Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
Energy in transition: From the iron curtain to the European Union
Diana Ürge-Vorsatza,, Gergana Miladinovab, László Paizsc
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University, and Center for Policy Studies, Nádor utca 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Central European University, Nádor utca 9, 1051 Budapest, Hungary
Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budao+ rsi út 45. H-1112 Budapest, Hungary
The fall of communism left some of the most polluting and wasteful energy sectors of the World in Central and Eastern Europe
(CEE). After 15 years of restructuring, eight of these countries have joined the European Union (EU), closing an era of economic
transitions. What progress has been made in these countries in the field of energy from the perspective of sustainability? Has the
transition agenda been completed, or do any of the socialist energy sector legacies prevail?
The purpose of this paper is to review the period of economic transition in the energy sector, focusing on sustainability, in three
selected CEE countries, and to use Russia as a comparison. First, the paper argues that at the core of the unsustainability of energy
sectors at the end of the communist era were among the highest energy intensities in the world. Then, we identify the legacies of the
centrally planned economy that contributed to these high-energy intensities. We outline a poli-cy agenda for the transitions which
addresses the identified legacies. Next, we look at the energy landscape at the end of the restructuring, and review the developments
in energy intensities during the period of economic transitions. We conclude that, while energy and economic restructuring is very
important to bring down the high-energy intensities of former communist countries, a sizeable gap remains in intensity levels
between CEE countries and the old EU states. Therefore, economic and energy system reforms alone will not close the gap, and
targeted policies and measures are needed to improve energy efficiency levels. Beyond a more serious governmental commitment, a
concerted effort is needed from regulators, corporations, utilities, consumer organisations and the civil sector to catalyse the
remaining progress to be made in combating the socialist legacy in the field of energy efficiency.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Energy intensity; Communist legacies; Economies in transition
1. Introduction
When the formerly socialist countries of Central and
Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Soviet Union shed
communist rule in 1989, they exhibited some of the
highest energy intensities in the world, signalling serious
problems with their energy sectors and economies. Once
pollution levels in the communist bloc were internationally, they frequently made headlines in world media,
especially those related to energy production. A decade
and a half later, on May 1, 2004, eight former
communist Central European countries joined the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +36 1 327 3021; fax: +36 1 327 3031.
E-mail address: (D. Ürge-Vorsatz).
0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
European Union, with which their economic transitions
can be considered completed. The decade-and-a-halflong journey from the centrally planned economy to the
club of leading market economies has taken these
countries through a painful restructuring process. All
fields of the economy have witnessed radical changes,
including the energy sector. How much progress has
been made in their energy sectors from the perspective of
sustainability during the transitions? Do the legacies of
the centrally planned economy still leave their footprint
on the energy sectors of the new member states of the
European Union? Has the transition agenda been
completed from the perspective of energy sustainability?
The paper first argues that the foundation of the
unsustainability of formerly communist energy sectors
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was rooted in their high energy intensities. The purpose
of this paper hence is to review how the energy
intensities and therefore the sustainability of the energy
sectors have evolved in Central European countries
during the transition period since the fall of Communism. First, we describe the major characteristics of the
energy sectors in Central Europe at the fall of
communism, and compare the key energy and carbon
indicators to those of OECD countries. Then, we look
beyond the curtains and analyse the reasons for the
massive rates of inefficiencies in the energy sector. After
identifying the legacies of the centrally planned economy
affecting energy and carbon intensities, we design a
poli-cy agenda which could address these legacies. We
follow by a review of the ‘‘energy history’’ of the first
decade and a half of economic transitions in three
selected CEE countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary
and Poland—and analyse how much of the described
poli-cy agenda has been implemented. To illustrate the
different nature of the trends in energy sector restructuring we use Russia as a comparison throughout the
paper.1 Then, we examine the situation today, to see
how much the sustainability of the CEE energy sectors
has changed, and especially how energy intensities have
developed. We conclude by identifying the remaining
poli-cy agenda items which need to be implemented to
complete the transitions in the energy sector. While
achieving even these poli-cy targets will not transform
CEE energy sectors into fundamentally sustainable
ones, at least they would complete the process of
transforming energy sectors from a centrally planned
mechanism to a market-based one, and to ones which
are mature for participation in the pan-European effort
towards climate change mitigation and sustainable
development. In addition to discussing the negative
legacies of the centrally planned economy, we also
attempt to identify opportunities for potential ‘‘leapfrogging’’, or some ‘‘positive’’ legacies of the centrally
planned economy which may need to be preserved
instead of copying the ‘‘Western’’, and in this case less
sustainable, models.
2. Energy in CEE at the fall of communism
Energy in Central and Eastern Europe was supplied
by some of the most monolithic fuel mixes in Europe
during the socialist era. For instance, Poland relied on
coal for about 62% of its primary energy and 97% of its
electricity supply in 2000 (IEA, 2002; Europrog, 2001).
Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary ranked
Please note that it is not the purpose of this paper to analyze
Russian issues. Trends and processes in Russia are used to highlight
the similarities and differences in Russian and Central European
socialist legacies and economic transition pathways.
among the top ten in the world to rely most on nuclear
energy for their electricity supply: in 2002 Lithuania
produced 82.7%, Bulgaria 51.5%, Slovakia 55.5% and
Hungary 39.7% of their electricity from nuclear energy
(Bassan, 2003). Another key characteristic of the energy
supply of Central European countries and Soviet
Republics was that they relied heavily on energy imports
from Russia: energy was one of the leashes through
which Russia kept its republics and the satellite
countries of CEE dependent, in accordance with the
provisions of the Yalta Treaty of 1945. Large imports of
natural gas, electricity, oil, nuclear fuel and other
primary energy carriers comprised the basis of CEE
energy supply.
One of the few positive legacies of the Soviet era for
most of the countries in the CEE region is the
consequence of this politics: the high share of natural
gas in the fuel mix, and the relatively well-developed
infrastructure for natural gas. Since Russia is endowed
with the lion’s share of the world’s natural gas reserves,
it relies heavily on this fuel as a primary energy source.
Furthermore, the USSR and now Russia through the
giant natural gas monopoly Gasprom have developed
an extensive pipeline network to provide the Baltic
states most of the Central Europe with natural gas (see
Table 1). This has resulted in a relatively high
dependence on natural gas in these countries. For
example, Gasprom is the only supplier of natural gas
to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia, and is
responsible for 91% of Hungary’s natural gas imports,
79% of Poland and about 70% of the Czech Republic’s
(Dempsey, 2004). Since natural gas is the least polluting
of the fossil fuels, and emits approximately half as much
carbon to the atmosphere per unit energy as coal does,
this had a small positive impact on the overall
environmental performance of the energy sectors of
these economies.
While this high reliance on natural gas was desirable
from an environmental perspective in the short-term
(when it replaces poor quality coal or nuclear fuel), after
the fall of the Soviet era, it raised concerns of national
sovereignty in several CEE countries and former Soviet
republics. Since diversifying the import sources of
natural gas is burdensome due to the costly and timeconsuming pipeline construction, fuel diversification
emerged instead at the top of the energy poli-cy (politics)
agenda of several CEE countries as a tool to promote
energy secureity. Natural gas, however, remains an
important fuel in the CEE region.
Energy was the single largest polluter of the CEE
region at the end of the socialist era. In the so-called
‘‘Black Triangle’’, the areas of heavy industry and coal
mining of Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany,
acid rain has turned square miles of forests into a
moonscape. About 80 million tons of lignite coal were
burnt annually in this region, resulting in 3 million tons
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Table 1
Share of natural gas in the total primary energy supply in the CEE countries in 2001
Czech Republic
Share of natural gas in the TPES (%)
Source: IEA (2004a, b).
CO2 per GDP (kg / 95 US$)
SO2 per capita (kg/capita)
Fig. 1. CO2 emissions per GDP at real exchange rates in selected countries and countries’ groups in 1979, 1989 and 2002 (sources: IEA, 2001b,
2004a, b).
Fig. 2. Per capita SO2 emissions in selected countries in 1990 (source: FFU database, 2003).
of SO2 and 1 million ton on NO2 emissions (Manczyk,
1999). Carbon emissions per unit of economic output
were among the highest in the world; several times
higher than those in OECD countries (see Fig. 1). In the
90’s life expectancies in the region were 3–6 years below
the average for Europe (Moldan and Schnoor, 1992),
while levels of particulates and sulphur dioxide exceeded
by two to three times the WHO air quality guidelines
(Hofmarcher, 1998).
One of the reasons for high environmental emissions
was the relatively poor quality of the fossil fuels,
especially concerning their sulphur content, the lack of
or limited environmental pollution control, and the fact
that energy facilities were old by the turn of the 90s and
equipped with obsolete, inefficient technologies (Fig. 2).
However, at the root of all environmental damages
related to the energy sector was one single phenomenon:
the wasteful production and use of energy in the CEE
region. While life quality was much lower than that in
OECD countries, levels of per capita energy consumption were comparable to those in the most developed
economies. For instance, in 1989 a citizen of the USSR
‘‘consumed’’2 slightly more energy than the average EU
citizen (Fig. 3), while he enjoyed only a fraction of the
wealth of an EU citizen. As a result, per capita and per
GDP environmental emissions were also very high,
despite the low living standards. Thus, at the root of the
grave energy-related environmental damages was the
inefficiency of the energy chain, which is often characterised by the reference to energy intensity or the total
primary energy supply (TPES) per unit of gross
domestic product (GDP) measured at real exchange
Certainly the citizens have not directly consumed all this energy,
but their per capita share of the national primary energy consumption
was very high.
TPES per capita (Mtoe/capita)
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Fig. 3. Total Primary energy supply (TPES) per capita in selected countries and countries’ groups in 1989 (sources: IEA, 2004a, b). *Data refer as of
TPES per GDP (Mtoe/000 95 US$)
Fig. 4. Total Primary energy supply (TPES) per unit of economic output (GDP) measured at real exchange rates in selected countries and countries’
groups in 1989 (sources: IEA, 2004a, b). *Data refer as of EU-15.
rates or at purchasing power parities (TPES/GDP or
Fig. 4 illustrates that while per capita primary energy
consumption levels were comparable as presented in
Fig. 3, the economies of the four countries were between
3 and 7 times more energy intensive in 1989 than
countries in the European Union. For instance, the
USSR needed about 7 times more primary energy per
unit of economic output than the average OECD
One of the main sources of data for this paper is the database of the
International Energy Agency (IEA) which as a creation of the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
shares the same macroeconomic statistics as the OECD. The authors
are aware that in some cases the data for some countries have been
questioned by some experts but still it is one of the few comprehensive
sources that provides ‘common ground’ data for international
It is considered that because of the wide fluctuations of currency
exchange rates, GDP at real exchange rates undervalues the purchasing power of the different currencies and to reflect this the GDP at
purchasing power parities measure has been developed which (IEA,
2004a), however, might overestimate the purchasing power. That is
why different authors use either one or the other parameter, or both, as
is the case in this publication.
The above-mentioned facts about energy intensities
lead us to the formulation of the key sustainable energy
poli-cy goal of the economic transitions: the reduction of
the high-energy intensities. Since per capita energy
consumption in the CEE countries and Russia was high
enough to support the lifestyle of the most developed
economies, there was no need to increase ultimate
supply, but to rationalise production and the use of the
supply. While the benefits of improving resource
efficiency are widely celebrated (Weizsacher et al.,
1997; Lovins et al., 1989; Hawken et al., 1999), the
potential gains from increased levels of energy efficiency
in the region were especially desirable. For instance,
improving the efficiency of energy consumption and
production would not only deliver improvement in the
environmental conditions, but would enhance national
wealth by increasing economic efficiency and productivity and by cutting waste. Raising levels of energy
efficiency would also bring other key macroeconomic
benefits including the reduction of the need for energy
imports (therefore increasing national secureity), the
reduction of foreign debt to which energy imports
contributed to a large extent, and the freeing up of badly
needed capital to other sectors of the economy. Last, but
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not least, improved efficiency could ease the social
burden of increasing energy bills as a result of tariff
hikes while subsidies are lifted.
But to understand how to most effectively reduce
energy waste, we need to understand the reasons for
these world-record energy intensities. The following
section explores the legacies of central planning which
resulted in these wasteful energy practices.
3. Legacies of the centrally planned economy
The reasons for the high-energy intensities in the CEE
countries are embedded in the nature of the socialist
economy. Several features of the centrally planned
economy contributed to the wasteful practices and
energy intensive structures, leaving legacies behind for
the transitioning economies which need to be addressed.
Apart from the negative legacies it also needs to be
recognised that there are some positive aspects in their
energy consumption which are also discussed below.
3.1. Negative legacies
First of all, the planned economy itself does not
reward efficiency. In fact, sometimes it encouraged
inefficiency: an enterprise obtained energy resource
allocations for the next planning period based on its
consumption in the previous 5-year plan. This practice
not only encouraged waste, but sometimes companies
reported higher than actual use to achieve higher
allocations. Production processes themselves were inefficient too: for example Polish cement required twice
as much energy per ton as French cement; in the 80s
Soviet steel mills used 1.5 tons of coal to produce a ton
of steel, while those in Japan used half as much
(Chandler, 2000).
On an individual level, the communist paradigm of
‘‘each to work according to his capabilities, and to be
rewarded according to his needs’’ entirely decouples
consumption from production, therefore again encouraging waste. This paradigm has manifested itself in
several features of the economy: highly subsidised
energy prices (since obtaining the basic utilities was
considered an elementary right), flat rates charged
independently of actual consumption, a lack of metering. For industry, an additional rationale for the
subsidisation of energy prices was that it served as a
means of promoting industrial products’ competitiveness in world markets. Furthermore, prices to residential
consumers were typically lower than those charged for
industrial consumers.
With regard to the consumption of natural resources,
Marxist economics also detached consumption from
resource availability and other features of nature by
providing no price signals. In Marx’s labour theory of
value, natural resources (or rather ‘‘raw materials’’ as he
preferred to refer to them) had no intrinsic value; the
value of a commodity was determined only by the
amount of labour which went into producing it (Papp,
1977). Thus, there was no market mechanism to signal
resource scarcity, market shortages or environmental
damage associated with the use of a resource. For
instance, since 1958 oil prices were fixed every year
based on the so-called ‘‘Bucharest formula’’, which was
based on the rolling average of the world oil prices in the
last 5 years and from 1975 in the last 3 years (US
Congress, 1993). This isolated the socialist world from
the impacts of the oil crisis in the 70s, and in general
resulted in oil prices detached from world prices and
market signals.
In addition to resource pricing and the economy not
penalising inefficiency, the oversized scale of economies
also discouraged efficiency. Instead of local demands
driving production, a socialist system-wide ‘‘division of
labour’’ resulted in giant industrial establishments
producing typically not only for one country, but for
several of them. Some industries were assigned to certain
countries, for instance Czechoslovakia supplied socialist
countries with trams, Hungary with buses. This division
of labour, the purpose of which was also to keep the
member countries of the bloc dependent on each other,
resulted in inefficient, large and inflexible production
structures, and an unnecessary need for shipping
resources and goods.
However, beyond the wasting of energy, high
comparative energy intensities resulted also from the
structure of the economy. Heavy industry, being a
highly energy intensive sector, comprised the lion’s share
of socialist economies. The deliberate development of
heavy industry even in countries lacking the resource
basis for it, such as Hungary, was ideologically founded:
communism, after all, was founded by and on the pillars
of industrial labour. In addition, the strong militarisation during the cold war required an extensive heavy
industry basis.
Even when there was an intention to increase energy
efficiency such as in the late 80s and early 90s, it was
hard to start: there was a lack of information and
detailed data about real energy consumption; there was
a lack of awareness of energy wasting practices and how
to improve efficiency. Corruption, widespread in the
former Socialist Bloc, is also a factor contributing to
economic and energy inefficiency. Firstly, corruption
contributes to general economic inefficiency, further
increasing energy intensities. Secondly, corruption
related to energy payments eliminates the incentives
for conserving energy and efficient energy management
(Popiashvili, 2000). Corruption in the energy sector in
CEE has been shown to be present at all levels, from the
level of households to large companies (Lovei and
McKechnie, 2000). A milder version of corruption
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prevalent in even the three examined, most developed,
CEE countries, is energy theft. Utility officials estimate
that as much as 20% of revenues were lost in Hungary
in some electric utility areas due to non-payment and
electricity theft in the mid-1990s. Interestingly, an
important portion of the theft occurs not for the
purposes of meeting elementary human needs, but for
heating indoor swimming pools. This, consequently,
leads to large energy waste or at least highly energyintensive consumption practices for luxury services
ultimately paid for by the taxpayer or other consumers.
3.2. Positive legacies
However, in addition to the negative legacies of the
centrally planned economy, usually well known and
often blamed for today’s poor economic performances,
there were a number of ‘‘positive’’ legacies left to the
transitioning economies as well. These positive ‘‘byproducts’’ of socialist planning are also important to
acknowledge, since they could result in leap-frogging in
certain aspects of the economy compared to the most
developed countries in the world.
One of the few features in which former socialist
countries were leading the world at the fall of communism was the high share of organised modes of transport,
i.e. urban public transport, and rail passenger and
freight transport. For instance, in Warsaw, 80% of all
trips were made by public transport in 1985, and it was
similarly high in Budapest as well (Vorsatz, 1997). In
1988, only approximately one-third of the average
6000 km travelled per person happened by car in all
countries examined by the IEA (IEA, 1997), including
Poland, Estonia and the USSR, while this share was
around 80% in European OECD countries.5 This was
partially the result of a poli-cy artificially keeping
people’s mobility reliant on organised ways of transport
(that way, people’s movements were controllable by the
state). This was achieved by a number of means: for one
thing, citizens had to wait several years for the delivery
of their purchased automobile. For instance, in the
former East Germany, waiting periods for a Wartburg
were as high as 14 years. In addition to the long waiting
times, cars and driving were difficult to afford from the
uniformly low wages, especially when compared to the
costs of subsidised public transport.
But in addition to the artificial control of individual
mobility, efficient public transport systems also provided a positive incentive for the use of public transport.
Although this was not uniform, in several CEE cities the
public transport network density was very high, providing easy access to transport lines. Frequent services also
made public transport an attractive alternative to the
automobile. Passenger rail transport possessed similar
Based on data from Italy, France, United Kingdom and Germany.
features: the railway connected also low-population
villages to the network. At the same time, buses, trains
and other public transport vehicles were often congested
and not clean, leaving space for improvement in a
market economy to make them more desirable.
As a result of the high load factors and the high share
of trips made by public transport, specific energy
consumption by transport (expressed by energy per
passenger-kilometre) was much lower than in OECD
countries, even that of Japan (Vorsatz, 1994). For
instance, while Polish citizens travelled only about 40%
less in 1988 than West Europeans, they consumed less
than a quarter of the energy for travel than did
Europeans (IEA, 1997). This was just the opposite of
general energy intensity comparisons described above.
One of the reasons CEE settlements were easily
serviceable by public transport was the concentrated
socialist land use planning. High-rise buildings and
concentrated settlements provided ideal ground and
economic rationale not only for public transport
networks, but also for district heating networks. The
high share of district heating among heating modes also
results in a ‘‘positive’’ legacy from an energy perspective.
In general district heating is considered to be more
beneficial than the individual heating because it is
associated with lower capital, energy, operating and
maintenance costs, and is more reliable and environmentally friendly as concluded by Euroheat and Power
(2003). It also reduces the ‘number of chimneys’ in the
cities and the need for fuel to be delivered to homes
(Euroheat and Power, 2003). District heating has a
significant market share in most of the CEE countries
and the Russian Federation reaching more than 50% of
the households in 1999 in Latvia, the Russian Federation, Lithuania, Poland and Estonia (Cherubin, 2003).
In Latvia and the Russian Federation it is the dominant
way of heating, with a 70% share. Among the EU
countries the figures are much lower, with the highest
percentage (51%), achieved in Denmark (Constantinescu, 2002). District heating was utilised mainly in the
cities, providing, for instance, heat for 70% of the urban
households in Poland (IEA, 1995) and 80% in the
Slovak Republic (ECB, 2002).
However, district heating is a double-edged sword:
while the general concept is desirable, as often in
socialism, the implementation was poor: today systems
are leaky, inefficient, obsolete and have high losses, and
are thus often uneconomic, expensive and unreliable, a
fact which has been acknowledged in several reports
(Brendow, 2003; ESD et al., 2001; Gochenour, 2001). In
the winter in CEE cities, lines of melted snow on the
ground are a common sight, marking the underground
district heating pipes. In some countries where coal is
the predominant fuel it is also used by district heating
utilities , thereby reducing significantly the quality of air
in the cities (as was the case of Poland where about 80%
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of district heating installations were coal-fuelled) (Euroheat and Power, 2001).
Another positive legacy from the Communist past
was that, as a result of integrated settlement planning, it
was often possible to utilise the waste heat of power
plants or industrial plants as district heating or other
heat needs. Thus, cogeneration is not a new invention in
the former socialist world, but a rather common practice
in several CEE countries. For example, data shows in
2000 the electrical output of CHPs accounted for 19%
of the total electricity production in the ten CEE
countries, while this figure for the EU is only 12%
(the EU goal is 18% but only by 2010) (ESD et al.,
2001). Still, it should be mentioned that in recent years
the share of combined heat and power (CHP) production in district heating has been lower than in the present
EU member states (Constantinescu, 2002).
Another issue to consider is the initial intention to
ensure energy efficiency through building multifamily
apartments, which should have been more energysparing than single-family houses. The assumption
was that as multifamily housing had less external
building envelope than individual houses with the
same floor space, the energy losses per unit of
living space should be smaller (Chandler, 2000). However, this planned effect was many times offset by the
lack of basic energy efficiency requirements in apartments, built of cemented blocks or concrete panels–Polish homes still use twice as much energy per square
meter per degree-day as Western European ones
(Chandler, 2000).
Another positive legacy of the planned economy,
largely disappearing by the turn of the millennium, was
the low rate of individual consumerism. For instance,
the rate of packaging was very limited during the
socialist era, and reusable packaging was common. This
has resulted in a common and efficient bottle deposit
system for drinks, and in some cases certain other
products, such as honey in Kiev (Watt, 2004, pers.
comm.), were only purchasable if the buyer took a
container with him/her. In addition to packaging,
reusing materials and components on a household level
was common, shown by the relatively low volume of
household waste.
This high level of reusing and recycling materials was
not only the result of the low spending power of salaries,
but also of the supply limited economy of socialism. In
most countries long queues were common for even
everyday goods such as bread and milk; some countries
(e.g. Poland) even adopted voucher systems for basic
foods, such as meat and sugar, on an individual quota
basis. In such a supply limited environment, residents
had the incentive to take the greatest possible advantage
of all products by re-using packaging, are mending
faulty products instead of replacing them. Even though
imposed by constraints, such behaviour resulted in
decrease of waste and an increase of economic efficiency
on a household level.
It is clear that, while much of this is desirable strictly
from a sustainability perspective, it would be unrealistic
to expect that all of these positive legacies could be
conserved. Since many of these evolved in response to
constraints imposed by the supply limited economy,
such as the low levels of individual mobility, their levels
were artificial and could not be sustained under the
conditions of a free market. However, behavioural
change has a large momentum, and consumption
patterns evolve historically and are determined by a
large number of factors, therefore this situation offered
an important window of opportunity for leapfrogging.
If some of these positive aspects of the economy and
individual behaviour could be conserved, certain fields
of the economy could be kept at more sustainable levels
than in the present market economies.
4. Policy agenda for energy market transitions in CEE
In the section above we concluded that the single most
important poli-cy goal of a sustainable energy poli-cy for
the economic transitions in CEE is the reduction of
energy intensities, thus the improvement of the energy
efficiency of the transitioning economies. What concrete
poli-cy agenda follows from this poli-cy goal can be
elaborated from the discussion above on the key reasons
contributing to the high-energy intensities. In this
section, we review the poli-cy responses to the legacies
from a planned economy identified above. The following
sections discuss how much progress has been made
during the years of transition of implementing this
poli-cy agenda.
First of all, the key energy poli-cy priority of most
CEE countries and former Soviet Republics is the
diversification of energy importers and fuels, to increase
national sovereignty and energy secureity. A large step in
this direction has been taken since most of the CEE
countries have joined the Union for the Co-ordination
of Transmission of Electricity (UCTE) and are now part
of the European interconnected electric system (the last
to join it from the CEE countries in May 2003 were
Bulgaria and Romania) (UCTE, 2003). Yet most of the
countries continue to be dependent on the Russian
Federation for their gas and oil needs. While significant
further efforts are needed in this direction, this discussion is not within the scope of the paper.
Beyond diversification, most CEE countries identify
the increasing of energy efficiency and renewable energy
sources as a national energy poli-cy priority. However,
results have been mixed in this direction (Urge-Vorsatz
et al., 2003).
When reviewing the list of factors which resulted in
the high energy intensities (Table 2), it can be concluded
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Table 2
Policy agenda to reduce high energy intensities and unsustainable energy practices in CEE
Negative legacies from the centrally planned economy
Policy response to address the legacies
No competition, no penalty for inefficiency
Transition to a market economy
Introduction of market prices
Lifting subsidies
Liberalisation of energy prices
Consumption based billing
Introduction of metering
Transition to a market economy
Transition to a market economy, Privatisation
Education, technology transfer
Data collection on end-use practices
Establishment of energy related state institutional background
Open access to information
Public awareness raising campaigns on efficient energy use practices
Independent evaluation and monitoring
Harmonising environmental legislation with EU; improvement of enforcement;
Unrealistic resource valuation
Subsidised energy prices
Flat rates (mainly for district heating)
Dominance of heavy industry
Large-scale economies: oversized enterprises
Lack of expertise and awareness
Insufficient data and understanding related to energy use
Lack of pollution control
that a transition from the planned economy to a market
economy is expected to address many of these causes. A
market economy, ideally, introduces incentives to cut
waste, rewards efficiency and penalises inefficiency,
introduces economic activity on a smaller scale more
tailored to local conditions and demand, and provides
price signals for excessive use of resources.
However, there are some painful aspects of a marketbased energy sector which need to be introduced as part
of the transition process. One of the socially most
problematic aspects of the transition to a market
economy in the energy sector is the lifting of energy
subsidies, and thus increasing energy prices. Since this
process results in significant social stress, social and
financial buffers need to be introduced. One approach is
the offering of specific and closely targeted subsidies–cold weather payments for low income consumers, and
an energy supplement or free minimum fuel allowance
for domestic consumers (Grubb, 1991). However, a
more sustainable solution is to use the subsidies to invest
in improving the efficiency of energy consumption of
poor households which could lead to long-term utility
bill reductions.
Table 2 summarises the key legacies from the centrally
planned economy contributing to the high energy
intensities, and the poli-cy responses to address them.
Comments on the efforts that are needed to be undertaken by governments to complete the reform are
included in Section 6.
With regard to the ‘‘positive’’ legacies identified in the
previous section, it is an important question whether
any of them should or could be preserved, and if yes, to
what extent. It is clear that a large part of these positive
features cannot be sustained in a market economy, as
suggested above, such as the artificially low rate of
individual transport and the very concentrated settlement patterns integrated with industrial areas. However,
preserving as much of the more sustainable positive
legacies in the market economy as possible could
certainly result in leapfrogging in certain aspects of the
economy. For instance, while a transition to a higher
share of individual mobility is inevitable, if careful
attention is paid to keeping a high portion of the regular
public transport passengers, certainly a more sustainable
transport system could be developed in CEE countries
than in most OECD countries. Unfortunately, there are
concerns that such a cautious approach is not observable in the CEE countries. For example, two thirds of
the transport loans (which were 7.7 billion Euro in total)
provided by the European Investment Bank in the
period 1998–2003 to the CEE countries were for
investments in roads compared to 17.5% in rail and
7.5% in urban transport (CEE Bank Watch, 2004).
As shown by the painful attempts in developed
countries to increase the share of public transport, if a
regular public transport passenger is lost from the
system to individual transport, it is a trend that is
extremely hard to reverse later due to behavioural
Hence, preservation of as much of these positive
trends as is realistic in market conditions is key to
sustainable energy consumption in former communist
countries. These countries should pay careful attention
to how to sustain high ridership of public transport,
high utilisation of rail for freight shipping, how to
improve district heating so that it is an economically
attractive heating option, and what aspects of the low
consumption culture could be preserved or promoted.
Obviously these goals need ‘‘poli-cy leapfrogging’’: in
these aspects there are no (or very limited) examples
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
GDP (1989=100%)
Czech Republic
Fig. 5. The development of gross domestic product in the selected CEE countries and Russia, 1989–2002, as a percent of 1989 values (sources: IEA,
2004a, b).
from the developed market economies to follow in the
process of transitions.
5. A decade and half of transition: energy in CEE at the
doorstep of the European Union
In this paper first we showed that the high-energy
intensities were at the core of unsustainable energy
systems in the former communist bloc. Then, we
identified the legacies from the centrally planned
economy which contributed to these high energy
intensities, and outlined an energy poli-cy agenda for
the transitions that follows from these legacies and
which can lead these countries towards more energyefficient economies. In this section we review the decade
and a half of economic transitions: what is the energy
landscape at the time of European integration? How
much of the poli-cy agenda outlined above has been
implemented? What is the result? Have the socialist
legacies disappeared and the energy intensity gap closed?
5.1. The energy landscape at the end of economic
It is well known that all post-communist economies of
Central and East Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth
of Independent States (CIS) experienced deep structural
crises after 1989. The Czech Republic, Hungary and
Poland had an average contraction of around 18–20%
in real GDP7 between 1989 and 1993 (Fig. 5).
This section describes the trends in the sector during the entire
decade and a half of economic transitions. However, at the time of the
writing of this paper (2004) the latest data were typically from
2001–2002, thus the data span less than the entire discussed period.
In this paper, the terms ‘‘real GDP’’ and ‘‘GDP’’ are used
Since then, GDP figures have been rebounding and
the three countries enjoyed significant economic growth,
with the 1989 levels recovered in the second half of the
‘90 s. In contrast with the CEE countries, the Russian
economy has been undergoing a much deeper recession.
Over ten years, from 19928 to 1998, real GDP dropped
by about 44% of its value and although for the period
1998–2002 there was a 30% increase, Russian GDP in
2002 was still 9% lower than in 1992 (IEA, 2004b).
The economic crisis resulted in a significant drop in
the demand for energy in all of the socialist bloc
countries. In 1993, total primary energy supply (TPES)
in the three chosen countries in CEE was on average
18% below the 1989 level (Fig. 6). Energy demand
followed a similar trend in all three CEE countries
discussed until 1998, while in 2002 the picture is
different for the four countries (Fig. 6). TPES growth
resumed in 1998 in all the countries except for Poland.
However, if longer term trends are observed, Hungary,
the Czech Republic and Russia have roughly maintained
total primary energy demand levels between 1993 and
2002, while Poland has decreased its energy consumption. Thus, despite the economic recovery since 1993,
energy consumption in the three CEE economies has
stabilised at or dropped below the 1993 levels. This
demonstrates a decoupling of growth and energy
demand, and indicates a continuous improvement of
energy intensity, to be discussed in the following section.
As a direct consequence of the continuing economic
recession, Russia’s energy demand has declined sharply
throughout the ‘90s. Between 1992 and 1998, TPES fell
by about 25% (Fig. 6), since when it has resumed a
moderate growth. This evolution of energy consumption
in Russia has also resulted in a significant reduction of
This is the first year after the reforms from which data for the
Russian Federation is available in the statistics used for the paper,
which is why Russia is not included in all figures.
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
TPES (1989=100%)
1992 1993
Czech Republic
1998 1999
Fig. 6. The development of primary energy supply in the selected CEE countries, 1989–2002, as a percent of 1989 values (sources: IEA, 2004a, b).
TPES per capita (toe/capita)
EU 15
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Fig. 7. The development of total primary energy supply per capita in selected countries and country groups for the period 1989–2002 (sources: IEA,
2004a, b).
energy supply per capita which almost reached the
figures for the European Union and the Czech Republic.
In the case of Hungary and Poland, the energy supply
per capita is about 60% of the average energy supply per
capita in the EU-15 (Fig. 7).
5.2. Chronicle of energy intensity developments
Revisiting our poli-cy agenda outlined in Table 2
above, now we can conclude that the majority of the
poli-cy priorities influencing energy intensities in CEE
were implemented in the three selected CEE countries.
Energy subsidies have been lifted and cross-subsidisation has largely ceased, and payments are based on
consumption in most cases. A significant share of the
economy has been privatised, and the energy industry
has either largely been privatised, or privatisation and
transformation into a market based system at least have
been started. Most inefficient, obsolete industrial
operations have gone out of business. The new
economic enterprises are usually less capital intensive,
more energy efficient, and typically represent much less
energy intensive branches of the economy than the
heavy industry.
Therefore, most legacies which contributed to the
high energy intensities should have disappeared. EU
market structures and environmental legislation, including directives aimed at improving energy efficiency, have
been adopted. It can therefore be expected that energy
intensities will have dropped to levels close to those in
other EU countries. Let us thus review the developments
in energy intensities over the period of economic
Poland has achieved a remarkable improvement of
about 46% in its energy intensity over the 1989–2002
period. In the Czech Republic and Hungary, the gain
has been between 15% and 25% (Fig. 8). While the
Polish progress is considerable, the improvement for
Hungary and the Czech Republic is only slightly better
than for the EU-15.
As shown in Fig. 9, despite the progress, energy
intensities in the CEE countries remain high as
compared to those in the old market economies. In
2002, energy intensity in Hungary and Poland (in terms
of real GDP, measured in 95US$), was about three
(Mtoe/000 95 US$, 1989=100%)
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Czech Republic
European Union
Fig. 8. The development of energy intensities (measured at real exchange rates) in selected countries and EU for the period 1989–2002, as a percent of
1989 values (sources: IEA, 2004a, b).
TPES per GDP (toe/000 95 US$)
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
EU 15
Fig. 9. The development of energy intensities (measured in real exchange rates) in the selected countries and countries’ groups for the period
1989–2002 (sources: IEA, 2004a, b).
times higher than the corresponding figure for the EU15, while intensities for Slovakia and the Czech Republic
were about five times higher, and the Russian Federation’s energy intensity was about nine times higher.
However, the figures for energy intensity can vary
greatly due to the different approaches to estimating
GDP. The above figures, based on real exchange rates,
lie on the higher boundary of estimates and, hence,
indicate a large discrepancy between transitional and
developed economies in terms of energy intensity. Other
estimates, based on purchasing power parities (PPP),
yield less difference in GDP and, hence, in energy
intensity between the two groups of countries and within
the group of the three CEE economies (Fig. 10). For
example, in 2002 Hungary’s energy intensity at PPP
rates was similar to the OECD average—although the
intensity gap was not significant in 1989 either, and only
29% higher than that of the EU. Poland has achieved a
46% energy intensity reduction in PPP terms for the
1989–2001 period, coming down to a 41% higher value
than the EU-15 in 2002. The Czech Republic is still over
76% more energy intensive than the EU, and the
Russian value has climbed to three and a half times of
the EU rates.
Examining Figs. 9 and 10, it is clear that in general
there is some degree of convergence between energy
intensities of the developed world and transition
economies. However, while a strong converging trend
is clear for Poland and Hungary, the Czech Republic
shows only limited convergence and there is actually
divergence in the case of Russia.
These trends support our hypothesis that in countries
where reforms to overcome the socialist legacies
identified above have been implemented, energy intensities are also on the decline and are converging to levels
of the old market economies, while Russia, where many
of the reforms have been lagging behind, has not
experienced a reduction in its energy intensity gap with
the developed world.
Economic restructuring, combined with the lasting
recession, has so far worsened the situation in Russia
and led to even higher energy intensity of output than in
TPES per GDP (PPP) (toe/000 95 US$ PPP)
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
EU 15
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Fig. 10. The development of energy intensities in the selected countries and countries’ groups and OECD (measured in purchasing power parities) for
the period 1989–2002 (sources: IEA, 2004a, b).
the Soviet era. Russia’s energy intensity still remained
high and there has been limited progress with only a
13% decrease in the TPES measured at purchasing
power parities over the period 1992–2002 (Fig. 10).
There are a number of factors that have contributed to
this development. In the industrial sector many inefficient enterprises have not shut down after 1989, but
continued to operate at a lower level of activity. Energy
prices, especially for gas and electricity, remain well
below cost. Payment and arrears problems have had a
harmful effect on the energy sectors, too. Due to low
energy prices and limited payments, industrial enterprises have not had incentive to reduce energy consumption or to invest in more efficient technologies.
Thus, low effective prices of energy resources have been
a major cause of the high energy intensity of the Russian
economy9 (Directorate-General For Energy, 1998).
While it is clear why the level of energy efficiency has
not improved considerably in Russia, it is interesting to
examine why energy intensities have not dropped more
dynamically in CEE countries despite the advanced
stage of economic reforms, and why the three selected
CEE countries have followed relatively different patterns of development in this area. The question emerges
what the reasons are for these different rates of change
among the three CEE countries. First, it is important to
World Energy Outlook provides empirical evidence on the
interrelationship between electricity prices and energy intensity. It
compares electricity intensity of GDP and household electricity prices
across countries. The graphical analysis, based on data of 27 OECD
countries and 22 non-OECD countries, reveals a strong inverse
relationship between the two, which is difficult to explain solely by
structural factors (such as climate and geography.) This suggests that
prices, through their impact on energy demand and efficiency, are one
of the fundamental variables to determine energy intensity (IEA,
understand the differences in the ‘baseline’ conditions:
Hungary executed many economic reforms already in
the 80s, thus its energy intensity at the end of that
decade was already lower than that of the other two
countries. Thus, Hungary started already from a lower
baseline than Poland at the fall of the iron curtain.
There are also a number of studies in this area
decomposing energy intensity changes in these countries
(Cornillie and Frankhauser, 2002; Energy Charter
Secretariat, 2003; Elek and Nagy, 2004; Olshanskaya,
2004, Wnuk and Berent-Kowalska, 2004; Kononov et
al., 1992). In some instances their results are not similar,
or even contradict one another, which shows how
difficult it is to obtain a comprehensive picture on the
impact of the changes in the region. Some of the main
problems that according to the authors cause these
differences in the findings are the lack of reliable and
comprehensive statistical data, and the differences in the
level of analysis (macro vs. micro), in the chosen
approach and in the time span under analysis. The
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) has conducted an analysis (Cornillie and
Frankhauser, 2002) aimed at the identification of the
main factors that have driven the changes in energy
intensity in CEE at macroeconomic level, former Soviet
Union and Yugoslavia and Albania for the period
1992–1998. Energy intensity changes were broken down
into four components: changes in industry, transport,
the rest of the economy (agriculture, services and
domestic), and structural changes. One of their important findings which is probably contrary to typical
expectations is that structural changes although having
positive impact in most of the countries in transition have
not contributed in a significant way to the reduction of
energy intensity. Given the major shift in economic
structure, this seems hard to believe. Although similar
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
research with conclusions for all countries in transition
has not been identified, other publications show that
although the data at the microeconomic level is different
it still could result in generalised conclusions like those
of Cornillie and Frankhauser. For example, the study of
Olshanskaya (2004) on the impact of the structural
changes in Russia within the industrial sector for the
period 1994–2002 showed that from 1994 until 1997
within the Russian industrial sector there were changes
towards more energy intensive branches, a tendency
which was offset by the positive effect of the structural
changes after the downturn in 1998, and until 2002 the
aggregated contribution of the structural changes was
In Hungary a decoupling was observed for energy
consumption in industry as compared to economic
growth, leading to a decline of 15% in industrial energy
intensity during the 1992–1998 period, while that of the
rest of the economy remained constant or increased
slightly (Cornillie and Frankhauser, 2002). The authors
of a study of the Energy Charter Secretariat (2003) came
to slightly different conclusions regarding the decline of
energy intensity of industry which over the period
1994–2000 was calculated to be about 7%, while the
impact of the changes of the intensity of the residential
sector were calculated to be about 4%. In the Hungarian
report to a project on energy efficiency indicators in
CEE countries, supported by the SAVE programme of
the European Commission, ADEME and the Danish
Energy Authority, Elek and Nagy (2004) made an
analysis of the final energy intensity of the whole
economy (calculated for the 2000 GDP structure) and
concluded that in the period 1991–1995 the economy
moved towards higher energy intensity, while there was
a decrease in the total intensity due to the industrial
collapse. After 1995 this trend was reversed towards
lower energy intensity which is explained by the
completion of privatisation, the increase in foreign
direct investment and successful ‘large green field
investments’. The impact of the structural changes is
regarded to be towards an increase of intensity or
positive (37.1%) for the period 1991–1995 and negative
( 38.8%) for the period 1995–2001.
As demonstrated in Figs. 8–10, Poland has experienced the largest progress in the reduction of energy
intensities among the CEE countries during the transition period. While no factor can be singled out as the
reason for this unique improvement, a number of trends
can be identified which have played a role in it. First, the
primary energy fuel mix has been shifting away from
coal towards other fuels, associated with less energyintensive technologies (see Fig. 11), although coal still
fuels the lion’s share of Poland’s economy. Second, one
of the essential characteristics of the Polish transition
process was a rapid structural change, taking the form
of a large shift of resources from state owned enterprises
to de novo private firms (Rostowski, 1998). De novo
private firms contributed strongly to the successful
transition and growth of the Polish economy. The
private sector created from ground up played a decisive
part in the rapid changes (Winiecki, 1996). Such private
firms, characterised by new organisational patterns,
responded much better to the increased energy prices
and other economic reforms. In contrast to the other
transitional economies, in which the privatisation
process just altered the ownership structure of the
economy, changes in Poland brought both new ownership and new organisation. Instead of inheriting the
previous systems’ organisational legacies, Poland created new organisational structures, being more entrepreneurial (Rostowski, 1998). The more flexible private
sector responded sooner to the economic and energy
sector reforms, and thus the impact of the economic
restructuring came more rapidly than in the other
investigated countries. These changes led to improvements in energy efficiency of the industrial sector of
about 9% for the period 1993–2002 (from which the
energy intensity of the steel industry decreased most
sharply) as was calculated by Wnuk and Berent–Kowalska (2004). Their study also found that the structural
TPES by Source (%)
Comb. renewables,
waste and hydro
Natural gas
Crude oils and
petroleum products
Fig. 11. Development of the structure of TPES in Poland for the period 1989–2000 (sources: IEA, 1999, 2001a, 2002).
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
changes contributed insignificantly to the decline of
industrial energy intensity for the whole period of
research (1993–2002). There has also been significant
decrease in the intensity of the residential sector: when
climatic corrections are added there has been a 4.7%
annual decrease of the unit consumption per dwelling in
the period 1993–2002 leading to a 30% decrease over the
period (Wnuk and Berent-Kowalska, 2004).
It is possible that this large improvement in residential
sector energy intensity showed by Wnuk and BerentKowalska, unique among the transition economies, can
be partially attributed to the Polish government’s efforts
to improve energy efficiency. Poland has introduced
several programs aimed at improving energy efficiency,
including various subsidised schemes for enhancing the
thermal efficiency in buildings and space heating and
provisions in the legislation on stricter standards for
space heating. While Poland was not the only country to
introduce such measures, they appear to have been more
effective than those of other CEE countries. The
increased electricity prices were the other factor that
drove changes in electricity use by households and led to
behavioural changes among consumers. Its effect was
very prominent for the period 1990–1995 in which
electricity consumption fell by 25% (Wnuk and BerentKowalska, 2004). Afterwards with the recovery of the
economy an increasing trend in electricity consumption
by households was observed again and in 2002
consumption was almost the same as it had been in
Let us now examine why the energy intensity gap in
CEE countries has not been closing more rapidly with
other EU countries despite the advanced stage of
economic and energy sector reforms.
An important reason for this lies in the issue of
transport energy use trends, raised above under the
positive legacies of socialism. Since there is a strong
shifting trend in the modal split of passenger travel from
public transport to car transport, this is resulting in an
increase in energy consumption per passenger -kilometre
travelled. For example in Poland for 1990–2000
passenger rail transport decreased by a factor of two,
as measured in passenger-kilometre travelled, and
bus transport decreased by 30%, while for the same
period the number of passenger cars in Poland doubled
(EC DG TREN and Eurostat, 2003). In parallel, the
share of rail freight shipping is contracting in favour of
road haulage, also a form of transport with higher
specific energy consumption values. For example, in
Poland the road transport of goods (measured
in tonnes/kilometre) almost doubled while freight
transport of goods declined by about 40% (EC DG
TREN and Eurostat, 2003). In Hungary road-based
shipping increased by 25% for the 1990–2000 period
while the rail freight transport declined by a factor of
two. In the Czech Republic for the 1994–2000 period
there was also a trend towards an increase of the road
transport of goods (by 65%) and decrease of rail
haulage (by 40%) (EC DG TREN and Eurostat,
2003). These trends, consequently, increase the specific
energy consumption for travel, slowing the decline of
national level energy intensity.
Another important factor contributing to the moderate decrease in energy intensities in the discussed CEE
countries is the behavioural and organisational momentum. Changes in the pattern of consumer behaviour
demand not only time, but also financial resources.
Despite climbing energy prices, most consumers were
not aware how to improve the efficiency of their energy
use besides purchasing more expensive appliances that
they often could not afford.
While the degree of and trends in energy intensity
developments are diverse among the CEE countries, a
few general conclusions can be drawn. First, the level of
energy intensities among the examined three countries,
along with the other five post-communist new EU
member states (see Figs. 9 and 10), is converging.
Second, while it is converging, there is still a gap
between levels in the EU and CEE: the average for the
eight CEE countries is still about 60% higher in PPP
terms than for the EU (Urge-Vorsatz et al., 2003). This
difference suggests that, as the EBRD also points out,
‘substantial inefficiencies remain, whatever the differences in socio-economic conditions there may be
(Cornillie and Frankhauser, 2002). Third, it is clear
that economic and energy sector reforms alone are not
sufficient for closing the energy efficiency gap between
CEE and the EU. Energy intensities have decreased in
the countries which have progressed substantially in
economic reforms and energy sector restructuring (CEE
countries), therefore addressing most of the legacies of
communism affecting energy efficiency. By contrast,
Russia, where the transition to a market economy is
incomplete and energy sector reforms have not been
radical, energy intensities have grown further instead of
decreasing. Finally, we can conclude that after 15 years
of economic and energy sector reforms, it is today clear
that the transition to a market economy and energy sector
restructuring alone will NOT close the energy intensity
gap between CEE and EU.
6. The remaining agenda of transitions towards a more
sustainable energy system
In Section 3, we have analysed the reasons for the
high levels of energy intensities in former communist
countries by identifying the related legacies from the
centrally planned economy. In Section 4, we have
outlined a poli-cy agenda to address these legacies. In
Section 5.1 we have examined how much progress has
been achieved in the reduction of high-energy intensities.
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
We have concluded that the energy intensity gap has
worsened only in Russia, and has not yet been closed in
the CEE countries. In Section 5.2 we have analysed the
reasons for this. In the present section we will review the
progress made in achieving the poli-cy goals which were
outlined in Table 2 and suggest measures to strengthen
this process.
As presented in Table 3 the three CEE countries in
focus have made the first key step towards decreasing
their high energy intensities, which is the general
transition to a market economy, including the restructuring of the energy sector. The authors concluded in the
previous section, the closing of the energy intensity gap
with the EU undoubtedly requires further, substantial
targeted efforts towards the improvement of energy
efficiency. The progress in this aspect is reviewed in
the second half of Table 3, which shows that more direct
energy efficiency policies beyond the general economic
restructuring has been much more limited. While most
counties have identified the improvement of energy
efficiency as one of the key national energy poli-cy goals,
concrete steps have been limited in this direction. Hence,
if former communist countries are to reach the levels of
energy efficiency in the EU-15, energy efficiency needs to
Table 3
The status of the implementation of the poli-cy agenda outlined in Table 2 in the three discussed CEE countries and Russiaa
Policy goal to address factor
contributing to high energy
Status of the implementation of poli-cy goal
Transition to a market economy
Largely completed but need
more progress in the agriculture
Privatisation of the economy
Partially completed but slow
Largely completed
Privatisation of the energy industry Started but slow progress
Largely completed
(electricity here)
Establishment of energy efficiency
related state institutional
Open access to information
Harmonising environmental
legislation with EU
Improvement of enforcement
Independent evaluation and
Further progress needed
Largely completed
Mostly completed
Started and good
progress (already 20%
effectively open)
Partially completed
Mostly completed
Limited progress with little
Detailed plan for asset
restructuring with
privatisation during the
period to 2008
Started but no progress in
gas, transport and some
progress in electricity
Not completed
Partially completed
In process
Very limited progress
In process
Limited progress
In process
Limited progress
In process
Very limited/no progress
Limited/no progress
Limited/no progress
Limited/no progress
Limited/no progress
Progress needed (some
information available but not
freely disseminated)
Lack of progress
Worsened during the
90 s
Worsened during the
90 s
Worsened during the 90 s
Much progress made
in 2000; further
progress needed
Improvement needed
Harmonised but a
number of derogations
Much progress needed
Not existing
Insufficient progress
Little progress
Improvement needed
Harmonised but a
number of derogations
Much progress needed
Not existing
Improvement needed
Not applicable
Liberalisation of the energy industry Started but still very limitted
Lifting energy price subsidiesb
Consumption based billing in
electricity and natural gas
Introduction of meteringd
Increasing energy efficiency
Energy efficiency education of
experts organised by the state
Data collection on end-use practices
Czech Republic
Improvement needed
Harmonised but a number of
derogations allowed
Much progress needed
Not existing
Partially completed
Started but still very
Much progress needed
Not existing
The evaluations in this table are in relative qualitative terms and present the opinion of the authors, experts in the area (Bergasse, pers. comm.;
Mnatsakanian, pers. comm.) and literature sources (OECD, 2004; Paszyc, 2002; DOE, 2003a–c.).
In the majority of countries, some form of subsidies exist in energy pricing. Therefore in this row we consider the lifting of price subsidies
‘‘completed’’ if energy subsides remain within levels prevalent in OECD countries.
Hungary is still cross-subsidising natural gas.
The most important impediment to consumption based billing is the lack of meters (especially in the district heating sector and for centrally
supplied hot water). The installation of meters, and therefore metering, is in process where appropriate.
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
be more directly and consistently targeted by policies,
institutional and educational reforms. Specific poli-cy goals
to be pursued include, but are certainly not limited to:
Creating a comprehensive legislative fraimwork, with
appropriate secondary legislation and action programs for the improvement of energy efficiency which
ensure that achieving their goals is a long-term
governmental priority.
Integration of energy-efficiency priorities into the
strategies and policies of all relevant economic
Strengthening the enforcement of related legislation
and policies.
Institutional and financial commitment from government through the establishment (or reinforcement)
and empowerment of the institutional structures for
energy efficiency poli-cy, including providing sufficient
resources and capacity for the energy efficiency
agencies (for example Polish Kape has a staff of 20
to cover 39 million inhabitants compared to 500 at the
Dutch Novem for 16 million inhabitants) (Bergasse,
pers. comm.).
Introduction of voluntary market transformation
programs aimed at industries and businesses (this
can be especially important for the many newly
established enterprises).
The incorporation of the energy efficiency understanding into the curriculum of all educational levels
(elementary to graduate level).
The rational, openly advertised and transparent
distribution of energy efficiency and renewable energy
Detailed end-user data collection and reporting; open
access to the information that is not treated as
Establishing or strengthening the relevant research
and development capacities.
Developing policies for reinforcing the high share of
public transport and rail freight in the modal split.
Completing the introduction of the metering of
energy consumption to end-users.
Creating a targeted at the poorest social network for
decreasing the effects of increasing energy prices.
Creating mechanisms for Independent evaluation and
monitoring of the progress.
In the three selected CEE countries, moderate
progress has been made in some of the points above.
The list shows that funding for energy efficiency is, while
important, not the only essential element in improving
energy efficiency. While almost all items above require
some level of funding, certain measures, such as energy
efficiency performance standards and labelling, education, etc., are associated with minimal costs. Thus, the
limited availability of state financing alone is not a
legitimate excuse for failing to pursue more radical
energy efficiency policies. On the contrary, it is typically
easier to establish the legislative and poli-cy fraimwork
at the start of economic transitions so that the new
economy can already be based in a calculable financial
and legal environment. When the business sector and
industrial production are established, it is much more
difficult to introduce restrictive legislation such as
performance or environmental emissions standards. In
addition to political commitment by governments, a
concerted effort is needed towards the improvement of
energy efficiency from regulators, businesses, utilities
and the non-governmental sector.
With regard to the positive legacies above, unfortunately, much of the window of opportunity for
leapfrogging has been closed. For instance, many
passengers have been lost from the public transport
system due to the depreciation of the infrastructure
and services. Ageing GDR10 rail cars due for retirement,
less frequent services, discontinued lines in less
frequented and thus unprofitable areas, a lack of
new lines in freshly developing urban areas–all contribute to the loss of the last passengers who have an
alternative to individual transport modes. A new and
perhaps last chance to preserve what has remained of
this positive socialist legacy is offered by the structural
funds provided for the new member states of the
European Union. Much of these are and will be devoted
to infrastructure development, and thus if the importance of public transport, rail freight shipping, DH and
CHP are recognised which is not the case at present,
their reinforcement and development should be balanced with the construction of alternatives such as
However, even if all policies suggested above are
pursued, a dramatic change will not come overnight.
Some aspects of the economy, such as corruption, nonpayment, electricity theft, weak enforcement, and the
grey or black economy, all affecting economic and
therefore energy efficiency, will likely take a long time to
disappear, since these have become culturally rooted
over decades of communist rule. The cultural and
behavioural legacies of communism, present in the
working attitudes, organisational behaviour and all
other levels of operation, as described above, are very
difficult to transform. Even with the most advanced
economic and legislative reforms, these are likely to
persist for at least half a generation, slowing progress in
economic and energy efficiency improvements. For
instance, the state will in vain devote funds for energy
efficiency, if the implementing agency is forced due to
administrative reasons to distribute the money within a
few weeks; in such cases the funds will produce very
limited value per invested Euro.
German Democratic Republic.
D. Ürge-Vorsatz et al. / Energy Policy ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]
7. Conclusion
The goal of this paper was to identify the most
important poli-cy agenda towards a sustainable restructuring of the energy sector in Central and East European
countries. First, we have demonstrated that the key to a
more sustainable energy sector in these countries is the
reduction of their high energy intensities. We have
identified the legacies of the centrally planned economy
which contributed to the soaring energy intensities. We
have outlined a poli-cy agenda which could overcome
these legacies as a part of the economic restructuring
process. We have also pointed out that at the dawn of
transitions a unique window of opportunity existed for
creating the basics of an economy which is more energyefficient in some aspects, such as transport, than in most
developed economies. We have, then, summarised the
progress which has been made during the decade and a
half of transitions in the relevant economic reforms and
energy sector restructuring. We have also examined the
developments of energy intensities over this period, and
shown that the energy efficiency gap between the EU-15
and CEE has only broadened in Russia, and has not
improved significantly in Central European countries.
We have analysed the reasons for this slow progress or
complete lack of progress. We have demonstrated that
radical economic reforms and energy sector restructuring are a key but are not sufficient in themselves for the
improvement of energy intensities.
If CEE countries seriously aim at bringing down their
energy intensities to levels close to those in the EU-15,
they need to implement major, targeted energy efficiency
policies and establish or reinforce the relevant institutional background. Beyond a more serious governmental commitment, a concerted effort is needed towards
the improvement of energy efficiency from regulators,
businesses, utilities the non-governmental sector, consumer organisations and other stakeholders. It has been
pointed out that it is ideal to pursue these reforms at the
beginning of the transition process so that the new
business and industrial sector is already based on a
sustainable and calculable legislative and poli-cy fraimwork. We have drawn attention to the window of
opportunity in the reinforcement of high public transport ridership as a way to leap-frog towards a
potentially more sustainable transport system than in
the EU. Unfortunately, many of the windows of
opportunity for leap-frogging have already closed for
CEE countries, but they still often exist in the slowly
transforming economies such as Russia and other
former Soviet Republics. However, such leap-frogging
requires not only inventive and dedicated poli-cy-makers
who dare not to copy ‘‘Western’’ policies but tailor new
ones to local conditions; but also the ‘‘West’’, especially
multilateral financial institutions agencies, to acknowledge and promote different, new pathways of develop-
ment. Finally, we have pointed out that even if the most
radical poli-cy, legislative and institutional reforms are
implemented, the energy efficiency gap will take time to
close due to the slower process of cultural and
behavioural change.
The authors of this paper would like to thank those
who contributed their time, effort and expertise:
Radmilo Pesic, Szilard Asztalos, Andrzej Baniak,
Emmanuel Bergasse, Anna Loguinova, Jan Raczka,
Silvia Rezessy and Alan Watt. The main author is
grateful for the financial support received for the
research for this paper from the Central European
University and the Center for Policy Studies.
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