Original article 2445
Sympathetic and cardiac baroreflex function in panic disorder
Elisabeth A. Lamberta , Jane Thompsona , Markus Schlaicha ,
Dominique Laudeb , Jean-Luc Elghozib , Murray D. Eslera and Gavin W. Lamberta
Background Recent reports have demonstrated increased
cardiac risk, and an association with essential
hypertension in patients with panic disorder. The cause is
not known, but possibly involves sympathetic nervous
activation. In this study, we evaluated the arterial
baroreflex control of vascular sympathetic nervous outflow
and cardiac baroreflex function in panic disorder patients.
Methods and Results We studied nine patients suffering
from panic disorder and ten healthy subjects.
Microneurographic recording of muscle sympathetic
nerve activity (MSNA) was made with simultaneous
recording of blood pressure (BP) and electrocardiogram
(ECG). The relationship between MSNA and spontaneous
diastolic BP (DBP) changes was assessed at rest and
was defined as the arterial baroreflex control of MSNA.
Cardiac baroreflex function was assessed using the
sequence method. Anxiety was assessed using
Spielberger’s anxiety state and trait inventory. The slopes
of the relationship between MSNA and DBP were more
negative (steeper) in the panic disorder group compared
with the control subjects (25.97 6 0.45 versus
23.06 6 0.43 bursts/100 heart beats per mmHg,
P < 0.001). Panic disorder patients had significantly higher
state and trait anxiety scores. The slope of the
relationship between MSNA and diastolic BP was
significantly related to the trait anxiety of the subjects.
There was no difference between the cardiac baroreflex
sensitivity between the two groups.
No more than 50% of clinical coronary heart disease is
explicable in terms of classic cardiac risk factors such as
high blood pressure (BP), dyslipidemia, cigarette smoking, obesity and diabetes. There exists a growing body
of evidence linking psychological abnormalities, particularly depressive illness [1–4] and anxiety states [5,6]
with clinical cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis
development [7]. Given the nature of the symptoms
accompanying a panic attack, such as: intense anxiety,
palpitations, chest pain, and hyperventilation, patients
often believe they are experiencing a heart attack but,
following clinical cardiac evaluation, are assured they
are not. However, recent studies indicate that anxiety
disorders, including panic disorder, are indeed accompanied by a significantly increased risk of sudden death
[5,6,8,9]. An association has recently also been estab0263-6352 & 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Conclusion Patients with panic disorder exhibit enhanced
reflex gain of the arterial baroreflex control of MSNA but no
change in the cardiac baroreflex. While any clinical
significance this observation might have in relation to
increased cardiac risk in panic disorder, or to concordance
with essential hypertension, remains to be elucidated,
increased reactivity of vasoconstricting sympathetic nerves
may be a trait characteristic in this cohort. J Hypertens
20:2445–2451 & 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Journal of Hypertension 2002, 20:2445–2451
Keywords: anxiety, baroreflex control, cardiac risk, microneurography, panic
disorder, sympathetic nervous system
Human Neurotransmitter Laboratory, Baker Heart Research Institute, PO Box
6492, St Kilda Road Central, Melbourne, Victoria 8008, Australia and b INSERM
E 0107, Faculte de Medecine, 15 rue de l Ecole de Medecine, 75270, Paris
Cedex 6, France.
Sponsorship: This work has been supported by an NHMRC block institute grant
to the Baker Heart Research Institute. M.S. is the recipient of a Research
Fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG. G.W.L. is supported
by an NHMRC Career Development Award and by a grant from the Rotary Health
Research Foundation.
Correspondence and requests for reprints to Elisabeth A. Lambert, Human
Neurotransmitter Laboratory, Baker Medical Research Institute, PO Box 6492,
St Kilda Road Central, Melbourne, Vic 8008, Australia.
Tel: 61 3 85321345; fax: 61 3 85321100;
e-mail: elisabeth.lambert@baker.edu.au
Received 27 June 2002 Revised 12 August 2002
Accepted 21 August 2002
See editorial commentary page 2347
lished between panic disorder and essential hypertension [10].
Although the mechanism of increased cardiac risk
attributable to panic disorder is at present uncertain,
the classic symptoms accompanying a panic attack are
consistent with some form of autonomic nervous dysfunction. Patients with panic disorder exhibit a more
pronounced heart rate response to orthostatic challenge
[11]. Yet, while power spectral analysis of cardiac
rhythms demonstrates reduced parasympathetic [12,13]
and increased sympathetic activities [14] in panic
disorder patients, plasma noradrenaline concentrations
have yielded conflicting results [11,15,16]. The resting
rate of spillover of noradrenaline to plasma from the
heart is normal in panic disorder patients and, in
response to laboratory mental stress, increases to the
2446 Journal of Hypertension 2002, Vol 20 No 12
To our knowledge, concurrent cardiac baroreflex and
arterial baroreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve
activity (MSNA) has not been documented in panic
disorder patients, but would merit some attention given
evidence linking anomalies in baroreflex function and
cardiac morbidity. The analysis of vagal reflexes has
significant prognostic value following myocardial infarction [18], and reduced heart rate variability has been
described in panic disorder patients [13,14]. Earlier
reports indicate that cardiac baroreflex modulation is a
central feature of the cardiovascular manifestations of
changes in arousal [19], and have demonstrated that
high levels of anxiety sensitivity are related to the
development of spontaneous panic attacks [20]. Indeed,
consistent with altered cardiac baroreflex function,
panic disorder patients have been observed to exhibit a
greater fall in BP and less bradycardia than controls
after injection of clonidine [21]. In this study, we
sought to further examine autonomic function in panic
disorder by concurrently examining the arterial baroreflex control of MSNA and cardiac baroreflex sensitivity
in response to spontaneous fluctuations in BP.
Nine patients with panic disorder (four female/five
male, aged 45 4 years; range, 29–57) and 10 healthy
control subjects (seven female/three male, aged 35 5
years; range, 19–58) participated in this study. Subjects
were recruited by local advertisement. Diagnosis of
panic disorder was made according to DSM-IV criteria
[22] and patients were included if they had more than
two panic attacks per month, no major depression
before the onset of the panic attacks, and no other
psychiatric or chronic medical illness. Patients were not
on any medication. The healthy subjects were recruited
by local advertisement and underwent a comprehensive
clinical and physical examination to screen for any
previously undiagnosed medical conditions prior to
their acceptance in the experimental protocol. Exclusion criteria included a history of major illness, previous
psychiatric therapy, cardiovascular disease, and current
drug medication. The research protocol conformed to
the relevant guidelines of the National Health and
Medical Research Council of Australia and was approved by the Alfred Hospital Human Research Ethics
Committee. All participants gave written informed
consent prior to their participation.
Experimental protocol
On the experimental day, Spielberger’s State-Trait
Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to assess the
anxiety proneness (trait anxiety) and the situational
anxiety (state anxiety) of each subject [23]. This was
administered immediately prior to the commencement
of the study. The STAI consists of two separate 20item questionnaires. The first required the respondent
to assess how they ‘generally feel’ (anxiety trait), while
the second questionnaire required subjects to report
the intensity of their feelings of anxiety ‘right now, at
this moment’ (anxiety state). Subjects rated their
degree of agreement with the 20 items on each questionnaire using a four-point Likert-type scale. Raw
scores thus potentially range from a minimum of 20 to
a maximum of 80 for each scale. Low scores indicate
low anxiety proneness on the ‘trait’ scale, and relative
calm on the ‘state’ scale. The construction and validity
of Spielberger’s inventory has been reviewed [23].
All studies were performed with subjects in the supine
position. BP was measured using either brachial artery
catheterization (eight patients in the panic group and
five in the control one) or using a Finapres BP monitor
positioned on the middle finger (model Datex-Ohmeda
2300). Resting Finapress BP was verified during the
experiment by brachial auscultation. Heart rate and
cardiac interval were determined from the lead III
electrocardiographic recording (ECG).
Muscle sympathetic nerve activity
Multiunit postganglionic sympathetic activity was recorded using microneurography in a muscle fascicle of
the peroneal nerve at the fibular head, as described
previously [24]. The needle was adjusted until satisfactory spontaneous MSNA was observed in accordance to
previously described criteria [25,26] (Fig. 1). The nerve
Fig. 1
BP (mmHg)
same extent observed in control subjects [17]. While
heart rate increases during panic attacks, BP responses
are less consistent [17].
Simultaneous recording of resting muscle sympathetic nerve activity
(MSNA), as assessed from microneurographic nerve recording of
impulses in the peroneal nerve, electrical activity of the heart (ECG)
and blood pressure (BP) recording in a 36-year-old subject suffering
from panic disorder. Note that the sympathetic bursts tend to occur
predominately during spontaneous BP reduction.
Baroreflex control in panic disorder Lambert et al.
signal was amplified (3 50 000), filtered (bandpass,
700–2000 Hz) and integrated. BP, ECG and MSNA
were digitized with a sampling frequency of 1000 Hz
(PowerLab recording system, model ML785/8SP; ADI
Instruments, Sydney, Australia). After an acceptable
nerve-recording site was obtained, resting measurements were performed over a 20-min period.
MSNA was expressed as burst frequency (bursts/min)
and burst incidence (bursts/100 heart beats). Relative
burst amplitude was calculated by attributing the value
of 100 to the largest burst that occurred during the
analysed period and expressing all other burst amplitudes as a percentage of the maximum burst.
Assessment of spontaneous arterial baroreflex control of
Over a 3 to 5 min resting period, diastolic pressures of
individual heart beats were grouped in intervals of
2 mmHg and, for each interval, the percentage of
diastoles associated with a sympathetic burst was
plotted against the mean of the pressure interval
(threshold diagram). Muscle sympathetic bursts were
advanced by 1.3 s to compensate for baroreflex delay
[27]. The threshold (T50 ) was defined as the diastolic
BP (DBP) at which 50% of the diastoles were associated with a burst, and the sensitivity or reflex gain
was defined as the slope of the regression line (Fig. 2).
Assessment of spontaneous cardiac baroreflex function
The sequence method of estimation of baroreflex
sensitivity has been described by Parati et al. [28]. This
procedure identifies the ‘spontaneous’ sequences of
three or more consecutive beats in which systolic BP
(SBP) progressively rose and cardiac interval progressively lengthened (type 1 sequences), or SBP progressively fell and cardiac interval progressively shortened
(type 2 sequences), with a lag of one beat. For each
sequence, the linear correlation coefficient between
cardiac interval and SBP was computed and the
sequence validated when r . 0.85. The slope between
cardiac interval and systolic BP was calculated for each
validated sequence. The percentage of beats involved
in such baroreflex sequences (%) and the average slope
were calculated for each recording.
Statistical analysis
All baseline variables between the groups were compared using a two-tailed unpaired t-test. Sympathetic
baroreflex relations were analysed by weighted linear
regression (by number of beats in each diastolic range).
P , 0.05 was considered significant. Values are reported
as mean SEM.
Demographic data, resting values of BP, heart rate,
MSNA and anxiety state and trait scores for the two
groups are presented in Table 1. No significant differences were observed for BP, heart rate or MSNA
between the patients and the control subjects. Patients
with panic disorder had significantly higher Spielberger
anxiety state and trait scores.
Arterial baroreflex control of MSNA
Fig. 2
There was a strong inverse relationship between
MSNA and DBP in all nine patients with panic
disorder and in nine of the 10 control subjects. Sympathetic baroreflex diagrams indicated that MSNA increased by 5.97 0.45% (R ¼ –0.90)/mmHg decrease
in DBP in the panic disorder patients. This was
significantly greater than that observed in the control
subjects where MSNA increased by 3.06 0.43%
(R ¼ –0.75)/mmHg reduction in DBP (P , 0.001, Fig.
3). The T50 was not different between the two groups
of subjects (72 4 mmHg in the group of patients with
panic disorder and 68 6 mmHg in the controls, P ¼
(bursts/100 heart beats)
r 0.94
Diastolic blood pressure
Example of diagrams describing the relationship between muscle
sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and spontaneous diastolic blood
pressure changes in one control subject.
The range of variation in DBP over the resting periods
was not different between the two groups (15 2 and
18 3 mmHg, P ¼ 0.43, in the panic disorder and
control groups, respectively). There occurred no difference in the slopes of the baroreflex diagrams between
the subjects when they were divided according to the
way their BP was assessed (radial artery versus Finapres). There was no relation between the slope and
age or gender of the subjects. In all subjects combined,
Spielberger’s anxiety trait scores (but not state scores)
2448 Journal of Hypertension 2002, Vol 20 No 12
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of panic disorder patients and controls
Panic disorder
n, (female/male)
Age (years)
Trait anxiety
State anxiety
BMI (kg/m2 )
SBP (mmHg)
DBP (mmHg)
HR (bpm)
MSNA (bursts/min1 )
MSNA (bursts/100 heart beats)
Median burst amplitude
P value (t test)
9 (4/5)
45 4 (29–57)
48 3
47 4
26 2
137 3
72 3
73 3
34 5 (11–51)
47 7 (14–69)
41 2
10 (7/3)
35 5 (19–58)
30 2
30 3
25 2
129 5
71 5
68 2
25 3 (12–46)
37 5 (23–74)
46 4
BMI, body mass index; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HR, heart rate;
MSNA, muscle sympathetic nerve activity.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Trait anxiety
6 5 4 3 2
Sympathetic baroreflex slope
Correlation between trait anxiety and the sympathetic baroreflex
sensitivity. Open circles, controls; closed circles, panic disorder
patients. P , 0.01, R ¼ 0.6.
P 0.001
Slope of the sympathetic baroreflex function in the panic disorder (PD)
patients and controls (CON) calculated from the baroreflex diagrams.
Units are percentage increase in muscle sympathetic nerve activity/
mmHg decrease in diastolic blood pressure.
were significantly related to the slope of the relationship between diastolic BP and MSNA (Fig. 4, P , 0.01,
R ¼ 0.6).
Cardiac baroreflex sensitivity
Altered cardiac baroreflex sensitivity was not evident in
panic disorder. There occurred no difference in the slope
of the cardiac baroreflex between the two groups (18 5
and 29 7 ms/mmHg, P ¼ 0.87 for the panic disorder
and control groups, respectively). The percentage of
beats involved in baroreflex sequences was 53 6% in
the panic disorder patients and 48 8% in the control
subjects (P ¼ 0.23). Anxiety state and trait scores bore no
association to cardiac baroreflex sensitivity.
Although acknowledged as distressing and disabling,
until recently anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder,
were not considered to constitute a risk to life. Kawachi
and colleagues [6], in their prospective examination of
over 30 000 male health professionals, found that subjects with a high level of phobic anxiety were at sixfold increased risk of developing fatal coronary heart
disease. The mechanism of increased cardiac risk in
panic disorder is uncertain, but autonomic dysregulation, such as to induce global increases in sympathoexcitation and possible genesis of ventricular
tachyarrhythmias, combined with coronary artery spasm
[29], are likely to be of prime importance. Our results
indicate that while resting sympathetic function appears normal in panic disorder [17] there occurs a
marked alteration in sympathetic baroreflex function
favouring substantially greater responses in sympathetic
nerve firing to spontaneous fluctuations in DBP. The
sensitivity of the sympathetic baroreflex is significantly
related to the underlying degree of anxiety proneness.
In this study, arterial baroreflex control of MSNA was
analysed by relating each spontaneous sympathetic
burst to the DBP of the heartbeat, during which the
burst was generated without recourse to utilizing
Baroreflex control in panic disorder Lambert et al.
vasoactive substances, such as phenylephrine or sodium
nitroprusside. While pharmacological interventions undoubtedly induce a more pronounced range in DBP,
such techniques may alter intracardiac pressure and
impact on cardiopulmonary receptor function [30]. Our
results were expressed as BP sensitivity for occurrence
of sympathetic bursts. Recently, Kienbaum and colleagues [31] demonstrated the utility and reproducibility
of this approach, with burst incidence providing a more
robust indicator of baroreflex control than burst amplitude alone, or burst amplitude and incidence in combination. The mean resting baroreflex gain (slope of the
relationship between MSNA and DBP) in their study
based on observations in 60 healthy subjects was
3.9% and was similar to that documented in the
present report. Differentiation of sympathetic nerve
burst strength and amplitude has previously been observed [32]. Indeed, Kienbaum et al. [31] postulated
that the baroreflex mechanisms regulating the incidence and strength of sympathetic bursts are not
identical and suggested that the modulation of each
occurs at two sites within the central nervous system.
BP recordings were obtained invasively from more
subjects with panic disorder than from controls thereby
raising the possibility that differences in methodology
may induce a bias in the estimation of the slope of the
sympathetic baroreflex function. Kienbaum et al. [31]
found that the relationship between cardiac intervals
and MSNA was also a good estimate of the sympathetic
baroreflex function. Although arterial baroreceptors primarily sense the BP-induced distension of the vessel
wall, the duration of the cardiac interval seems to
influence the occurrence of sympathetic bursts [31]. We
estimated the sympathetic baroreflex function by calculating the slope of the relationship between MSNA and
cardiac intervals [extracted from the electrocardiogram
(ECG) recordings] and found a steeper slope in panic
disorder subjects than controls (0.37 versus 0.27%,
P ¼ 0.017, data not shown). This observation is independent of any possible bias associated with BP recording methodology.
We found a direct relation between the slope of the
sympathetic baroreflex and the subjects’ trait anxiety.
Whether anxiety proneness impacts directly on brain
neurotransmission in panic disorder, so as to favour a
more pronounced sympathetic activation in response to
fluctuations in BP remains to be unequivocally demonstrated. While the principal neuronal circuitry involved
in the reflex regulation of the cardiovascular system
resides in the medulla, reciprocal connections between
the medulla, pons, midbrain and hypothalamus are
essential for the integration of behaviourally significant
responses [33]. Indeed, a degree of central dysfunction
within noradrenergic, serotonergic and amino acid neuronal pathways has been demonstrated in patients with
panic disorder. ª-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor
density in the brain stem appears diminished [34] and
brain noradrenergic activity may be augmented [35] in
patients with panic disorder. GABA plays a critical role
in the inhibitory projection between the caudal and
rostral ventrolateralmedulla; a projection believed to be
the key to the negative feedback homeostatic character
of the baroreceptor reflex arc [36]. Recent experimental
data support the hypothesis that GABA receptors are of
primary importance in determining the gain of the
sympathetic baroreflex control to the vasculature [37].
Whether decreased GABA receptor sensitivity or alterations in brain monoaminergic neurotransmission is
responsible for the alteration in baroreflex sensitivity in
panic disorder remains to be elucidated.
An association between essential hypertension and
panic disorder has recently been reported. Prevalence
of panic disorder was found to be approximately trebled
in patients with essential hypertension [10]. There are
some points of similarity in the neural pathophysiology
of both disorders. Adrenaline has been documented to
be a sympathetic nerve co-transmitter in both [17,38],
attributable it seems, to neuronal uptake of adrenaline
from plasma. Adrenaline sympathetic co-transmission in
essential hypertension has been taken to be evidence
that mental stress is operative in its pathogenesis [39].
Another point of similarity is the phenotypic evidence
of faulty neuronal re-uptake of noradrenaline present in
both [39]. In panic disorder (unpublished observations),
such an abnormality might augment arousal responses
in the heart in particular, such as to sensitise panic
sufferers to symptom development. There are, however, also pathophysiological areas of dissimilarity, a
case in point being elevation of sympathetic tone at
rest in essential hypertension [40,41] but not in panic
disorder [17]. Augmentation of the neural arterial
baroreflex in panic disorder, presented here, but not in
essential hypertension [42] is another difference.
The concept of psychosomatic heart disease has gained
a degree of credibility with the publication of a number
of reports indicating that anxiety disorders are accompanied by a significantly increased risk of sudden death
[5,6,8,9]. While a number of factors including altered
cardiac baroreflex sensitivity have been proposed to
account for the increased morbidity, direct evidence is
lacking. Moreover, the present study failed to demonstrate an impaired cardiac baroreflex function in patients
with panic disorder. Watkins et al. [43] demonstrated an
association between anxiety and reduced cardiac baroreflex control of heart rate in older individuals. Patients
with panic disorder exhibit a reduction in heart rate
variability [44] and a more pronounced diminution in BP
following clonidine administration [21]. Impaired autonomic function, as indicated by reduced heart rate
variability and/or decreased cardiac baroreflex function,
2450 Journal of Hypertension 2002, Vol 20 No 12
is evident in diabetes [45], hypertension [42] and heart
failure [46], conditions where the risk of cardiac mortality is major.
Whether altered sympathetic baroreflex function is
responsible for the increased cardiac risk associated
with panic disorder remains problematic. Indeed, increased arterial baroreflex gain may help to regulate the
BP more efficiently when patients experience a panic
attack. In support of our observation, Lucini et al. [47]
recently demonstrated that psychological stress in
healthy young students induces greater vascular, as
opposed to cardiac, responses to standing-induced
sympathetic excitation. In a large group of subjects,
Young et al. [48] demonstrated that subjects with a high
level of anxiety displayed less BP increase to mental
arithmetic than subjects with low or medium level of
anxiety. This finding suggests that a high level of
anxiety is accompanied by autonomic dysfunction,
which is in accordance with our observation that the
sensitivity of the baroreflex was related to the degree of
trait anxiety of the patients. While resting cardiac and
MSNA appears normal in panic disorder [17], we have
demonstrated a marked alteration in sympathetic baroreflex function, resulting in noticeable alterations in
MSNA in response to spontaneous fluctuations in DBP.
The ability of the baroreflex to modify heart rate
remained unaltered. This suggests that the differential
behaviour of the baroreflex control in panic disorder is
due to a central alteration limited to the sympathetic
nervous system. It must be emphasized that our finding
of altered sympathetic baroreflex control has been
demonstrated in patients between panic attacks and
free of significant demonstrable cardiovascular dysfunction. Patients experiencing episodic chest pain of
anginal quality during a panic attack may exhibit signs
of cardiac ischemia [29]. Whether the acute development of coronary artery spasm, combined with the
alteration in sympathetic control we describe, underpins the increased cardiovascular morbidity seen in
these patients remains conjectural but clearly warrants
further investigation.
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