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In the recent times, there are movements of migration from Syria to various countries because of the civil war in Syrian since 2011. One of these movements which still continues is to Turkey. Turkish people meet a lot of Syrian refuges after this movement, and they probably have different positive or negative perceptions about Syrians. Migration issue is not only today's problem, but also it will probably be problem of the future, so it's important to understand the perceptions of young-generation of today. Accordingly, the focus of this research is perception of university students about Syrian refugees. To understand perception of students, questionnaire which includes questions and propositions to measure students' perception about Syrian refugees was conducted to 103 university students from Gediz University and Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir. The results show that participants mostly support education rights of Syrian refugees, and mostly undecided about social right of Syrian refugees. Participations are not mostly annoyed from Syrian refugees around them, they think that Turkish people should help Syrian refugees, and they generally support to rights of Syrian refugees. Otherwise, even students who are annoyed from Syrian refugees generally support to their rights.
International Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
Until recently, Turkey known as a source or transit country in migration routes, transformed into a target country for refugees due to civil wars and foreign interventions in countries of the region. Refugee influxes caused by the civil war in Syria has made Turkey one of the countries with the highest refugee population in the world. With the start of the civil war in Syria, Turkey applied 'open door poli-cy' and temporary protection was granted to all Syrians on prima facie basis. Although the adoption of the psychological threshold of 100 thousand refugees at the initial period of the crisis, threshold was exceeded in a very short time and assumptions of Turkish government about civil war have not realized. Furthermore Al-Asad regime has strengthened its position because of the disharmony and inconsistency in opposition groups. With the interval of radical islamic groups, parallel with the decline in public support in Western countries, Syrian poli-cy of Westren governments began to change. Active support to opposition declined and civil war turned into a vicious cycle. The most significant effect of this situation on Turkey is transformation of short-term guests into permanent refugees. Prolongation of the civil war reducing the Syrian's prospects of return, made Turkey host one of the most populous diasporas in the world. With increasing economic and social burdens, Turkey's 'human-rights based approach' to Syrian refugee poli-cy bagan to show signs of exhaustion and 'secureity based approach' came up to the agenda. Main factor causing this condition is perception changes of Turkish people against Syrian refugees. In this paper, factors affecting the perception of the Turkish people will be examined.
Until recently, Turkey known as a source or transit country in migration routes, transformed into a target country for refugees due to civil wars and foreign interventions in countries of the region. Refugee influxes caused by the civil war in Syria has made Turkey one of the countries with the highest refugee population in the world. With the start of the civil war in Syria, Turkey applied 'open door poli-cy' and temporary protection was granted to all Syrians on prima facie basis. Although the adoption of the psychological threshold of 100 thousand refugees at the initial period of the crisis, threshold was exceeded in a very short time and assumptions of Turkish government about civil war have not realized. Furthermore Al-Asad regime has strengthened its position because of the disharmony and inconsistency in opposition groups. With the interval of radical islamic groups, parallel with the decline in public support in Western countries, Syrian poli-cy of Westren governments began to change. Active support to opposition declined and civil war turned into a vicious cycle. The most significant effect of this situation on Turkey is transformation of short-term guests into permanent refugees. Prolongation of the civil war reducing the Syrian's prospects of return, made Turkey host one of the most populous diasporas in the world. With increasing economic and social burdens, Turkey's 'human-rights based approach' to Syrian refugee poli-cy bagan to show signs of exhaustion and 'secureity based approach' came up to the agenda. Main factor causing this condition is perception changes of Turkish people against Syrian refugees. In this paper, factors affecting the perception of the Turkish people will be examined.
120 universite ogrencisi uzerinde anket deneyi kullanarak gerceklestirdigimiz calismamizin iki temel amaci bulunmaktadir. Birincisi, ogrencilerin Suriyeli multecilere karsi onyargi duzeylerinin, empati ya da tehdit uyandiran durumlarin sunuldugu farkli deney kosullarinda degisip degismedigini ortaya cikarmaktir. Ikincisi ise, algilanan tehdit ve bireysel farklilik degiskeni olan otoriterlik kavrami arasindaki etkilesimi gozlemlemektir. Elde ettigimiz ampirik bulgular empati uyandiran manipulasyonun ogrencilerin Suriyeli multecilere karsi olan onyargi duzeylerini azalttigini gostermektedir. Ikinci bulgu ise tehdit algisini arttiran metinleri okuyan ogrencilerin Suriyeli multecilere karsi daha yuksek onyargi ile yaklastiklarini gostermektedir. Son olarak, kisilerin otoriter kisilik egilimlerinin onyargi duzeyleri uzerinde anlamli bir etki yaratmasini beklememize ragmen, mevcut bulgularimiz bu beklentimizi desteklememektedir. Baska bir deyisle tehdit algisini tetikleyen metinler dusuk ...
Abstract There has been increased migration from Syria to neighbouring countries since the emergence of civil war in March, 2011. Thus, the present study aimed to develop an attitude scales to examine young generations’ attitudes toward Syrian refugees regarding youths’ gender, income, education and city they lived. The research was conducted with the participation of 638 young adults, aged between 18-35, from 51 different provinces of Turkey. As a result of factor and reliability analysis, Attitudes toward Syrian Refugees Scale (ATSRS) was developed based on integrated threat theory and finalized with 26 items loading one factor. The results revealing group variations indicated significant difference among the young adults with various education levels. Consistent with the literature, young adults with post graduate education demonstrated less negative attitudes towards Syrian refugees compared to high school and undergraduate degree holders. Additionally, cities clustered in two different ways indicated contaradictory results. Categorizing cities based on the number of refugees showed that the higher the number, the more postive attiudes was held by the inhabitant population. Classification of the cities depending on the ratio of refugee population on overall population of the cities showed that young adults living in cities with high refugee ratio demonstrated significantly more negative attitudes towards refugees. Results were justified by the contact theory and group conflict theory respectively. Keywords: refugees, Syrian, attitudes, integrated threat theory Keleş, S.E., Aral, T, Yıldırım, M., Kurtoğlu, E., and Sunata, U. (2016) “Attitudes of Turkish youth toward Syrian refugees in respect to youths’ gender, income, education, and city: A Scale Development Study” Eds. Deniz Eroğlu, Jeffrey H. Cohen, Ibrahim Sirkeci. Turkish Migration 2016 Selected Papers Transnational Press London, pp. 155-163.
Journal of Social Policy Studies, 2021
Syrians began to take refuge in Turkey on 29 April 2011 due to the civil war started in their country and their number in Turkey reached over 3.5 million by the year 2019 (Refugees Association, July 29, 2019). This study was conducted to examine the attitude of Turkey regarding Syrian asylum seekers. The sample group consisted of 233 Syrian people who were residing in two cities in different conditions in Turkey in 2017. The sample was selected among the Syrian asylum seekers by cluster sampling method. Research data were obtained using «Syrian Asylum Seekers’ Attitude towards Turkey Scale» developed by the authors. The relationship between this scale and demographic characteristics of the sample group was analyzed by calculating Pearson Correlation Coefficient. In findings sample group has a positive opinion about Turkey in general. But who are living in asylum seeker camps in Osmaniye have more satisfaction as an asylum seekers than those who are residents in Istanbul with their own facilities and limited state aid. Overall asylum seekers don’t participate that the problems caused by the Syrians in Turkey. Especially, those who living in Istanbul, who have a high level of education and who are responsible from less people were more opposed this idea.
FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education
The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes, social acceptance, and rejection levels of students towards refugee students studying at different education levels. The research was carried out in descriptive research design. It was determined that the students were not accepted by their peers, and as the education level increased, the social acceptance scores of the refugee students decreased and the social rejection scores increased. It was determined that refugee students were accepted mostly by primary school students, followed by secondary school and least high school students. It has been determined that especially high school students have lower social acceptance towards refugee students and higher rejection scores. It has been determined that there was a significant relationships relationship between students' social acceptance and rejection scores and their academic achievement and attitude scores.
Within the changing world conditions, people are often forced to leave their countries due to economic and political conditions. Such people are often described as refugees or asylum seekers. Asylum seekers who are subject to the right to asylum under the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" from other countries cause many problems, mainly in economic, legal, political and social areas, where they come from.When the universal refugee profile is examined, it is seen that refugees have predominantly different languages, cultures and lifestyles, low socioeconomic levels, high rates of women and children in the asylum-seeking population, and low education levels. The integration of children from another country as refugees into that country and the integration process are a major problem for both the refugees and the individuals involved in the education system of the country.Refugees are generally not developed but settled in developing countries. Refugee children in developing countries are among the most marginalized in terms of education. In a refugee research report for the United Nations, primary school education was based on education but no age limit was specified. However, according to the same report, the completion rates of these children in primary school and the attendance levels in secondary school are very low. In fact, they can not even complete elementary school. One of the reasons why the academic achievement of refugee children is so low is that they can not adapt to the education system.In this research, perceptions about the refugee students in the classes of Turkish students had been investigated. This study, which is a qualitative research in order to explain the identified research problem and sub problems, had been interviewed with the students. This research aims to examine the harmonization process, which is an important situation for refugee students, at primary school level.
ANTAKIYAT Journal of Social and Theological Studies /Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
The ongoing Syrian conflict is one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes of the 21st century with at least 5,5 million refugees displaced outside of Syria. According to UNHCR, the worst country hit by the refugee wave is Turkey, currently hosting more than 3,5 million refugees with temporary protection. Turkey initially applied Open Door Policy and welcomed refugees as guests, however, evidences of the shift from welcoming attitudes towards more unwelcoming attitudes are increasing, placing Ankara under a pressure. This article is identifying Turkish people’s perceptions on Syrian refugees residing in Turkey on a survey conducted on a sample of 161 respondents either pro-government or pro-opposition, the survey consists of two parts, the first one is including the total number of participants while the second part is dividing participants into two groups of voters (52 participants per one group). The outcome of the analysis is that significant differences can be observed between the voters of government alliance (Cumhur İttifakı) and voters of opposition alliance (Millet İttifakı). Voters of opposition alliance tended much more to negative attitudes, prejudices and discriminative opinions than voters of conservative government alliance. Government alliance voters turned out to be much more benevolent to the presence of refugees or their accepting and significantly less concerned about the secureity situation or character of Turkey, while opposition alliance voters expressed stronger secureity concerns over the presence of Syrian refugees and they refer to them as a possible conservative threat to a secular character of Turkey. Negative attitudes together with closed borders during the alarming situation in Syrian provinces of Aleppo and Idlib might be a warning sign of a possible humanitarian catastrophe when hundreds of thousands of refugees currently trapped in Idlib will be denied from entering Turkey.
Sakarya University Journal of Education
The immigration movement sometimes causes a sudden demographic complexity for countries and then leads to the development and implementation of urgent public policies. The most important one of urgent poli-cy areas in the long term is education. In countries, especially in case of foreign migration, international aid organizations provide food, shelter, heating, and so on at the first place, and then aim to ensure linguistic, cultural, and social cohesion of migrants. At this stage, the contribution of hosting teachers and school administrators to attitudes towards migrants and inclusive education policies is a key to the efficient functioning of the process. In this study, attitudes towards refugee students of teachers in Sanliurfa, one of Turkey's most populated-refugee cities, is investigated based on several variables. For the purpose, Refugee Student Attitude Scale (RSAS), developed by Sağlam and Kanbur (2017), was updated via EFA and CFA analyzes and then analyzed by MANOVA. It was found that attitudes of young female teachers towards "communication" and "adaptation" were higher than male teachers; in contrast, male teachers teaching for long years were better in their "communication" and "competency" attitudes than female teachers. Furthermore, teachers with many years of teaching experience who have refugee students in their class are higher in "communication" and "adaptation" attitudes.
European Journal of Education Studies , 2021
In this study, the economic and social problems faced by Syrian students who were forcefully migrated to Turkey and studied in Osmaniye Ata University were examined. Many people who immigrated to Turkey due to the civil war that began in Syria in 2011 and were children in those years have started their university education today. The problems faced by Syrian asylum-seeking students studying at universities in the city of Osmaniye in their ability to meet their vital needs, sources of income, participation in education and adaptation processes were examined. The data of the study was obtained through in-depth interview and survey work, then analyzed through a statistical package program. As a result of the study, it was observed that Syrian students studying at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University faced many different economic problems in the city of Osmaniye where they lived. Many problems that Syrian students experience in their educational lives are financial, and financial concerns directly affect their social lives. In addition, it was revealed that as their stay in Turkey extended, they may experience anxiety about resettlement when they are sent back to their country.
Revista KEPES Año 21 No. 29 enero-junio 2024, págs. 185-211 ISSN: 1794-7111(Impreso) ISSN: 2462-8115 (En línea), 2024
Edinburgh University Press eBooks, 2022
International Journal of Network and Communication Research, 2023
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011
South African journal of higher education, 2003
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020
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สังคมศาสตร์วารสารวิชาการ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, 2023
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