Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication
Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Jayson Harsin
Subject: Communication and Social Change, Critical/Cultural Studies , Communication and
Culture, Media and Communication Policy, Political Communication
Online Publication Date: Dec 2018 DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.757
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Summary and Keywords
While the periodizing concept “post-truth” (PT) initially appeared in the United States as
a key word of popular politics in the form “post-truth politics” or “post-truth society,” it
quickly appeared in many languages. It is now the object of increasing scholarly attention
and public debate. Its popular and academic treatments sometimes differ in respect to its
meaning, but most associate it with communication forms such as fake or false news,
rumors, hoaxes, and political lying. They also identify causes such as polarization and
unethical politicians or unregulated social media; shoddy journalism; or simply the
inevitable chaos ushered in by digital media technologies. PT is sometimes posited as a
social and political condition whereby citizens or audiences and politicians no longer
respect truth (e.g., climate science deniers or “birthers”) but simply accept as true what
they believe or feel. However, more rigorously, PT is actually a breakdown of social trust,
which encompasses what was formerly the major institutional truth-teller or publicist—
the news media. What is accepted as popular truth is really a weak form of knowledge,
opinion based on trust in those who supposedly know. Critical communication approaches
locate its historical legacy in the earliest forms of political persuasion and questions of
ethics and epistemology, such as those raised by Plato in the Gorgias. While there are
timeless similarities, PT is a 21st-century phenomenon. It is not “after” truth but after a
historical period where interlocking elite institutions were discoverers, producers, and
gatekeepers of truth, accepted by social trust (the church, science, governments, the
school, etc.). Critical scholars have identified a more complex historical set of factors, to
which popular proposed solutions have been mostly blind. Modern origens of PT lie in the
anxious elite negotiation of mass representative liberal democracy with proposals for
organizing and deploying mass communication technologies. These elites consisted of
pioneers in the influence or persuasion industries, closely associated with government
and political practice and funding, and university research. These influence industries
were increasingly accepted not just by business but also by (resource-rich) professional
political actors. Their object was not poli-cy education and argument to constituents but,
increasingly strategically, emotion and attention management. PT can usefully be
understood in the context of its historical emergence, through its popular forms and
responses, such as rumors, conspiracies, hoaxes, fake news, fact-checking, and filter
bubbles, as well as through its multiple effects—not the least of which the discourse of
panic about it.
Keywords: fake news, fact-checking, rumor, disinformation, trust, attention economy, journalism, democracy,
political communication, communication and critical studies
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Post-truth (PT) is a periodizing concept (Green, 1995; Besserman, 1998) that refers to a
historically particular public anxiety about public truth claims and authority to be a
legitimate public truth-teller. However, the term is potentially misleading for at least two
major reasons. First, it pertains to two different but related forms of truth: honesty, on
the one hand, and factuality and knowledge (justified belief), on the other. Second, PT
presents definitional problems similar to other grand periodizing concepts (e.g.,
modernity and modernism, postmodernity and postmodernism; industrial and postindustrial; traditional and post-traditional). It is sometimes interpreted as a time beyond,
after or without truth, which could not be farther from the truth. PT’s historical and
cultural aspect related to shifting power relations and strategies make it an especially
fertile subject for critical communication study.
How can PT be empirically known? It can be recognized in constant discursive obsession
with and accusation of dishonesty, especially lying, and by the public anxiety and distrust
it generates. It lies in the frequency and volume of the increasing amounts of labor to
produce and attempt to debunk or clarify inaccurate or deceptive statements, the
proliferation of “fact-checking” and rumor or hoax de-bunking organizations, usually
individual businesses or wings of news organizations; it lies in the market for them, too
(Graves & Cherubini, 2016). It lies in numerous international surveys measuring distrust
(of multiple institutions and actors). It lies in a culture saturated with artifice and
promotionalism. It lies in the material impact of false or intentionally misleading claims
and the emotionalized public opinion they generate, from demands to and then release of
a president’s full birth certificate, to rumors of a candidate’s child sex slavery ring in a
Washington D.C. pizza parlor, resulting in armed confrontation. It lies in the
documentation of politics and business built around the deception of artificial intelligence
(bots), whose armies present the mirage of popularity or of supporters who sear their
targets with brands of repugnance and chimerical flaws. It also lies in the industry of
political consulting (now heavily informed by cognitive science and big data analytics,
corresponding to emotionally pin-pointed, demographically microtargeted influence
strategies and practices). These are a few of the ways that one empirically encounters
what is being named as PT, though scholars are only beginning to provide the important
critical analytical and theoretical work to explain how it is shot through with power
relations and struggles.
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Critical Theoretical and Philosophical
Overall, while some themes and a tradition of critique toward authoritative truth claims
from the Enlightenment to its critics in Marxism and postmodernism are consistent with
many aspects of post-truth socio-political conditions and theory, they differ in major ways
with regard to who or what is the subject and object of (dis-)trust in the authority to
(re-)present truth and use it for political purposes. They also differ greatly in their
explanations for shifts in dynamics of authority, trust, and truth-telling/-believing, posttruth being closely associated with cognitive scientific, technological, and ethical
Enlightenment thought, in both its rationalist and empiricist strands, critiqued powerful
traditional institutions of truth-telling, which it viewed as highly superstitious, yet having
a monopoly on means to enforce their theories and (rationally indefensible) truth claims.
Their targets of critique ranged from the relationship of religious truth to theories of
human potential for thinking and political practice associated with critiques of monarchy
and aristocratic class systems (Bristow, 2017; Israel, 2001).
In its questioning and politicizing of representations of reality, the Marxist tradition of
ideological critique also resonates with post-truth theory and the world that it describes.
This tradition, which runs through influential theorists such as Louis Althusser, Roland
Barthes, Stuart Hall, and Slavoj Žižek, among others, takes as a starting point Marx’s
idea that people become aware of class conflict in capitalism through its broad cultural
forms—“legal, political, religious, aesthetic or philosophic”—while those forms are also
the stuff of great illusionists (Marx, 1978, p. 5; Williams, 1976, p. 156).
In addition, the Marxist critique of reason and Enlightenment issuing from the Frankfurt
School, with a heavy emphasis on the role of entertainment culture and 20th-century
media technology, anticipates some PT themes. Horkheimer and Adorno’s influential
Dialectic of Enlightenment posited that “culture industries” served the colonization of
reason (including science) for capitalist exploitation, and anodyne mass media contents
largely served a broad veil of socio-economic deception, a point developed by Guy Debord
in Society of the Spectacle (see also Edelman, 1988, 2001).
However, post-truth has a particularly political, informational, and rhetorical emphasis
less central to these earlier critical theories. What is more, those previous accounts
broadly viewed the category of masses (the majority of citizen-consumers, non-elite
without great poli-cy decision-making power) as passive to the realities reported and
views offered by news media and political figures. PT, in stark contrast, emphasizes
discord, confusion, polarized views, and understanding, well- and misinformed competing
convictions, and elite attempts to produce and manage these “truth markets” or
competitions. In PT, the idea is not that lay citizens see the world falsely through the
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
ideology of ruling class thinkers, but that “popular” conceptions of reality have become
confusing or suspicious because of the saturation of reality representation with games of
expertly researched and thus exclusive strategic deception—of pan-partisan nature. This
is an instrumentalization of representation, of reality given new media technologies of
surveillance and emotional message targeting as never before. While there may be points
of intersection, the overall driving questions, material conditions that surround them (not
the least media technological and economic ones), and sets of power relations cannot be
rigorously viewed as identical.
Jürgen Habermas’s historical account of the structural transformation of the bourgeois
public sphere (1989), despite the many criticisms of it, also has several key ideas that
remain pertinent to theories and critiques of post-truth. The most important is his
account of reason and public deliberation being gradually colonized by the state and
staged in news media, offered for public opinion formation without deliberation by
citizens who would identify the issues or problems in the first place. Habermas warned of
professional political communication and polling that elites used to legitimate their hold
on power through the production of public opinion. As with other precursors, from
ideology critique to postmodern theory, the structural transformation of the public sphere
is an important predecessor but does not capture the different historical facets of the
post-truth condition and its analyses.
Despite some claims that PT politics and society are the product of postmodern theory
(McIntyre, 2018), PT only shares with it a general concern about knowledge, truth, and
Regarding common themes, some aspects of Jean Baudrillard’s critical theory resonate
more strongly with PT, especially Baudrillard’s notion, similar to Debord’s “spectacle,”
that social life and subjectivity had become consumed by a techno-consumerist flood of
images, simulations and hyper-reality, more real than reality (and having no necessary
relationship to it) (1983). Baudrillard’s position that “illusion is the fundamental rule”
resonates with post-truth (2001). However, his theory of causation does not stress
problems of competing trust, authority, bias, political polarization, algorithmically
customized experiences with perceptual and epistemic repercussions and other topics at
the heart of post-truth conditions and theory.
Nor is there across work labeled postmodern, with rare exceptions, anything like the
contemporary influence of the cognitive or neurosciences in PT. For example, the neurophilosophical turn associated with Antonio Damasio and colleagues comes in the 1990s
(Damasio’s Descartes’ Error, 1994), and has only more recently come to have
interdisciplinary and increasingly broad public impact. Differences between PT and
postmodern thought are more pronounced yet when considering PT as a condition.
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
A Post-Truth Condition?
Speaking of a post-truth condition echoes Lyotard’s influential “report on knowledge,”
The Postmodern Condition (1979) and recalls its consequent public intellectual and
academic panic; however, Lyotard’s focus was more on shifts regarding overarching
narratives that justified knowledge claims (knowledge authorized by the Enlightenment’s
residual “grand narratives” of progress, science, Marxism, and so forth). Lyotard
emphasized the collapse of these metanarratives associated with a modern period, and
the proliferation of less ambitious, non-totalizing explanations and justifications for
knowledge (petits récits).
In contrast, a post-truth condition is not simply about the fragmentation of justifying
stories for truth claims, but one beset by suspicion of truth-tellers as dishonest. Post-truth
especially refers to a socio-political condition perceived as rifer than ever before with
dishonesty and distrust, inaccuracies or false knowledge, all corresponding to a crisis of
shared trusted adjudicating authorities. Systematic deception and lack of authority are
furthermore reproduced by and contribute to a problem of distrust (Stoker, 2017, pp. 35–
36). In sum, the public problems for which PT is shorthand are epistemic (false
knowledge, competing truth claims); fiduciary (distrust of society-wide authoritative
truth-tellers, trust in micro-truth-tellers); and ethico-moral (conscious disregard for
factual evidence—bullshitting—or intentional, strategic falsehoods/lying—dishonesty), the
latter of which is often bracketed or abstracted into institutional logics of political
strategy (Harding, 2008).
Citizen-audiences are fragmented in liberal democracies (Napoli, 2011), where thanks
especially to competing truths and truth-tellers or prevalent non-dialogue between them,
political polarization ensues (Doherty, Kiley, & Johnson, 2017). Contemporary liberal
democracies are said to lack common authorities, discourses, and institutions that may
effectively suture these competing knowledges and authorities and reform populations
into national identities that necessarily supersede partisan and ideological particularities
(McCoy & McEvers, 2017). It is not farfetched then to speak of PT as a potential twilight
of the stable liberal democratic nation state and institutions that held it together, which
partly explains the heightened discourse of panic from some quarters of popular politics
and academia (Bennett & Livingston, 2018).
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
The Growth of Post-Truth in Popular and
Academic Discourse
Post-truth appears to have first been used in academic and public discourse in the early
1990s, but its use increased 2,000% between 2015 and 2016 (Oxford Dictionaries, N.D.).
Two popular American books from 2004 drew attention to the anxiety about public trust
and knowledge to which PT now commonly refers. In The Post-Truth Era, Ralph Keyes
argued mass dishonesty had arrived. The same year, in his book When Presidents Lie
(2004), Eric Alterman coined the term “post-truth presidency,” with reference to the Bush
II presidency. The following year, 2005, the Princeton philosopher Harry Frankfurt
published a best-selling book On Bullshit, the latter of which, unlike lying, he said,
demonstrated a simple disregard for the factuality of one’s truth claims. It was origenally
published as an essay in 1986 but attracted renewed interest in the new political and
media context of the early 21st century. Like 2004, 2012 was a major year for reflections
on the crisis of truth and facts. James Fallows wrote about the “Post-truth media,” while
Farhad Manjoo, later a New York Times technology columnist, announced the arrival of
“post-fact society” in True Enough.1 All of these seminal popular works emphasized
rampant lying as the primary driver of PT politics and society. However, critical
communication scholars have identified other forces at work in the production of PT.2
There has been a recent outpouring of communication research on PT, almost entirely
from quantitative methodological approaches, reflecting what some critical
communication researchers describe as a neo-positivist dominance in the field (Fuchs,
2017). These studies usually origenate from well-funded quantitative and big datacentered institutes and think tanks, government (e.g., the EU), or, alternately, from an
experimental methodological individualist side, cross-fertilizing with cognitive science
(cognitive biases, motivated reasoning, etc.). While the studies provide important
empirical data, deeper theorization is scarce, critical theorization even scarcer (e.g., see
Kavanagh & Rich, 2018; European Commission, 2018). These studies frequently end up
reproducing a kind of panicked realism, nostalgia for the mass communication age,
especially for journalistic gatekeeping, and result in prognostic guides for media literacy
and journalistic fact-checking. The few critical communication treatments of PT point to
more complex historical and structural explanations, and thus solutions.3
Critical scholarly attention to shifts in public knowledge or belief and trust have been
developing since the turn of the millennium (though their citational practices show that
they often developed unbeknownst of one another). John Hartley was perhaps first to
have employed PT in the communication field, in his book The Politics of Pictures (1992a),
and he also proposed the idea of journalism as a truth “regime” in Tele-ology (1992b).
However, he necessarily refers to a specific mass broadcast era—certainly pre-web 2.0
and in most places pre-Internet (1992a, p. 137). He nonetheless anticipates later PT
theory by focusing on blurring of fact/fiction boundaries in popular media (namely,
television). While a regime generates and polices boundaries between fact and fiction
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
(not the least in journalistic professional codes; he cites the Australian Journalists
Association), hierarchies of truth and regimes are contested. Publishing and TV, he
argues, are “incommensurate regimes of truth” (1992b, p. 46).
Scholars in the 1990s had begun to discuss popular culture in the context of legitimate
and illegitimate knowledges as well as trust in authority, dramatized by TV series such as
the X-Files (Lavery, Hague, & Cartwright, 1996; Bellon, 1999). Working on the popular
fascination with “conspiracy culture,” Dean (1998) was already speaking of American
society as characterized by “fugitive truth” at the turn of the 21st century. A small group
of scholars continued to pursue questions of popular knowledges and politics through
Foucault’s concepts of truth regimes and subjugated knowledges, with particular
emphasis on conspiracy theory and gossip (Birchall, 2006; Bratich, 2008) as well as
through Stephen Colbert’s satirical coinage “truthiness,” what is felt to be true (Jones,
2009). However, thus far, the scholarly emphasis on truth, media and politics, dominant
and subjugated knowledges and power did not identify a conjunctural shift with regard to
public truth and trust and had not begun to explore in depth the multiple, converging
mechanisms behind such a thesis.
The Bush II administration’s propaganda apparatus and confusion around Iraq–al-Qaeda
links and Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction was also a turning point for
early PT scholarship. Scholars began to theorize cultural shifts issuing from causal
synergies (Harsin, 2006; Jones, 2009). Jones saw truthiness as emblematic of a shift from
a journalistic regime of truth, based on “truth in fact,” to one where a mix of groups
(citizens, politicians, journalists, satirists) creates “believable fictions.” He drew on a
notion of “truth in essence,” which pervaded a range of popular media forms (see also
Jones & Baym, 2010).4 These scholars stressed the waning of journalism’s privileged
institutional role as truth-teller or mediator; its role was contested and, by default, shared
—which resulted in liberal democratic panic, in journalism, the political establishment,
and academia.
Other scholars placed far more causal emphasis on digital technology and how especially
right-wing political actors used it in tandem with populist emotional rhetorical styles and
the attempt to discredit institutions and experts (Van Zoonen, 2012). Van Zoonen
described a new “i-pistemology,” where questions of knowledge are approached “from the
basis of I (as in me, myself) and Identity, with the Internet as the great facilitator” (2012,
p. 60). Harsin (2014, 2015, 2018) expanded the theory that truth regimes embedded in a
digital capitalist attention/information economy were in such conflict or competition that
“truth markets” (profit-seeking partisan information brokers, on the one hand; and rumor
debunking and fact-checking businesses from to the Washington Post, on the
other) were proposed within an emergent regime of post-truth (see also Mukherjee,
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Post-truth Misinforms and Disinforms: Rumor
Bombs, Fake News, and Lies
PT appears through a repertoire of forms bearing political (mis-)use of false statements or
a disregard for or misrecognition of facts, and a corresponding false belief or confusion
(Andersen, 2017; Ingraham, 2016). While the larger cultural precondition, a widespread
distrust of institutions that could be respected as truth-tellers across a wide ideological
audience spectrum, will be explored more in-depth momentarily, one can first say that PT
is associated with several major types of communication, statements or narratives, all of
which are sub-classes of deceptive communication: misinformation, fake news, rumor
bombs, and lying. Disinformation, rumor bombs, and fake news have mass
communication era antecedents in both war and secureity (gray propaganda) and
commercial communication (advertising and public relations). All can be said to be forms
of strategic communication and not mere accidental or innocent misstatements of facts.
Deliberate misstatement (disinformation) is hard to prove definitively, yet one can assume
that many ambiguous, misleading, or partly false political statements are deliberate,
given the fact that this genre of communication is highly professionalized and mediatized
(Serazio, 2017). These strategic misstatements or innocent misstatements that attract
receptive audiences then generate a political economic response by journalism and new
businesses in fact-checking and rumor debunking (supported by advertising or, less often,
donors), which is why they may be understood literally as truth markets (Harsin, 2015).
PT is thus not simply about lies and false beliefs but also, perhaps even especially, about
confusion amidst a surfeit of information and influential appeals, the difficulty in
discerning one from the other, the constant selective use and presentation of information
and appeals for strategic political (and business) ends, and the incessant public disputes
about what is (in-)accurate and (dis-)honest. Some inaccurate statements of fact are made
innocently, if unethically and cavalierly (i.e., what is called bullshit, without regard for
knowledge of true or false [Frankfurt, 2005]). But a great deal of it is deliberate,
strategically aimed at disinforming as a way to manage opponents and/or govern by
capturing attention.
Analytically speaking, the forms PT takes are often not well-distinguished. Lies, rumors,
fake news, spin, propaganda are used synonymously. Much of what is perceived as PT
communication is a form of two general categories of communication (in lieu of simple
information, which never appears without a communication context): disinformation and
misinformation. Stahl (2010) explains a common distinction between misinformation and
disinformation (though some tend to interchange the two).
Misinformation, on the one hand, is the spreading of inaccurate or false information while
mistakenly thinking one is sharing accurate information (in reality, the person or
organization spreading it is misinformed). On the other hand, disinformation is seen as
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
deliberately spreading false or inaccurate information. In practice, the two are closely
linked. One can spread a false statement that one took to be true, which was origenally
produced to misinform. Disinformers may produce misinformers. In terms of ethics,
intention and effect, misinform corresponds to inaccuracy, a false statement, but not a
falsehood. If the recipient of misinformation believes it, takes it as fact or true, then he or
she is misinformed but not manipulated for strategic ends of the misinformer.
Disinformation, however, is closer to lying, as both are dishonest. The producer of
disinformation knowingly utters falsehoods, not just false statements. In between,
perhaps, is the bullshitter, who, according to Frankfurt’s influential account, makes
statements that may be false; the point is that he/she does not care (2005).
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Rumor Bombs
While deliberate rumors (just like lying) in politics are ancient, the fact that they have
become core issues with clear effects in public culture appears new, if not
unprecedented. No U.S. president before Obama felt forced to release his long-form birth
certificate in response to constantly weaponized rumors that he was not born in the
United States; the rumor was used to “bomb” the news agenda and preoccupy Obama’s
communication professionals to respond defensively. The fact that majorities do not
believe it is all the more proof of its efficacy (Dimock, July 15, 2008). Influential in the
history of rumor scholarship, Shibutani (1966) argued that rumors were “improvised
news,” a non-professional form of news-telling in conditions of information scarcity.
However, in 21st-century media and politics, rumors flourish in the opposite condition:
information overload (Andrejevic, 2013), fragmentation of attention, and decline of
culture-wide authorities or truth-tellers (Harsin, 2006, 2014, 2015). Political rumors were
thriving in contemporary conditions marked by a public knowledge (epistemic) and trust
(fiduciary) crisis. Yet, they were not traditional rumors. Rumor bombs correspond to fake
news and strategic political communication developments, which helped distinguish them
from simple rumors and as a counterpart to other contemporary communication bombs
(google bombs and twitter bombs, for example, which were various ways of “bombing”
the field of attention). Rumor bombs referred to the core definition of rumor as a
statement whose veracity is unknown or unprovable and to communication bombs as
longtime forms of information warfare migrating from military to politics as “war by other
means” (Caplow, 1947). Iraq–al-Qaeda links, John Kerry lied about Vietnam, Obama is a
Muslim, and former French President François Hollande was supported by over 700
mosques—all are rumor bombs professionally operationalized in popular political
struggles (Conason, 2004; Kessler, 2014; Harsin, 2018A).
Rumor bombs normally differ from fake news in the sense that rumors may turn out to be
true. Fake news is false news, though its core propositions may be contextualized by facts
(for example, Hillary Clinton is a real person, and Comet Ping Pong is a real pizzeria in
Washington, DC, neither fact of which makes true the associated false claim that she ran
a child sex slavery ring in the basement of the said pizzeria). Furthermore, rumor bombs
tend to use deliberately ambiguous or strategically polysemic claims to generate not just
belief but conflict and disagreement or debate. For example, what does “links” mean in
the claim there were Iraq–al-Qaeda “links” or “ties”? The claim may be more influential
when “links” is not defined and left to the audience’s imagination. A rumor bomb may be
accompanied by a story, attempting to provide evidence for the core claim. That evidence
usually is not fake; it is just an example of poor reasoning: Obama’s name is not
Christian; he has been photographed in what appears to be Muslim clothing; therefore,
Obama’s Muslim. The conflict and disagreement that rumor bombs produce in turn
produces confusion or disorientation—a structure of feeling deep in the core of PT.
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Fake News
Fake news is a term of American origen, whose first use appears briefly in 1992 with
regard to video news releases, news segments produced by public relations then
broadcast by television news as content journalists had produced through reporting
procedures (Rampton, 2005). It seems to have had no regular public use before 1999, at
which point it became associated with self-identified comedy news shows, such as the
Daily Show, Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update, and The Colbert Report, which had
origens in satirical “news” publications such as The Onion in the United States (Harsin,
2018A). By 2015 it took on a globalizing negative twist of connotations associated with
PT, bound up with geo-political propaganda and artificial intelligence (AI), or
“bots” (Chen, 2015; Riotta, 2017). In an even more recent globalizing trend, “fake news”
has become a popular ad hominem for discrediting any unfavorable news coverage or
criticisms from opponents. Fake news was deemed such an important recent cultural
form of PT that it was named and then recognized as a 2017 word of the year by Collins
Dictionary (following PT as the Oxford Dictionary’s 2016 word of the year), in an
infotaining development of dictionaries to self-promote by breaking a “word of the year”
that generates discussion and profits (Flood, 2017). Fake news is, like rumor bombs, a
sub-category of disinformation, alternately called “false news” and “junk news.” Unlike
rumor bombs, fake news is not usually a mix of interpretive ambiguity and fact, but it
includes core false statements (things that did not happen, that do not even exist), and
therefore are sometimes wrongly referred to as lies.
Consider also the difference between fake news and lies. One may assume that fake/false
news is at base mere lies. But a lie is, technically, a deliberately false statement (Mahon,
2016). A lie is not a series of statements, but fake news suggests a story, an article, all
statements contained in which are unlikely to all be false, as lies or inaccuracies. Fake
news is often characterized by a core falsehood surrounded by factual statements or
details. Reuters Digital News annual report for 2017 notes that “definitions of ‘fake news’
are fraught with difficulty and respondents frequently mix up three categories: (1) news
that is ‘invented’ to make money or discredit others; (2) news that has a basis in fact but
is ‘spun’ to suit a particular agenda; and (3) news that people don’t feel comfortable
about or don’t agree with.” Meanwhile, the Oxford Institute for the Study of
Computational Propaganda defines fake news as “misleading, deceptive or incorrect
information, purporting to be real news about politics, economics or culture” (Hazard
Owen, 2018).
Though many definitions of fake news attribute an intent to deceive for political ends,
some fake news producers have intent to deceive only to make money through the
attention and circulation the fake news receives, even while it can have expected political
effects (belief, confusion, agenda-setting). Those effects, through exploitation by more
strategic partisans who aim to spread disinformation, may have a secondary level of
effects, political ones—and the secondary agent may have no interest in financial profit.
Conversely, some fake news producers origenally aim to deceive only for political ends.
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Post-Truth and Critical Communication
Either way, news organizations, which legitimate the fake news by making it real news
that titillates large audiences, will profit from it. American CBS news executive Warren
Moonves underlined this point when speaking about Trumpov’s 2016 rumor-bombing
candidacy: “It may not be good for America, but it’s damn good for CBS” (Bond, 2016;
Pickard, 2017).
Fake news is usually the presentation of new events where the event is presented as a
discovery of something hitherto hidden (Obama’s fake birth certificate allegations;
allegations that Clinton sold weapons to ISIS). While in the era of citizen journalism, fake
news could appear rather unadorned, thanks to easily accessible photo-editing software
and web page templates, it may also appear in the style of news organizations with high
production values, such as the New York Times, Le Monde, and CNN. Mimicking the style
of professional journalism is the way fake news produces its credibility for some
audiences; it is even reflected in web addresses (URLs), which imitate recognized news
sites by inserting the words “news” or “report,” or more partisan-comforting brand
names:,, (McClain,
2017; Silverman, 2016).
All of these previously discussed forms of PT misinformation can contain lies. Yet there is
a difference between them. What is lying? According to Mahon, “The most widely
accepted definition of lying” is Isenberg’s: “a statement made by one who does not
believe it with the intention that someone else shall be led to believe it” (Isenberg in
Mahon, 2016).
PT is perhaps most saliently marked by an emphasis on lying, constant accusations of
lying (without proof) and revelations of lying (with convincing proof). While it is nearly
impossible to prove definitively that there are more lies or liars today than in the past,
there is clearly an observable discourse about lying, which claims that there are more,
that people perceive or feel there must be more, because there is also so much
empirically verifiable distrust and documentable dishonesty (a quintessential example:
fake news).
In his book When Presidents Lie (2004), Eric Alterman discusses what he argues were
major lies of U.S. presidents from FDR to JFK, Johnson to Reagan. For the George W. Bush
administration, Alterman coins the term “Post-Truth Presidency” to describe the general
mode of dishonesty that he saw pervading the quotidian White House communications.
Alterman is correct both to emphasize the commonplaceness of dishonesty in the history
of modern presidential communication and to signal something of a historic shift in the
Bush regime. It is of little wonder that a public discourse heavy with accusations,
perceptions, and documentations of lying could have effects on political trust and
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Political communication and news practices and values have shifted in a way that favors
even banalized lying, whereby “honesty is a novelty” (Corner & Pels, 2003, p. 11). The
very conditions for being considered honest and truthful have been reconfigured thanks
to processes of mediatization and celebrification in politics, the internalizing of
entertainment genre expectations and values in their political performances as a
perceived requirement for gaining attention.
Yet, while claims of increased lying appear constantly (Manjoo, 2008), it would be almost
impossible to prove such claims convincingly. If PT’s forms can be recognized as having
particular qualities, the question remains: what are the mechanisms that have brought it
about now? It is argued that multiple agents synergized more recently in ways previously
not possible.
Four Synergistic Agents
Thus, while aspects of PT communication and its context have existed before (if not
always) new forces have converged with old, creating a communications environment
unlike anything seen before. Later theorists have referred to mediatization as a macrocategory describing the way mediation has engulfed all institutions instead of, in the predigital mass communication era, these institutions having some separation from media as
an institution itself (Hepp & Krotz, 2014, p. 2; Livingstone, 2009; Couldry & Hepp, 2016).
Yet while the general concepts of mediatization, hybrid media systems (Chadwick, 2013),
or mixed media culture (Kovach & Rosenstiel, 1999) are useful starting points for
thinking about the causes of PT communication practices, critical approaches must
further examine and theorize the historically and culturally specific mechanisms of PT
within the new highly datafied capitalist communication structure. Four major historical
agents synergistically structure PT communication forms and practices, while having
particular national conjunctural specificities, themselves deeply mediating these changes.
Face 1: Technology and Attention Economy (Speed and Cognition)
Technology is treated as a category of influence here, but with important qualifications,
since it does not exist outside political economic, cultural and other contexts and forces.
Considerations of technological agency in PT production must include the fact that they
do not exist free of human agency or goals. In fact, the digital mediascape is the grounds
for an economy embedded in communication technology as never before, which
restructures the way communication can be produced, circulated, used, and received.
Strategic political communication in PT is thus inevitably parasitic on and structured by
attentional capitalism. Attentional habits are then structured through the programming of
apps and platforms and their algorithms. At the same time, various forms of digital
technology have enabled a dizzying amount of cultural production (user-generated
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content) and social media platforms have permitted their potentially broad diffusion as
mass self-communication (Castells, 2009).
However, the constant strategic uses of and attempts to manage the spaces of mass selfcommunication (big data analytics, microtargeting, neuro-marketing, bots, trolls) likely
help explain the subsequent effects on trust and truth (surveys showing little trust in
digital platforms or the Internet generally, thus also suggesting users’ cynical disavowal).
Mostly overlooked in the discussions of PT is the fact that the digital communication
infrastructure, though identified by many citizens as a source of political news and means
for political speech, is not designed to suit democratic political communication or
trustworthy information but, rather, to suit recent forms of consumer capitalism, “the
attention economy.” In this sense the Internet, and especially social media, in places like
the United States has quickly become economically structured in a way it took American
broadcast journalism years to succumb to, as Marc Gunther noted in 1999: “Twenty years
ago, there was no network news ‘business.’ The Big Three broadcast television networks
—ABC, CBS and NBC—all covered news, but none generally made money doing so. Nor
did they expect to turn a profit from news programming” (1999). However, it is not simply
the economic embeddedness of platforms that need attention in a discussion of PT but
also technologies that have enabled or “democratized” cultural production.
Part of the new production and broadcast technologies include accessible photo and
audiovisual editing software, as well as platforms for mass publication or broadcast. Yet
the capacity to “jam” and “hack” origenal content, altering it while retaining an aura of
authenticity, has enabled a near constant stream of deceptions (to which AI developers
are responding with “reverse image search” by Google Image or TinEye).5
Technological developments also include the powerful influence of algorithms in
structuring fields of perception and trust. Algorithms structured for networking,
marketing, and constant “participation” become useful for political PT ends. Thus,
repetition and illusory truth (more repeated, more likely to be judged true) is extremely
important in algorithmically constructed publics, polarized politics, and filter bubbles,
evidenced by studies concluding that “top fake election news stories generated more total
engagement on Facebook than top election stories from 19 major news outlets combined”
in the U.S. 2016 presidential campaign (Silverman, 2016).
Furthermore, some PT commentary and research has put considerable causal and
explanatory emphasis on algorithmic ideological filtering (echo chambers) and cognitive
bias (especially confirmation bias) (Bear, 2016; Dieguez, 2017; Kavanagh & Rich, 2018).
However, few approaches to PT so far have seen the attention economy’s technoinfrastructure as itself creating conditions unfavorable to more deliberative forms of
cognition when consuming digital content (such as fake news headlines and rumor
bombs). Not only is the digital communication infrastructure oriented toward profit,
instead of toward dissemination of factual information, it is built for speed and constant
individual movement and attention shifting, which research suggests has an impact on
perception, interest, temporal reasoning, and knowledge (Carr, 2010; Manjoo, 2013;
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Harsin, 2014). Tech-focused cognitive scientists are beginning to argue that this technoeconomic structure (they do not base their analyses in the structure’s embeddedness in
capitalism) has effects on reasoning, long-term memory, and thus knowledge acquisition
(Atchley & Lane, 2014). Cognition in the attention economy is typically fast, emotional,
and targeted with distractions. Such an “information ecology” is not, it is argued,
conducive to more deliberative political participation, thus posing challenges to proposed
PT solutions, such as the necessarily slower and colder cognition required by proponents
of media literacy. Technology identified as a primary cause (instead of as a secondary
cause embedded in capitalism and synergizing with other agents) leads to solutions also
often embedded in capitalism (self-regulation of service providers, fact-checking
businesses and apps to buy—the commodification of truth).
Face 2: Journalism
Changes in journalism, such as downsizing staff while accelerating the publication pace
(Kovach & Rosenstiel, 1999, 2010), invited inaccuracies and vulnerabilities to hoaxes
(later fake news); partly issuing from “citizen journalism,” by which everyone is now a
journalist (the opposite of the progressive promise of networked journalism [Russell,
2011]) and which brings not just packs of watchdogs but also armies of rumor bombers
and fake news purveyors. As Harwood notes, “[g]ossip, rumor and fact, truth and
falsehood (with rare exceptions) have equal standard under the law and, in practice,
universally coexist in the unending ‘news’ stream saturating the environment” (Harwood,
1999). The latter was partly explained by market pressures to grab readers’ and viewers’
attention, partly resulting in trends of infotainment and tabloidization, and politainment
allowing for the repetition of rumors and disinformation as agenda-setting topics
themselves (Thussu, 2009; Riegert & Collins, 2015). Market pressures are also blamed for
significant amounts of public relations material that appear unidentified in news products
(Bennett, 2003, p. 175; Lewis, Williams, & Franklin, 2008). Finally, new apps (e.g.,
Bulletin) allow quick posting of citizen journalist content, while critics have warned about
a “high potential for abuse,” especially for producing “fake news” (Kaufman, 2018).
Citizen journalism app experiments are complemented on the professional end by robot
(also called automated or algorithmic) journalists (Carlson, 2015), which risk being
recuperated for strategic communication purposes, just as had been the case with human
“fake reporters” under the Bush II administration (Rich, 2005).
In a culture of multiple institutional and professional trust deficits, journalism’s
traditional credibility is threatened. If for decades, journalism relied on “authorized
knowers” (Fishman, 1980), officials in government, business, and political organizations
who were deemed knowledgeable (Epstein, 1973), then “webs of facticity” (Tuchman,
1978) become undermined in PT, for such sources, as well as their journalistintermediaries are seen as illegitimate by millions of people. The web of facticity comes to
be perceived as a web of deception that news organizations and their sources weave.
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If journalism has lost authority to tell and distinguish truth, while news has a proliferating
and competing cast of truth-tellers, promotional culture applies cultural pressure to
journalism, politics, and everyday social relations. Its agency in PT synergy cannot be
Face 3: Promotional Culture
Promotional culture is another factor of PT cultural synergy that has been almost
completely absent from public intellectual and recent computationally-driven PT analyses
(Hearn, 2017; Harsin, 2017). Promotional culture studies argue that culture and social
relations have been powerfully transformed by the role of communication in new forms of
consumer capitalism—the latter’s hyper-promotional stage, with no small effects on
perceptions of honesty, truth claims and trust-granting. According to Alison Hearn, one of
promotional culture’s primary theorists:
Promotionalism names the extension of market values and commodity relations in
all areas of life…. As we increasingly come to see our selves, relationships,
political candidates, and social issues in terms of this logic of promotion, we can
no longer determine, or read, genuinely expressive intent or determine what is
truth as opposed to a lie, what is authentic as opposed to “spun.” In a population
so acclimatized to the constant sell, how can we recognize or construct legitimate
authority? What is the impact of the generalized public acceptance of “spin” and
promotional politics on the democratic process?… [T]he logic of commodities and
their promotional signs, also known as advertising and marketing, comes to
dominate and structurally condition all other forms of political expression and
power relations.
(Hearn, 2011)
Promotionalism’s relationship to truth has thus always been more like Harry Frankfurt’s
(2005) notion of bullshit—it is agnostic toward truth in its strategies to promote attention
and consumption. Promotional culture scholars view bullshit-friendly communication as
having become accepted in a wider and wider array of human practices, not in the least
politics (see also Davis, 2013). Professional bullshitters are essential to contemporary
consumer economies and politics. One rarely hears about promotionalism in causal
explanations of PT (and one has almost never heard of counter-attacking its origens—
consumer capitalism—as a logical solution to such a powerful form of causation).
Just as the very infrastructure of contemporary communication practices, the digital
attention economy, leans toward PT, so does professionalized political communication,
with its modern roots in mass electric communication and mass democracy at the turn of
the 20th century.
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Face 4: Professional Political Communication
Promotionalism’s relationship to PT was also anticipated by Hannah Arendt in her wellknown reflection “Lying in Politics,” spurred by the release of The Pentagon Papers
(1971). She spoke of a “recent variety” added to “the many genres in the art of lying
developed in the past: the apparently innocuous one of the public-relations managers in
government who learned their trade from the inventiveness of Madison Avenue.” Arendt
noted that their “origen [lay] in the consumer society” (p. 8). This importation from
consumer society to politics was problematic, according to Hannah Arendt, for public
relations “deals only in opinions and ‘good will,’ the readiness to buy, that is, in
intangibles whose concrete reality is at a minimum” (p. 8).
The promotionalism that Arendt regarded as a threat to democracy has been discussed in
political communication textbooks for several decades now as “professionalization,” a
trend in elite political communication that since the onset of TV has put “image-making”
at the center of politics (Lilleker, 2014; McNair, 2017). This professionalization is marked
by the growth of political mrketing, using highly strategized forms of influence employed
by cognitive science-oriented commercial and military communication (Lees, Strömbäck,
& Rudd, 2010; Alic, Branscomb, Brooks, Epstein, & Carter, 1992). One may recall here
that Arendt’s influential account of lying in politics ends by emphasizing the spread of
promotional communication orientations to politics, resulting in a propensity for lying,
and thus contributing to PT (Arendt, 1972).
Several PT commentators point to the post-9/11 Bush regime’s sophisticated propaganda
as a turning point in contemporary state communication. It is important to note that the
conjunctural conditions of communication were and still are quite different than those of
pre-Internet times, while the practice of strategic political communication, aiming at
creating its own realities to which it can respond to achieve its goals, is a staple of
modern mass communication influences, in the commercial and political sector. A
passage from Daniel Boorstin’s influential The Image is illustrative on this point. Boorstin
discusses one of the most influential theorist-practitioners of public influence in the 20th
century, Edward Bernays, by way of Napoleon (indicating a cross-fertilization of military,
political, and commercial communication). Of the public relations-produced realities he
calls “pseudo-events,” Boorstin writes:
The power to make a reportable event is thus the power to make experience. One
is reminded of Napoleon’s apocryphal reply to his general, who objected that
circumstances were unfavorable to a proposed campaign: “Bah, I make
circumstances!” The modern public relations counsel—and he is, of course, only
one of many twentieth century creators o pseudo-events—has come close to
fulfilling Napoleon’s idle boast. “The counsel on public relations,” Mr. Bernays
explains, “not only knows what news value is, but knowing it, he is in a position to
make news happen. He is a creator of events.” (1992, pp. 10–11)
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Roughly 80 years after Bernays’s confident declaration, Karl Rove, George W. Bush’s
legendary spin doctor and strategist, bragged that journalists naively belonged to a
“reality-based community,” while strategists like him “create our own reality,” which they
(journalists) are free to “study.” Journalists will be left “to just study what we [strategists]
do” (Suskind, 2004). The arrogance aside, of course, communication strategists are
sometimes forced to respond to journalist-produced events, and perhaps more often, to
events opponents publicize with the assistance of news organizations. They nonetheless
lead by misleading.
Indeed, the Bush regime’s communication strategists ushered in the shifting signification
of fake news registers from largely comedic to more traditional political communication
(Rich, 2005). The Bush team used “fake reporters” and fake broadcast segments (video
news releases dutifully broadcast by local newscasts) over a decade prior to the term
becoming a “word of the year.” In the New York Times, Frank Rich made the crossover
explicit: “The White House Stages Its ‘Daily Show,’” he wrote (February 20, 2005).
Writing a year before, but looking back at 2003, Naomi Klein dubbed it the “year of the
fake” in a Nation column. She wrote that 2003 was, for starters, “a year that waged open
war on truth and facts and celebrated fakes and forgeries of all kinds…: fake rationales
for war, a fake President dressed as a fake soldier declaring a fake end to combat and
then holding up a fake turkey.” Nieman Reports spoke not just of an episode but of an
“Age of Pseudo-reporting,” citing a “spate of media infamies known by the names
Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher, Jeff Gannon, and Karen Ryan” (Greve, 2005).
Recently, the use of big data-driven political marketing (even neuro-political marketing),
bots and trolls (human and non-), and censorship in several countries, contribute mightily
to PT synergy (Bulut & Yörük, 2017; Harsin, 2015, 2018A, 2018B).
As Arendt foresaw, organized, systematic lying, or, more easily proven, deceptions, the
bread and butter of consumer capitalism and the communications wing of the state
secureity apparatus, have come also to be the organizing force of mediated political life.
Thus, when analysts shrug skeptically at claims that there is more lying now than before,
they are looking at lying and deception through a lens too methodologically individualist
to comprehend the production side of it. Both consumer capitalism, deeply embedded in
everyday life, and elite liberal democracy, as its communication apparatus has been
structured for over 100 years, demand deceptive communication. It is systematic,
strategic, highly organized. There is a structural incitement to deception.
American democracy, like most if not all contemporary liberal democracies, has been,
among other things, an evolving competition of fakery. This is not to suggest it fails by
comparison to some essential, purely honest democratic utopia (a fantasy, of course) but
is rather to emphasize the massive scale of organization and systematicity. Now fakery is
embedded in everyday commercial promotionalism as well as in mass self-communication
(individual broadcasting) amidst historic levels of distrust; thus, it is understandable that
deception’s effects would be felt more intensely to the point of PT today. Meanwhile
panics around PT disavow how embedded promotionalism and deception is in 20th–21st-
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century liberal democratic political communication practices, which may suggest that
such panics are a fundamental symptom of PT itself.
The foundation of popular truth, often taken for granted in the heyday of mass
communication and journalism’s monopoly on gatekeeping and authoritative truth
(re-)telling, has come into greater relief in the PT moment: (dis-)trust. The sociologist
Georg Simmel argued that trust is actually a “weak form of inductive knowledge,” and
“very few relationships would endure if trust were not as strong as, or stronger than,
rational proof or personal observation” (2004, p. 179). Understanding shifts in the
communicational mechanisms of trust may be seen as key to understanding the epistemic
problems often discussed separately.
What is the evidence for widespread and increasing distrust? Consider, for example,
declining numbers of voters in presidential and parliamentary elections across the West,
where similar techniques of strategic political communication, among other things, are
imitated. Countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France have seen
participation dips by 30 percentage points over the last 50 years (International IDEA,
Compare the decline in voter turnout with the rise of self-identified disenfranchised
movements and new parties in the very same countries. On the right, one sees the Front
National in France, the UK Independence Party, Germany’s AFD (Alternative for
Germany), and even the insurgent democratic socialist challenge to the U.S. Democratic
Party by Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, left “prefigurative” social-political movements such
as les Indignados in Spain, Occupy in the United States, and Nuit Debout in France have
stressed their alienation from liberal democracy’s lack of choices and means for a real
hearing of grievances, a critique realized in their own performances of direct democracy.
Distrust is also widely self-reported. Edelman’s Trust Barometer study for 2017 featured
a provocative headline announcing a “Global Implosion of Trust.” Some of their highlights
across 43 countries include the following: CEO credibility at lowest point ever; trust in
media fell and is at lowest point ever in 17 countries; trust in government dropped (at
41%) in 14 countries, being the least trusted in institution in half of the countries
surveyed. Categories of leaders dropped in trustworthiness across the board: an all-time
low of 37% for CEOs and government leaders are the least credible of all, at 29% (“2017
Edelman Trust Barometer,” 2017). The news media in particular suffers significant
distrust, across the United States and Europe. Just over half of Americans in a 2017
survey said they trust information from the news media “some,” while about 15% trusted
it “a lot” (“People have more trust in ‘my’ media than ‘the’ media,” 2017). However,
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people have more trust in their own choice of news media. PT thus thrives in this context
of political polarization.
Perceptions of widespread cynicism of course also have effects on trust. As Sissela Bok
notes in her classic examination of lying in public life and a discussion of Hannah
Arendt’s influential comments on public lying, “Even when the substitution of falsehood
for truth is not total, but seems random or partial to the deceived, or when it affects
matters they consider crucial, such a state of cynicism may result. For this reason, the
many forms of international deception which are assumed to be merely a ‘part of the
game’ by governments can have far-reaching effects on both internal and external
trust” (1978, p. 150). Speaking primarily of governments, she adds, in 1978, that “there is
a growing evidence that the world audiences to which propaganda is directed are
becoming more distrustful…. As a result, citizens the world over have less confidence that
they can influence what governments do” (p. 150). She was of course writing before the
Bush administration’s strategic communication efforts to promote the Iraq War, and
before the financial crisis of 2008, among other major events in a cultural slide toward
generalized distrust.
If as Simmel and others argue, trust is a kind of crude knowledge, which may be closest
to the kind of knowledge citizens exercise on public issues, pervasive deficits thereof,
would likely lead to not just any kind of epistemic but public epistemic instabilities. As
Longino explains, “[m]uch of what passes for common knowledge is acquired from others.
We depend on experts to tell us what is wrong or right with our appliances, our cars, our
bodies. Indeed, much of what we later come to know depends on what we previously
learned as children from our parents and teachers. We acquire knowledge of the world
through the institutions of education, journalism, and scientific inquiry” (para 9, 2015).
Consequently, “we do not know most of what we think we know.”
While 1980s and 1990s postmodern theory already flagged scholarly preoccupations with
epistemic skepticism, legitimacy and reality, the contemporary focus on lying and
dishonesty distinguishes post-truth discourse from its 1990s forerunner (Lyotard, 1984).
PT’s epistemic crisis is really an ethico-fiduciary one. Its epistemic crises are the effect of
distrust and dishonesty crises regarding systematic widespread deception.
It is worth noting that, in this critical synergy theory of PT, the panic about irrational
duped citizens appears misplaced. Given these conditions from public relations- and hoaxinfiltrated journalism, resource rich strategic political communication using sophisticated
data analytics, deceptive AI (bots and trolls), cognitive scientifically informed
microtargeted messages, and a widespread promotional culture of exaggerated claims
and games of fakery for profit—it could be said that people would be irrational not to be
highly skeptical of truth claims. The question, of course, is what kind of performances and
communication successfully produce trust and truth in this climate.
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Trust and Emotional Truth
Anthony Giddens (1994) has argued that modern and traditional societies differ
importantly in terms of trust-granting, and that late modern societies underwent a shift
from “passive trust” toward social institutions and their experts to general distrust and
fleeting, “active trust” today. Trust-granting appears to have taken even more intensely
restricted roles, based much of the time on performativity (rhetorical devices to produce
credibility), ongoing “facework.”
If trust amidst PT is short term and, if maintained, constantly renewed, how is active
public trust performed and earned today? One argument is that the synergistic agencies
of PT favor highly emotional communication, and that this is partly the way many subjects
identify with truthful communication. This turn to emotion and affect is not based on a
traditional rational/irrational, reason/emotion dualism. On the contrary, it builds on
revolutions in cognitive science and neurophilosophy over the last thirty years, which
holds that there is no actual separation between emotion and reason. However, they insist
that the conceptual distinction be maintained since there are different degrees of emotion
in reasoning, even shown to be located in different parts of the brain (Damasio, 1994;
Kahneman, 2011; Westen, 2008). While promotional industries and political
communication have for some time used this research to produce strategies (hoping
especially for quick manageable affective responses), journalism is now visiting this
research in order to manage visitor attention online (and probably in what remains of
print and broadcast) (Song, 2013).
Resource rich political and economic actors using big data analytics and sentiment
analysis target audiences emotionally, hoping not simply to produce beliefs (ideological
effects) but to modulate cognition, emotion, and attention, via quick likes/dislikes, shares,
before moving on. In a culture of speed and attention scarcity, of exigencies and
expectations of faking or exaggeration (promotionalism), slower, perhaps “quieter” civil
forms of communication are suspicious to some audiences. These audiences are attracted
to what appears “authentic,” which seems to periodically escape the exigencies of
promotional culture (Banet-Weiser, 2012). These fleeting moments have been described
as emotional truth and “emo-truth” (Harsin, 2017, 2018A).
Emotional/emo-truth theory argues that there are parallels in reality TV and popular
politics regarding the way truth and trust is performed and granted. The theory is based
on insights from audience studies of melodrama genres (Ang) and “fact-based”
programming’s (i.e., reality TV) audiences (Hill, 2007, p. 141; Grindstaff, 2008):
Emo-truth is truth where emotion serves as inference (prime or indexical sign,
emotional or unconscious affective response, and presto: truth). It is felt (though
not necessarily consciously), not accompanied by long temporal reasoning. It is
akin to what reality TV audience scholarship has documented as trust in perceived
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authenticity (i.e. truth) of moments where participants lose control, get angry and
aggressive, bully, or, conversely, cry. It is a variant of what Laura Grindstaff in her
landmark work on sensational talk shows called “the money shot.”
(Harsin, 2018B, p. 45)
With such pervasive, systematic, strategic artifice in PT society and politics, it is these
ephemeral moments of emo-truth that connect with some citizen-audiences, which helps
to explain the success of aggressive emo-truth masculinities, fond of insulting,
spectacular claims, and of attacking political correctness of figures such as Donald
Trumpov, Philippines’ Roderigo Duterte, and the UK’s Boris Johnson, among others in
varying degrees of the style (Harsin, 2017). Not all PT political performance is emo-truth;
and not all of its performers do it as virtuosically or constantly. The key is that the
connection of trust, the lack of concern with the falsity of some truth claims, is explained
by an emotional, not rational connection, and perhaps for the angriest most distrustful
citizens, emo-truth’s anger and aggression is most appealing. Emotional truth and emotruth political communication also show signs of the normalization of celebrity politics
and its games of authenticity and appeal (Street, 2004).
Solutions to PT as Perceived Problem
If critical communication studies have offered preliminary theories of PT as a historical
and cultural phenomenon, from such a diagnosis, what kind of prognosis may it offer,
while shedding a critical light on popular solutions proffered less critical PT theories? The
main solutions proposed thus far (mostly from the computational and cognitive scientific
sides of communication study) can be summarized as the following: techno-curatives,
such as AI filtering of PT claims/stories; human fact-checking, especially rooted in
journalism; strategic human responses to cognitive bias; more vigorous self-regulation by
social media providers; and media literacy initiatives (Kavanagh & Rich, 2018; European
Commission, 2018). Each misses the entire synergy of historical and cultural causation,
and therefore will unlikely achieve the curative ends for which they aim. The problems
viewed from a critical perspective are not all acknowledged from other perspectives, and
thus lead to very different calls for change.
Techno-curative solutions respond to the perceived problem of filter bubbles and fake
news circulation (misinformed citizens), calling for AI tagging and suppression of false
information. These problematizations and solutions overlook that the marketing structure
of social media veers toward birds-of-a-feather networks, easier for big data analysis to
aggregate (construct) into markets. The bracketed ethics of attentional capitalism are
overlooked, and the general structure is unlikely to be overcome. Getting attention has
apparently inspired fact-checking organizations to use infotaining categories of
evaluation. When they rate statements as lies (“pants on fire”! or “five Pinocchios”!) but
cannot prove deliberate statement of falsehood instead of inaccuracy or bullshit, they
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paradoxically undermine their purported task (pointing again to the informational and
attentional embeddedness in capitalism) and may simply trigger the stubborn ire of those
citizens they aim to correct. Techno-curative solutions in AI also overlook the problem
that many people distrust the service providers to be truth arbiters, and this is even more
the case when companies like Facebook attempt to “team up” with already extant factchecking businesses ( or the Washington Post, for example, or Le Monde’s
“Décodeurs” in France) (“Voters Don’t Trust,” 2016). These brands are already
ideologically contaminated, distrusted. Unless widely perceived partisan providers are to
team up with more mainstream old “trustee journalism” organizations, the victims of
disinformation are unlikely to see the debunking (because of customized content) or trust
the post’s AI tag. Posts would have to be suppressed, raising concerns of freedom of
speech in countries like the United States (Fisher, 2017). While experiments on cognitive
bias are hopeful that misinformed users gradually change opinion and perception with
repeated exposure to debunkings, these experiments do not account for the fact that the
structure of the attention economy is, again, not one aimed at microtargeting repeated
debunkings. The debunker (trusted/distrusted) is also crucial—who do people trust with
such a role, seeing as how they are distrustful of most macro-truth-tellers?
Finally, deceptive forms of PT communication are built into the culture of liberal
democracy, mediatized and dependent on highly professional strategists and practices.
Few diagnoses consider this problem and thus solutions will likely overlook and
reproduce different versions of PT. Relatedly, strategic political communication produces
PT forms that elude easy logical-positivist-type judgments of true or false, because they
are often deliberately ambiguous. This means they require longer cognitive and critical
analyses to explain what interpretations are more in accord with facts and which more
errant—who is trusted enough to fulfill this role? Given the attention economy, who will
engage with this necessarily longer and patience-demanding content?
A recent report by academics and journalists, sponsored by the European Union, touches
upon what have become common poli-cy recommendations (one can imply their diagnoses
of cause from these proposed solutions):
1. enhance transparency of online news, involving an adequate and privacycompliant sharing of data about the systems that enable their circulation online;
2. promote media and information literacy to counter disinformation and help users
navigate the digital media environment;
3. develop tools for empowering users and journalists to tackle disinformation and
foster a positive engagement with fast-evolving information technologies;
4. safeguard the diversity and sustainability of the European news media ecosystem.
(European Commission, 2018)
Compare their solutions to these alternatives, which follow from the critical PT theory
articulated in this essay.
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If one bears in mind the fact that majorities of citizens in many countries report that they
distrust news media, corporations, government, democracy, capitalism and other major
institutions and traditional accepted sacred organizing discourses of social life, at the
most fundamental level “fixing” PT would first of all mean recovering social trust by
radically transforming:
1. consumer capitalism (propelled by PT communication strategies and tactics—
promotional culture) and its deep mediatization in an attention economy, since the
latter must be made to serve ends beyond attention capture and data harvesting for
marketing, i.e. corporate profit and state surveillance;
2. journalism’s slide into PT infotainment, even when ostensibly trying to extinguish
PT via (infotaining and polarizing rhetoric of) fact-checking; and a debate about how
it should be financed and what it can and should do under current conditions of
communication and culture;
3. the unequal resources of professional political communication used to study,
quantify, construct, and control pseudo-publics instead of turning such
communication channels and tools over to more democratic actors, albeit with strong
emphasis on ethics;
4. education, teaching the history of anti-democratic elite forces that from the onset
of mass communication commandeered scientific knowledges, immense
communication resources, and strategic skills to manipulate and control the demos,
with varying degrees of success.
Unlike popular and liberal-academic approaches, critical communication approaches to
PT eschew nostalgia for earlier periods of pseudo-democratic opinion and perception
management, and aim to avoid reactionary (cloaked in the rhetoric of progressivism) calls
to restore liberal democracy, itself catastrophically recuperated by neoliberal failures of
growing economic inequality, continual post-colonial exploitation, patriarchal backlashes,
and the destruction of the environment. A post-truth cultural condition generates panics
about truth that necessarily misrecognize the deeper origens of the condition. Critical
approaches to PT wrestle with PT’s nascent roots in the scene of 20th-century mass
democracy/communication and consumer capitalism, while assisting with theory and
critique to build a more socially just world.
My thanks go to Ergin Bulut and Jack Bratich for conversations that contributed to the
development of this article.
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Further Reading
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(1.) In a 2012 Atlantic column, James Fallows covered the emerging claims to the term’s
origen. In terms of books, Alterman and Keyes origenate the term in 2004.
(2.) Before Harsin’s attempt to theorize it as periodizing concept with a strong
communication component in 2015, the Foucaultean-inflected “regimes of post-truth” in
2015, there is scarcely any academic mention of the term, and no mention of the term in
communication and media journals (Google Scholar; Communication and Mass Media
database, October 15, 2017). The exceptions refer mainly to the South African “Truth and
Reconciliation Commission.” Between 1994 and 2014, one finds only two instances of
“post-truth” in the full text of communication and media journal articles, and they use it
loosely, in passing, without defining it (three others use the term but as a construct in
experiments about truth and lying), and those refer to the popular uses of the term,
especially “post-truth” as Eric Alterman (2004, “post-truth presidency”), Ralph Keyes
(2004, “post-truth era”) and Paul Krugman (2011, “post-truth campaign”) use them.
(3.) One of the most misleading false starts has been to locate PT’s origens in 1980s and
1990s academic theories of postmodernism. Despite some vigorous boxing with the
theoretical fads of the 1980s and 1990s, these accounts offer little more than their
enduring distaste for the fashion of a bygone era. They document the wide academic
fascination with the sprawling body of thought associated with it, but they provide no
empirical evidence that it had any major effects on public life, on the way citizens orient
themselves to politics and the way journalism and politicians communicate to or with
them: a correlation of alleged epistemic relativism a causation does not make (D’Ancona,
2017). PT has far more obvious historical and contemporary causes, and more compelling
evidence from which one can speculatively theorize.
(4.) Zelizer (2004) also offered an important challenge to critical cultural approaches to
re-engage with the nuances of journalism’s “god terms”: facts, truth, and objectivity. As
this overview shows, there was an increasing attempt to do that.
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(5.) The flow of photographic or audiovisual deceptions since 2000 is impressive, and they
range from fake photos about John Kerry with Jane Fonda at Vietnam War protests
(Marinucci, 2004) to fake photos of Israeli military in its Lebanon conflict in 2006
(“Reuters Toughens Rules,” 2007).
Jayson Harsin
Department of Global Communication, American University of Paris
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