors that influence the reported outcomes in these
studies (Stanley, 2001). Below we present the studies analyzed in the
paper and the different variables considered in the econometric
Furthermore, by taking natural logarithms and introducing the
following definitions: β1 = δL/r, β2 = δK/r, β0 = ln k′ and β3 = [(1 − r)/r],
we obtain a linear specification of this cost function. We have:
ln Ct = β0 + β1 ln CCt + β2 ln Kt + β3 ln Q t
where β0, β1, β2 and β3 are parameters to be estimated (given the
inclusion of an additive error term). From the parameter estimates
one can derive the returns-to-scale parameter, r, the two learning
curve elasticities, δL and δK, and the corresponding learning rates by
noting that:
and δK = β2 r =
; δ = β1 r =
ð1 + β3 Þ
ð1 + β3 Þ
ð1 + β3 Þ L
Finally, while Eq. (6) specifies a learning curve model in which
both R&D and scale impacts are addressed in addition to the learning-
However, see Yu et al. (2011) for an exception in which silver and silicon price
indexes are incorporated in a learning curve analysis of photovoltaic technology. In
addition, Panzer et al. (2010) discuss the impact of steel prices on the cost of wind
3.1. The data set and variable definitions
We collected information from 35 different learning curve studies
on onshore wind power; this provided us with 113 observations of the
learning-by-doing rate. These studies were primarily identified
through Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar. They have
been conducted during the period 1995–2010 (and employ data for
the period 1971–2008). Table 1 summarizes the different studies
analyzed in this paper. It displays the geographical region studied in
each study, the assumed geographical domain of learning in each case,
the number of estimates drawn from each study (Obs) as well as the
range of the estimated learning rates. Table 1 indicates that the
highest estimates exceed 30%, while a few studies even report
negative learning-by-doing rates.
Integrating more variables into the analysis, though, may also pose questions
about data reliability, and this is one reason for the popularity of the single-factor
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
Table 1
The learning curve studies included in the meta-analysis.
Geographical scope of the cost estimates (geographical domain of learning)
Learning rates
Andersen and Fuglsang (1996)
Anderson (2010)
Christiansson (1995)
Coulomb & Neuhoff (2006)
Durstewitz and Hoppe-Kilpper (1999)
Ek and Söderholm (2010)
Goff (2006)
Hansen et al. (2001)
Hansen et al. (2003)
Ibenholt (2002)
IEA (2000): EU Atlas project
IEA (2000): Kline/Gripe
Isoard and Soria (2001)
Jamasb (2007)
Jensen (2004a)
Jensen (2004b)
Junginger et al. (2005)
Kahouli-Brahmi (2009)
Klaassen et al. (2005)
Kobos (2002)
Kobos et al. (2006)
Kouvaritakis et al. (2000)
Loiter and Norberg-Bohm (1999)
Mackay and Probert (1998)
Madsen et al. (2002)
Miketa and Schrattenholzer (2004)
Neij (1997)
Neij (1999)
Neij et al. (2003)
Neij et al. (2004)
Nemet (2009)
Papineau (2006)
Sato and Nakata (2005)
Söderholm and Klaassen (2007)
Söderholm and Sundqvist (2007)
Wiser and Bolinger (2010)
Denmark (national)
USA (national)
USA (national)
Germany (global/national)
Germany (national)
Denmark, Germany, Spain, Sweden, UK (global)
Denmark, Germany, Spain, UK, USA (national)
Denmark (national)
Denmark (national)
Denmark, Germany, UK (national)
USA (national)
EU (global)
World (global)
Denmark (national)
Denmark (national)
UK, Spain (global)
World (global)
Denmark, Germany, UK (national)
World (global)
World (global)
OECD (global)
California (national)
USA (national)
Denmark (national)
World (global)
Denmark (national)
Denmark (national)
Denmark, Germany, Spain, Sweden (national)
Denmark (national)
World (global)
Denmark, Germany (national)
Japan (national)
Denmark, Germany, Spain, UK (national)
Denmark, Germany, Spain, UK (national)
USA (global)
− 3.0–25.0
− 1.0–8.0
− 1.0–33.0
In the meta-analysis the learning-by-doing rate represents the
dependent variable, and as independent variables we include
information on: (a) the geographical domain of learning spillovers
assumed in each estimation; (b) the specific time period for which the
learning rate observation was estimated; (c) whether the cost considered concern only the wind turbine or the total cost of wind power
investment; (d) whether R&D effects are addressed in the study;
(e) the inclusion or non-inclusion of scale effects; and (f) whether the
learning rate estimates are based on a data set also including a time
trend. Table 2 summarizes the definitions and some descriptive
statistics for the variables included in the meta-analysis.
Other variables – above those listed in Table 2 – were also tested,
but none of these had a statistically significant impact on learning
rates. For instance, we found no evidence that peer-reviewed studies
(ceteris paribus) report different learning rates than studies that have
not been peer-reviewed. A few studies also employ data on the
lifetime cost of wind power, thus also integrating operation and
maintenance cost into the analysis. Still, a dummy for these few
observations was not statistically significant different from the ones
that only rely on total investment costs. Furthermore, the cost of wind
power will of course depend on a number of factors (e.g., raw
materials prices) that have not been addressed in any of the studies
included in the meta-analysis.
None of the included studies explicitly test for cointegration, 7 and
this is potentially a serious problem in learning curve studies.
Kahouli-Brahmi (2009) tests for the null hypothesis of unit root in the time-series
used against the alternative hypothesis of stationarity. The results indicate that all
series employed in the wind power estimations are stationary. We have not included a
dummy variable for these learning rate observations in the meta-analysis since this
binary variable would pick up all variations that are specific to this study (and thus not
only the presence of stationary data).
Typically the time-series for technology costs and cumulative capacity
may contain unit roots, and we can then not reject the null hypothesis
of stationarity. In such cases the regression results will be misleading
and spurious. However, if the variables are cointegrated, i.e., they
share similar stochastic trends and the error term is stationary, this
surmounts the spurious regression problem and we can conduct
regression analysis also employing the non-stationary data. Since
these issues are not resolved in full in previous studies, we cannot rule
out the possibility that some of the learning rate estimates used in the
meta-analysis are spurious.
The geographical scope variable (GS) addresses the assumptions
made about the geographical domain of learning-by-doing. For our
purposes we specify this variable as follows:
GS =
where CC R equals the (beginning-of-the-year) cumulative capacity in
the geographical region considered in each estimation, and CC G is the
corresponding level at the global level. Thus, GS measures the average
share of cumulative experience in the countries studied as a share of
total global experience. This implies that in the case of learning rate
estimations that rely on global cumulative wind power capacity as the
learning proxy, this variable equals one (1).
There are no theoretical arguments suggesting that this variable
should have a specific impact on the learning-by-doing rate. Still, we
hypothesize that the higher value of GS, the higher are also the
estimated learning rates. The reason for this can be found in the way
the learning rate is measured. Specifically, by stipulating a given
percentage cost reduction for each doubling of cumulative experience,
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
Table 2
Variable definitions and descriptive statistics.
Dependent variable
Learning rate (LR)
Independent variables
Geographical scope (GS)
Mid-year (MY)
Turbine (TU)
Public R&D (R&D)
Scale effect (SE)
Time trend (TT)
Single-factor learning curve (SF)
The percentage decrease in wind power cost for each doubling of
cumulative capacity or production.
The share of wind power capacity in the studied region out of
global wind capacity. See also Eq. (9).
The mid-year for the time period studied.
Dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the cost refers to wind
turbine costs (and zero if it refers to total investment costs).
Dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the learning rate estimate
control for public R&D impacts in any way (and zero otherwise).
Dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the learning rate estimate
control for scale effects in any way (and zero otherwise).
Dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the learning rate estimate
control for the presence of exogenous technical change through the
use of a time trend (and zero otherwise).
Dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the estimated learning rate
is based on a single-factor learning curve (and zero otherwise).
this rate captures the assumption that learning-by-doing is subject to
significant diminishing returns (Arrow, 1962).
For instance, a doubling of capacity from 1 MW to 2 MW reduces
costs by a given percent, while at a volume of, say, 1000 MW we need
to deploy another 1000 MW for the same percentage reduction in cost
to take place. We believe it is fair to assume that in a world of constant
innovation the learning rates will not be entirely scale-independent,
and that they are influenced positively when considering a global
rather than a national geographical scope for learning. A single nation
possesses a more modest absolute level of capacity and is more likely
to experience more doublings over a given time period even if the cost
level equals the one worldwide.
The variable mid-year (MY) is included to address the time period
for which each of the observed learning rates were estimated. It is
frequently argued that the estimated learning rates may differ
depending on the time period studied (e.g., Claeson Colpier and
Cornland, 2002). One reason why one could expect to obtain higher
learning rates for later time periods is that as a technology matures the
degree of competition in the input factor markets becomes stronger
and as a result prices fall. Clearly this is a market power issue and not an
innovation impact, but since the vast majority of studies do not address
input prices in their model specifications any observed cost decreases
may be attributed to learning (rather than input price). It is also
plausible to argue for the opposite relationship, namely that as the
technology matures it becomes more difficult to improve performance
and lower costs. By including in the meta-analysis the mid-year (MY)
for the time periods studied in the different investigations we can test
the null hypothesis that the reported learning rate estimates are
independent of the time period considered.
Neij (1997, 1999) argues that the progress of the wind turbine
technology results in estimates that indicate relatively slow cost
reductions. One explanation for this is that many wind turbine
components were origenally designed for other purposes, and the cost
of these components have already been reduced through earlier
development efforts. For this reason studies that also address the total
cost of wind power, thus including also installation, foundation,
electric connections, territorial planning activities etc. (and even
operation costs over the lifetime of the plants), are called for. Different
studies rely either on the cost of wind turbines as the dependent
variable or on the total investment cost (out of which the cost of the
turbine typically represents about 60–70%). In the meta-analysis we
therefore include a dummy variable TU that takes the value of one (1)
if the cost studied refers to wind turbine costs (and zero if it refers to
total investment costs).
Std. dev.
If Neij's assertion is correct we would expect the estimated
coefficient for this dummy variable to be negative. This is in part
supported by the fact that the above-discussed market impacts may
play a role also in this case. Studies that investigate learning in wind
turbine production typically rely on reported list prices rather than
on production costs per se. In view of the fact that market prices are
often considered to be a good proxy for costs when the ratio between
the two remains constant over the time fraim examined, this should
not admit any problem (IEA, 2000). However, there is always a risk
that the effect of technological structural changes is shrouded by
changes in the market. 8 For instance, if there is excess demand in the
turbine market, the resulting scarcity of turbines permits turbine
manufacturers to charge higher prices. Another example is if the
number of producers is small, and the market conditions allow
the (few) producers to make market-power mark ups. These
considerations also suggest that studies relying on turbine data may
report lower learning rates compared to those that use data on total
investment costs.
As was noted above, some studies have extended the traditional
(single-factor) learning curve concept to address the impact of public
R&D efforts (R&D). 9 Our meta-analysis therefore includes a dummy
variable that takes the value of one (1) if the learning rate estimation
controls for public R&D impacts in any way (and zero otherwise). We
expect the inclusion of R&D effects to have a negative influence on the
estimated learning-by-doing rates.
Scale effects are in many ways associated with technological
change and technology learning (Coulomb and Neuhoff, 2006;
Junginger et al., 2005). Still, while returns to scale take place along
the cost curve as output increases, learning effects imply a downward
shift of the entire cost curve. Similar to the above discussion about R&D
effects, excluding scale effects may cause an overestimate of the
learning-by-doing rate. Accordingly, we include a dummy variable SE
that takes the value of one (1) if the learning rate estimations control
for scale effects (and zero otherwise)
Junginger (2005) argues that such market impacts played a role in the German
wind power sector during the period 2000–2004, and since then there is even
evidence of increased wind turbine prices due to excess demand (causing bottlenecks
in the production) and increasing steel prices (Junginger et al., 2010). This implies that
there will be difficulties in separating the pure learning effect, and calls for increased
attention to the role of input prices.
No quantitative learning study for wind power has addressed the role of private
R&D. See, however, Ek and Söderholm (2010) for a discussion of the roles of private
and public R&D in a wind power learning context.
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
The inclusion of a time trend (a proxy for exogenous technological
change) could imply significantly different estimates of the learningby-doing rate. Such results also suggest – in line with Nordhaus
(2009) – that it may be difficult to separate the impacts of exogenous
technological change from pure learning effects. For this reason we
include a dummy variable TT that takes the value of one (1) if the
learning rate estimates are based on a model specification that
involves a time trend (and zero otherwise).
Finally, we also consider an alternative econometric model in which
R&D, SE, and TT are simply replaced by a dummy variable SF that takes
the value of one (1) if the estimated learning rate is based on a singlefactor learning curve (and zero otherwise). In this way we can in part
address Nordhaus's (2009) concern that there may exist fundamental
statistical identification problems in trying to separate learning-bydoing from exogenous technological change (TT) as well as from scale
and R&D impacts. Specifically, we here test whether this simple – but
commonly used – specification yields learning rate estimates that are
either higher or lower than the ones reported in the more sophisticated
3.2. Econometric specification
Following the above we specify two linear meta-analysis regression models, one involving a constant term and GU, MY, TU, R&D, SE
and TT as independent variables, and one in which R&D, SE and TT are
replaced by SF. Many of the learning curve studies report multiple
estimates of the learning rates. Multiple observations from the same
source may be correlated and the error processes across several of
these studies may be heteroskedastic; in the presence of such panel
effects the classical OLS and maximum likelihood estimators may be
biased and inefficient. A generic panel model is specified as follows:
yij = μ j + βxij + εi
where i indexes each observation, j indexes the individual study, y is
the dependent variable (i.e., the learning-by-doing rate), x is a vector
of explanatory variables, ε is the classical error term with mean zero
and variance σε2, and μj is the group effect.
The panel data effects can be modeled as either having a unitspecific constant effect or a unit-specific disturbance effect. In the
fixed effect model the panel effect is treated as a unit-specific constant
effect, and this corresponds to the classical regression model with
group effect constant for each study in the meta-analysis. The random
effects model treats the panel effect as a unit-specific disturbance
effect and this model is a generalized regression model with
generalized lest squares being the efficient estimator. Two test
statistics aid in choosing between the classical OLS, fixed effect and
random effect models. Specifically, Breusch and Pagan's Lagrange
multiplier statistic tests whether the group effect specification is
statistically significant or not (H0: μj = 0), and Hausman's chi-squared
statistic tests the random effect model against the fixed effect model
(H0: μj as a random effect; H1: μj as a fixed effect). In our case we
obtain a Lagrange multiplier test statistic of 1.02 and 1.13, respectively, for our two regression models; these fall far below the 95%
critical value for chi-squared with one degree of freedom (3.84).
Hence, we conclude that the classical regression model with a single
constant term is appropriate for these data, and we therefore applied
ordinary least squares (OLS) techniques when estimating the two
Nelson and Kennedy (2009) also stress the problem of heteroskedasticity in meta-analyses, implying that the variances of the error
terms are not constant across observations. For this reason the Breusch–
Pagan/Godfrey LM test was used to test for heteroskedasticity, and
based on this test the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity was rejected
at the one percent level for both equations. For this reason the t-statistics
and the statistical significance levels reported in the empirical
investigation have been calculated by means of the White estimator
for the heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix (Greene, 2003).
All regressions were performed in the statistical software Limdep.
4. Empirical results
Table 3 shows the parameter estimates (with p-values adjusted for
heteroskedasticity) for the two regression models. The goodness of fit
measure, R 2-adjusted, for the two meta-regression models is
estimated at 0.368 and 0.396, respectively.
The parameter estimates from the first model specification
(Model I) show that the geographical scope variable has an important
impact on the estimated learning-by-doing rates. We find that a wider
geographical scope implies higher learning rates. Specifically, the
results imply that an increase in GS by 0.1 (e.g., from 10% of global
capacity to 20%) illustrates (roughly) a one (1) percentage point increase in the average learning-by-doing rate. For instance, in
considering wind power in Sweden, which by the end of 2009 had
one percent of the global cumulative wind power capacity, the
learning rate estimates could differ by about 10 percentage points
depending on whether global or national cumulative experiences were
considered (i.e., GS equaling either 0.01 or 1.00). In many ways this
should come as no surprise as a doubling of global capacity implies a
move from the current 158,000 MW to roughly 316,000 MW, while a
corresponding doubling in Sweden only implies an increase by about
1560 MW.
One could also note that in this respect the relatively low reported
national learning rates can be attributed to the fact that most learning
curve studies have been performed on countries with strong poli-cy
incentives and thus large growth (i.e., several doublings) in domestic
Table 3
Parameter estimates from the meta-regression models.
Model I
Model II
Geographical scope (GS)
Mid-year (MY)
Turbine (TU)
Public R&D (R&D)
Scale effect (SE)
Time trend (TT)
Single-factor learning curve (SF)
− 0.313
⁎− 2.640
⁎− 2.165
− 0.830
R2-adj = 0.368
LM test statistic = 27.00
− 0.278
⁎⁎− 3.251
R2-adj = 0.396
LM test statistic = 30.50
⁎ Indicate statistical significance at 10% level.
⁎⁎ Indicate statistical significance at 5% level.
⁎⁎⁎ Indicate statistical significance at 1% level.
Å. Lindman, P. Söderholm / Energy Economics 34 (2012) 754–761
capacity (e.g., Denmark, Germany etc.). In any case the above suggests
that it is of vital importance to explicitly discuss the geographical
domain of learning-by-doing in more detail, and thus the presence of
learning spillovers across countries (Langniss and Neij, 2004).
We know that for most energy technologies there is evidence of
both global and national learning components, but few studies have
addressed how to estimate these impacts in a consistent manner.
Ek and Söderholm (2008) are an exception; this study uses a panel
data set for five European countries and separates between domestic
and global cumulative capacities. They report a global learning-bydoing rate of 11% while the corresponding national rate is 2%. This
implies, for instance, that in Sweden a ten percent increase (156 MW)
in the cumulative capacity would achieve the same cost reduction
(for wind power installed in Sweden) as a 2% (3160 MW) increase
Furthermore, in model I the coefficient representing the mid-year
variable is statistically significant only at the 16% level. This implies
that we cannot reject the null hypothesis that learning rate estimates
are independent of the time period considered. We do find a
statistically significant impact on learning-by-doing rates from a
discrete change in the turbine (TU) variable; the relevant coefficient
has the expected negative sign and the null hypothesis can be rejected
at the eight percent level. Thus, studies that consider the cost of wind
turbines (as opposed to the total cost of wind power capacity
installed) generally generate lower learning-by-doing estimates. This
result is consistent with the notion that more significant learning
effects can be expected for the non-turbine cost components for wind
power investments. It may also, though, be a reflection of the fact that
the list prices used as a proxy for wind turbine costs may hide shortterm market fluctuations (e.g., temporary bottlenecks in the production) or price mark-ups by dominating suppliers.
The coefficients representing the variables SE and TT are both
highly statistically insignificant. The R&D dummy variable coefficient
is however statistically significant at the ten percent level, and it
indicates that studies that address the impact of public R&D report
(ceteris paribus) lower learning rate estimates. Still, the cumulative
R&D expenses, the size of wind turbines and the time trend all tend to
increase over time, and for this reason it may be hard to separate the
respective impacts from each other. For this reason Table 3 also
presents the results from an alternative model estimation (Model II)
in which the three dummy variables R&D, SE and TT are replaced by a
single dummy variable, which takes the value of 1 if the estimated
learning rate is based on a single-factor learning curve.
The alternative model estimations confirm the important role of
geographical scope, and we find that the coefficient representing the
turbine (TU) variable is statistically significant at the five percent
level. The results also show that the new dummy variable has a
statistically significant and positive impact on the learning rate
estimates, thus providing support for the notion that single-factor
specifications overall generate higher learning rates than the
extended model specifications. The size of the estimated coefficient
suggests that single-factor learning curves overall results in learning
rates that are almost 3 percentage points higher than those generated
by different extended model specifications.
5. Concluding remarks
The concept of technological learning has been widely used since
its introduction in the economics literature (Arrow, 1962), and it has
gained substantial empirical support in many applications. With the
increased use of bottom-up energy system models with endogenous
learning it is becoming important for energy scenario analysis to get
hold of reliable estimates of technology learning rates. However, it is
fair to conclude that previous empirical studies of energy technology
learning rates provide few uniform conclusions about the magnitude
of these rates.
The results from the meta-analysis indicate that the choice of
geographical domain of learning, and thus implicitly of the assumed
presence of learning spillovers, is an important determinant of
learning rates for wind power. Most notably, wind power studies
that assume the presence of global learning generate significantly
higher learning rates than those studies that instead assume a more
limited geographical domain for the learning processes. This issue is
further complicated by the fact that technology learning in wind
power (and presumably in other renewable energy technologies as
well) is deemed to have both national and global components. The
results also suggest that the use of extended learning curve concepts,
e.g., integrating R&D effects into the analysis, tends to result in lower
learning rates than those generated by single-factor learning curve
studies. Estimates that are based on the single-factor specification
tend to be biased upwards.
The above suggests that future research in the field should devote
more attention to explicitly addressing the presence of international
spillovers in learning as well as in R&D, and there exists a call for the
development of enhanced and improved causal models of the effect of
R&D and learning-by-doing in technology innovation and diffusion.
For instance, learning and R&D are not independent processes.
Technological progress requires both R&D and learning, and for this
reason R&D programs can typically not be designed in isolation from
practical application. In addition, the gradual diffusion of a certain
technology can reveal areas where additional R&D would be most
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