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En esta etapa una persona debe:
Las Sustancias involucradas en el presente Plan, son las siguientes: a. Cianuro de Sodio. b. Cal. c. Ácido nítrico. d. Hidróxido de Sodio. e. Ácido Sulfúrico. f. Cloro. g. Peróxido de hidrógeno. h. Carbón activado i. Combustibles. j. Aceites. k. Gas licuado de petróleo GLP. l. Mercurio. El contenido de este Plan permitirá la aplicación correcta de los procedimientos de Manejo de Crisis de una manera estructurada y siguiendo las etapas que se dan para estos casos, de acuerdo a los Estándares Internacionales MSHA -NIOSH -OSHA, a las Normas Legales nacionales y a experiencias que se han tenido hasta la fecha. Finalmente, la información de este Plan será actualizada periódicamente, por el personal del Proyecto LA ZANJA, sobre la base de la experiencia; así como de los avances tecnológicos, con la participación de sus Áreas de Seguridad, Salud y Medio Ambiente correspondientes, a fin de mantener los Planes en un mismo nivel de actualización y utilidad.
Academia Medicine, 2024
There are currently over 6.5 million Ukrainian refugees worldwide and this number is growing. Previous research has highlighted refugees’ vulnerability and increased risk of developing mental health problems, and there has been a growing body of research focusing on Ukrainian refugees specifically since the Russo-Ukrainian war began in February 2022. The aim of this review is to explore the current literature on the mental health of Ukrainian refugees. A systematic search was carried out and identified 21 relevant papers that met inclusion criteria. Common themes were generated using narrative synthesis principles across the included papers. Four themes were identified: (1) General Psychological Distress, (2) Common Mental Health Problems, (3) PTSD and Trauma, and (4) Coping and Resilience. This review sheds light on the current mental health of Ukrainian refugees and highlights a number of risk and mitigating factors in relation to specific mental health conditions. Implications for future research, interventions, and support are discussed, and the strengths and limitations are considered.
This book chapter deals with a brief history of the discovery of Neandertals in the 1800s and how the scientific thinking of the time may have led to the misinterpretation of the data from the skeletal remains, thus leading to the mistreatment of the human group in the popular culture. The chapter continues to document the major skeletal traits that define the group and offer new and revised interpretations both from other works and from my own perspectives. Key to these morphological works are the cold adaptive traits that led to the robusticity of the skeletal forms of the group, thus being used as a means to separate them from the human taxon. On the pathological remains, this work joins others in illustrating their significance in painting the new picture on the human group, where by, the presence of diseases is interpreted as a sign of good health (the health-disease paradox) and survivorship. Another important matter to this line of thinking is the realization that social group support for ailing members is clearly a human trait, making the Neandertals our equals in care and empathy. This chapter also delves on the debates concerning the interpretation of the genetic data derived from the Neandertal fossils. It is now shown that modern humans share many of the known functional genes such as FOXP2 (the language gene), MC1R (the pigment gene), PTC (bitter taste) gene, O01 haplotype (ABO blood group O gene) among others. Even in cases where there are variants of the genes such as the MC1R, my argument is that modern humans also show similar variations in many functional genes without making us separate species. An example is the gene that controls the production of the enzyme lactase whose function is the synthesis of lactose, the milk energy. Individuals that posses the lactase persistence gene can digest milk throughout life, and they make only 30% of the human population and are not a separate species. These arguments for similarity are also included in the treatment of the archeological data. In the behavioral interpretation, my work focuses on Neandertal ingenuity by giving various examples of their behavior evidenced by tool kits, burials and other archaeological data. Their long survivorship in colder Europe for over 200,000 years help support these lines of evidence; modern humans are yet to reach that species-wide longevity if they are considered separate. In short, the chapter offers a summary of Neandertal studies and may be a quick and informative read for students or anyone interested in the subject.
Research Publish Journals, 2019
This study examines financial challenges of SMEs: evidence from State house Slums, Hargeisa, and Maroodi jeex region. Specifically the study provides empirical evidence on: socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents; sources and difficult of SMEs accessing financing; factors militating against SMEs performance. The researcher distributed 324 questionnaires to the respondents that make up the sample size. Somaliland’s biggest income and employment generator is SMEs sector. Most of them deal in clothes, food, agricultural products, consumables, gold, beverages, fruits, transport and small scale manufacturing and processing. One of the biggest problems affecting the development of SMEs in Somaliland’s is inadequate access to finance. The two- Islamic banks banking system in Somaliland has been reducing exposure to SMEs over the past few years, primarily due to macroeconomic factors and the SMEs’ poor business conditions, which make lending to them a risky proposition. Access to finance is a major issue for SMEs in Somaliland; Most of SMEs are underserved if not un-served. Religious belief is a key reason hindering SMEs from opting for conventional banking financing. This type of sentiment has been growing stronger, especially over the past years. Although these SMEs are creditworthy, they are excluded from accessing funding from banks as Shariah-compliant products are either not available or not properly understood by these SMEs or involve lengthy processes, making the execution of Islamic transactions cumbersome. Somaliland’s SME sector has a positive attitude toward Islamic than Conventional banking as people are becoming more sensitized to its benefits. However, numerous factors deter SMEs from approaching formal institutions for finance. A hybrid economic system is likely to appropriately work for SMEs in developing countries. Keywords: Islamic and conventional banking systems, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Challenges, State House Slums, Accessing business loans, Hargeisa and Somaliland
Sociální studia / Social Studies, 2013
Sociologies, 2016
מבטים: כתב עת לתרבות חזותית, 2021
Монарх и монархия. Материалы научной конференции. , 2020
Cuestiones Constitucionales, 2022
Research, Society and Development, 2022
Neurology, 2021
Intelligence, 2023
Nucleic Acids Research, 1996
Fault Lines Conference University of Minnesota , 2016
Social Inclusion
Lectora Revista De Dones I Textualitat, 2010
حولیة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة و العربیة للبنین بالقاهرة, 2021
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